PSY406 Final Term MCQs - Doc - 1609928459671

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Which of the following method is directed towards the study of individual behavior?

Select correct op on:


Differen al

Observa onal
Observa on and recording of behavioral events under controlled condi ons is known as:

Select correct op on:

Introspec on

Norma ve survey method

Psychoanaly c method

Edward Tolman is one of the founders of:

Select correct op on:


Gestalt psychology


In the early days of evolu on of psychology behavior was studied through the method of inner observa on,
called ____________.

Select correct op on:

Observa on


Scru ny

There are three classical psycho-physical methods devised by Fechner, which of the following is not
included in it?

Select correct op on:

The method of minimal changes

The method of constant s muli

The method of mean error

Which of the following is rela vely a prevalent approach in contemporary psychology, which studies how
we feel in altered states of awareness?

Select correct op on:

Transpersonal psychology

Cogni ve Psychology

Humanis c Psychology

The control of condi ons and variables is the key factor of ____________ method.

Select correct op on:

Differen al

Introspec on

Observa on

Who set up the first American laboratory for psychology?

Select correct op on:

William James

Hermann Ebbinghaus

Leona Tyler

Connec onist theories belong to which of following school of thought?

Select correct op on:



Gestalt psychology

Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and Rollo May are some of the eminent workers of ____________ School of

Select correct op on:




Which of the following is the concentra on of consciousness upon one subject rather than upon another?
Select correct op on:




In designs involving rota on method we may obtain half measures for condi on A, all the measures for
condi on B and then the other half of the measures for condi on A. This technique is some mes called:

Select correct op on:




A book en tled “The Measurement of Intelligence” was wri en by ______________ during World War I.

Select correct op on:

Leona Tyler


John Dewey

Which of the following method is based on individual differences, and it is also named as Norma ve Survey
Select correct op on:

Clinical method

Experimental method

Naturalis c observa on

Drives are influenced and guided by:

Select correct op on:


Bonus and rewards

In Erickson’s stages of psychosocial development “ini a ve” refers to:

Select correct op on:

Developmental crisis


Eagerness to engage in produc ve work

Willingness to begin new ac vi es

Connec onist theories belong to which of following school of thought?

Select correct op on:



Gestalt psychology

In the early days of evolu on of psychology behavior was studied through the method of inner observa on,
called ____________.

Select correct op on:

Observa on


Scru ny

In Piaget’s cogni ve developmental stages, the stage a er Sensorimotor is called:

Select correct op on:

Formal opera onal

Concrete opera onal

Opera onal

Which of the following are o en called rou nes and they are described as the ways of ac vi es to be
accomplished in the classrooms?

Select correct op on:


Rou nes

Prac ce

According to which of the following personality is that which permits a predic on of what a person will do
in a given situa on?

Select correct op on:




Ca ell

Person with a moderate level of retarda on scores ________________ on Wechsler Scale.

Select correct op on:





Which of the following is a part of mul ple choice items that asks ques on or poses the problem?

Select correct op on:





According to Barak Rosenshine and Norma Furst review about studies of teaching which of the following
was the most promising teacher behavior for effec ve teaching?

Select correct op on:



Presenta on

Communica on skills

Following are the projec ve techniques for measuring the personality except ____________.

Select correct op on:

Rorschach inkblot test

Thema c Appercep on Test

Word associa on test

Minnesota Mul phasic Personality Inventory

The plan of ____________ is given by different thinkers for the program of special educa on for the gi ed

Select correct op on:

Separate schools

Double promo on

Enrichment programmes

All of the given op ons

The plan of ____________ is given by different thinkers for the program of special educa on for the gi ed

Select correct op on:

Separate schools

Double promo on

Enrichment programmes

All of the given op ons

To expand the sheer number of minutes available for learning is called:

Select correct op on:

Time alloca on

Class room management

Content emphasis

Timing the class

Which one of the following tests consists of percep on of certain pictures in thema c manner?

Select correct op on:



Rorchach Inkblot test

Sentence comple on test

Which of the following is example of mentoring programs?

Select correct op on:

Conflict resolu on training

Social skills training

Parent and community involvement programs

All of the given op ons

Which of the following are essen ally maladjusted personali es and the result of faulty upbringing?

Select correct op on:


Mental retarda on

Hyperac vity

Gi edness

Students receiving low grades are more likely to:

Select correct op on:

Withdraw and blame others

Try to overcome the deficiency

Try to fill the gap

Make improvements

Which of the following is necessary for effec ve classroom management?

Select correct op on:





Which of the following are difficult to score objec vely and uses a great deal of tes ng me?

Select correct op on:

Short ques ons

Essay type ques ons

Matching exercises

True/False ques ons

“Obey all school rules” is an example of:

Select correct op on:



Rou nes

Prac ce

The plan of ____________ is given by different thinkers for the program of special educa on for the gi ed

Select correct op on:

Separate schools

Double promo on

Enrichment programmes

All of the given op ons

Which of the following are o en called rou nes and they are described as the ways of ac vi es to be
accomplished in the classrooms?

Select correct op on:



Rou nes
Prac ce

According to Barak Rosenshine and Norma Furst review about studies of teaching which of the following
was the most promising teacher behavior for effec ve teaching?

Select correct op on:



Presenta on

Communica on skills

High general intellect; specific academic ap tude; crea ve, produc ve thinking; leadership ability; and
visual and performing ar stry are traits of which of the following?

Select correct op on:

Gi ed students

Mul ple intelligences

Learning styles

Crea vity

The gi ed children may have certain special needs, which of the following is/are included in those needs?

Select correct op on:

The need for knowledge and understanding

The need for Crea vity and ingenuity

The need for self-actualiza on

All of the given op ons

____________ is/are the characteris c(s) of an effec ve teacher.

Select correct op on:

Good knowledge

Clarity and organiza on

Warmth and enthusiasm

All of the given op ons

Which of the following is example of mentoring programs?

Select correct op on:

Conflict resolu on training

Social skills training

Parent and community involvement programs

All of the given op ons

MCQ can assess all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct op on:

Factual knowledge

Recall and recogni on

Analy cal skills

Sensory memory

Which of the following is a part of mul ple choice items that asks ques on or poses the problem?

Select correct op on:




Which of the following is a condi on of subnormal mental development, present at the me of birth or
early childhood and characterized mainly by limited intelligence and social inadequacy?

Select correct op on:

Gi edness

Mental deficiency


Juvenile delinquency

[2/14/2013 10:45:32 PM] jEhAN: ================

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