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Major Project

Study on digital marketing strategies

Submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirementsfor the award
of the degree of



Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Under the Guidance of:- Submitted By:-

MS. MEGHA MOHAN Name:- Ayush Bhatia
Enrollment No:- 01917001720
Programme:- BBA
Semester:- 5th
Shift:- 1st
Division:- A

To Whom It May Concern

I Ayush Bhatia Enrolment No. 01917001720 from BBA-VI Sem, Shift MORNING of the
Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi hereby declare that the major project Study
on digital marketing strategies entitled DIGITAL MARKETING TOWARDS
DIGIBOX ONLINE is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any
other Institute for the award of any other degree. A presentation of the Major project
Report was made on DIGITAL MARKETING and the suggestions as approved by the
faculty were duly incorporated.

Date: Signature of the Student :

Certified that the Major Project submitted in partial fulfillment of BACHELOR OF

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (BBA) to be awarded by G.G.S.I.P. University, Delhi
by Ayush Bhatia Enrolment No. 01917001720 has been completed under my guidance
and is Satisfactory.

Date: Signature of the Faculty Guide :

Name of the Guide :
Designation :

I acknowledge here to all who have been instrumental in preparation of my project.

I would like to express a deep sense of gratitude of my faculty guide for his cordial
support, valuable information and guidance, which helped me in completing task
throughout various stages.

I acknowledge my gratitude to my parents whose support, dedication and honest

efforts have given me an immense help in doing this project.

Last but not the least I record my sincere thanks to all beloved and respectable

persons who helped me and could find any separate mention.

Thank You

With immense satisfaction I have completed my training program at .

Ayush Bhatia

BBA Div A 6th SEM


Enrollment no. - 01917001720

S Topic Page No
1 Overview 5-16
2 Chapter I: Introduction 17-30
3 Chapter II: Review of Literature 31-44
4 Chapter III: Research Methodology 45-50
5 Chapter IV: Data Reduction, Presentation & Analysis 51-56
6 Chapter V: Data Interpretation 57-66
7 Chapter VI: Conclusions 67-68
8 Learning Points 69-71
9 Bibliography 77-75


1. Overview
Online marketing is a set of tools and methodologies used for promoting
products and services through the internet. Online marketing includes a
wider range of marketing elements than traditional business marketing
due to the extra channels and marketing mechanisms available on the

Online marketing can deliver benefits such as:

 Growth in potential
 Reduced expenses
 Elegant communications
 Better control
 Improved customer service
 Competitive advantage

Online marketing is also

known as internet marketing,
web marketing, or digital
marketing. It includes several
branches such as social media
marketing (SMM), search
engine optimization (SEO),
pay-per-click advertising
(PPC), and search engine
marketing (SEM)

Effective online marketing programs leverage consumer data and

customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Online marketing
connects organizations with qualified potential customers and takes
business development to a much higher level than traditional marketing.

It also helps a company raise its brand awareness by establishing its

online presence across the Internet.

Online marketing combines the internet's creative and technical tools,
including design, development, sales
and advertising, while focusing on the
following primary business models:

 E-commerce.
 Lead-based websites.
 Affiliate marketing.
 Local search.
 Social media.

Online marketing has several advantages, including:

Low costs

Large audiences are reachable at a fraction of traditional advertising

budgets, allowing businesses to create appealing consumer ads. Many
advertising platforms also allow for scalable ads with different levels of
reach that are proportioned to the advertising budget. Rather than
committing a large amount of money to advertising, smaller companies
can spend a small amount and still increase their reach.

Flexibility and convenience

Consumers may research and purchase products and services at their

leisure. Business blogs can be used to let consumers and prospects
conduct their own research on the business's products as well as provide
their feedback and reviews.


Efficient statistical results are facilitated without extra costs. Many

advertising tools include their own analytics platforms where all data
can be neatly organized and observed. This facilitates business
intelligence efforts and data-driven decision making.

Multiple options

Advertising tools include pay-per-click advertising, email marketing,

interstitial ads and banners, social media advertising, and local search
integration (like Google Maps). Digital marketing companies usually
offer their services across various online advertising channels by tuning
their offer to the individual client’s needs.

Demographic targeting

Consumers can be demographically targeted much more effectively in

an online rather than an offline process. Coupled with the increased
analytics potential explained above, organizations can improve their
targeting over time, have a clearer understanding of their customer base,
and create specific offers that are shown only to certain demographics.

The main limitation of online marketing is the lack of tangibility, which

means that consumers are unable to try out, or try on items they might
wish to purchase. Generous return policies are the main way to
circumvent such buyer apprehension.

Online marketing has outsold traditional advertising in recent years and

continues to be a high-growth industry.

Online marketing is any web-based strategy, method, or tool used to

increase the awareness of a company’s brand and its products or
services. The primary goal of online marketing is to reach potential
customers by targeting the places where they spend the most time online
(e.g. searching, shopping, and using social media). There are various
methods that you can use in online marketing, including search engine
optimization (SEO), email, social media, content marketing, and pay-
per-click advertisements.

Online Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Online marketing is different from traditional marketing in a number of

ways. The primary difference between these two types of marketing is

that online marketing often strives to provide value to its viewers, while
traditional marketing typically only seeks to increase sales. An example
of online marketing could be a blog post created by a cleaning product
company that educates viewers and potential customers on the
importance of non-toxic cleaning ingredients. On the other hand, the
traditional marketing version of this example would be simply inserting
an ad in a newspaper asking readers to buy the cleaning product.

Online marketing also allows

businesses to accurately track
their results as well as provides
detailed analysis so that you
can improve your marketing
strategies. Traditional
marketing typically provides
little or no feedback on your
results and very rarely offers ways to track how well an ad or other
traditional marketing strategy works.

Who Uses Online Marketing?

Nearly every entrepreneur, small business, large company, and

organization can use online marketing to further their reach and success.
For example, an accounting firm may use internet marketing to advertise
its services during the busy tax season. A banking corporation may use
online marketing to increase brand awareness and promote a new credit
card its banks offer. A local retail store may use internet marketing to
sell clothes online as well as promote upcoming in-store sales and
promotions. Almost all companies can benefit from incorporating
internet marketing into their marketing strategy.

The following are the two primary types of businesses that use marketing:

B2B Companies

A B2B company, or business-to-business organization, is a company
that sells products or services to other businesses. For example,
CopyPress is a B2B company that offers content marketing services to
other businesses. We provide quality content that improves their online
marketing strategies and helps them achieve their goals. B2B companies
typically use online marketing to generate quality leads that result in
interested companies speaking with a salesperson. They might accomplish
this by using internet marketing on their website as well as their other
digital channels such as LinkedIn or Facebook.

B2C Companies

A B2C, or business-to-consumer company, is one that sells products or

services directly to consumers. Digital marketing is especially useful for
B2C companies because it can often help them make sales without
having a customer speak with a salesperson or go to a physical store
location. For example, if a customer sees an advertisement on Facebook
for your product, they can click that advertisement and it will take them
directly to your website. Then, the customer has the choice to purchase
the product from your e-commerce store.

Types of Online Marketing There are several types of online marketing

that a business can utilize. The most commonly recognized and used
of online marketing

1. Content

Content marketing is
a primary form of
online marketing that
companies often
incorporate into
nearly every other

type of digital marketing. It involves using content on the internet to
increase brand awareness, provide valuable information to potential and
current customers, generate leads, and increase traffic. The primary
objective of content marketing is typically to create and distribute relevant
and valuable content that attracts a certain demographic and increases
the likelihood of turning these viewers into customers. The following are
a few types of content marketing most companies use:

 Infographics
 Blog posts
 White papers
 eBooks
 Videos
 Podcasts

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization includes several tactics that can increase

your website’s visibility on search engines. For example, a company
may use SEO strategies to help their website rank as the first result when
someone searches “dry cleaning Las
Vegas” in the Google search
engine. As a result of ranking
higher in particular searches,
a company may experience
increased organic traffic to
their website as well as a
higher rate of quality leads.
There are several key
strategies that companies use
to boost their SEO, including:

 Improving readability: Making your content more readable keeps

people on the page, which can improve your bounce rate and

conversion rate. Consider adding things like bullet-point lists and
headings to increase readability.
 Targeting keywords: Targeting specific keywords helps search
engines understand who your content is for and what it’s about.
That way when someone enters a similar search query, the search
engine can display your content as relevant information.
 Generating backlinks: Backlinks occur when another website
links to your content. These show Google and other search engines
that your website and content are high quality, which can improve
its search engine ranking.
 Adding metadata: Metadata is information that directly tells
search engines what your content is about, so they show it to the
right people. This includes a meta description as well as titles and
alt text for your content’s images.

3. Pay Per Click (PPC)

Pay-per-click advertisements are ads on websites and search engines that

direct people to a company’s website or online store. As you can
probably determine from the name, these advertisements then charge your
company every time someone clicks
on them. For example, you
may create an ad for your
website using Google Ads.
Google then displays this
ad on search results for a
specific keyword of your
choosing. In return, you pay
Google Ads 50 cents each
time someone clicks on the
ad and visits your website. Other common PPC channels include
Facebook ads, Instagram promotional campaigns, and Twitter ad

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a popular online marketing tool that companies use

for a variety of reasons. Many companies rely on email marketing to
inform potential and existing customers of sales, events, discounts, and
new products. They may also use email marketing to help generate more
website traffic by including links to the company’s website in the email.
Examples of types of emails you may send as part of email marketing

 Welcome emails for new customers

 Subscription newsletters, such as from a blog that is updated weekly
 Promotions
 Loyalty program information
 Follow-up emails after a visitor downloads something or provides
their contact information
 Series emails that nurture customer retention

This type of marketing feels more personal to your target audience

because you send the information directly to their inbox. That can help
you build stronger relationships with your customers and allow you to
personalize different messages. For example, let’s say someone makes a
purchase from your e-commerce store. You can send an email thanking
them for their purchase and asking how they like the product.

5. Social Media

Social media
marketing includes
using various social
media channels to
connect with your
target audience and
increase your

company’s or brand’s overall online presence. You can also use this
form of marketing to drive traffic to your website and increase sales. The
most common social media platforms used for online marketing include
Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Social media marketing has become more important for companies in

recent years. More people than ever rely on social media to learn about
new products and nearly three billion users have a social media account.
As a result, social media is a prime place to implement online marketing
and promote your business. There are both paid and non-paid social media
marketing options and how you approach marketing on social media will
vary depending on your target demographic and the platforms you use.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is when a company provides a marketer with a

commission for advertising its products or services. For example, if you
are a company that sells house
plants, you may work with a
house plant blogger. The
blogger would promote your
products on their blog and
receive a commission for every
purchase made through their
link to your website. The sales
are tracked through a unique
link that you provide for the
affiliate marketer you’re
working with.

The most common way to pay an affiliate is through pay-per-click, pay-

per-lead, or pay-per-sale. This type of online marketing provides
benefits for both the affiliate and the company that the affiliate is
promoting and can be profitable for both parties. That’s because the
affiliate marketer generates income through their content and the
company only has to pay for the marketing after they generate an

Examples of Online Marketing

The following are examples of how well-known companies use online

marketing to increase their brand awareness and gain customers:


This well-known activewear brand initially began

by only offering yoga attire. However, through
the strategic use of social media marketing, the
brand discovered the activewear preferences of
its target audience. It has since evolved to offer a
variety of
casual wear and activewear and has become a household name in the

Lululemon used Facebook’s targeted ad online marketing program to

show their advertisements to users who had previously engaged with
competing brands.


Uber is one of the most well-known driving services, and this

company’s online marketing strategies play a large role in the
global recognition. One
example of how Uber
uses online marketing to
increase its brand
awareness and drive
sales is through email
marketing and
segmentation. The
company collects
geographical data from
its current customers to
target new customers through segmented email campaigns.
Most notably, Uber will send select demographics in certain areas emails
promoting the company before or during a big event in the potential or
current customers’ location. This keeps Uber at the forefront of a
person’s mind as they try to navigate traffic and parking as a result of
the event and increases sales for the company.


The famous shoe brand Nike

has dramatically increased
its sales and reach by
turning the recent influencer
trend into one of its primary
online marketing strategies.
One way Nike has used the
power of influencers to
broaden its brand awareness.

They did this by researching and finding

some of the most influential trendsetters in the social media world. The company

then commissioned them to

collaboratewithNike to
design their ownlineof

Chapter I: Introduction

2. Introduction
DIGIBOX ONLINE is a leading Online Reputation Management and Digital
Marketing firm helping organizations with their digital needs.

Climbing the ladder of success was that extra bit difficult,

without us!

Weave in magic to your business, vanish the negative links of

you reflecting in search results, let your ROI worries be over
and create that kickass online presence through a seamless
blend of Online Reputation Management and Digital
Marketing. We
know that even a negligible negative remark about you or your business
immensely bothers you for the fact that reputation is the biggest asset of present
times and in virtual world it just takes a couple of clicks for the negative to spread
further, ultimately fetching you a bad name. As a result, you end up witnessing a
decline in existing customer base as well as prospects.

DIGIBOX ONLINE is a leading Online Reputation Management and Digital

Marketing firm helping organizations with their evolving needs to keep the
negative search results out of sight and maintain apposite presence online via good
sequence of links appearing in the initial pages of Online search results. Hence at
Digibox Online, we strongly believe that Online Reputation Management and
Digital Marketing go hand in hand to achieve best results. Being the experts in
Online Reputation Management, we first analyze your online presence and then
suggest the combination of services that best meet your needs.

You can take in a pie from our services easily – we have a plethora of services
including social media management, digital content management, online reputation
repair, viral marketing, brand management, and more. These services are
especially crafted with the intent to serve the ever increasing client’s needs to
fulfill both online reputation management as well as digital marketing needs.

Further, you’re worried about creating an online niche for yourself – with millions
of websites, it can get little difficult to get noticed. Our experience and expertise
means that we have a magic wand when it comes to making websites rise on the
search engines and attracting more business opportunities. Our sole aim is to help
you get your business to a new level of success and gain more business.

Our website development brings in the amount of freshness your site needs and our
online reviews management and online advertisement campaigns ensure that
you’re able to increase your customer base. Ranking on the first page of Google
with our SEO services is easy too!

Services offered….

We suppress the negative links and enhance search results to improve the
reputation over search engine.


How good does your brand look online? In the digital age, internet is now the new
first impression. Instead of asking for references, users search Google. A negative
review can damage your business and online reputation is to be treasured. So, how

do you deal with negative reputation?

Your site traffic and sales can go down if negative reviews are not attended in
timely manner. Often, dealing with negative reviews is easier than you
think. We strive ourselves is online reputation repair services. We can repair your
reputation over websites, blog posts, social media, and images. Regaining your lost
reputation is easy with us. We will remove the negative links, content and images.
We would introduce new targeted, effective and organized content to suppress the
negative content.

Our Online Reputation Repair services include:

 We try to remove the negative, inaccurate, misleading and damaging

content from the internet.

 If removal is not possible, we try to suppress the negative content by adding
more appropriate content, so that search results show positive content first.
 We neutralize the bad press, reports, and blog posts to help customers read
all the nice things they did before the malicious reviews were posted
 We create positive information that shows you the expert in your field.
With our specialized team, we can also manage the reputation of client’s online
business on request, so that negative reputations are avoided in future.


We maintain all the social media assets including Facebook, Twitter, and
LinkedIn for the client.

How are you using social media to leverage in on customer growth and sales

Social media monitoring tools are important for marketing any website or business.
It allows you to search, analyze, and track conversation on the web about a
different topic of interest. This is where social media management comes in. We
help market our clients’ products and services over social media.

We have a team of professionals ready to create as well as maintain clients’ social

media assets, which includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and many
more. Be it your identity, reputation, conversations, sharing over these social
media platforms, we manage to link the functional building blocks around your
brand. We engage and improve the experience of people in our network. We help
to expand your network giving wider user base for your website.

Our social media management services include:

 Unique content that promotes your business is shared.

 We manage all the social media assets.
 We customize the Facebook page with cover and profile image to create
your branding
 We customize your Twitter page with matching background and profile
 Direct interaction with customers means personal touch and ensures that the
project remains on track
 We employ a content manager to build a social media strategy.
 We also manage the social media-based ad campaigns.
With our highly skilled professionals, we can handle any social media marketing
campaign or management needs.


We offer all required contents to the client including blogs, articles, press
releases, website content etc.

How much are you focusing on content? High-quality content that’s relevant and
engaging can do wonders – and Google knows it too. Content is the king, and you
need to ensure quality content to allow your website to stay ahead of the
competition. All search engines scan through the content to determine the ranking
of the websites.

Today, with ever-changing search engine algorithms, website requires more

relevant, useful, and quality content. You can employ any kind of SEO strategy to

achieve higher rankings, but if there is no good content out there on your site, it’s
going to be difficult to rank.

Our digital content management services include the following:

 We offer Blog writings, article writings, website content, Press releases,

 Our team takes care of the SEO according to latest algorithm changes on
search engines.
 We not only create but manage the content for our clients.
 We use the best tools and content management systems such as WordPress.
 We strive to offer unique, plagiarism free and high-quality content to our
We take care of all kinds of content requirements.

With our highly skilled, creative, and qualified content writers, you have the best
possible tool to create the right kind of content for your website as well as other
platforms where you need to be present. Our content marketing strategy ensures
that you drive in quality backlinks and create a brand image that drives in customer


We manage you viral marketing campaign on all major platforms to achieve

desired goal.

Looking to increase sales and drive in more ROI? You are probably looking at
viral marketing.

A popular strategy in the present day, viral marketing will help spread the news
faster and to a larger audience. More, you don’t really have to worry about paying
everyone as users love to share good and engaging content – viral marketing builds
brand loyalty and trust.

If done well, it is intelligent, progressive, flexible, and concrete and uses latest
marketing trends. Our method of viral marketing is always customized according
to the objective of the client, buyers, and competition.

Our Viral Marketing services include:

 We customize the strategy for all the platforms such as Facebook, and Twitter.
 We create Facebook pages or Twitter handles that can instantly be hit.
 We also offer YouTube marketing by creating a video that could go viral. It
is one of the best platforms for viral marketing.
 Blogging and article marketing is another platform that we tend to take
advantage of.
 We implement analytics and tracking systems for effective measurement of
viral campaigns.
We employ best professionals to create such viral elements featuring your products
or services. Moreover, our strategies are designed according to each client, their
brand presence online, their needs, and their services or products.


We manage your brand on search engines by adopting apt strategies to rank

clients’ links higher on the results.

Your brand is as good as people make it out to be. Public perception drives in
customer loyalty and brand image.

When creating a brand image online, you need to think out of the box. With our
customized services, we can help you to establish your company as a credible
name for a particular sector or segment. For instance, if you run a restaurant in
New Delhi, you might want to get featured on the first page of Google for the term
“Best restaurants in New Delhi”.

We help you achieve it, and in turn enable you to bring in more returns. We will
help your company name appear with the most searched long tail keywords,
enabling you to interact with a diverse customer base and increase sales.

How do you deal with brand management online? With our brand management
services, we help customers read the right information. They understand what you
offer and are less likely to change their mind by reading the negative feedback. A
proactive approach that helps dealing with negative customer feedback ensures that
existing and potential customers are not affected by negative reviews. We offer
you the most sophisticated strategies to manage your branding online.

Customized Brand Management Campaigns

With us, you can do more than just visitors. With our targeted brand management
campaigns, there is visible increase in audience engagement rate and brand
following. You are able to interact with potential customers and ensure that you
have a reader base that’s interested in what you’ve to offer.

Our Brand Management service includes the following:

 We clean the negative links, content or images and make sure only the
positive content of the company remains on top ranks.
 We will search the apt long tail keywords to help you feature on page one of
 We ensure that your identity on internet remains, unique, positive, and fresh.
 We also enhance your SEO and presence online through effective measures.
 We protect your brand against any negative reputation by devising strategic
brand management campaigns to counter the negative. Before it grows to
major issue, we remove it from the source.

 We also reduce the visible complaints or negative reviews against your
With us, it’s easy to succeed. We employ a highly experienced team in order to
manage your brand and protect it. Contact us today to know more how we can help
you with brand management!


We review both services oriented as well as product-oriented companies.

How do you deal with online reviews? If you’re in the hospitality industry, you are
probably scared of negative reviews in Yelp. Online reviews management is
essential if you want to do good business. Users now search for reviews to learn
more about the product or service. Any negative review can affect the sales of any

A good online review management service provider can help you tackle the
problem of online review management – we will help ensure that the problems are
addressed right away. A simple message to the user or an explanation can help
readers understand the true picture.

We understand that there is an increasing demand for online reviews management,

and we know what bad review can do to your company. We use highly effective
strategies to reduce or remove these bad reviews for all sources and add positive
review to repair the reputation damage.

Our Online Reviews Management service include following:

o We monitor major review sites like Google, Yelp, Facebook, Yellow
Pages, Foursquare, and Yahoo to seek out the bad reviews and address
o We work on all platforms and add new positive reviews, so that the
negative reviews can be suppressed on search engines.
o The client is notified every time they receive new review through email.
o We focus more on creating a positive branding of the business.
We employ strategies, which are customized for each client and effective enough
to keep their website higher on the search engine results.


We manage ad campaigns on social media as well as on search engines for

creating leads.

How is your business coming along? Online advertising is one of the best ways to
promote your product or services to a targeted audience. You pay only for the
clicks or impressions and the results are direct unlike SEO, which can take months
for visible results. You do not have to take care more of SEO instead; you pay to
bring the traffic directly to your website.

How effective is your online campaign?

We understand that online campaigns involve a lot of money and so it’s important
that you maximize your ROI. No doubt, naturally generated traffic is highly
profitable however it is time consuming. This time period may go between 6-12

months fetching zero return; hence may not be acceptable for all businesses in
desire of an instant requirement of leads. Our expertise in online advertisement
help companies to bring more targeted traffic to their website with minimum cost.

Online Advertisement services that we provide include:

 Pay per click or PPC, is a popular online advertisement service where you
pay for every click or impression on your advertisement.
 Display Network Advertising. This is similar to PPC but it reaches out more
users as it uses targeted keywords in a unique way.
 Banner advertising. You pay for the space on a popular website to display
the ad of your website.
 Social media advertising to help you grab eyeballs of users in the social
media sites like Facebook.
These strategies are necessary for websites based on e-commerce.


We develop and maintain a website for client with all the necessary elements.

Which web platform are you using for your site? Your web development needs
will vary according to your company. An eCommerce site can be better off using
Shopify than WordPress while your business site would surely do good by using

Website development is a major stage for any company – it is the platform to

launch their online presence. How much have you focused on having a site that’s
UI friendly with high engagement rates and low bounce rates? A sleek design, easy
high-quality content, and powerful SEO can do wonders – you just need experts to
know what’s good for you.

The tasks involved in web development are broad, as it requires a good team of
developers, writers, and designers. We strive to create an engaging website for
your customers.

We have a highly skilled professional team of writers, designers, and developers to

help you have a website that’s loved by all. With higher retention rates, customers
are sure to visit the site time and time again. Our proven SEO strategies ensure that
your website scores well in the longer run.

We follow a systematic development structure, which includes the following


1. Information collection
2. Planning
3. Designing
4. Development
5. Testing
6. Website Management

Our Website Development service includes:

 We offer the WordPress website development. WordPress is a highly

popular platform for website management.
 We offer HTML website development with our experts in coders who can
create a website from scratch according to the client’s need.
We also take care of the SEO, social media marketing, email marketing and other
necessary services to make a website successful.


Get to the top of Google’s rankings with our UI friendly SEO sites.

Is your site SEO optimized?

Have you set up your website and added useful content but are still struggling with
visitor numbers? Driving in quality traffic to a site is a major challenge for any site

Weak Search Engine Optimization on your website often complements to the

problem. Quality SEO services help you
optimize your site to your targeted traffic,
bringing in more quality visitors and
improved search visibility. With changing
search engine algorithms, it is necessary to
hire a SEO professional to help you attract
more traffic.

With our professional skills, you will

improve your online visibility. Our SEO
packages are designed to offer you value.
We use the most updated strategies and
tools to make sure your website is SEO
optimized as well as contains quality

Our SEO service include:

We offer comprehensive keyword and website research and analysis. This will be
the beginning of optimizations of your site.

• We offer link building from quality sources and also help you manage and
track all the links.

• With content writing or blog set up we help you to optimize the website with
the content of highest level.

• Moreover, we can offer press release, directory submission, and indexing by

the search engines.

Chapter II: Review of

3. Literature Review
A Literature Review on Digital Marketing: The Evolution of a Revolution


This literature review aims at providing a comprehensive and consolidated

representation on how Digital Transformation in Marketing has, so far, influenced
value making for businesses and discuss prospective ways ahead. In particular,
current key concepts that need to be redefined have been spotted, as well as
challenges in the digital
marketing sector that need to be
tackled with regards, especially,
to social media and mobile
marketing. A new structured
approach is proposed on how
businesses can stay up to date,
exploiting the advantages, while
minimizing the effects of
disadvantages, of an almost
inescapable decision to adopt,
develop and implement a Digital Marketing Strategy. Future in marketing seems to
embrace augmented and virtual reality as it’s natural progression, therefore,
technology along with development and adoption of specific organizational
capabilities and management tools respectively, integration of robust business
processes, such as effective media derived data conversion and resource
transformation exchange, and certainly, acquisition of invaluable human expertise,
provide a solid basis for businesses to stay competitive in a fast changing and
challenging marketplace. A systematic, five-step research method process for
literature review has been used, taking into consideration article publication year
2020 onwards, from credible academic database sources.


It is rather uncontested that for the last 20 years, marketing has seen a shift in what
is known as ‘the Digital Transformation’ of marketing, widely accepted and
investigated by both practitioners and academics. Digital advertisements, e-
commerce, mobile services, just to name a few technologies, have led to a
revolution in how to interact with and provide products and services to
consumers (Li et al.,

2021). However, due to the ever-changing nature of digital ecosystem, it is
imperative that businesses keep up to date through evolutionary approaches in the
way they attract, interact, connect, network and integrate consumers by means of a
Digital Marketing Strategy (Unvan & Badlo, 2021). COVID-19 Pandemic acted as
an enabler by pushing people in the direction of adopting social media and other
web applications for their entertainment, socialization, shopping and keeping up
with the news, amongst other activities. Taking a concrete look at marketing,
pandemic has put an emphasis on social media and mobile marketing (Mason et
al., 2021). Numbers are indisputable: More than half of global population, around
four billion people, are active social media users and almost all of them, 98.8 %,
accessing social media platforms via mobile devices (Table 1). Those marketers
who've used social media for one year or longer reported substantially better
results driving traffic vs. those with less experience. However, offline purchase
intentions still surpassing online ones (Dubbelink et al., 2021; Mason et al., 2021;
Patil et al., 2021; Statista 2022).


Many research papers and

articles on Digital Marketing
provide in-depth analysis. The
following are some of the
findings from some of the
research papers:

Gangeshwer (2013), this

paper deals with the
conceptual knowledge of e-commerce & motivating factors of shopping online. In
the 21 st century, with the rapid increase in use of internet, e- commerce is set to
play a very important role in providing new opportunities to both large and small
corporations. Thus online commerce is destined to grow in revenue and geographic
reach in India.

Nadaraja and Yazdanifard (2013), in their study aims to uncover the benefits
and drawbacks of social media marketing. It's a cutting-edge tool for marketers
looking to connect with their target audiences. The medium has a lot of advantages
and disadvantages, and businesses are still trying to figure out how to overcome

Trivedi (2013), the study focuses on the importance of various marketing practices
and utilizing various marketing tools by Small and Medium sized Enterprises. It
suggests that SME’s innovative marketing strategies can work only on the basis of
clearly formulated marketing program i.e to reach to the potential and existing
customers. Further it also suggest to consider the 80-20 principle by SME’s before
formulating Customer Relationship Management strategy.

Yasmin, Tasneem, and Fatima (2015), focused on the importance of digital

marketing, stating that digital marketing is the use of electronic media by
marketers to promote items or services into the market. Digital marketing's major
goal is to attract customers and allow them to interact with the company via digital
media. Their research looked at several types of digital marketing, their success,
and the impact it has on a company's sales.

Sathya (2015), investigated the impact of Digital marketing and suggested that
Digital Marketing is an umbrella phrase for the promotion of products or services
using digital technology, mostly the Internet, but also including mobile phones,
display advertising, and any other digital medium.

Kaushik (2016), in its paper mentioned that the Digital marketing is in great
demand and its use is increasing in India. Digital marketing has greater prospects
to increase sales, brand recognition & loyalty in effective manner. The paper also
suggests that by Campaigning through Digital Marketing, it can help to reduce
costs, boost inbound traffic and can rank better in search engines.

Todar (2016), suggests that the

use of traditional marketing is
deteriorating day by day due to
extensive use of internet by the
young consumers for online
shopping. Further the study also
reflects that the use of traditional
marketing still prevails among
the matured group of customers.
So the paper concluded that one
of the best solution for a
company is to try to make a combination of the two strategies i.e blending of
traditional & digital marketing that will cater the needs of matured group of

Mathur (2016), this paper suggests the importance and benefits of Digital
Marketing. It also highlights that Govt of India is taking initiatives like Digital
India which is a new way of connecting and informing population across the globe.
This initiative has turned the attention of the world towards the emerging
development in digitalization. Though Digitilization, Indian scenario is far-fetched
and the acceptance among the masses is a positive sign to empower India digitally.

Kannan and Li (2017), aim was to schedule a research strategy in Digital

Marketing. The researchers attempted to provide a complete definition of digital
marketing. They've also created
and projected a supporting
framework that highlights critical
moments in the marketing
process, as well as the marketing
strategy process, where digital
technologies play an important
part. They also conclude that
Digital Marketing has to be
reviewed in collaborations with
all the stakeholders and future
researcher can critically look at the issues that was outlined with appropriate data
from field experiments and observation studies.

Yamin Ahmad Bin (2017), mentioned that Digital Marketing is the promotion of
products or brands through one or more kinds of electronic media, as opposed to
traditional marketing, which is the use of channels and procedures that allow a
company to assess marketing campaigns. The study recommends that an integrated
communication plan
to be included that
would provide as a
guide to plan
strategy for
marketing as well as
to understand the
behaviour. It also

concludes that Digital marketing tools and concepts are widening its horizon due to
the growth in the use of mobile and internet communication among the masses and
so comprehensive inclusions of digital marketing tools and strategies along with
integrated marketing communication can ensure success in the field of marketing.

Krpic, Milic and Istvanic (2017), this paper tries to present digital advertising
technologies, techniques, media,
their advantages & disadvantages.
According to this paper, out of all
the techniques that is been
described, SEO is the most most
important technique for acquiring a
customer organically. It also
concludes that with the
advancement of modern
technologies and devices, even the
most traditional entrepreneurs will
cater to these forms of digitization.

Verma (2018), according to the study, businesses can profit from many channels
of digital marketing and the increased use of social media is generating new
opportunities for digital marketers to attract clients through digital platforms. In
India, according to the study, there is a massive shift toward digitalization.
Furthermore, the article focuses on the wide spectrum of consumers who are
perceiving shopping services through social networking sites as a result of their
ease of access. Digital Marketing, according to the study, is both cost-effective and
has a significant commercial influence on the business.

Bharti (2018), found that the

important reason for a radical
change in the shopping approach
of the Indian consumer is due to
the increasing use of e commerce.
The papers suggests that for the
growth in digital marketing,
marketer should try to identify the
trends and patterns behaviour. The
consumers can also post online
feedback through social media.
social media interaction, the businesses can receive both positive and negative
feedback and can also have direct contact with their customers. This will further
increase their efficiency to run their business through E-Marketing.

Rajaiah and Srinivasulu (2019) concluded that digital marketing is one of the
most cost-effective ways to advertise a product, when compared to other marketing
platforms. People are being influenced by digital marketing and advertising to
purchase and sell online, and e-commerce
is growing. In the following years, the
future of digital marketing in India as
well as the scope of digital marketing
will brighten.

Garcia, Lizcano, Ramos, and Matos

(2019), the results of this study report
were assessed using the Delphi
technique, and its findings suggest that
voice searches via mobile devices, as
well as the
influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), will have a long-term impact on the digital
ecosystem. This study also displays and clarifies the precise steps that must be
taken to attract and keep the business marketing strategy after analysing the
customer's on- line buying process inside the large ecosystem of possibilities
supplied by digital marketing.


India is one of the foremost populated countries within the world, with a
population of 1.3 billion. On the same time, India has the highest number of people
who are not connected to Internet despite having the second largest online market
in the world. This shows the future scope of digital marketing in India.

According to the IAMAI Kantar ICUBE 2020 Report, India is expected to have
900 million active Internet users by2025, up from 622 million in2020, a 45 percent
increase over the next five years.

The internet penetration in urban India as well as rural areas have been
growing at a faster rate. Simultaneously, the scope of digital marketing in
India is also increasing rapidly because the majority of people nowadays using
the web or spending time on the internet.
The scope of digital marketing has seen drastic growth during the COVID-19 and
consumers’ buying behavior has been changed. To prevent disease vectors like as
currency and point of sale (POS) terminals, Indian consumers are progressively
transferring their purchases from instore to online.

This is a descriptive research project that incorporates both quantitative and
qualitative analysis. Secondary data and information were extensively analysed for
the goal of this study (literature review) in order to prepare this report. Secondary
data and information were gathered from a variety of sources, including published
e-books, articles in various journals and periodicals, conference papers, working
papers, company websites for annual reports and CSR activity reports, internal
newsletters, and internet blogs.

In today’s digital age millions of people use and spend their time in browsing
around digital platforms and social media. Businesses people are leveraging on the
popularity of these platforms to promote their business.

The advantages and dis-advantages of digital marketing are given as below: -

 Updated Information on
Products or Services - Consumers
can stay up to date with
information, while companies and
business houses can update
information about their products
and services.
 Information Exchange &
Greater Engagement - Digital
communication can help in exchanging information with more convenient way
at faster rate. Consumers can get engaged with the company’s various
activities by visiting the websites, reading post about the products or services
and can place order online and provide their views / share experience. Internet
provides comprehensive information which helps the customers in making
purchase decision.
 Easy Comparison with Others – There are many companies in market which
promotes same products and services using digital marketing, the customer can
make comparison among these products or services in cost and time friendly
way without visiting a different retail outlets in order to gain knowledge about
the products or services. Companies can display prices, offers, discounts etc on
products or services through digital marketing channel and this makes prices
very clear and transparent for the customers.
 Enables 24/7 Instant Purchase – E-marketing platforms provide 24*7
services to customer. E market has a reach to millions of customers, which is
not possible in traditional mode of marketing, also, with digital marketing,
customers can purchase the products or services instantly.
 Cost efficiency and Personalized Services: Digital marketing is cost
effective solution compared to traditional mass media marketing. Also, it is
possible to create customize offers and programs based on the consumer
profiles and their preferences. Keeping in view the consequences of COVID-
19, Digital Marketing is safe as it has no physical presence required in
reaching out to millions of customers, in short period.


 Dependability on
Technology: Digital
marketing is completely
based on technology and
internet connectivity
also plays a crucial role
in successful
implementation. On the
other hand, still the reach and skill of using digital gadgets / technologies are
challenge for a big chunk of Indian consumers. Thus the reach and access of
digital marketing among all segments of consumers is still a challenge.
 Issues w.r.t Security, Copyright and Privacy : Cyber security is the primary
requirement for successful implementation of digital marketing. The issues
w.r.t online payment frauds are also increasing day by day and that’s why the
many of the consumers don’t trust in the electronic methods of paying and
give up buying online because of this. There are always a threat of being
copied by any competitor, also, the Trademarks or logos can be used to
defraud customers. Apart from the same, the legal considerations in obtaining
consumers data for using in digital marketing strategies needs to be strictly
under the Law of the Country. Protecting the consumers’ data is a challenge
for many of the companies / business houses.
 Mindset of Consumers: Digital marketing is not yet fully accepted by all the
Indian consumers. The digital platforms doesn’t allow the consumer “to touch
and feel” the products before purchasing it. A significant segment of Indian
consumers, especially older ones still don't trust in digital environment and
they prefer to use the traditional methods of shopping. Also, there have been a
lack of trust of the consumers on digital platforms because of many frauds
w.r.t virtual promotions, payments, non-delivery of the products or services as
shown on the portals / posts etc. This effects the image and reputation of
honest companies
 Beyond the reach of Small Business: There is a need of having a trained team
/ manpower to manage the elements of digital marketing. Also, the tools,
platforms and trends change rapidly and it requires to keep up-to-date to meet
the consumers requirement and to complete with the multiple competitors.

These are the major hurdles for small business owners to use digital marketing
strategies for expansion and to reach large number of consumers.
Complaints, Consumer Feedback and Anti Brand Activities – Many times
competitors use anti brand activist, bloggers, and opinions leaders to criticize the
image of certain brand which impact the business. Also, the using digital platform,
consumers can provide any negative feedback or criticism of the brand on open
domain which can be visible by any other consumers visiting the post / portals or
social media and review websites. Thus, carrying out effective online customer
service is a challenge in protecting from damage of brand reputation.


Following are some points to be followed to overcome various challenges:
 Understanding Tools and Technology : There is a need to understand the
basic concepts of digital marketing tools and technologies w.r.t operations and
implementation. This will help in deciding on the right tools, technologies,
software, social media platforms, content and strategies for implementing
digital marketing tactics. Business houses can utilize digital tools and
platforms to target advertising, create leads, analyse campaign efficacy, and
make databacked suggestions about discounts and other management
 Know Your Customers: In digital marketing, ROI is depends on proper
segmentation of the consumers / audience. The digital content needs to be
created truly as per the customers to make better impact and connect with
them, which leads to an increase in traffic and leads for the business. The
consumers want to feel a personal connection with store or brands and the
digital marketing tools enables the business houses to connect with their
customers by suggesting them to buy products or services based on their
previous browsing or buying behavior. Also, there are platforms available to
send personalized emails or messages alerting the customers to buy or
customized the products and services and provide offers based on their
shopping history. Thus to meet the expectations of the consumers, one should
know the customer.
 Customer First Policy: The mechanism of feedback, review and complaints
should be an essential part of the digital marketing strategy and based on the
reviews of the consumers, appropriate course correction in the strategies to be
adopted and if required, the quality of the product / service should be
improved. Also, there should be a Quick response to the queries of the
customer. To build the trust between customer and businesses, the satisfied
customers should be turned into promoters for the brand using digital
marketing tools and platforms. The satisfied customers will promote the
products and services to friends and

family, while unsatisfied customers will destroy the brand image and not only
might churn, but they could dissuade potential new customers to buy the
 Creating and Sustaining a Brand: To gain the trust of the consumers and to
survive, creation of brand is one of the most important aspects without which
the business becomes just another faceless name in gamut of advertisements.
Strategies to be designed to keep the consumer demands the same brand.
Digital marketing, through social media or other means engages the customers
and help in building the brand.
 Appropriate Government Policies: To develop India's digital economy, the
government has adopted a number of initiatives and efforts, ranging from
clarifying legislation to enhancing infrastructure. However, India still has a
long way to go in terms of realizing its full digital potential. The policies
should be supportive to encourage the small business peoples & houses to use
digital platforms. On the same time the digital infrastructure, laws and policies
should also protect the consumers from frauds, cybercrimes and fake
marketing. To reap the full benefits of digitization and transitioning India to a
digital economy, the private industries, business leaders, small and medium
retailers, government, and individual citizens will have to play distinct roles
and work together.

The internet’s penetration has been increased and India has become 2nd largest
number of internet users in the world. There is a need to implement a holistic
digital marketing strategies which can make the marketing more effective and
ensures good return from investment for both the consumers as well as the sellers.
In recent past, there is a paradigm shift in the marketing approach of the
consumers. The preference and trends changes frequently and consumers have
become more aware of brands and lifestyle according to need and occasions. With
digital marketing it is possible to target every individual consumers in personalized
manner. One should accept that today’s customer are Internet savvy and much
more aware and knowledgeable on the advantages & disadvantages, price, trend
etc of the product or services they want.
With the introduction of COVID-19, consumers all over the world were confined
to their homes for extended periods of time, resulting in a significant shift in
consumer behaviour. People have begun to use digital technologies and have made
them a normal part of their life, and this will continue whether there is a pandemic
or not. Digital marketing is also growing to keep up with new technology

and changing customer tastes, which will enable businesses of all sizes incorporate
digital marketing as a necessary component of their survival and growth.

Chapter III: Research

4. Research Methodology
Research Methodology is a specific procedure or techniques used to identify
select, processand analyze information about a topic. This simply refers to practical
“how” of any given piece of research. More specifically, it’s about how a
researcher systematically designs a study to ensure valid and reliable results that
address the research objective.


The research design refers to

the overall strategy that you
choose to integrate the different
components of the study in a
coherent and logical way,
thereby, ensuring you will
effectively address the
research problem; it
constitutes the blueprint for the
collection, measurement, and
analysis of data. Research
Design is simply the framework
or plan for a study, which is
used as a guide in collecting
and analyzing the
data. As the objective of the research is Descriptive in form, the research design is
Objective. These are the studies,which are related with describing the
characteristics of a particular individual, or of a group.

Exploratory research is used to reveal facts and details around a topic and forms
foundation for research process. It finds the correct variables, the researcher needs
in order to begin the study, understand its basic elements and form a hypothesis.
Before the researcher explores an in-depth issue, it needs to decide on specific
topic, the existing problem within the topic and its key variables.

This type of research is premised on describing a phenomenon, behavior or
problem discovered in an earlier stage of research, usually in exploratory research.

describes the nuances of a population, a variable occurrence that a researcher
requires further study on.

It focuses on what, how, when and where of a study rather than on why. It is a
Quantitative form of research; it is appropriate for creating statistics. A strong
content Marketing strategy relies on putting out original insights. This can be
accomplished when you opt for a primary method of data collection that is

Data collection is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting
data, for example, as part of a process improvement or similar project. The purpose
of data collection is to obtain information to keep on record, to make decisions
about important issues, to pass information on to others. Primarily, data are
collected to provide information regarding a specific topic.

Sources of Data
Primary sources

Primary sources are original sources from which the researcher directly collects
data that havenot been previously collected. Collection of Primary Data involves
more time, cost and effortsas compared to Secondary Data. They first-hand
information collected through various methods such as observation, interviewing,
mailing etc. It is highly reliable and suitable to theenquiry as the investigator
himself collects it.

 QUESTIONNAIRE is the data
collection method used in my report. A
questionnaire comprising of 12
questions was distributed among
 Questionnaire design
A questionnaire is a research instrument
consisting of a series of questions and
other promptsfor the purpose of
information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical
analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. Questionnaires have
advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not require
as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have
standardized answersthat make it simple to compile data.

Type of Questions used in this Project:

a. Multiple Choice Questions Where respondents is offered more than two

choices. Thisis done to know the choice of the customers regarding different
b. Simple Alternative Questions As far as possible questions were framed in
such a waythat they are answerable in “YES” OR “NO”.
Secondary Sources

These are sources containing data that have been collected and compiled for
another purpose. The secondary sources consist of readily available compendia and
already compiled statistical statements and
reports whose data may be used by
researches for their studies. Collection
of secondary data involves lesser time
and is cheap because it is taken from
Published Unpublished Sources. Since
it is not specifically collected for this
purpose of study hence it is adjusted to
suit the objectiveof study.

interviews which helped me in determining the scope of my projectas well as make
it as up to date as possible.

BOOKS Various Marketing books have been used while making thisproject for
better understanding of the concept.


In the Project sampling is done on basis of Probability sampling. Among the
probability sampling design the sampling design chosen is stratified random
sampling. Because in this survey I had stratified the sample in different age
group, different genderand different profession.

 NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING (Convenience Sampling)

This is a statistical method of drawing representative data by selecting people
because ofthe ease of their volunteering or selecting units because of their easy
access. The advantages of this type of sampling are the availability and
quickness with which the datacan be gathered.

A Customer-based survey was conducted, in which 100 customers were asked to
fill the questionnaire. This was then used to derive results and analyze the level
of consumer perception. Because it is a pilot study and due to time constraint,
the sample size is small. The way of sample collection used here is convenience

The sample Unit taken by me consists of General public of different age group,
different gender and different profession

EXTENT:-I have covered different residential area of various parts of Uttar

Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Chennai, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana State and
Delhi city for the survey.


The data collected is then coded in the tables to make the things presentable
andmore effective. The results are shown by tables which will help me out in
easyand effective presentation and hence results are being obtained.


Understand Consumer Buying Behaviour of Indians

This questionnaire will be used to understand the consumer buying behaviour of



6.Data Analysis and Interpretations
1. How do you get information about new Products?

2. Do you Collect information before purchasing the products?

3. What type of information will you collect?

Interpretation for 1 to 3: Samples are highly information seekers. 95 % of the

sample will do reach before purchase. Only 40% of the samples saying they
get to know about a product through advertisements. get to know from friends
and from family. 32% of samples are collecting information about quality of
product the and 26% about price and 21% about customer experience.

4. Oil you ever purchase from an online site?


5. If yes. then what type of product / services did you purchase online?

Interpretations for 4 and 5: of the sample will make online purchases also; mostly
they purchase electronic products, followed by fashion and travel accessories
through online.

6. Watch television?

• NO

7. Do you watch television programs through online?


8. Do you read


9. On you read News

the through


Interpretation 6 to 9: 93% of the samples are watching I.V. 53% of the samples is
watching T.V programs through online portals. 93% are reading newspapers and
74% are reading news papers through online portals.

10. Do you have mobile phone or smartphones?

11. Do you have a laptop or PC?

• NO

12. Do you have a tablet?

13. Do you have an internet connection in any of the above mentioned gadgets?

4% • YES

14. When do you use these gadgets?

15. What you do with these gadgets?

Interpretation 10 to 15:

More than of the sample have can mobile or Smartphone and laptops or PC.
While coming to tablets it is low. but it doesn't mean no one is using tabs.
uf samples have a tablet. of samples have an internet connection is any of
these gadgets. this showing the penetration of internet in India.
33% of the samples are using these gadgets while they are with their friends.
25% of the samples are using these gadgets while watching I.V. 42% of
samples are using gadgets in office or college.
use these gadgets for chatting, for surfing and 14% for watch videos 8
16. Do ever notice advertisement?

. YES . NO

17. If yes. from where?

18. Mention one from of media. which you give more importance?

Interpretation for 16 to 18:

97% of the samples are seeing ads. among them 35% of samples noticed ads
through online media, 22% on TVC and 17% on Newspapers.
48% of the samples are saying they have trust in online ads. 34 % are saying
they have trust in I.V.

19. How do you normally purchase a product?

Visit and purchase from retail Shop itself Visit the retail shop and purchase from laptop
Visit the retail shop and purchase from mobile Research and purchase from laptop Research and purchase from

Research in mobile and purchase from laptop Research in laptop and purchase from retail shop
Research inand purchase from retail Shop

20. After purchase. what type of experience will you share with others?

Nice deal, in terms


Bad experience

Good experience

All the above mentioned

21. How will you share your experience with Others?

Interpretation for 19 to 21:

of samples will do research on online and purchase from retail shop. 21%
of the samples will do research in mobile and purchase from retail shop. But
of the samples will purchase directly from a retail shop only.
of the samples will like to express their experience with others; it may be a
nice deal. good experience or bad experience with product.
37% will share their experience through face to face talk, 32% through social
networking sites and 24% through messaging.

Indian customers are highly information seekers. They collect more

information about quality, price and refer customer's experiences before
purchasing a product.
Advertisements have high impact for creating stimulus in Indian customers.
But this stimulus will get in to action only through opinion leaders.
Indian consumers have high tendency to go for online purchase. They have
high affinity to go online for electronic products and apparels.
One of the current trends in Indian youth and young Indians are watching the
T.V programs via online portals. May be the main reason is convenience of
time, they can watch programs which they had skipped due to some reasons.
The same thing is happening for the newspaper also, people have more
affinity towards online news portals. Here's the reason may be they can get
news updates very early; they don't need to wait for daily newspapers.
In both of these cases, one opportunity is lost for marketer and one
opportunity is emerging for them to reach their LG.
More than of the samples have a mobile or Smartphone and laptops or PC.
of samples have an internet connection is any of these gadgets. this
showing the penetration of internet in India.
If we take tablet. penetration in Indian is low. But it doesn't mean that no one
is using tabs. More than 30% of samples have tablet. For brands they are
getting three more platforms to reach their T.G and engage them.
83% of the samples are using these gadgets while they are with their friends.
so just think about the reach. If one person noticed something which is cool
and awesome they will surely communicate to others.
25% of the samples are using these gadgets while watching T.V: it's again a
barrier for brands which use TVC only. 21% of the samples are using this
gadget for chatting and are using for surfing. What they are surfing? It can be
about a product, local events or locationsmetc.

In this situation. one opportunity is again losing to brands and one opportunity
is emerging for brands to reach their T.G.
More than 90% of samples are noticing ads. among them 85% of samples
noticed ads through online media, followed by TVC and Newspapers.
48% of samples are telling they give more importance to online ads and 34 %
of samples give importance to I.V.C.
From the first part of this research itself, we know that customers are highly
information seeker. It may be the reason for high trust in online ads. They can
search for more information after seeing an ad or online is the only two way
communication channel for customers.
22% of the samples do research through their lap or PC before purchasing a
product from the retail shop and 21% do research via mobile.
Most of the Indians prefer to purchase from a retail shop only. but before
going to retail shop they will seek information about the product through an
online platform. Here is actually change happens in consumer buying
journey. early times consumer belief a product only after seeing the product in
a retail shop. But now Indian customers want to get conviction about a
product before going to retail shop. So from a marketers view they want to
convince their customers before going to a retail shop.
Brands want to build a cool presence over digital platforms because the
customer will do research about the product after seeing an ad or after
getting stimulated.
Brands are getting more touch points to reach target group in a cost Effective

Chapter VI: Conclusion


The successful completion of this internship indicates that the future of marketing
is in the hands of digital. Digital marketing is nut only concerned with placing ads
in portals, it consists of integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers
want to use these components in an effective Way to reach target groups and to
build a brand. In this digital era marketer is not the custodian for a brand, people
who are connected across the digital platforms are the custodians.
Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have
high affinity towards digital media than other media's. More than that customers
are highly information seekers and digital media is the only platform for two way
communication between brands and customers.

Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a brand. Because it is

more cost effective and it provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands can able
to engage their target group in an effective way through digital platforms. Digital
media is not only for engagement, brands can increase their customers or they can
retain their existing customers. Digital platforrns help to increase the impact of
brand recall in target groups.
The research focused on the consumer buying behaviour shows that. Indian
consumers are highly information seeker and they will do research about a product
before going to a retail shop. So brands want to give platforms to consumers to
understand their product or to get a really feel of that brand.

I honestly believe that this project report will be at most useful for marketers to
undefr stand the digital marketing and also to plan for future strategies.
I conclude my research by quoting again that "Brands can't sustain without digital
presence .

Learning Points


"Marketing takes a day to learn. Unfortunately it takes a lifetime to master" by

Philip Kotler
Before leaving from IBS, I believed that I am will become a good marketer
because I know all the concepts which I learned from my classrooms. But
from the beginfling of second week itself. I understood, marketing is not
about concepts it's all about the experience.

Strategy is not a rock science

After induction my first assignment was to create pitch presentation for
amante lingerie. I start working on my first assignment, but I don't know how
to create strategy part. I tried my best. but I am completely blank. After two
days I went to talk with my company guide. He told me this "strategy is not a
rock science you will take some time to create an excellent strategy". But in
the last week of my internship, I accomplished my mission for the 3M Health
care 8 Safety. I made B2B online strategy for 3M.

Eve" day same task. but the situations are different

It's not only from my experience, but also from my observation. All
colleagues are doing the same type of work. but the situation is different.
Sometime they have problem with a client, but on the next day they problems
with vendors or with creative team. While coming to me. my first month was
more concentrated with pitch presentation. Industry or clients are different or
requirements of the client are different. but contents or the flow of pitch
presentations are same.
don't know" short sentence, but difficult to tell
Agilent is an American company that designs and manufactures electronic
and bio-analytical measurement instruments and equipment for measurement
and evaluation. Once my guide told me make a presentation based on their
products, mainly on Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC GC/MS
Columns). Basically. he wants details about application and component of this
product. This was one of the biggest challenges which I faced in my
internship. Because I am a commerce background student and I don't
understand the technical usage of this product and component used to
manufacture this product. But I can't refuse to do this because it will affect my
image and mark. I took 3 days to study the whole things. before making the
presentation. Finally. I learned you can't tell "1 don't know" in your corporate

Observation is the best teacher
There are lots of situations where I am completely blank and I don't know how
to do some task. In those situations I observed my colleagues to know how they
are doing it and I understood the importance of observation.
Go and ask for work
In beginning stage of my SIP, I don't have any work to do or they are not giving.
First week full of induction and in second week. first two days I sat idly. I felt
that they will not give any work and my internship is gone. But in next day I
went and ask for work. From that moment to last day. I enjoyed my internship
and learned a lot of stuffs.
Work life balancing
This is the most important learning for me. This SIP thought me how to
balance your personal responsibility and professional responsibility together
and how to enjoy life even after getting a job. Working in an agency is not an
easy task: the person wants to face a lot of stress and challenges. I am the only
person in my office leaving early. while comparing with others. Because my
colleagues have lots of work. sometime they will leave by late night only. dut
they are really enjoying all the moments in their life. They don't have any
difference between professional life and personal life.


9. Bibliography

Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Chaffey, D.: Digital marketing: strategy,

implementation and practice. Pearson, Harlow (2012).


Chaffey, Dave, Smith, P. R.: eMarketing excellence: planning and optimizing your
digital marketing (electronic resource). Routledge, London (2013).


Roberts, M.L., Zahay, D.L.: Internet Marketing: integrating online and offline
strategies. South-Western College Publishing; International ed of 3rd revised ed
edition (10 April 2012), Mason, Ohio (2012).


Neher, K.: Visual Social Media Marketing: Harnessing Images, Instagram,

Infographics and Pinterest to Grow Your Business Online. Boot Camp Digital
Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio (2013).


Ryan, D.: The best digital marketing campaigns in the world: II (electronic
resource). KoganPage, London (2014).


Charlesworth, A.: Digital marketing: a practical approach (electronic resource).

Routledge, London (2014).


Charlesworth, A.: An introduction to social media marketing (electronic resource).

Routledge, London (2015).


Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Chaffey, D.: Digital marketing: strategy,

implementation and practice. Pearson, Harlow (2012).


Chaffey, D.: Extract: pp. 363-364, (2009).

Newlands, Murray: Online marketing: a user’s manual. John Wiley [distributor],

Chichester (2011).

Mathieson, Rick: The on-demand brand: 10 rules for digital marketing success in
an anytime, everywhere world (electronic resource). American Management
Association, New York (2010).

Sheldrake, P.: The business of influence: reframing marketing and PR for the
digital age (electronic resource). John Wiley, Chichester (2011).

13. Abraham K (1964). The Conduct of Inquiry—Methodology for Behavioural

Science. (Aylesbury: Bucks: International Text Book Company Limited.

14. Ackoff, R.L. (1953). Design of Social Research, (Chicago: University of

Chicago), xi, p 420.

15. Ackoff, R.L. (1971). “Towards a System of System Concepts”.

Management Science 17, no. 11.

16. Ackoff, R.L. (1978). The Art of Problem Solving. (John Wiley: Chichester).


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