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Filipino Artist and their Contribution to in the practice of their art form thus enriching artistic

Contemporary Arts expression or style.

5. Artist who enjoy broad acceptance through the

The Order of National Artist (ONA) [ Oder ng
Pambansang Alagad ng Sining] is the highest national
recognition given to a Filipino individual who have made - prestigious national and/or international recognition,
significant contributions to the development of Philippine such as the Gawad CCP part sa sining, CCP Thirteen
arts. The Order of National Artist aims to recognize: Artists Award, and NCAA Alab ng Haraya.
a. Filipino artists who have made significant - critical acclaim and/or reviews of their works
contributions to the cultural heritage of the country.
b. Filipino artistic accomplishment at its highest level - respect and esteem from peers.
and to promote creative expression as significant to
the development of a national cultural identity; and The National Artist of the Philippines
c. Filipino artists who have dedicated their lives to their The Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan Awards or GAMABA
works to forge new paths and directions for future is an award that acknowledges folk and indigenous artist
generations of Filipino artists. who, despite the modern times, remain true to their
Dance – choreography, direction, performance traditions. It is administered by the National Commission
of Culture and the Arts (NCCA) through Gawad sa
Music – composition, direction, performance Manlilikha ng Bayan Committee.

Theater – direction, performance, production design,  National Living Treasures Award

light and sound design, playwriting
This award aims to support and motivate these artists to
Visual Arts – painting, sculpture, printmaking, preserve their artistic heritage for the present and future
photography, installation art, mixed media works, generations.
illustrations, graphic arts, performance art, imaging

Literature – poetry, fiction, essay, literary/art criticism

Project of Phil. Rotary Club Republic Act No. 7355
Film and Broadcast Arts – direction, writing, production
design, cinematography, editing, animation, R.A. 7355
performance, new media  “Manlilikha ng Bayan”
Architecture and Allied Arts – architecture, interior  shall mean a citizen engaged in any traditional art
design, landscape architecture, urban design uniquely Filipino
 whose distinctive skills have reached such a high
Design – industrial design, fashion design level of technical and artistic excellence and
 have been passed on to and widely practiced by the
present generation in his/her community with the
How to become a National Artist of the same degree of technical and artistic competence.
How does one become a Manlilikha ng Bayan?
1. Living artist who are natural born Filipino citizens at
b. He/she must have engaged in a folk art tradition that
the time of nomination, as well as those who died after
has been in existence and documented for at least fifty
the establishment of the award in1972 but were Filipino
(50) years.
citizens at the time of their death. Filipino who has lost
and reacquired Filipino citizenship, through dual c. He/she must have consistently performed or produced
citizenship status for at least the minimum period of five over a significant period, works of superior and
years, shall be eligible for nomination distinctive quality.
2. Artist who through the content and form of their works d. He/she must possess a mastery of tools and materials
have contributed to building Filipino sense of needed by the art, and must have an established
nationhood. reputation in the art as master and maker of works of
extraordinary technical quality.
3. Artist who have pioneered in a mode of creative
expression or style, thus earning distinction and making
an impact on succeeding generations of artists.
e. He/she must have passed on and/or will pass on to
4. Artist who have created a substantial and significant other members of the community their skills in the folk
body of works and/or consistently displayed excellence art for which the community is traditionally known.
A traditional artist who possesses all the qualities of a instruments of the Palawan people such as basal,
Manlilikha ng Bayan candidate, due to age or infirmity kulilal and bagit
has left him/her incapable of teaching further his/her  Ginaw Bilog – is a manunoo Mangyan poet who is
craft may still be recognized if: considered as a master of the Ambahan poetry.
 Darhata Sawabi – is a Tausug weaver of pis syabit –
a. He/she had created a significant body of works and/or
the traditional cloth tapestry worn as a head cover.
has consistently displayed excellence in the practice of
 Uwang Ahadas – is a Yakan musician who is a
his/her art, thus achieving important contributions for its
master of the kwintangan, kayu, and tuntungan
b. He/she has been instrumental in the revitalization of  Federico Caballero – is a Sulod-Bukidnon epic
his/her community’s artistic tradition. chanter from kalinog Iloilo who ceaselessly work the
documentation of the oral literature, particularly the
c. He/she has passed on to the other members of the epics, of his people.
community skills in the folk art for which the community  Hajja Amina Appi – is recognized as a master mat
is traditionally known. weaver among the Sama indigenous community for
d. His/her community has recognized him/her as master her unique designs, straightness of her edging
and teacher of his/her craft. (tabig) and fineness of her sasa and kima-kima.
 Eduardo Mutuc – is an artist from Apalit, Pampanga
Categories: who is dedicated to his life to creating religious and
secular art in silver, bronze, and wood.
The Award shall be given in each, but not limited to
 Magdalena Gamayo – Based in Pinili, Ilocos Norte,
the following categories of tradition folk arts:
Magdalena Gamayo took up weaving when she was
a. Folk architecture,
16, guided by her aunt’s patterns. She received her
b. Maritime transport,
first loom from her father three years later, which she
c. Weaving carving,
would end up using for 30 years. She taught herself
d. Performance art,
traditional patterns, such as kusikus (whirlwind),
e. Literature
marurup (Milky Way), and sinan paddak ti pusa
f. Graphic and plastic arts,
(cat’s pawprint), building on the more common
g. Ornament,
inuritan (geometric design) and sinan-sabong
h. Textile or fiber art,
i. Pottery and other artistic expression of traditional
culture.  Teofilo Garcia – A GAMABA awardee of San Abra
who have discovered and popularized the durable
Consideration shall be given to geographical distribution Tabungaw hat out of enlarged upo or gourd. He
and balance of artistic categories. hollowed out the upo/tabungaw, varnished and
polished it to make it more durable and unique
What are the incentives received by the awardee? yellow sheen. In San Quitin, Abra, Teofilo Garcia
 A Manlilikha ng Bayan awardee receives: would often walk around town wearing his gourd
a. Specially designed gold medallion, casques.
b. an initial grant of P10,000 monthly stipend for  Lang Dulay – is a T’boli traditional weaver of tinalak;
life. or T’boli made of colorful abaca fabrics.
 Salinta Monon – is a Tagabanwa-Bagobo traditional
In consonance with the provision of Republic Act No. weaver of distinct abaca fabrics called inabal.
7355, which states that “the monetary grant may be  Alonzo Saclag – is a Kalinga master of dance and
increased whenever circumstances so warrant,” the the performing arts who mastered not only the
NCCA board approved: Kalinga musical instruments but also the dance
patterns and movements associated with his
 an additional monthly personal allowance of P14,000
people’s ritual.
for the awardees
Elements and Principles of Contemporary Art
Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan Awardees
 Samaon Sulaiman – is an acclaimed kudyapi master
and teacher of this instrument and is also proficient What is Contemporary Art?
in kulintang, agong, gandingan, palendag, and
“Art made and produced by artist living today.”
 Masino Intaray – is a prolific and pre-eminent epic J. Paul Getty Museum
chanter and story teller recognized for his
outstanding mastery of various tradition musical
It is not restricted to individual experience, but it is Literature – this includes reading poems, short stories,
reflective of the world we live in. novels, plays, histories, biographies, and essays. It is
also known as “Fine Writing.”
Artwork that is created by today’s contemporary artist
and has a world view and is sensitive to changing Music – is a combination of sound. It is said to be the
times. most dynamic, most emotional, most universal, and most
abstract of all fine arts.
Appropriation – existing artworks are appropriate to
produce another artwork. Combined Arts

Appropriation refers to the act of borrowing or reusing - Also called “Performing or Performance Arts” it
existing elements within a new work. (Hayley A. Rowe) combines both visual and auditory elements. They
are usually performed on stage or on screen.
Performance – evolved to “emphasize spontaneous
elements of chance.” (Walker Art Center) Circus – a form of entertainment that generally consists
of displays of horsemanship; exhibitions by gymnasts,
Interpreting various human activities such as ordinary aerialists, wild-animal trainers, and performing animals;
activities such as chores, routines, and rituals, to socially and comic pantomime by clowns.
relevant such as poverty, commercialism, and war.
Dance – it is based upon music or any rhythmic sound. It
Performance refers to activities that are presented is characterized by rhythm and repetition.
before a live audience and can combine with music,
dance, poetry, theatre, visual art, and video Opera – this is a stage drama with orchestral
accompaniment, in which is the dominant element, the
Space – arts transforming space. performers singing all or most of their lines.
Site specific art forms – art form that is performed
and positioned in a specific space such as public Pantomime – it is a dramatic representation by means of
places. facial expressions and body movements rather than
Hybridity – usage of conventional materials, mixing words.
of unlikely materials to produce an artwork. E.g.,
coffee for painting, miniature sculptures using Puppet Show – a theatrical performance which uses
crayons. Puppets as characters in where in audiences perceive
Technology – usage of technology in the creation like and spirit from their movement, their shape, and
and dissemination of art works. other aspects of their performance.

Drama – this includes acting, directing, stage setting,

3 Major Contemporary Art Forms
stage lighting, and public speaking.
Visual or Space Arts
Theatre – it is one of the oldest and most popular forms
- Are also known as “Space Arts” simply because the of entertainment, in which actors perform live for an
occupy space in making and displaying them. E.g,, audience on a stage or in another space designated for
painting, sculpture, and architecture. the performance.

Painting – are visual arts that are expressed either by Singing – it is an individual or group interpretation of a
lines, form, texture, value, or color. It is being used as song or music.
decorations, educational.
Motion Picture – it is a series of images that are
Sculpture – expressed either by carving, shaping, or projected onto a screen to create the illusion of motion.
molding. It deals mostly with the human figure, animals, Motion pictures – also called movies, films, or the
figurines, decorative lampshades and pottery. cinema – are one of the most popular forms of
entertainment, enabling people to immerse themselves
Architecture – this visual art is expressed through in an imaginary world for a short period of time.
rhythmic features, such as windows, ornaments,
columns, and tile flooring.

Auditory Arts

- Are primarily heard, they are also known as “Time

Arts” because they exist in time. E.g., literature and
Online Tools for Content Development Web Design Principles and Elements

Platform To create an effective Web site or Web page, the

designer of the Web site must instill a number of
- Refers to a program created by developers that can pointers. The designer should also make the Web
be modified or reprogrammed by outside users. It is site eye-catching. The Web site should make the site
a facility for programming or developing an visitor curious so that the information presented on
application tailored to the user’s specification. the Web site is widely disseminated.

Here are the factors that greatly contribute to this

Online Platforms goal:

- Are online Web sites created to aid users in creating  Purpose – a Web site can be categorized primarily in
their web content and cater to different kinds of terms of the goal it aims to fulfill. Web site can be
information such as texts, images, and videos. categorized into types and function depending on
- Another unique feature of online platforms is the the purpose they serve the user or audience.
ability to program, modify, and access the  Communication – when we visit a Web site, the
application remotely using the Internet. primary objective is to absorb as much valuable
information as possible in the shortest amount of
Platform Categories time.
 Typefaces – this is an essential factor in Web site
The Application Programming Interface (API) is a set design because this is considered the most
of governing protocol or rules how software elements dominant and noticeable in terms of visuals. (text
should communicate and interact with one another. API format, test style, and text)
is used in developing the GUI.
 Colors – these enhance the experience of visitors of
API Types the web site.
 Images – images alone placed on the Web site can
 Access API – this type of API runs in a remote deliver a complete message that the Web site
machine, server or computer and the application is wished to communicate to the audience.
accessed remotely by a guest user application to  Navigation – refers to the facility that the audience
draw data and services. can use to go through the Web site and its
 Plug-in API – this API is used in the user end. subpages.
Generally, different developers create different  Layout – refers to the physical arrangement of the
applications that can be integrated of “plugged in” to content and elements on a Web site.
a core application and/or the GUI of these
applications. Categories that Classify a Layout
 Runtime Environment – these APIs are platforms for
a. Grid – layouts can be useful because they will
developing different applications, wherein programs
enable the user to create sections or groups of
or application codes are evaluated and compiled in
related information.
the said APIs. The application codes are uploaded
b. F-Pattern – based on studies, human vision flows
or injected into the API and the API will test and run
like the letter F.
the application code.
c. Mobile – the popularity of using mobile devices in
Common Websites that Use Plug in APIs viewing Web content is increasing. (portability and
 YouTube – is a web site dedicated to hosting video d. Load time – another basis for the success of a Web
clips. site is the time that the Web site will load of appear
 Flickr – is a web site that caters to the hosting of onto the viewers’ display device.
 Twitter – is a social networking services that enables Web Design Using Templates and WYSIWYG
users to send and read short messages with 140 WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) – it is an
characters. application that is used to create a website either online
 Facebook – is a social networking Web site that or offline.
requires the user to register an account and create a
user profile.  Adobe Dreamweaver – this is an offline proprietary
 Google Maps – are one of the most used APIs by Web development tool offered by Adobe System.
Web site developers. It is also used to indicate a This tool presents a wide range of tools for drag and
location of an establishment described on a Web drop options.
 Amaya – is an open-source web site development Linear – this is a multimedia type wherein the flow of the
tool used to update documents directly on a running content is predetermined by the creator. The progression
Web site. of multimedia is straightforward, like a video clip.
 Microsoft Expression Web – this is a proprietary
Nonlinear – this is a multimedia type that uses
Web site development tool created by Microsoft.
navigation components to provide the users freedom to
 IM Creator – this is a Web site that caters to both
move around the application and seek the information
experienced and inexperienced users and to
they want. Normally, this type of multimedia prioritizes
creators of Websites and Web Pages.
interactivity with the audience.
 Wix – is another Web site that offers users to create
their own Website. Types of Multimedia

Online Presentations Tools  Multimedia games and simulations

 Multimedia presentation – the information is
These applications offer the function of an image and
navigated in a sequence of slideshows and uses an
presentation software without the trouble of purchasing
application player. Common types are video clips,
and installing the presentation software on your device.
audio clips, and audio-visual slideshows
 Prezi – is a cloud-based application dedicated to  Multimedia Navigation – this type of multimedia uses
help you create a presentation. different graphical elements and is linked to different
 Slide Share – is considered as one of the earliest pages.
forms of online presentation media. - the term navigation is commonly used in multimedia
 Mind Meister – is an online collaborative tool on to refer to how the reader or user of a work interacts
which different individuals can share ideas in a with and moves with in a multimedia work.
common scratchpad-like workspace. Application of Embedded Multimedia
Cloud Storage – is a service wherein files from users are
 Advertisement – numerous types of advertising use
stored online.
the multimedia format. The placement of
 Google Drive – this is a storage application advertisements on public websites is one the newest
developed by Google. ways of marketing.
 Dropbox – this is a file hosting and storage service  Entertainment – regarded as one of the most well-
developed by Dropbox,Inc. liked multimedia programs.
 Evernote – is an online note-taking and archiving  Education – the use of multimedia in education has
application services. certain standout features, like electronic books and
interactive books.
Mapping Application – Web mapping applications are  Industrial – the use of multimedia in business and
Web sites developed from geographical information industry affects all facets of the sector, from
systems’ (GIS) data. management to sales.
 Google Maps – is a web mapping application Online Participation – this is the interaction between
developed by Google. users and online communities on the web. Some of
 Wikimapia – is a collaborative open content mapping these are wikis, multiplayer games, and social
application. networking platforms.

Multimedia and ICT Video on Demand (VOD) – are systems that enable
users to select video and audio content when they want
Embedded Multimedia it. This system uses a database of videos and audio
accessed on request be the user.
- Multimedia is defined as the mixture of different
content forms such as texts, music, photos or 4 Types of Videos on Demand Platforms
images, interactive content, animations, or videos
- It is also refreshing to as rich content because of its  Revenue Model
abundance of variation in presenting information  Content Purchase Model
- User experience is used to evaluate the  Content Monetization Model
effectiveness of a product to consumers.  Corporate Communication Model

Categories of Multimedia Online Courseware and Tutorial

 refers to lecture videos, published by universities on

the web
 started in 1999 when the university of Tubingen in - is the process of collecting data or measuring the
Germany uploaded and published lecture videos of activity of the Web site.
their faculty members.
 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) its Web Traffic
own Open Learning Initiative. - the number of people accessing and viewing the
 this program is not just for the university, but for Web site. Other Web sites can offer download of
everyone files, monetary and business transactions, and chat
 in 2012, MIT and Harvard University introduced the and messaging systems. Accessing these systems
edX, an online course platform that offers courses to can contribute to the data traffic or can also be
the public and delivers a complete course package considered as part of analytics.
 on video-sharing Websites, such as Vimeo, Veoh, 3 MAIN WEB TRAFFIC
and Youtube, users can freely upload their own
 Direct traffic - This represents people who accessed
your website directly by typing the URL into the
Collaboration and Team Content Development search bar or who saved it as a bookmark.
 Referral traffic - Referral traffic is generated by
Collaborative Development people who enter your website through a link from a
third-party website like a forum or a blog.
- Building a Web site requires addressing different  Paid search - This refers to any visitors gained from
aspects covering the product. PPC platforms such as Google Ads. These are
Parallelism different kinds of ads than social media ads.

- “Parallel development is working on multiple projects

Platforms for Collaboration
or features at the same time.” Google Apps for Work
Roles that a Web Development Team This is a compilation of productivity tools developed by
Essentially Requires Google. This platform is online and contains a word
processor, a spreadsheet, and a presentation program.
 Project Manager – is the leader of the group. The
project is synchronized and supervised by the Google Docs is a word processing platform. Google
project manager. Sheets is the spreadsheet platform. Google Slides is the
 Web Strategist – plans the approach or method to presentation platform.
be done. He or she plans every step that the team
should don in phases or stages of development.
 Content Specialist – is an experienced writer and
has knowledge on how to catch the attention of
 Web Designer – is the one in charge of the visual
presentation of the Web site.
 Developer – takes into account all the outputs of the
content specialist and Web designer. Essentially, the
developer will make the Web site come to life with
the pointer given by the Web designer and content
 Inbound Marketer – the success of the Web site or
the popularity will be the responsibility of the inbound

Project Management
- the project manager is the individual who carries out
the method of project management. By definition,
project management for ICT is the set of skills and
abilities to complete and ICT project and produce an

Web Analytics
Composition of ballet class
1.    Warm-up-  exercise that stretch the muscles
Philippine Folk Dance before trying the difficult movements.
2.    Barre Exercise- It helps the students to maintain
What is Folk dance? balance and correct placement of the body.
Folk dance are the indigenous dance of any specific ·          Plie                          
“folk “ or the common people of one place or tribe. Folk ·         Relevel
dance are related to everything of importance in our ·         Developpes
daily lives such as rituals, and occupations of specific ·         Battement Tendu
group of people ·         Battement Degage
·         Grand Battement
Characteristic of Philippine Folk Dance 3.       Center work Exercise- it is a exercises
1.    It is traditional executed in the middle of the room without any support
2.    It has an expressive behavior and adding arm and head movements.
3.    Simple and basic Rhythm ·         Port de Bras
4.    Unknown Choreographer ·         Arabesques
5.    Performs function in the life of people. ·         Suates Arabesques
  ·         Attitude
Folk dance are traditional dances found in a certain ·         Glissade
country while National dances are also traditional folk 4.       Corner Drills-  Consist of sequence of steps
dance but have a national scope while Ethnic combining big jumps, leaps and turns which covers
dances are those performed in primitive tribe and have large area or space.
retained their kinship and religious rituals. ·         Ballet walks
Example of Ethnic Dance: ·         CHASSE
a.       Ritual Dances- dances that depict ritual ·         Saute
ceremonies ·         Jete
b.       Life- Cycle Dance- refer to the cycle of human ·         Grand Jete
life like birth, courtship and even death. ·         Assemble
c.        Occupational dances- Exhibit works and
activities of human WHAT IS MODERN DANCE?
Three Major Types of Philippine folk dance · It is also known as “Contemporary dance” and
1.   Tribal dances from Cordillera It is a style of dance where dancers are free to 
2.   Lowland Christian dances express their feeling through movements without 
3.   Muslim Dance adhering to any rules in dance. With the modern
Categories of Philippine Folk Dance dance the performers use the floor or the stage as part
 Life Cycle Dance of the movements.
 Festival Dance  
Characteristic of Modern Dance:
 Occupational Dance
a.       Technique
 Joke Dance
b.       Improvisation
 Drama Dance c.       Choreography
 War Dance
 Ritual Dance CHEER DANCE
 Social Amenities Dance · Cheer dance is relatively new in the field of sports
 Game Dance and dance as it has only emerged during the year of
1990s. Cheerleading competition focuses on dance
Ballet- was taken in Italian word ”ballare” means to techniques and basic elements like stunts, and
dance and “ballo” referring to dances performed in advance gymnastic skills.
ballroom. According to Haskell it is a combination  
painting, dancing, poetry and music but according What is Cheerleading?
to Burian it is programmatic, scenic dance
accompanied with music. · Is an event that consists of cheers and organized
routines for sports team motivation, audience
Types of Ballet: entertainment and competition. The routines contain
a.    Classical Ballet- It is known for the exactness of many components of cheers, jumps, dance, gymnastic
techniques that highlights  pointed toes and turnouts, and stunting.
high extension and gracefulness and it uses traditional STREET DANCE (HIP-HOP DANCE )
mime that utilizes the technique. Hip-Hop culture- is from the African-American group
b.    Contemporary Ballet- also known as the modern of the people who were looking for a creative outlet to
ballet that mainly uses ballet step and natural vent their frustration and disappointment with the
movement to convey meaning. society. According to Aldridge and Stewart hip-hop
  developed as a “ cultural and artistic phenomenon
affecting the youth worldwide as it reflects the social, Elevate -  a technique that helps reduce swelling by
economic, political and cultural realities and conditions bringing the injured limb higher than the lever of the
of their lives, speaking to them in a language  and heart.
manner they understand. SAFETY PROTOCOLS IN DANCING
Four Fundamental Characteristic of Hip- hop What is Dehydration?
Rapping- Vocal element. Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid
Disc Jockeying – Means scratching or turn-table than you 
recording mixing.  take in, and your body doesn't have enough water 
Break dancing and other
Graffiti Art- also known as the Aerosol Art. fluids to carry out its normal functions.
  Water makes up approximately 60% of  body weight
What is Street Dance? and is the largest  component of the human body. the 
·  Hip-hop  is a dance style performed usually in the muscles we work so hard to develop  as dancers
street and it has a evolved as part of the dance culture. (skeletal muscles) are  about 73% water, your blood is 
It is a freestyle in nature and may be practiced in either about 93% water and even bones and  teeth contain
in studio or open space outdoor. Street dance  are some water.
crews, freestyling and battles and it can be a way to Symptoms of dehydration in adults and children
stay active in competitive dance and way to make to include:
make a living by dancing professionally.
Elements of Street Dance  feeling thirsty.
Bounce or Recoil Tightening of the Body Agility and  dark yellow and strong-smelling pee.
Coordination Fun  feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
 feeling tired.
Different Street dance Style
 a dry mouth, lips, and eyes.
Old School Street Dance Style
1.    Breaking- Also known as break dancing and it is
an unstructured and highly improvisational style that  peeing little, and fewer than 4 times a day.
incorporates gymnastics and acrobatic movements
2.    Popping- A quick contraction and relaxation of WHAT IS OVEREXERTION? 
muscles to producing jerking of various joints. · It occurs when people push themselves too hard
3.    Locking- It is originally called Campbellocking during physical activities like Dancing
that relies on fast, distinct arms and hand movement.  
1.     Krumping-  rapid-fire and highly energetic moves
of the limb  dizziness
2.    House- Emphasizes fast, complex footstep with   feeling faint
fluid movement to the torso
 lightheadedness
Street Jazz-  Combination of hip-hop dance style and
 nausea
jazz dance movement
INJURY PREVENTION  shortness of breath
·  The cause of injury is an interplay of the factors that  thirst
make an individual susceptible to the injury and  vomiting
biomechanical stress experienced by the
musculoskeletal structure of human body.
1.    Programmed exercise  HOW TO AVOID PHYSICAL OVEREXERTION:
2.    Adequate recovery practice good posture utilizes ergonomic workspace lift
3.    Appropriate Environment lighter loads and use proper lifting
4.    Proper footwear techniques decrease the distance you must stretch to
5.    Proper warm-up lift a heavy object take frequent breaks from physically
6.    Early Recognition repetitive and challenging activities include strength
training and stretching in your regular exercise  routine
Hyperthermia- refers to a group of heat-related
What is PRICE? conditions characterized by an abnormally high body
·  PRICE is a principle that can be used to help relieve temperature in other words, the opposite of
pain and control the inflammation. PRICE stands for: hypothermia. The condition occurs when the body's
Protect- means  to restrict the movements by using heat-regulation system becomes overwhelmed by
immobilization outside factors, causing a person’s internal
Rest-  time to recover temperature to rise
Ice- is the application of an application of cold  
materials to reduce swelling nd pain. To remain fit, it’s imperative that you take care of your
Compress- application of elastic bandage body properly to maintain ideal dance health. Dancing
allows you to stay active, meet new people and fall in
love with a new hobby. However, sometimes dancers
are prone to certain injuries due to the repetitive nature
of the sport. The best way to avoid injuries is by
staying strong, keeping an eye on your nutrition and
paying attention to your mental health
In Summary
It’s important to be aware of how you can avoid dance
related injuries and maintain great dance health. This
allows you to remain in great health throughout the
dance season. There are several ways to do this,
including proper rest, great nutrition, cross training,
being aware of your emotional health and
strengthening your core muscles. 

 Always wear proper shoes and attire.

 Warm up before training or performances.
 Cool down after a dance session and stretch
 Don’t push yourself too far or too fast, especially if
you are a beginner.
 Concentrate on correct posture and your dance
Developmental Stages (Middle and Late  Adapting biological and mental development.
Adolescence)  Already sexually capable of reproduction.
 Acceptance of physical appearance.
Robert Havighurst’s Developmental Task During
Adolescence: Middle Adolescence (14-16yrs old)

 Achieving new and more mature relations with age

 Achieving new and more mature relations with age
mates and both sexes.
mates of both sexes.
 Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.
 Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.
 Achieving emotional independence from parents and
 Accepting one’s physiques and using one’s body other adults.
effectively  Self-Reliance
 Achieving emotional independence from parents and
other adults Late Adolescence (17-24yrs old)
 Preparing for marriage and family life and ethical  Develop sense of consistency in your personal
 Preparing for an economic career identity.
 Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as  Formed attitudes, learned skills, and established
guide to behavior – developing ideology relationships.
 Desiring, accepting and achieving socially,  Planning and preparing for marriage and family life
responsible behavior  Preparing for economic career.

Developmental Stages Blocking Blocks of Responsibility

 Pre-Natal Stage (Conception to Birth) – age when  A strong sense of self-esteem

hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and all  The capacity for empathy
body features, both external and internal are  Knowing right from wrong
developed.  Developing good judgement
Germinal – Embryonic – Fetal Living Mindfully – is like being an artist; you need the
right tools to practice your craft, and you need to
 Infancy/Toddler (Birth to 2yrs old) – foundation age
constantly refine your technique to achieve your
when basic behavior is organized, and many
ontogenetic maturation skills are developed.
 Early Childhood (2 to 6yrs old) – pre-gang age,  Breathe Mindfully
exploratory, and questioning. Language and  Listen Deeply
Elementary reasoning are acquired, and initial  Cultivate Insight
socialization is experienced.  Practice Compassion
 Late Childhood (6 to 12yrs old) – gang and creativity  Limit Reactivity
age when self-help skills, social skills, school skills,  Express Gratitude
and play are developed.
 Nurture Mutual Respect
 Adolescence (Puberty to 18yrs old) – transition age
 Foster Leadership
from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation
 Be Peace
and rapid physical development occur resulting to
changes in ways of feeling, thinking, and acting. Stress (Middle and Late Adolescence)
 Early Adulthood (18 to 40yrs old) – age of
adjustment to new life patterns of life and roles such Stress
as spouse, parent, and bread winner.
 Middle Adulthood (40 years to retirement) – - is defined as a reaction of the mind and body to a
transition age when adjustments to initial physical stimulus that disturbs the well-being, state of calm or
and mental decline are experienced. equilibrium of a person.
 Old Age (Retirement to Death) – retirement age - Webster’s definitions describe it as an “…emotional
when increasingly rapid physical and mental decline factor that causes bodily or mental tension.”
are experience. Stimulus/Stressor – situations that may be life
Three Stages in the Adolescence Period threatening or life challenges.

Early Adolescence (12-13yrs old) Healthy Stress – These types of stress can motivate,
energize, and spur an individual into fruitful action.
 Rapid growth and various changes.
- Healthy stress can propel the competing individual to - made up of about 100 billion neurons
perform better. - the most complex living structure in the universe
(society for Neuroscience)
Eustress - makes us who we are
- stress can motivate you to work harder to get what The 3 Major Parts of the Brain
you want. Stress can challenge and motivate you to
find creative solutions to your concerns.  Brain Stem – is responsible for regulating the heart
and lungs, communications between the brain and
Distress the peripheral nervous system (the nerves of the
body), our sleep cycle, and coordinating reflexes.
- when stress becomes so overwhelming and leads to
a sense of helplessness and exhaustion.  Cerebellum – helps provide smooth, coordinated
body movement
Causes of Stress - it has 2 layers, 2 hemispheres, and 4 lobes.

 School Demands and Expectations – quizzes and The cerebrum’s inner core houses the brain’s “white
tests, homework and projects, oral recitation, matter.” A major part of the inner core is known as the
quarterly and final exams, and grades most corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is a thick tract of
especially, epitomize the kind of stressors fibrous nerves that serve as a kind of switchboard
adolescents have when it comes to studying. enabling the brain’s hemisphere to communicate with
 Selecting a School, College Course, or Career – a one another.
high school student who just graduated faces more Right Hemisphere – is responsible for controlling the left
demanding challenges, and the first of these are side of the body. It handles spatially related tasks and
the entrance exams to whatever school or visual understanding.
university, and the course that they will choose.
 Separation Anxiety – high school graduation, to Left Hemisphere – is responsible for controlling the right
some, means a temporary ending or separation side of the body. It handles language, reasoning, logic
from some of their friends. There is a possible and speech.
scenario that a best friend might move to another
place to study or mote to another school. Frontal Lobe – is located in the front of the brain, running
from your forehead to your ears.
 College Life – the prospect of being by themselves
in a new school in college and meeting and Occipital Lobe – is located in the back of the brain. It is
adjusting to new people is another cause of stress considered the brain’s “visual processing center”
for graduating senior students.
 Romantic Relationships or the Lack of it – Temporal Lobe – is located behind and below the frontal
adolescents tend to feel awkward when they are in lobe (beneath the parietal lobe), under the lateral fissure.
a special relationship with someone.
Neutrons – inside the cortex of the brain are billions of
 Family Demands and Expectations
tiny nerve cells called neutrons.
 Health Concerns
 Demands of Social Life - the nerve cells have branches connecting to them to
 Bullying other cells in a compliced network
- with thsese brain cells, allow us to think and solve
Ways of Coping problems
- when we challenge our mind to learn more, our brain
Problem-Focused Coping – it refers to facing the
cells also grow
situation and squarely and exerting effort to solve the
- when we do, the things that we found hard will
become easy
Emotion-Focused Coping – refers to the responding in - the result is a stronger, smarter brain
an emotional way.
Personal Relationship
Avoidant Coping – this involves ignoring a problem and
hoping that it will disappear or its own (Wadswrorth et - refers to the association and close connections
al., 2011) between people, formed by emotional bonds and
The Brain Power
Family – is defined as “two or more persons who are
The Brain related by birth, marriage, or adoption, and who live
together as one household.
- weighs 1300-1400g
Friendship – can be thought of a close tie between Ancient Greeks studied love and denoted each type by
two people that is often built upon mutual giving one a Greek name. Lee (1973)
experiences, shared interests, proximity, and
emotional bonding. Philia (Affectionate Love) – a love that run deep in true
Three types of friendship according to Parker and
Asher (1993): Storge (Familiar Love) – love of the child (childhood and
childhood friends)
- Acquantances
- Companions Pragma (Enduring Love) – mature love that has endured
- Intimates or Bestfriend decades

Romantic partenerships – including marriage, are close Eros (Romantic Love) – personal infatuation showing
relationships formed between two peopl that are built passion
upon affection, trust, intimacy, and romantic love. Ludus (Playful Love) – begenning stages of intimate love
Healthy relationships are vital component of health and Mania (Obsessive Love) – possessiveness or madness
wellbeing. over a partner
Three Brain Systems of Love or Stages of Philautia (Self Love) – empathetic way of loveing oneself
Falling in Love and others
Lust – refers to an urge or desire that motivates us to Agape (Selfless Love) – empathetic way of loving
partakes in sexual activity. oneself and others
Attraction – is described as the love-struck phase. This Commitment
is the stage when a person loses sleep and appetite
over someone and become excited to someone while Being commited in a relationship is to make a promise,
daydreaming of a special person. pledge and a decision to stay together despite the twists
and turns encounter in the relationship.
Factors of Attraction
According to Goddard, there are three dimensions of
1. Physical Attractiveness – is one of the primary commitment in intimate relationships.
determinants of romantic attraction.
2. Proximity – people tend to get attracted to people 1. Commitment as an attraction or the “want to” aspect.
who are geographically closer to them. 2. Commitment as a moral obligation or the “ought to”
3. Similarity – people tend to pick partners who are aspect
similar to themselves. 3. Commitment as a constraint or the “have to” aspect
4. Reciprocity – people tend to like others who
reciprocate their liking.

Attachment – is a deep and enduring emotional bond

that connects one person to another across space and

Love is a Choice

You express your love for another person not because

you are forced to do so but because you have decided to
share yourself with another person.

The three components can be defined as follows:

Intimacy – involve liking, feeling of closeness

connectedness, and bonding resulting from genuinely
knowing the other person

Passion – feelings of romance, physical attraction and

sexual consummation in the relationship

Commitment – shared investments, or the “history” of

the relationship such as decisions and adjustments.

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