S4 Business SOW - Term 3

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Scheme of work Term 3,2022 S4: Business studies Teacher: Ms.

Esther Kimeu

Week Topic Learning objectives Learning activities References Assessment

and extension
1-2 Internal and Students should be able to: Karen In addition to the
 Understand why  A diagram of effective Borrington and formative
external effective communication communication shall Peter Stimpson assessments stated
communication is important and the be shown and the four Page 114 -127 in the learning
methods used to achieve features explained; activities, the
it. sender, receiver, Online sources following
message and feedback. summative
 Learners shall write assessments shall
down methods of Extension be done:
communication that activity:
they already know. A learners to 1st- 23rd
discussion shall be practice September
held about why there questions from
are different methods exam style This shall test
of communication. question pages knowledge and
 ‘Internal and external 128 skills acquired in
communication’ shall section 2- People
be defined. Learners in Business. It shall
shall therefore sort
their list into either be paper 2 style
internal or external. questions.
 Learners shall
investigate the 2nd- 21st October
communication This shall test
methods used in a knowledge and
business. The class skills acquired in
shall discuss the chapter 10-
results and consider Marketing,
the advantages and competition and
disadvantages of each the customer.
 Learners shall 3rd- 18th
complete a decision- November
making activity to This shall test
decide on appropriate knowledge and
communication skills acquired in
methods in a range of the four chapters
 Demonstrate an different scenarios. covering the
awareness of  A game shall be used marketing mix.
communication barriers. to introduce the idea
of communication All assessments
barriers. This shall shall be timed and
involve learners done in school.
passing a message
from one person to the
 A class discussion
shall be held to discuss
ways to overcome
 Learners shall analyze
different problems and
write short reports
suggesting ways in
which communication
could be improved.
2-3 Marketing, Students should be able to: Karen
 Understand the role of  The topic shall start by Borrington and
competition and marketing and why it is asking learners what Peter Stimpson
the customer important for businesses they understand by Page 132 -141
to satisfy the needs of ‘marketing’. They
both existing and new shall write their ideas YouTube
customers. down and share with
one another. Newspapers
 The teacher shall
explain that marketing Extension
is more than just activity:
selling goods and lead learners to
a class discussion on practice
the role of marketing. questions from
exam style
 An introduction of the question pages
ideas of different types 142
of markets, customer
needs, customer
loyalty and building
customer relationships
shall be done. This
shall be followed by
an illustration of how
one market could be

 Identify and explain the  The terms ‘niche’ and

benefits and limitations ‘mass’ marketing shall
of each approach to be explained.
marketing: niche and
mass.  In groups/pairs
learners shall, learners
shall classify local
products using criteria
such as how the
products look, price,
promotion and where
it is sold.

 The benefits and

limitations of niche
and mass marketing
shall be discussed.

 Identify how and why  An example of an

market segmentation is advertisement such as
undertaken, being able candy targeted at
to select and justify an children shall be used
appropriate method of to introduce the idea
segmentation in given of ‘segmentation’.
 A class discussion
about the different
ways a market could
be segmented shall be
held. This could
include age, gender,

 Learners shall identify

and show how
different products such
as motor vehicles
could be segmented.
The unit shall end with
a discussion of the
importance of
segmentation in

3-4 Market research Students should be able to: Karen

 Understand the need for  A video clip shall be Borrington and
market research and the used to introduce the Peter Stimpson
methods used. need for market Page 143 -156
 In groups, learners YouTube
shall discuss what
information a business Newspapers
needs to know about articles
the market and why
this information is Extension
needed. activity:
learners to
 The three types of practice
research shall be questions from
introduced; market, exam style
primary and secondary question pages
research. 157

 Learners shall be
provided with a
scenario such as a
business wanting to
introduce a new
product or venture in a
different country, to
decide on the most
appropriate method of
research to use.

 The term ‘sampling’

shall be defined
discussing the
different methods and
why it is needed.

 Present and use market  In groups, learners

research results. shall carry out a
simple market
research exercise
including primary
research, in the school.
They shall present
their findings to the
class in charts and

 With the use of

examples, there shall
be an introduction of
the idea that not all
research is accurate.

4-8 Marketing mix Students should be able to: Karen

 Identify and explain the  Learners shall be Borrington and
costs and benefits of asked to suggest a Peter Stimpson
developing new popular product and Page 158 -201
products. the class shall discuss
what makes a product YouTube
 The term ‘product’ articles
shall be defined
explaining that it can Extension
refer to goods or activity:
services together with learners to
the value added practice
elements. questions from
exam style
 A video clip on question pages
product development 169, 184, 196,
shall be shown with 202
learners constructing a
flowchart with the
main stages of product

 Explain the concept of  The possible costs and

brand image and its benefits of developing
impact on sales and a new product shall be
customer loyalty. discussed using an
example of a new
 Identify and explain the product.
role of packaging.
 An example of a
branded item such as
jewelry shall be shown
to the class. Learners
shall then discuss what
they know about the
product and the factors
to consider such as
price, quality,

 In groups, learners
shall compare the
brands for a particular
product such as
mobile phones with a
study of how products
change in relation to
recent developments.
 Draw and interpret a  A class discussion
product life cycle shall be held on what a
diagram. Identify and brand is and its impact
explain the main stages on sales and
of the product life cycle, customers.
including extension
strategies and explain  Learners shall be
how stages of the asked to look at the
product life cycle can packaging of two
influence marketing products at home and
decisions. prepare notes to
explain the role
packaging plays. They
shall therefore present
their findings to the

 Two different product

life cycles shall be
drawn on the board
from the examples
used previously.
Learners shall discuss
what they notice about
the two different

 Identify and explain the  In groups, learners

main pricing methods shall research the main
and be able to select and features of each stage
recommend an and its impact on
appropriate pricing possible marketing
method in given decisions.
 A class discussion
shall be held about the
 Understand the different ways a
significance of price business could extend
elasticity of demand. the life of a given

 Learners shall
compare the prices of
a consumer article
between different
brands and outlets and
compare the results.

 The pricing methods

shall be defined; price
skimming, penetration
pricing, competitive
pricing, cost-plus
pricing and
promotional pricing.

 Learners shall be
divided into groups.
Each group shall
research on one
pricing method and
present to the class.
The information shall
 Identify and explain the be used to discuss the
advantages and possible situations
disadvantages of when each method of
different channels and pricing might be used.
be able to select and
justify an appropriate  The term ‘price
distribution channel in elasticity’ shall be
given circumstances. introduced using
examples to show the
difference between
elastic and inelastic

 Identify and explain the  A worked example of

aims of promotion, how a business can
explaining the use knowledge of
advantages and price elasticity of
disadvantages of demand when making
different methods of pricing decisions.
promotion and explain
how they influence  A worksheet shall be
sales. issued to check

 The term ‘distribution

channel’ shall be
introduced. This shall
be followed by the
definition of
wholesaler, agent and

 Learners shall identify

suitable methods of
distribution for a
number of different
products such as cars,

 Explain the importance  An image of a certain

of marketing budget and form of promotion
the need for cost shall be shown.
effectiveness in Learners shall be
spending the marketing asked to identify and
budget. explain it.

 Identify the explain the  The term ‘promotion’

concept of e-commerce shall be defined and
and the opportunities the class shall discuss
and threats of e- ideas about the role of
commerce for businesses promotion. The
and consumers. importance of
selecting the right
method for a certain
product shall be
explained and the
factors to consider
when choosing a

 Explain how the internet  Learners shall

and social networks are complete a worksheet
used for promotion. on the different
methods of promotion,
including advantages
and disadvantages and
examples of when
each method could be

 ‘Marketing budget’
shall be defined with
the use of an example
to show the need for
cost effectiveness.

 Individually, learners
shall develop their
own promotion or
advertising strategy
for a product of their
choice with a realistic
budget. They should
include a list of factors
they considered when
deciding on the type of
promotion to use.

 Internet shopping sites

shall be shown to the
learners to introduce

 Learners shall decide

which products can or
cannot easily be sold
on the internet and the
reasons why. This
shall lead to a
discussion on the role
and importance of e-
commerce in
Seychelles and how
and why the students
use e-commerce or

 Learners shall research

on the use of social
media in Seychelles
and hold a discussion
as to whether social
media is the best way
to advertise.
9-11 Marketing Students should be able to: Karen
 Justify appropriate  A recap of the Borrington and
strategy marketing strategies in marketing mix (4P’s) Peter Stimpson
a given situation. shall be done followed Page 203 -210
by a discussion of the
idea of a marketing YouTube
 In groups, learners articles
shall create a
marketing strategy for Extension
a new product which activity:
shall be presented to learners to
the whole class for practice
assessment. questions from
exam style
 Learners shall use question pages
local websites and 211
newspapers to explore
local consumer issues
linked to marketing.

 Identify and explain the  A class discussion on

impact of legal controls why and how legal
on marketing. controls are needed on
marketing shall be
held. Learners shall
therefore produce a set
of guidelines outlining
the possible impact of
legal controls on

 An image of one the

world’s best-selling
products shall be
shown. This shall be
followed by an
explanation that not all
products are popular
in all countries. The
idea of why products
need to be adapted for
different markets shall
be discussed.

 Identify and explain the  Learners shall research

opportunities and the different factors
problems of entering that a business needs
new markets abroad and to consider when
understand the benefits entering a new market.
and limitations of
methods to overcome  A presentation of the
such problems. main methods shall be
done; joint ventures,
licensing and
franchises. The
advantages and
disadvantages of each
shall be discussed.

 Learners shall be
presented with two
different scenarios and
discuss which factors
are likely to influence
the success of each

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