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Soru 1: 955

Which of the following is appropriate for both of them?

Soru 2: 1041

Look at the visual below, read the text and answer the question.

Jane had $20. She came to a shopping mall to watch a movie. She paid $12 for the
ticket. The film is going to start twenty minutes later. She wants to eat something
quickly before the film begins.

Keeping in mind how much money and time Jane has, what should she choose?

Grilled meatballs
Soru 3: 1200
Read the conversation and answer the question.

Dean     : I want to laugh when I watch a film, so I like funny films.

Sam      : Movies about the future and space are my favourite ones.

Lily         : I like movies about other planets.

Charlie  : I prefer watching movies about difficult situations in real life.

According to the conversation above, who likes the same type of movies?

Dean and Sam
Dean and Charlie
Sam and Lily
Lily and Charlie
Soru 4: 1333
Read the text, look at the table and answer the question.

Brian and Jenny want to do something different this weekend. Here is the list of
their types of interests:

According to the table, which of the following is an appropriate place for them to

Art exhibition
Book fair
Amusement park
Soru 5: 2040
Success High School teachers prepare the following form to find out their students’

According to the table above, which of the following is NOT correct?


Students can try extreme sports on Tuesday.
There will be environmental activities on Thursday.
Activities on Saturday are related to science.
Students can take part in cultural activities on Sunday.
Soru 6: 2066

Which of the following does NOT have an answer in Alice’s weekly plan?

When is Alice going to be in the hospital?
Where is Alice going to see her friends?
Who is going to take Alice after training?
What is Alice going to do on Thursday?
Soru 7: 2068
Mr. and Mrs. Clark have two children, Jack and Julia. As a family, they spend the
weekends together and always do the activities that their children love. Jack is
interested in nature and every kind of sports, but he dislikes music. Julia enjoys
different kinds of music and outdoor activities, but she hates watching films.

Which of the following CANNOT be the list of the activities for this weekend?

Soru 8: 2081
Amy wants to order dinner from the Star Restaurant. She likes white meat and
vegetables, but she can’t decide what to order. She reads some of the comments
about the food in the restaurant and tries to decide what to order. Here are the

According to the comments above, which of the following can be a good choice for

I and III
I, IV, and VI
II, III, and IV
II and V
Soru 9: 2096
Emily asks her classmates how they celebrate their friends’ special days. There are
her classmates’ answers in the table below:

According to the information and table above, which of the following is NOT

Jeffrey and Diana like using traditional ways to communicate.
Writing a message is the most preferred way to celebrate a special day.
Alice and Ralph prefer face-to-face communication.
Making a phone call is as popular as writing letters in this group.
Soru 10: 2120

Noah wants to order food for lunch. He dislikes meat and never eats fast food. He
checks the restaurants near his office.
He decides to order from the one with the highest rating given by customers.

According to the information above, which place is Noah going to order from?

Grilled Fish Restaurant
Salad Garden
Burger House
Vegetable World
Soru 11: 8453
Read the text, look at the visuals, and answer the question.

The researcher, Professor Barclay, conducts researches about teenagers. His last
research was about teenagers’ daily routines. He compared young people in England
with those in Korea. He asked young people about their habits. He gave them a
questionnaire about their routines. Here are some results of his study from the
questionnaire that he gave the teenagers.

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the research results?

A)  Korean teens are more interested in sports than English teens are.
B)  Korean teens spend less time studying than English teens do.
C)  English teens’ favourite activity is going online.
D)  English teens prefer artistic activities.
Soru 12: 8482
Read the information below and answer the question.

Tony and Julia are school friends. They have similar and different interests and

The table below shows how they spend their free time and the activities they enjoy
Which of the following is NOT correct according to the information?

A)  Both Tony and Julia like physical exercise.

B)  They spend same amount of time helping housework.
C)  Julia spends more time with her friends than Tony does.
D)  Tony enjoys spending time online most.
Soru 13: 8498
Read the text below and answer the question.

There was a rock concert of a famous singer last weekend. After the concert, some
people wrote notes and threw them to the singer. Here are the comments:

Whose comment was disappointing for the singer?

A)  Sam
B)  John
C)  Jane
D)  Mary
Soru 14: 8529
Read the information and answer the question.

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the information above?

A)  Watching movies is the most favourite activity of the teens.

B)  Doing exercise is very popular among the teens.
C)  The teens usually spend their time on the Net.
D)  The teenagers never listen to music.
Soru 15: 8550
Read the text, look at the table, and answer the question.

Alice, David, Mary, and Tom are planning different free time activities for this

According to the information above, who is NOT planning an activity for the

A)  Mary and Alice

B)  Mary and Tom
C)  David and Tom
D)  David and Alice
Soru 16: 8564
Read the text and answer the question.

Which of the following does NOT have an answer in the text?

A)  What kind of games does Frank like playing?

B)  What time does he get up on Tuesdays?
C)  What does he do before the breakfast?
D)  Where does he play basketball?
Soru 17: 8579
Read the text, look at Tim’s plans, and complete the sentence.

Tim : I have to stay home to be safe because of COVID-19. Being at home is a bit
difficult, so I am trying to do different things every day. Here are my favourite
activities for each day:

Tim - - - -.

A)  spends time only with his mum

B)  listens to music only once a week
C)  studies two different languages
D)  does art at the weekend
Soru 18: 8592
Read the text and answer the question.

Gloria loves reading in her free time. She shares her ideas about the books she
reads on her blog every month. Here is this month’s blog:

Which of the following is NOT one of the books that Gloria discusses in her blog?

Soru 19: 8691
Read the conversation and answer the question.

Daisy : What do you like doing in your free time?

Janet : I don’t miss any plays. I am also fond of jazz and pop, but I dislike
playing an instrument and playing team sports.

Sam : I enjoy buying new things. I also like doing sports. However, painting and
seeing a play are unbearable for me.

According to the conversation above, which of the following are the most
appropriate activities for Janet and Sam?

Soru 20: 8700
Check the information below and answer the question.

We conducted a survey about the music preferences of 100 boys and 100 girls in our
school, and here are the results:

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the information above?

A)  Girls listen to jazz and folk music more than boys do.
B)  More than half of the girls prefer listening to pop music.
C)  Rap music is the most popular kind of music for both groups.
D)  Both boys and girls like classical music at the same rate.

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