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RODRIGUEZ, Alleia Michelle D.


SAÑO, Girl Krisha Angela R. June 16, 2023

TULAYLAY, Gracie C. M6 Check-In Activity 4

Problem: Researchers would like to determine if the height and weight of elders can predict their
glucose and cholesterol levels. They gather this information from 20 elders and the data are as

Elders Height Weight Glucose Cholesterol

1 143.5 45.6 127.21 148.65
2 158 43 86.13 199.23
3 161 75.2 143.87 220.08
4 157.5 70.5 140.90 152.12
5 162 73 131.35 234.75
6 156 66.8 112.34 213.51
7 150 61 102.52 284.94
8 166.5 61.9 98.82 212.74
9 154.2 52.4 75.50 233.98
10 162 68.4 125.60 147.49
11 151 57.6 81.26 121.24
12 166 57.5 75.86 220.85
13 146.3 53.4 90.09 173.36
14 165 55.7 75.50 258.30
15 154 58.2 80.72 196.91
16 143.1 53.8 118.02 178.76
17 158 57 93.51 125.10
18 157 66.5 125.05 133.20
19 146.2 42.3 96.13 115.83
20 146.2 64.8 129.10 161.78

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1. What is the degree of relationship of the height, weight, glucose, and cholesterol levels of
the elders?
2. Which of the independent variables can significantly predict the glucose level of the elders?
3. Which of the independent factors has a significant effect on the cholesterol level of the
4. What is the linear regression equation in predicting the glucose level?
5. What is the linear regression equation in predicting the cholesterol level?
6. Please explain in 1-2 sentences the predicting capability of the predictors to the glucose
and cholesterol levels.


1. What is the degree of relationship of the height, weight, glucose, and cholesterol levels of the

One variable affects the value of the other variables inversely – this means that the value
of one factor increases while the remaining factors decrease – in the degree of relationship
between height, weight, glucose, and cholesterol levels of the elders; this indicates that there
is a negative correlation which is -0.717. At the same time, the relationship becomes weaker as
the coefficient value of the correlation goes toward zero.

2. Which of the independent variables can significantly predict the glucose level of the elders?

Weight, height as well as glucose are the independent factors that have a significant
effect as these are used to predict the response of the dependent variable which is the glucose
levels of the elders.

3. Which of the independent factors has a significant effect on the cholesterol level of the elders?

Weight, height as well as cholesterol are the independent factors that have a significant
effect as these are used to predict the response of the dependent variable which is the
cholesterol levels of the elders.

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4. What is the linear regression equation in predicting the glucose level?
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.739533676
R Square 0.546910058
Adjusted R Square 0.493605358
Standard Error 16.47953737
Observations 20

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 5572.761295 2786.380647 10.26007212 0.00119555
Residual 17 4616.777585 271.5751521
Total 19 10189.53888

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 213.6110513 79.59866415 2.683600957 0.01570313 45.6725497 381.5495529 45.6725497 381.5495529
Height -1.469327577 0.566736002 -2.592613796 0.018967509 -2.665036022 -0.273619132 -2.665036022 -0.273619132
Weight 2.02373553 0.45116532 4.485574224 0.000325646 1.07185991 2.97561115 1.07185991 2.97561115

5. What is the linear regression equation in predicting the cholesterol level?

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.372720504
R Square 0.138920574
Adjusted R Square 0.037617112
Standard Error 47.3522642
Observations 20

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 6149.697858 3074.848929 1.371330966 0.28045766
Residual 17 38118.02772 2242.236925
Total 19 44267.72558

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept -182.8866044 228.7186157 -0.799613988 0.434965804 -665.4407027 299.6674938 -665.4407027 299.6674938
Height 2.338949317 1.628457904 1.436297071 0.169065461 -1.096796536 5.77469517 -1.096796536 5.77469517
Weight 0.111111669 1.296377377 0.085709355 0.932698827 -2.624005515 2.846228853 -2.624005515 2.846228853

6. Please explain in 1-2 sentences the predicting capability of the predictors to the glucose and
cholesterol levels.

It can be seen that the weight variable seems to be significant (p<0.05) at a 5%

significance level in predicting the glucose levels of the elders, according to the regression
analysis conducted on glucose.

On the other hand, none of the factors seems to be significant (p<0.05) at a 5%

significance level in predicting the cholesterol levels of the elders, based on the regression
analysis conducted on cholesterol.

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