GaneshFestival2007 Yogya

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16th Sep2007 SNU, South Korea

16 Sept 2007, SNU, In a race against the Rain God, Lord Ganesha showed his Miracle. Due to

typhoon, weather forecast was for a heavy rain. The sky was full of clouds and Indra was in his

full mood to pour water. But it was none other than Lord Ganesha himself who did not allow
that to happen. It was around 500 people who witnessed this.
15th September, 2007
15th September, rainy saturday morning, ideal time to sleep zzz… my friend woke me up and
reminded me of the ganesha festival at SNU and I should be there to help the organizers. I
thought it is crazy to expect that Ganesha fest would even happen (thanks to the heavy rain
forecast J) ....... forget it... But when he told about the delicious lunch and dinner organizers
would be preparing. I couldn’t resist.

When I reached there, the rain had

stopped and there were some people
cleaning the ground and pouring the water
out of the ground, I had to laugh because I
could see there is going to be heavy rain
as had predicted it. Immediately
with my top brain, I suggested them to shift
the venue to a closed hall. But the
organizers had a real faith in Lord. I was
worried because of they are taking chance
against the typhoon....

To my amazement the sky was cleared

after few hours....I don't know it had
anything to do it with their prayers....
They started making preparations. It was a
real big effort put up by them. Decoration
was worth praising..... some of the
volunteers were busy with the flags. Some
talented Indian ladies also showed their

Unexpectedly people also started flocking the ground..... and when the pooja began there were
around 100 people....The pujari needs a special mention, wearing very nice clothing and
chanting mantras without referring to anything. There was an assistant pujari also, who were
explaining what is actually happening, his smiling face was really cute :)

Pooja finished with the distribution of nice laddos.... I successfully packed some of the laddos
for my home as well.
16th September, 2007
I was impressed by the preparation and the hard work done by them. That’s why the next
morning I was little early. Today the concern was more of the success of the program rather
than free lunch and dinner. In the stadium I saw some mantra chanting going on. One side there
is mountain and the other side a green ground, and then there in the middle is the stadium
where festival is being held...very beautiful place indeed!
I was welcomed by Dr. Ramsagar Mishra who offered a Tilak. His smiling face suggested me
that the program is going to be great. I also saw many foreigners with the Tilak and Dhoti/Saari.
People were coming, stalls were being setup....The first stall to be setup was of Art of Living
foundation... much before the program start time..... I don’t know about art of living but sure they
have mastered the art of time management very well !

Program started with "Ganapati Bappa Maurya". Dr. Abhijit Ghosh took the charge. There was
little introduction about its historical background and how it started in Korea.
Then I saw many foreigners in traditional style dhoti coming on the stage. When they started
with Hare Krishna Hare Rama Kirtan, immediately I knew it is ISKON. Then the discourse by
Patanjali Muni Das started. In contrast to long bearded Sadhu, we were seeing a clean shaven
young Korean guy talking Sanskrit in such an impressive way that would put many indians in
shock. A must watch for everybody.... this Korean swami is better than many well known
swamis in India..I think.
Then there was fancy dress competition. Smart kids showed up on the stage. Moreover I could
see the flowering faces of the mothers, when their kids were going on the stage. Abhijit ji
gave encouragement to each and every child and appreciation to his mother and father...

We could see 4-5 orange colored sadhus in stadium. Though in India it is common, in korea it
was strange them. Everybody on the ground was curious to know about them. This was their
turn and when these Ananda marg swamiji sang the bhajans, from depth of their heart with
the instruments, I was just in another planet. Moved with their voice people started flocking to
their stall... which was almost empty before. I saw even misers purchasing the stuff from
Ananda marg stalls. This performance was so impressive that organizers have to arrange
similar program three times.

I really appreciate the organizers outlook towards the Indian spirituality, as they talked about
spiritual exchange....similar to cultural exchange… certainly great thinkers.
After that it was our pooja :)
Mahaprasadam was being distributed. Everybody rushed to take it. I could go inside and see.
Dr. S. Kumarasamy is an expert in Poori making... he was in his full flow today with his strong
team. There was a little chaos, as there they had prepared food for around 300 people but
people exceeded to 500 .
After Mahaprasadam while people started opting out the program thinking it is finished, a sweet
voice from one Korean lady stopped us, Abhijit Da introduced her as Sarla didi. Though she
was a Korean, she was talking fluent Hindi. She also sang a song for us.

In the second turn, when Ananda Marg dada bhai surprised everybody by singing some filmy
songs ! He shared his experience had been fond of music. He became a monk in 1979 and
since then he is traveling all around the globe. Seeing his amazing abilities lot of people took his
blessings and personal appointment for his ashram.

When some Korean children came on the stage. ... I thought they are a part of fancy dress
competition but as soon as they commanded the program with their sweet Sanskrit Bhajans, I
was amazed. The gratitude in their voice was showing that surely Sai baba has done some
miracle in their life.

Presentation by Brahmakumari and Santh Math was also very impressive. Later on, I was able
to capture a spiritual exchange converation between the different organizations.
The enthusiastic voice of Dr. Abhijit Ghosh was one of the main attractions for the audience.
And I am sure everybody who heard him there, would like to come to the SNU yoga program
which is personally conducted by him.

Witnessing this grand preparation one thing

was going in my mind. I did not know actually
how the organizers could manage this big
program. It is a humongous task and as far
as SNU is concerned I know that the
professors are notorious for making student
work very hard. Some students even have to
put 16 hours a day in lab!
May be it’s their group energy which makes
them strong. Surely I would like to participate
in the group activities. It would give me a
chance to lead a dynamic life in Korea

It started drizzling, and our mind went to future, thinking how we will go to our house, putting
some stress in our mind. I had mixed emotions of sadness and happiness because of weather.
Happy because it is only drizzling and little sad why at all it drizzling! Exactly at that time Mr.
Sylvain Remy from Art of Living, France appeared with a big smile and talked how to reduce
stress and tension. How to bring our mind from future and past to the present moment and be
happy. He announced the next course, where we can learn the well known "Sudarshan kriya" a
powerful breathing technique that purifies and rejuvenates both body and mind.

Then we did a simple exercise which brought us in the present moment..It was a completely
new thing for me. Something very simple thing like breath holds key to our mind and
emotions.. What a great and practical science indeed !
Then to refresh us came the bharatnatyam performance by Shilpa didi, It was great.

In the last there were only few fortunate ones to enjoy dance lead by Satya.
There was a special modern Dhoti Dance by our Panditji.

Lastly Rohidas and Balaji informed us about some of the activity being taken for the
community. He informed us the progress in the school project.
For the past 27 years in my life, I have rarely seen this kind of cultural and spiritual confluence.
Thanks to the volunteers who organized this great event. Only those visited it would know this

There were people who just came and went before lunch, some came just only for lunch, some
came after lunch, some came for cultural program, some came for dancing, visarjan; around
500 people visited this place. Among them I was fortunate enough to stay throughout the
program and enjoy it, thanks to special lunch and dinner.

But actually the program forced me to

think beyond and beyond my tiny selfish
needs. I remember when my close
friend was collecting donation, I gave
him a very hard time to collect money
from me. How selfish I was! Here are
some guys, who took some courage and
risk to organize a program like this. To
unite all the Indian community in Korea.

During the program.... I feel something Inside ….a big change happened ....I now care more
towards our Indian fellows in korea. I donated to a suffering fellow Indian as well. I feel more
people could have joined this program and have some experience.

Everything went well, but today when I am

finishing my writing this article I am
concerned about only one thing.............
Whether Indian community in Korea would
be able to keep up this enthusiasm,
whether they would be able to arrange a
program like this again.

I feel more concern for those who could not make to this program. ... for whatever reasons.....
Would they be able to see some program next year or …….this festival would become a history.

Let's close our eyes and……… focus on our breathing ……and pray …….that Ganesha festival
come again in Korea.
A witness of Ganesha Festival
16 September, 2007

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