1.english 09.02 Lesson 65

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Today, the ecological situation in Ukraine is very difficult. The natural environment is very polluted.

Pollution from enterprises harms people's health. Emissions per capita more than 80 kg per year. Problems
with waste processing. In total, 5-10% are processed. And the rest accumulates at landfills in the form of
landfills, which is an environmental hazard. Atmospheric air pollution occurs for a long time, then the main
socio-economic functions of natural environments are disturbed and degraded. Then the life of all living
organisms is complicated on earth. A person's health deteriorates and his life expectancy decreases. There
are problems with emissions greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxin. Recently, there has
been an increase in air temperature in Ukraine. And in its increase is predicted in the future. The increase in
temperature was approximately 2.5 - 2.9 C. The change in the amount of precipitation also affected the
ecological situation in Ukraine. The largest amount of precipitation was recorded in the Northern and
Western regions, especially in the Transcarpathian region. Also for ecology Ukraine was affected by the rise
in the level of the Black and Azov seas in the Southern region of Ukraine. This too linked to climate change.
Environmental problems can also include: problems with soils, problems with use minerals, the state of
forest resources, problems with radioactive and electromagnetic pollution, ecological problems of seas and
rivers. Also, a special role should be given to the current state and perspective provision of the country's
population with water, air pollution. One of the sharpest atmospheric air pollution is a problem. These are
emissions by automobile, railway, water and by air transport. Ukraine belongs to one of the countries with
the least water supply in Europe. The western region is the most provided with surface water resources,
the South - the least provided. Water use in Ukraine is carried out irrationally and unproductive water
consumption is increasing. There is underground water the only reliable source of water supply for the
population. The main factors of groundwater pollution in In Ukraine: municipal effluents, effluents from
animal husbandry complexes, mineral fertilizers, agrochemical products, lead, manganese, oil products. In
the first place is the Central region. The main ecological problems of the seas are: high level of pollution of
sea waters; threat the health of the population and the irreparable loss of biological diversity and biological
resources of the sea; reduction of fish catch and seafood harvesting; decrease in the quality of marine
recreation resources; destruction of the seashore and intensification of negative geological processes,
degradation lands of the coastal strip; lack of a system of integrated management of nature use in coastal
strip; the threat of extinction of animal and plant species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine; reduction of
breeding volumes of valuable commercial fish species. To eliminate environmental problems, it is necessary
to adopt decisions on financing projects aimed at solving environmental problems in one way or another
region to take into account the importance and relevance of this problem.

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