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Making sense of the ‘freebies’ issue

Most welfare schemes contribute to improving human development outcomes, also resulting in higher growth
The basic argument is that these in coverage, exclusion errors have ven enough attention in the politi-
are a waste of resources and place automatically reduced, although cal process. If anything, building
a burden on already stressed fiscal not entirely eliminated. A univer- public pressure towards making
resources. In such discussions, sal PDS would take us even closer welfare delivery an electoral issue
‘freebies’ not only include the free towards this goal. is the need of the hour. A discus-
distribution of what may be consi- Other welfare schemes that are sion on whether eggs will be

dered ‘club goods’ such as televi- repeatedly berated as adding to served in the mid-day meal pro-
Dipa Sinha
sions and gold chains but also wel- the ‘subsidy’ burden of the state gramme, how many days of work
fare schemes such as free or also contribute to human develop- will be provided under the em-

oncern over ‘freebies’ in In- subsidised rations under the Pu- ment and protection of the basic ployment guarantee scheme,
dian politics has recently blic Distribution System (PDS), rights of the people to nutrition, schemes for access to free medi-
been expressed by those in cooked meals under the mid-day also act as an implicit income work, etc., essentially the right to cines, or at what price subsidised
the highest offices in the country. meal scheme, supplementary nu- transfer allowing the poor to af- life with dignity. MGNREGA for in- grain will be given under the PDS
Speaking at the inaugural ceremo- trition through anganwadis, and ford commodities that they other- stance has been another scheme are positive signals of electoral de-
ny of the Bundelkhand Express- work provided through the Mahat- wise could not. Further, the PDS which has been a lifeline for many mocracy responding to the needs
way (Uttar Pradesh) on July 16, ma Gandhi National Rural Employ- also plays an important role in our during the pandemic and earlier. of the majority of people. It is im-
Prime Minister Narendra Modi ment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). country where public procure- At a time when there are few em- portant to recognise that most
warned youth not to get carried ment at minimum support prices ployment opportunities, working welfare schemes contribute to im-
away by the ‘revari culture’, where Foodgrain distribution (MSPs) is one of the main instru- under MGNREGA can guarantee proving human development out-
votes are sought by promising But can these expenditures by the ments of support to farmers. The some assured wages; if imple- comes, which also results in high-
‘freebies’. He hit out at the Opposi- Government be considered ‘free- PDS allows foodgrains to be availa- mented in the true spirit of the le- er economic growth in future.
tion parties for offering freebies bies’, as many commentators ble for cheap for consumers while gislation this is also demand-based Sometimes, this process throws
and said that this was dangerous seem to do? For instance, is the assuring remunerative prices to and, therefore, responds to as up initiatives that seem ‘wasteful’
and harmful to the development distribution of free foodgrain dur- farmers. much need as there is. — while these must be discussed,
of the country. ing a pandemic that devastated Similarly, mid-day meals in one cannot deny them completely.
Days later, a Bench headed by lives and livelihoods at a time PDS coverage, MGNREGA schools have been proven to con- In any case, how does one de-
the Chief Justice of India, N.V. Ra- when godowns of the Food Corpo- From around the mid-2000s, the tribute to increased enrolment fine a ‘freebie’? Around ₹1 lakh
mana, heard a public interest liti- ration of India (FCI) had over 100 PDS increasingly became a politi- and retention in schools and ad- crore is the revenue forgone an-
gation in which the petitioner ar- million tonnes of rice and wheat a cal issue, with State governments dressing classroom hunger. A nually as a result of ‘major tax in-
gued against the promise of ‘freebie’? The Prime Minister and expanding coverage and reducing number of other schemes such as centives for corporate tax payers’.
‘irrational freebies’ by claiming members of the Bharatiya Janata prices. Lower prices in the PDS be- old age, single women and dis- Putting together all tax exemp-
that these distort the electoral pro- Party have repeatedly cam- came electoral issues in the south- abled pensions, community kitch- tions and concessions, including
cess. It has been reported that dur- paigned about the Government ern States even earlier. Such initia- ens in urban areas, free uniforms on foreign trade and personal in-
ing the hearing, the Chief Justice of implementing the ‘world’s largest tives were also included in the poll and textbooks for children in go- come taxes, the revenue forgone
India remarked that ‘freebies’ food security programme’ by dis- promises of almost all political vernment schools, and free each year is over ₹5 lakh crore.
were a serious issue and asked the tributing free foodgrain, through parties during the mid- to health-care services play a critical Corporate tax rates have been re-
Central government to take a the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan late-2000s, including the general role in providing social security ducing and Budget documents
stand on the need to control the Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) to around elections in 2009. This ultimately and access to basic entitlements in show that in 2019-20, the effective
announcement of ‘freebies’ by 80 crore ration cardholders. led to the National Food Security our country. In fact, there are a tax rate (tax-to-profit ratio) de-
political parties during election The PMGKAY is probably what Act being passed by Parliament number of lacunae in these pro- clined as profits increased. Howev-
campaigns. The Court also sug- kept many away from the brink of unanimously in 2013. Despite its grammes which call for expansion er, one does not see much pres-
gested that the Finance Commis- starvation during the novel coro- shortcomings, it cannot be denied in coverage, allocation of greater sure for a justification for these
sion could be involved to look into navirus pandemic. If anything, it that the PMGKAY and the support resources, along with putting in concessions in mainstream discus-
the matter and propose solutions. can be argued that coverage under that it provided during the pan- place mechanisms for greater ac- sions. The fact that small amounts
the PMGKAY must be expanded to demic would have been impossi- countability and grievance given to the poor by a system that
Still confusion include non-ration card holders as ble had it not been for the NFSA redress. has mostly failed them are called
The discussion on the demerits of well, as there are many who are ex- which expanded the coverage of ‘freebies’, while the freebies that
‘freebies’ distributed to the public cluded from ration lists but are in the PDS to about two thirds of the In perspective the rich get all the time through
as a result of election promises is need of subsidised or free food- population. In its absence, a much Undermining the importance of low tax rates and exemptions are
not new in India. However, there is grains. Even before the COVID-19 smaller number of people would these interventions of the Govern- ‘incentives’ is nothing but a reflec-
often confusion on what consti- pandemic, there have been stu- have had ration cards with high er- ment by calling them ‘freebies’ ex- tion of the nature of democracy in
tutes ‘freebies’, with a number of dies which showed the poverty-re- rors in identification of the poor poses the elitism in our society, our country.
services that the Government pro- ducing effect of the PDS. Subsi- (as was seen in the previous target- where the poor are seen as being
vides to meet its constitutional dised foodgrains distributed ed system of dividing the popula- unproductive and dependent on Dipa Sinha is faculty at Dr. B.R.
obligations towards citizens also under the PDS not only contribute tion into those above and below charity. Rather, the problem in Ambedkar University Delhi. The views
being clubbed in this category. to ensuring basic food security but the poverty line. With expansion fact is that these issues are not gi- expressed are personal

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