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SERVE: July 2022 Elections

1. What: Orientation regarding the Elections and the evaluation of members
When: July 12, 2022
Where: MS Teams and Group Chat
Who: SERVE members from both SHS and College

2. What: Nomination Period for the Elections

When: July 12-14, 2022
Where: Google Forms
Who: SERVE Members

3. What: Confirmation Period

When: July 15, 2022
Where: Outlook (through email)
Who: COMELEC and Nominees

4. What: Interview Day

When: July 16, 2022
Where: MS Teams Chat
Who: COMELEC and Nominees

5. What: Release of Candidates’ Statements from the Interviews

When: July 17, 2022
Where: MS Teams and Official Messenger Group Chat
Who: Candidates and Members

6. What: Elections for A.Y 2021-2022

When: July 18-19, 2022
Where: Microsoft Forms
Who: SERVE Members

7. What: Announcement of Winners

When: July 20, 2022 (8 PM)
Where: Facebook Page and Messenger

● A COMELEC will be formed to handle the nomination and election process within
the organization. This group will consist of three (3) to five (5) junior/senior members
who are graduating or those who are not interested in running for a position. SHS and
College will have a separate COMELEC.

● 2 parts of Election:
○ Choosing Candidates
■ The members will be oriented about the tasks and responsibilities of
each position.
■ Nominations will be done through forms (Google Forms). Individuals
will be allowed to nominate themselves.
■ If a position has no certain nominees, all active members will
automatically be nominated.
■ The commissioners will send an email containing the Google Forms
link for profiling, confirmation, and certification to the nominated
■ Nominated members must confirm within the given time if they agree
with the nominations or not. If they do not respond within a certain
period, their nomination will be void.
■ Nominated members must send their requirements along with their
confirmation through email.
■ Through the confirmation form, the candidates will declare the
● If they have any minor or major offense
● If they have an important position in other organizations or in
their respective classes
● If they are a bonafide student of De La Salle University -
● If they have been a member of SERVE for at least one (1) year
● If they have handled or volunteered for a project or activity
■ The candidates should certify that the requirements they submitted do
not contain false information.
○ Voting
■ Once the final list of candidates has been established, an interview
through Microsoft Teams chat will be done for them to share their
platform and to prove their capabilities. This will help the members
decide which person best fits the position.
■ In order to successfully conduct the interview, the following steps must
be done:
● Create a Microsoft Team for the Interview
● Schedule meetings
■ There will be different calls for each candidate.
■ The interview will consist of 12 questions. There will be a time limit
for each question.
■ In order to ensure that the candidate is the one answering the questions,
they should join in a call, unmute, & open their camera. It must also be
noted that the call will not be recorded.
■ The interview will last for approximately 15 minutes.
■ After the interview, members will vote through forms (Microsoft
Forms). Everyone will be encouraged to vote and only one vote is
eligible per position.

Executive Board

A. Student Coordinator

Duties and Responsibilities

● Represents the SERVE organization both in internal and external affairs.

● Coordinates with LCDC faculty especially with LCDC Director and
● Supports and motivates the volunteers
● Delegates the task among the volunteers given by the LCDC faculty during
● Monitors and Supervises the overall activity within the group
● Mediates and Resolves issues and concerns of the organization
● Presides the meeting of the core group
● Assists the other volunteers regarding project implementation
● Reviews and endorses project to Formator and/or LCDC Director
● Performs other duties analogous, germane, or related to and/or implied from
the above enumerated duties and responsibilities.

B. Assistant Student Coordinator

Duties and Responsibilities

● Assists the coordinator with his/her duties and responsibilities

● Specifically, the Assist Student Coordinator is expected to:
● Represents the coordinator in some internal and external affairs
● Updates the coordinator about the activities/projects
● Presides the meeting on behalf of the coordinator
● Assist the other volunteers regarding project implementation
● Performs other duties analogous, germane, or related to and/or implied from
the above enumerated duties and responsibilities.

C. Secretary

Duties and Responsibilities

● Handles Data Management

● Minutes taker during meetings
● Assists and monitors the project officers with regard to document processing
● Performs other duties analogous, germane, or related to and/or implied from
the above enumerated duties and responsibilities.

D. Finance Officer

Duties and Responsibilities

● Responsible for safekeeping the receipts of the expenses during the

implementation of projects/activities
● In charge of the liquidation of the receipts
● Accountable for the budget requests for projects/activities
● Performs other duties analogous, germane, or related to and/or implied from
the above enumerated duties and responsibilities.

E. Student Development Officer (SDO)

Duties and Responsibilities

● Creates a team that will be responsible for recruitment, screening, and

interview of new volunteers
● In charge of maintaining the communication with the SERVE volunteers
● Accountable for updating the database regarding the status of the aspirants
● Spearheads the formation activities, with the approval of the Student
Coordinator & Formator, of the group.
● Performs other duties analogous, germane, or related to and/or implied from
the above enumerated duties and responsibilities.

F. Student Project Officer (SPO)

Duties and Responsibilities

● Implements assigned projects and activities

● Mediates and resolves issues and concerns concerning their team
● Appoints his/her own secretary to be his/her counterpart in managing the team
● Performs other duties analogous, germane, or related to and/or implied from
the above enumerated duties and responsibilities.

Legislative Board

A. Project Committee (SPO acts as their head committee) - this committee helps in
creating project proposals and other paperwork that involve the organization. It acts as
the logistics committee for every project or event.
B. Head of Marketing Committee - communicates with all other committees,
especially during an event. The committee head is in charge of distributing the tasks
to all its three subcommittees such as:

● Marketing Creatives Committee Head - their subcommittee creates all

publication materials for posting. Specific responsibilities are layouts, designs,
video shoot/photoshoot and editing, presentation slides, props or backgrounds,

● Marketing Technical Committee Head - their subcommittee handles live

virtual events or acts as the technical staff for stage, equipment, sound system,
lighting, and screens both online and face-to-face organization events.

● Marketing Research and Writers Committee Head - their subcommittee is

focused on devising publicity plans and creating content for materials.
Communicates mainly with the other marketing subcommittees.

C. Head of Social Media Committee - their committee handles and manages all
SERVE’s social media accounts (Facebook and Tiktok). They post the materials,
monitor page insights, report to officers and write the monitoring report, and send the
posts to the SERVE group chat.

Committees Under SDO

D. Head of Human Resources Committee - their committee maintains peace within

members and creates activities to help build camaraderie. In charge of every other
month kumustahan.

E. Head of Recruitment Committee - their committee handles tasks related to

recruitment such as finalizing the recruitment process, creating recruitment
publication materials, communicating with aspirants, conducting the interview
sessions, reporting the list of aspirants to SERVE officers, and deliberating the final
accepted aspirants with animators/advisers and SERVE officers.

F. Head of Communications Committee - their committee is in charge of internal

(SERVE-initiated events) and external communication (organization partnerships).
They handle SERVE’s Gmail account/outlook account and answer all invitations,
emails, and collaborations. They can partner with the project heads in communicating
with other organizations or participants or administrators.

Optional Committee
G. Head of Online Tutorial Committee - their committee leads student volunteers in
accomplishing tasks related to tutorial lessons and volunteer work.
1. General qualifications for all officers, head committees, and team leaders:

● Bona fide student of DLSU-D

● Has no failing grade in the past semester prior to his/her appointment
● Has been an active member of SERVE for at least a year and was able to
initiate/handle/participate in any activity
● Has not committed offense/violation and has good moral character
● Proficient coordinator (oral and written)
● Is not holding any major position in other student organizations

2. Head of Marketing Committee - Submit a compilation/slideshow of all documents

or pictures or videos showcasing their experience in handling responsibilities related
to their subcommittees’ tasks if they have any.

3. Marketing Creatives Committee Head - Submit a compilation/slideshow of all

pictures or videos showcasing their experience in layouting, designing, video/photo
shooting, and creating props/backdrops if they have any.

4. Marketing Technical Committee Head - Submit a compilation/slideshow of all

pictures or videos showcasing their experience in being a technical staff for any kind
of face-to-face or onsite event/activity.

5. Marketing Research and Writers Committee Head - Submit a compilation of

documents/pictures/videos presenting their experience and quality of their work in
writing content/captions/messages/announcements, and in researching for content.

6. Head of Social Media Committee (required)

● Must have a Facebook, Messenger, and Tiktok account.

● Should be willing to install social media apps and create an account when
needed in expanding the organization’s social media.

7. Head of Human Resources Committee - Present papers, planners, pictures, videos,

and the like showing their experience in managing members and internal activities if
they have any.

8. Head of Recruitment Committee - Present documents, pictures, videos, and the

likes showing their experience in recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, and emailing
applicants/new members if they have any.

9. Head of Communications Committee

● Must have Google and Microsoft accounts, and Gmail and Outlook apps on
their devices. (required)
● Present documents, pictures, videos, and the likes showing their experience in
communicating regarding internal and external activities as an officer in any
group or class, or organization if they have any.

10. Head of Online Tutoring Committee - Present a compilation of pictures or videos

and documents showcasing their experience in managing volunteers, handling
paperwork, and tutoring onsite or online.

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