7th Sem

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\ i questions choosing atleast one from each part. gy sltaby be assumed ms compalsorily draw diagonal cross lines om the remaining blank pages, RT—A different states of power system? Explain. Bn expression for Tie-line power and frequency deviation for two system DA? Explain with neat diagram the digital computer configuration, fin different source of reactive power generation and absorption of reactive power in a jee 8 equation relating volta and reactive power at node. in Voltage instability and iiapse. PART-B the function of AVR the block diagram m: Speed governi 99 MW generator is operated on to an infinite bus network. If the generator has 4%, being 60Hz, how much will the turbine power increase when the frequency drop by H2 With the reference unchanged? If the frequency drop by 0.1Hz and turbine power is then by how much should the reference setting be changed? rated 200MW and 400MW are operating in parallel. The droop characteristics are 4% and 5% respectively from no load to full load. Assuming that the slots are operating at S0Hz at no load, how would a load of 600MW be shored between What will be the system frequency at this load? Assume free governor operation, tthe problem if both governors have a drop of 4%. ‘speed — governor and tie line model of a Automatic Load Frequency Control 10 PART SH Expression for transmission loss as a function of plant generation. State the 10. init. hhour for plant | & 2 are given by le economic operating schedule and the corresponding cost of generation if the loading one each unit is 10OMW, and 25MW, the demand iasion losses are neglected, If the load is equally shared by ‘obtained by loading the units as per equal incremental p ti {W. Find the optimal schedule and compare the cost of this 10 the cas -share load equally if Pp = 450 MW. PART-D ‘optimal unit commitment problem. ms and constraints found in unit commitment. How they are solved, peat i Post contingency "Secure dispatch Secure post contingency factors effecting the system security. ‘contingency analysis procedure with the help of Fa note on contingency ranking. ° a) » gaa ~ Seventh Semes (Autonomous Programme) Semester End Examinations, December 2018 eTitle : High Voltage Engineering Course Code: EE 702 , :3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 ‘to the Candidates : ‘any FIVE full questions choosing atleast one from each part. Missing data, if any, may suitably be assumed. ‘On completing your answers, compulsorily draw dlagonal cross lines on the remalning blank pages. a) » 9 a) b) °° a) b) ° a b) ) a b) PAR’ ‘Describe the need for generation of high voltages in laboratory. Explain breakdown phenomena in electro-negative gases. Derive an expression for growth of current in gascous medium under uniform field conditions assuming both Townsend first and second ionization process to be in progress. ‘Mention the important app! Bring out the limita’ theory addresses the abo Write anote on (i) Corer voltages. of breakdown of gases. Explain how streamer ‘mena in air (ii) Time tags of breakdown With a neat sketch, HVAC. ‘A Cockroft-Walton type vol cade connection of transformer for producing plier has eight stages with capacitances all equal to 0.05uF. The supply transform ndary voltage is 125kV at a frequency of 1S0Hz. If the Joad current to be supplied is SmA. Find (i) Percentage ripple (ji) Regulation (iii) Optimum number of stages for minimum regulation. ‘ Derive the approximate expression for wave front time of a standard impulse wave, Explain the working of series resonant circuit for HVAC generation and listout the important merits. % ec Explain how impulse voltages are generated in a laboratory using MARX circuit Explain voltage doubler circuit to generate HVDC. PART-C ‘With a neat sketch, explain the construction and working of electrostatic voltmeter, Mention imitations of it. Explain es method of triggering an impulse generator. State also the extended circuit diagram used for the purpose. Discuss how Klydonograph is used for surge current measurement, Explain the standard sphere gap method of measurement of high voltages. Explain the factors ‘which influence the ‘over voltage of sphere gap. = Dt peak voltmeter based on Chubb-Frotescue method. What * 05 05 10 04 08 q 08 08 06 06 08 / 08, 4 os ter, has to be designed so that it can have a range from 20 tg ida minimum current of 21 and maximum current aan ‘ ance ofthe generating voltmeter, uA, . PART—D discharges? With a neat sketch, exp! lain the principle of al discharges using straight detectors. PS Of le ca testing of circuit breakers, the method of measurement of capacitance and tan using high Voltage Sel Power frequency test conducted on insulations High voltage test conducted on cables. vil mt [+ [wfc] | | Bele | iGINEERING, HASSAN © (Autonomous Programme) Semester End Examinations, December 2018 “Industrial Drives & Applications Course Code + EE 704 :3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 s tothe Candidates coone Tile ion ty FIVE il uestions choosing alleast one from each part Missing dai, ifany, may s assumed Me eng or answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining Blank pages PART 4) Explain the essential parts of electric drive with a block diagram and mention their funetions. 06 Explain the four quadrant of or driving a hoist load 08 With a n pl onents of load torque 06 r load torque and equivalent moment of inertia for loads 06 with r ion Explain “Load Equ: ine the expression required for the calculation of 08 : moment of ine d equalization c 2 rotational motion. It is couples to motor through a 06 ar v iency of 93%. The load has a moment of inertia of and weight of 500kg has r Nm. Other load has translational ; nv/s. Coupling between the motor and the load has an ia of 0.1 kg-m? and runs at a constant speed of rive system, Determine equivalent inertia referred to PART ria «plain the phenomenon of regenerative braking and dynamic 07 king of separate! 1 DC motor: Define continu wn mode and discontinuous mode for a de separately excited motor 08 mirolled by a half c ed rectifier. Obtain the expressions for the motor operation in both the modes of o ation. 20V, 750rpm, 150A, separately excited de motor has an armature resistance of 0.10 Tt is 05 fed from a single phase fully controlled rectifier with an AC voltage source of 230V, SOHz nd calculate que and 500rpm ontinuous conduction g angle for rated motor ) Motor speed for a= 140° and rated torque { de motor controlled by a 1-phase fully controlled rectifier explain the 06 onduction operation with relevant cireuit and waveforms. Obtain the boundary onditions and draw the speed ~ torque indicating the CCM and DCM. "3 ) With a neat circuit explain the operat all four quadrants when fed by a 08 Single phase dual converter and operated in circulating and non-circulating current prinoiples Led how speed reversal is obtained. ith the help of neat diagram and waveforms, explain the principle of operation of 06 fewenerative braking for a de separately excited motor using chopper control, Derive the Necessary equations and plot the speed - torque characteristics, P.T.O ion of a de drive in 9 ‘Note: Revealing of identity in any form in the answer book will be treated as malpractice. i i tor 5. a) Explain the following starting scheme ofa 3-phase induction mot faa PART—C MALIN i ii istance starting f Poa ais Beeeetadtion motor with vnbaleee Voltages ang b) Explain the : ) Ca S-phase, 6 pole and Y-connected squirrel cage induction Motor has the pide 3 . i : = C=X « . i 5 : following parameters referred to aistor Ry = Ri, = 1, X, = X', = 2 regenerative Jyration braking operation of this motor, determine: PNestisia overhauling torque it can hold and range of sp eed for safe operation, ii) Speed at which it can hold an overhauling load with @ torque of 100N-m. 4) Sailain the operation ofia Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) controlled indu. Pish the voliage waveforms of stepped wave inverter and >o M inverter, s) ‘Vhatispee 4) Explain in detail with relevant figures and sor bean OW a static Scherbius drive is used in: =. Control speed of a wound rotor induction motor bene synchronous speed, ) ith relevant ®) With neat diagram, explain ac dynamic braking with two lead connections of a wound rotor @ ©) Distinguish fo induction motor. PART—p ) Explain the operation o| With a neat i employing load fa synchronous m b) ircuit, explain the ‘otor when fed f © Operation of tistor inverter, Hom a fixed frequency supply a self-co "rolled synchronous motor drive a SAY (Autonomous Programme) Semester End Examinations, December 2018 Course Title: Flexible AC Transmission, Duration : 3 Hours Instructions to the Candidates j) Answer any FIVE full questions choo ii) Missing data, if any, may suit ii) On completing ystems Course Code Maximum Marks least one from each part be assumed. your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages. PART-A 1. a) Discuss, power flow in a meshed system with and without FACTS controllers. 05 b) With schematic representation of basic types of FACTS controllers, explain their relative 08 mportanc es (line to line) at bus 1 and 2 equal to 07 j8Q. Find (i) Driving 42021 d ve actance ries with respect to voltage at bus 1 by a 2. ith n Je phase full wave bridge converter 10 diagram, explain four quadrant 10 ’ incipal types of CSC 06 Di 1 ed converter 04 uss 3-4 full wave diode converter with 10 com ession for output voltage Va. 4 Derive the expressi al power and reactive power, when the shunt var compensator is 07 J at midpoint of the transmission line. Hence, list the effect of shunt compensator at ) With diagram and waveform, discuss single phase TCR. 07 Discuss basic operating principle of STATCOM, 06 PART—C plain the transient stability enhancement by the SVC and STATCOM, 07 Discuss var reverse control scheme for power oscillation damping of static var generator 06 ¥-4 characteristic of SVC and STATCOM. Hence, discuss concept of regulation 07 spect to Vel characteristic ) With two the tr b) Rixptain GCSC type series nsator is in 07 machine model, derive the expressions for P and Q, when series com ‘ompensator 07 ©) Diisouse basic operating control scheme for variable impedance type series compensator 06 PTO q PART-D With functional Tepresentation of SSSC, explain the wo: Discuss the capability of real power compensation by ciple of SSSC, i) MALN i With suitable diagram, explain basic concept of vo Explain the delay angle controlled thyristor tap chi Discuss the basic Operating principle of UPFC, ltage re >r and phase angle regulator, 7 anger suppiving a resistive load, €) Course Title 1 () Duration 33 hstructions to the C; )) Answer any FIV i) Missing data, if ii) On completing y 4}! a) Explain th >) Explain th °) With anes 8) Derive b) ic) MALNAD COLLEG} i Seventh Semg Semester Eng Ys Seventh Semest Semester End Examinations, Decem nase Title + Power System Operation & Control +3 Hours 4) Explain voltage instability and b) Explain th block digram n ) A 100 Mw Frequency being Uz, Hz wit the reference us eld constant, th What willbe th Repeat te problem Note: Revealing of identity in ony form in the answer book will be treated as malpractice. 3) ») °) Derive the equal incremental cost criterion with ref system considering equality constraints only Write a note on spinning of reserve. The fel cost finction is $/hr for three thermal plants are given F)=35047.2 Pai +0.004Po° F2=500+7.3Pa2 + 0.0025 Por F5= 600 + 6.74Pos + 0.003 P Por, Pox, Posare in MW. Find the optima ‘when the generators share load equally i P fence to economic operation schedule and com € case PART—D Explain the need an optimal unit commitment Explain the problems and constraints found in un Define the i) ii) iii) Secure dispatch Secure post contingency What are the factors effecting the system s Explain t ontingency analysi note on contingenc: of power Moca: Revealing of ldentiey in any for ALNAD COLLEG Seventh Semeg ‘Semester End Bran Course Title : High Voltage Engineering Duration : 3 Hours Instructions to the Candidates 1) Answer ny FIVE fll question chosing a ) Miss dt, ian, may sutly bea ae 3) On completing your anowers conpulbptas Desc: PA ) Describe th 4 for generation ofhigh vai Explain ovn Phenomena i eles wth of current in nsend first and second ign ion for gro ant applications of high yp tion of Townsend’: above limitation, Corona discharge phenom stheon a) Witl = wit. explain three stage ea ») A Ce es >” tye voltage multiplier | sur. Y transformer secondary ¥ ee Supplied is SmA. Find @P 9) Se >F minimum regulation, 'mate expression for wave § Explain ee “ing of series resonant eiteult ) Explain j 1 Explain ye PeS® Voltages are genau alt ubler circuit to generate HV ) With & neat skey a vy Weliiations ot e%Plan the constuction SPlain trigatron cuit Betton gap mer iggerit gy Sitouit Slngram used forthe oe tng iscuss her Used forthe purpose, “Ivdonograph is used for surge n the sta Wn ‘andard sphere gap method of me mnce the spark over voltage of Sapacitor peak voltmeter BSN: []]ol a + 6 9) Dare te egal cen system considering j E JEL ENEME ENGINEERING, HASSAN Explain he ) Define the rent iecn ete mir kek F 0 that it can have a range from 20 tp 299 Pe = ees aia nee Eee of 2HA and maximum current Of 25 WA, hy De, r) Respaiaice ofthe generating voltmeter. PART-D Seve : 2 With a neat sketch, explain the principle of pute came | Seme ae discharges ee eal discharges using straight detectors. Course Title : Flexible AC’ Explain synthetic testing of circuit breakers. q :3 Hou + cae Duration 5 high voltage Scherr i the Candidates : f capacitance and tan 6 using SUE swraciious to is iod of measurement o "Explain the meth ‘Answer any FIVE full questions. i) Answer any data, if any, may sui a : Dp Mie ny insulations 2 3) _ Power frequency test conducted on ins ' i) _ High voltage test conducted on cables. Discuss, power flow in, With sche: Ss malpractice. > model of 420215°k\ and 400 Z Voltage Real power er phase o ‘or compute * circuit diagrg oF resistive an diagram of each phase | ith circu nit Peration of. 3. %) Define Surrent sourced o : erate Voltage sou Neat circuit di erin: angle, Ale nll the express} lons d Pian ected at midpoint With lp di ‘agram Discuss basic op ? sswer book will be treated as peer is ow on er aentire 4) Explain the {ALNAD COLLEG Flexible PART=D the working principle of SSSC. ot representation of SSSC, explain “ ss the capability of real power compensation by SSSC. : . pt of voltage regulator and phase angle regulator, « : eres ving a resistive load, e “angle controlled thyristor tap changer supplying “ the delay inciple of UPFC. - Expt ing principle of ) Discuss the basic operatin d) Explain the £ With a neat gr 2! motion ang Qualization"? D the fy wheel: tobe lifted up at a unifonm efiiciency oF xgeg. 4450 mpm, * the equivalent the motor and the load. Torque, With 8ppropriate ol 8 Of separ te u Define Saray excited a UNLENOUS trolled boy a half With fonction represeat Pisces the cao POM With st Exphind Discus be ie PART=C "3 Explain the following starting scheme of a 3-phase induction motor ue ‘)Star—Delta starting (ji) Rotor resistance starting NB) Explain the operation of a 3-phae induction motor with unbalanced voltages and 0g ‘single-phasing. IE) A S00V,, SOFiz, S-phase, 6 pole and Y-connected squirrel cage induction motor has the 06 following parameters referred to stator: R, = R’, = 10, » 20. For regenerative Ibraking operation of this motor, determine: 3) Maximum overhauling torque it can hold and range of speed for safe operation. Gf) Speed at which it can hold an overhauling load with a torque of 100N-m. DSB) Explain the operation of a Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) controlled induction motor drive, 06 Draw the voltage waveforms of stepped wave inverter and PWM inverter. 6) Explain in detail with relevant figures and waveforms how a s drive is used to” 08 ‘eearol speed of a wound rotor induction motor below synchror braking with two ions of a wound rotor | 06 cy supply 10 synchronous motor drive 10 industry for different operations. *) What are the explain how. claps maga ° Comat on igang gaa p Passing i) » Passing through, Draw emt lagram, ©) What do Closing Ou ean by synch

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