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Coding and Decoding

Coding and Decoding

Coding is a process used to encrypt a word, a number in a particular code or pattern based on some
set of rules.
Decoding is a process to decrypt the pattern into its original form from the given codes.
Letter Coding Alphabets of a word are replaced by some other alphabets according to specific rule to
form code.
Number Coding A word is replaced by certain numbers according to some specific rule.
B O M B is written as 5745 and B A Y is written as 529 -> B O M B A Y
5745 529 574529
Question: Q01

If 'L' stands for '+' , 'M' stands for '-' , N stands for 'x' , P stands for '÷' then
14 N 10 L 42 P 2 M 8 = ?

A. 216
B. 153
C. 248
D. 251

Answer : B
Explanation: Q01

Given 14 N 10 L 42 P 2 M 8 = ?

After Substituting N L P & M the equation is

14*10+42/2 - 8 = 153

by using BODMASS
Question: Q02

Directions (Q02 – Q06): Study the data given below and answer the following questions:

‘Royal Monarch Regal’ is written as @ # *,

‘Regal legacy Gold’ is written as * % ?,
‘Hope Gold Life’ is written as % & $,
‘Regal Monarch Morals’ is written as # * ∀
Question: Q02

What will be the code for Regal?

A. %
B. *
C. $
D. #
E. ?

Answer : B
Explanation: Q02

‘Royal Monarch Regal’ is written as @ # *,

‘Regal legacy Gold’ is written as * % ?,

The common word in the first two statements is “Regal” and the common symbol is “ * ”
Question: Q03

What will be the code for “Gold Legacy”?

A. #&
B. %#
C. %?
D. *∀
E. &$

Answer : C
Explanation: Q03

‘Royal Monarch Regal’ is written as @ # *,

‘Regal legacy Gold’ is written as * % ?,
‘Hope Gold Life’ is written as % & $,
By comparing the first three statements we can conclude that Gold is % and Legacy is ?
Question: Q04

Which word is coded as #?

A. Moral
B. Life
C. Regal
D. Monarch
E. Legacy

Answer : D
Explanation: Q04

‘Royal Monarch Regal’ is written as @ # *,

‘Regal legacy Gold’ is written as * % ?,
‘Hope Gold Life’ is written as % & $,
‘Regal Monarch Morals’ is written as # * ∀

By comparing statement 1 and 4 we can conclude the # if for Monarch.

Question: Q05

In the given coded language, which of the following words has been coded as &?

A. Gold
B. Life
C. Hope
D. Either ‘2’ or ‘3’
E. None of the above

Answer : D
Explanation: Q05

‘Royal Monarch Regal’ is written as @ # *,

‘Regal legacy Gold’ is written as * % ?,
‘Hope Gold Life’ is written as % & $,
‘Regal Monarch Morals’ is written as # * ∀

By comparing statements 2 and 3 we can conclude % is for Gold but we cannot conclude &
Hnece it may be either Gold or Hope.
Question: Q06

What is the code for royal?

A. %
B. @
C. ?
D. *
E. ∀

Answer : B
Explanation: Q06

‘Royal Monarch Regal’ is written as @ # *,

‘Regal legacy Gold’ is written as * % ?,
‘Hope Gold Life’ is written as % & $,
‘Regal Monarch Morals’ is written as # * ∀

From the Statements 1, 2 & 4 we can conclude that # and * is for Monarch and Regal.
Hence Royal is coded as @
Question: Q07

In a certain code language,

'3a, 2b, 7c' means 'Truth is Eternal';

'7c, 9a, 8b, 3a' means 'Enmity is not Eternal' and
'9a, 4d, 2b, 8b' means 'Truth does not perish'.

Which of the following means 'enmity' in that language ?

A. 3a
B. 8b
C. 7c
D. 9a

Answer : B
Explanation: Q07

In the second and third statements, the common code is '9a' and the common word is 'not'.
So, '9a' means 'not'.

In the first and second statements, the common codes are '7c' and '3a' and the common words are 'is'
and 'Eternal'.
So, in the second statement, '8b' means 'enmity'.
Question: Q08

In a certain code, RAID is written as %#*$, RIPE is written as % * @ ©. How is DEAR written up in
that code?

A. $ * 37

B. 3$7*

C. $©#*

D. $©#%

Answer : D
Explanation: Q08

According to the question,

Letters RAIDR I P E
Symbol code %#*$%*@©

Hence DEAR is code as $©#%

Question: Q09

In a certain code, 'BOY' is written as '$*•' and 'HOUR' is written as ‘@*£O’. How is 'RUBY' written in
that code?

A. O£$•

B. O$£

C. • £$O

D. •$£O

Answer : A
Explanation: Q09

The codes given in the question

BOY => $*•
HOUR => @*£O

RUBY => O£$•

Question: Q10

In a certain code language, 'how can you go' is written as 'ja da ka pa', 'can you come here' is

written as 'na ka sa ja' and 'cone and go' is written as 'ra pa sa'. How is 'here' written in that code ?

A. na

B. ja

C. sa

D. None

Answer : A
Explanation: Q10

From the given information :

how can you go = ja da ka pa....(1)

can you come here = na ka sa ja...(2)

come and go = ra pa sa....(3)

from (1)&(2), can you = ja ka...(4)

from (2)&(3), come = sa...(5)

Using (4)&(5) in (2), we get here = na

Question: Q11

In a certain code language, "Tom Kun Sud" means "Dogs are barking" , "Kun Jo Mop" means "Dogs

and horse" and "Mut Tom Ko" means "Donkeys are mad". Which word in that language means


A. Sud

B. kun

C. Jo

D. Mop
Answer : A
Explanation: Q11

In the first and second sentences common word is Dogs and common code is Kun. In the first and third

sentences common word is are and common code is Tom. Therefore Sud = baking
Question: Q12

In a certain code language,

(A) ‘pit na som’ means ‘bring me water’
(B) ‘na jo tod’ means ‘water is life’
(C) ‘tub od pit’ means 'give me toy’
(D) ‘jo lin kot’ means ‘life and death’

Which of the following represents 'is' in that language ?

A. jo
B. tod
C. na
D. lin
Answer : B
Explanation: Q12

In statements A and B, the common code word is 'na' and the common word is 'water'.

So, 'na' means 'water'.

In statements B and D, the common code word is 'jo' and the common word is 'life'.
So, 'jo' means 'life'.
Thus, in statements B, 'tod' represents 'is'.
Question: Q13

In a certain code 'Black' means Orange', 'Orange' means Violet','Violet' means 'Green', 'Green'

means 'White' ,'White', means 'Yellow' and 'Yellow' means 'Sky blue', what is the colour of coal ?

A. Orange

B. Sky Blue

C. Violet

D. Yellow

Answer : A
Explanation: Q13

The colour of coal is Black. In the code language ,black is called orange. So, the colour of coal is Orange.
Question: Q14

In a certain code language, 'is uc he bh kr' mean 'Lucky likes to dance freely', 'ha by lm kr op' mean
'Dance can be a hobby', 'he id ac kr bh' mean 'Lucky teaches dance to kids' and 'kr id bh tw uc'
mean 'Kids dance freely with Lucky'.
Now answer the given question.
'Lucky likes to dance with kids' can be coded as ?
A. he kr op id uc tw
B. bh is he kr tw id
C. ac tw op bh uc id
D. None of the above
Answer : B
Explanation: Q14

From given data, codes for

Lucky - bh
Likes - is
to - he
Dance - kr
with - tw
Kids - id
Hence, Lucky like to dance with kids can be coded as 'bh is he kr tw id'.
Question: Q15






Answer : C
Explanation: Q15

Follows a pattern that,

F - F = R- second letter to left of R i.e, P
I - I = E - Third letter to left of E i.e, B
N - N = D - Fourth letter to left of D i.e, Z
Similarly, for PATRON
P - P = A - second letter to left of A i.e, Y
R - Third letter to left of R i.e, O
N - Fourth letter to left of N i.e, J
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