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(Q3 –W5)
Online Class Etiquette
Identify what is being
asked in each item.
Choose the letter of
the best answer.
1. It is the evaluation, analysis, description
or interpretation of literary works.

A. Assessment
B. Literary Criticism
C. Review
2. Literary criticism is referred to as
_________ as it pertains to the perspective to
which the critic assess a work.
A. lenses
B. hands
C. sides
3. In this approach, a literary work can be
understood only by reference to its
intrinsic features, which are the elements.
A. Absenteeism
B. Structuralism
C. Formalism
4. In this approach, Intrinsic features are
all of these, EXCEPT:

A. characters
B. conflict
C. message
5. In this approach, a piece is open to interpretation. It
depends on how the reader views the meaning on the text
base on his/her understanding, which may involve personal
belief, environment, behavior, or moral perception.

A. Absenteeism
B. Structuralism
C. Formalism
6. In this approach it depends on how the reader views the
meaning on the text base on his/her understanding, which
may involve personal belief, environment, behavior, or
moral perception.

A. Absenteeism
B. Structuralism
C. Formalism
7. This element is being referred to in this excerpt from the
short story, “The Necklace.”
Mrs. Loisel had lost the necklace that she had borrowed from her
friend and instead of confessing it to the owner, she got into
more debt and poverty to repay the amount.
A. Character
B. Conflict
C. Setting
8. This element is being referred to in this excerpt from the
short story, “The Necklace.”
It was 1800s in Paris, France. Mathilde Loisel is “pretty and
charming” but feels she has been born into a family of
unfavorable economic status.
A. Character
B. Conflict
C. Setting
9. This element is being referred to in this excerpt from the
short story, “The Necklace.”
The necklace, beautiful but worthless, represents the power of perception
and the split between appearances and reality. Mathilde borrows the
necklace because she wants to give the appearance of being wealthy.

A. Plot
B. Point of View
C. Symbolism
10. This element is being referred to in this excerpt from
the short story, “The Necklace.”
Monsieur Loisel is content with the small pleasures of his life but does his
best to appease Mathilde’s demands and assuage her complaints.

A. Plot
B. Point of View
C. Character
1.Share viewpoints based on the
ideas presented in the
materials viewed; and
2.Explain how the elements
specific to a genre contribute
to the theme of a particular
literary selection.

A Summary
Everyone knew it was Aling Aning’s last year of life
on earth except Aling Aning herself. She had a
cancer of the intestine and doctors had refused to
operate on her. “An operation at this stage would
be useless,” they all said. “It would only shorten
her life.” They had pronounced her a “hopeless
case.” “No one lives through cancers,” so they
said. Her family, relatives, friends and neighbors
knew about her case, and they were one in not
telling Aling Aning about what the doctors have
said in order to save her from her agony. But she
knew that she was very sick, and she believed she
could live through it. Everyone was extra kind to
her. Everyone wants to do something for her, serve
her and make her happy. Aling Aning sensed this
extra kindness, extra care, and she didn’t ask why.
She basked in everybody’s love, and she felt very
happy and contented.
Aling Aning responded by being extra kind
to everyone too. She too, wanted to serve
others and she grasped every opportunity
to help others. She too, tried to make others
happy. In this way, her life become
exceedingly happy one. She didn’t talk
much but she prayed a lot. “If then doctors
can’t or won’t cure me, the I’ll have to rely
on God alone. God won’t fail me.” She
mused. She hoped and hoped, prayed and
prayed, and very religiously at that. “I’ll live
an ever-useful life, dear Jesus,” she
prayed. “I’ll live a life worth living, helping
others, doing my best to make this world a
better place to live in,” she promised.
Today, Aling Aning is the
same quite woman, with a
ready smile on her lips and
ever willing hand to help.
Twelve years after, doctors
termed her life to only three
years, when asked how she
survived, she always
answered, “Never lose hope,
pray, have faith in God, and
live a life worth living.
Q3-W5 39


Prepared by:
Mr. Aki Villar, LPT

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