Tuonegosyo Agrico Innovar 1

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TuoNegosyo Project Brief

Business Project Title: AGRICO INNOVAR .

Business Project Proponent: Selgas,C., Aposaga, B., Olar, A.
Project Description / Rationale: “Agico Innovar” Aimed to assist local farmers on transforming raw agricultural
Products into value-added goods that cater to consumers needs. Through Creative thinking and technological
Advancement, Agrico Innovar aims to enhance the quality, functionality, or appeal of agricultural products.

• Business Project Concept:

Agrico Innovar revolves around leveraging agricultural innovation to create a range of value-
added products that cater to changing consumer demands and preferences. The business aimed
to create a brand that will not just offer dried Vegetables and Fruits – based products but also
prioritize community support, health consciousness, and Unharmful Agricultural Environment.

Product Range:
Dried Vegetables and Fruits - create a captivating array of dried Agricultural products that align with modern tastes -
and health-conscious lifestyles. Our sustainable packaging will ensure freshness, while an alluring brand identity will
communicate our commitment to innovation and health. The project entails selecting a variety of vegetables and fruits
suitable for drying, taking into account factors such as taste, nutritional value, and market demand. This will include both
commonly used produce and unique, exotic options to provide a diverse range of choices.
Dried Vegetables and Fruits Treats - We've transformed vibrant produce into irresistible snacks that capture the
essence of health and flavor. It’s a fusion of convenience and nutrition, perfect for on-the-go snacking or elevating your
culinary creations. With each bite, you'll enjoy a burst of natural sweetness and wholesome goodness, making our dried
vegetable and fruit treats a delightful choice for those seeking a balanced lifestyle.

• State the problem/s brought by the pandemic, your business project will disrupt /
address/ and how will it disrupt/ address the said problems?

Limited Healthy Snack Options in market, Nutrient Retention and Shelf Life, Reduced Market Access
for Farmers. Those are just some common Problems faced by our Consumers as well as Key Suppliers.
With our Business Project, by creating a diverse array of nutrients-rich and delicious dried snack we
disrupt the limited healthy snacking options available. These snacks cater to consumer preferences for
both taste and well-being, limited shelf life of fresh produce goods, and also with collaboration directly
with local farmers to source fresh produce for frying, creating steady market for their goods.

Our dried vegetables and fruits innovation business addresses the challenges of limited healthy snacks,
nutrient retention, and reduced market access for farmers. Through innovative drying techniques, extended
shelf life, and direct farmer collaboration, we disrupt the snack market by offering flavorful, nutrient-rich
snacks that benefit consumers and farmers alike.
• What makes your business project innovative and what are you trying to develop?

Our business project, "Agrico Innovar: Dried Vegetables and Fruits," be highlighted with its:

1. Innovative Product Range - These treats go beyond ordinary dried fruits and vegetables by combining
various flavors, textures, and nutritional profiles to offer a truly innovative snacking experience.
2. Health-Conscious Approach - We're not just providing snacks; we're creating nutrient-dense options
that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
3. Farmer Empowerment - By establishing direct relationships with them, we provide a stable market for
their produce, supporting their livelihoods and fostering sustainability in agriculture.
4. Flexibility and Convenience - Our products are designed for convenience. The innovative dried treats
offer portability, allowing consumers to enjoy nutrient-rich snacks wherever they go, whether it's for a
quick energy boost or a mindful moment.
5. Sustainable Sourcing and Packaging - Our direct collaboration with local farmers ensures fresh
and traceable produce while supporting local communities. Moreover, our eco-friendly
packaging materials align with environmentally conscious consumer values

"Dried Vegetables and Fruits" aim to disrupt the conventional snack market with products that
redefine what it means to snack smartly while making a positive impact on local communities
and the environment.

• Why do you think you can sustain the kind of business undertaking you are in to?

- Dried vegetables and fruits innovative business can gain popularity due to it’s long shelf
life, convenience, and nutritional value. It is lightweight, portable, and can be consumed as
snacks or used in various recipes. This demand has sustained the business because of the
appeal to health-conscious consumers seeking natural and minimally processed options.
Additionally, the global trend towards sustainable and plant-based diets has further
contributed to the viability of this business we are undertaking in.
About the Products/Services to be offered:

Product/Service Name Description

Veggie Vitality Bites A colorful assortment of dried veggies and

fruits, meticulously crafted to retain their natural
nutrients and vibrant flavors
Preservation of Nutrients Our unique drying process locks in essential vitamins
and minerals, ensuring that you get all the goodness of
fresh produce in a convenient package

No Additives We believe in pure, unadulterated snacks. Our products

contain no added sugars, colors, or preservatives.

On-the-Go Nutrition Our Dried veggies and fruits are the perfect companions
for your busy lifestyle. Whether you're hiking, working,
or simply craving a snack, our products are there to fuel
your day

Versatility Beyond snacking, our dried veggies and fruits can be

used in cooking, baking, and as toppings for yogurt or

Purely Organic Dried Veggies Indulge in a selection of 100% organic dried vegetables,
carefully sourced and expertly dried to retain maximum

Eco-Friendly Packaging Agrico Innovar is committed to sustainability. Our

products are packaged in eco-friendly materials,
reducing environmental impact and aligning with your
Customer Segment/s: the community of customers or businesses that you are aiming to
sell your product or services to. May be grouped according to the following demographics:
age, location, household income, gender, marital status, etc.

Health-Conscious Adults (25-45), Urban and suburban areas, Middle to high income.

Parents Seeking Healthy Snacks (30-50), Suburban areas, Middle income, Concerned about providing wholesome snacks for their children.

Elderly Individuals and Seniors (60+), Urban and suburban areas, Varied, Interested in easy-to-store and nutritious options.

Fitness Enthusiasts and Athletes (18-40), Urban areas, Varied, Seek high-protein, energy-boosting snacks for workouts.

On-the-Go Professionals (25-45), Urban areas, Middle to high income, Value convenience and portability for busy schedules.

Vegetarian and Vegan Dieters (18-50), Urban and suburban areas, Varied, Seek plant-based, nutrient-dense options.

Health and Wellness Community (25-60), Urban and suburban areas, Middle to high income, Embrace holistic well-being and seek nutrient-rich

Senior Care Facilities (60+), Suburban and rural areas, Varied, Provide healthy snacks for senior residents.

These customer segments offer a starting point for tailoring our marketing strategies and product offerings to meet the specific needs and
preferences of various target groups interested in dried vegetables and fruits.

Distribution Channel: How will you reach your customer and where will you sell your
products? (e.g. online, mobile store established, direct selling)

- To cater to the growing trend of online shopping, our business will set up an e-commerce website. This platform
serves as a virtual storefront where customers can browse through a wide range of dried vegetables and fruits, read
product descriptions, and make purchases. It's also an avenue for showcasing product quality through high-
resolution images and customer reviews And to help the local farmers by Participating in local farmers' markets can
be an excellent way to directly engage with the community and showcase the freshness and quality of the products.
It also allows for immediate customer feedback and brand building. We can also negotiate to the specialty store
Collaborating with health food stores, organic markets, and specialty stores that align with the health-conscious
target audience can boost sales among specific customer segments.
Key Activities: the most important tasks a company must carry out in order to fulfill its
business purpose.
Sourcing and Procurement: Establish relationships with reliable suppliers of fresh produce to ensure a
consistent supply of high-quality fruits and vegetables for drying.
Product Development: Experiment with different combinations and flavors of dried fruits and vegetables to
create unique and appealing products that cater to your target market.
Quality Assurance: Implement strict quality control measures to ensure that your dried products meet
established standards for taste, texture, appearance, and safety.
Packaging and Branding: Design eye-catching packaging that highlights the benefits of your dried products.
Effective branding can help differentiate your products in a competitive market.
Distribution Strategy: Determine the most effective distribution channels for your products, which might
include online sales, local markets, grocery stores, health food stores, or partnerships with other retailers.
Feedback Collection: Encourage customer feedback and reviews to continually improve your products and
customer experience
Sustainability: Consider implementing sustainable practices in your production and packaging to appeal to
environmentally conscious consumers.

We will engage on Internet as we know that most people making it part of their daily life. And we will take this
as opportunity to advertise our product to attract more consumers.

Commerce Platform: If you plan to sell online, create an user-friendly e-commerce platform that allows
customers to easily browse and purchase your products.
Price Strategy: Determine competitive pricing for your dried products while ensuring you cover your costs and
maintain profitability.

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