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The procedure on how i build this


 Iput the nail at the center so i can draw a perfect circle using a saw
 i cut the plyboard saw and put 36 nails on the side of the circle
 And then i use two yarns
 I use the blue yarn in the pattern of n to n+100
10 to 110 140 to 240
20 to 120 150 to 250
30 to 130 160 to 260
40 to 140 170 to 270
50 to 150 180 to 280
60 to 160 190 to 290
70 to 170 200 to 300
80 to 180 210 to 310
90 to 190 220 to 320
100 to 200 230 to 330
110 to220 240 to 340
120 to 220 260 to 360
130 to 230 270 to 10
140 to 240 280 to 20………………
 If the sum exceeds 360,subtract the sum by 360 270 to 370-360=10 so 270 to 10
 And the violet yarn is n to n+50 So 10-60 And like the blue yarn if the sum exceeds 360,
subtract the sum by 360
320 to 370-360=10
320 to 10
330 to 20
340 to 30 ......... And after that i hang my picture’s on it

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