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‘Thank you very much for choosing our portable resuscitator: This | resusellttor Is for the emergency. Read this book thorough to acquire a correct way to handle it hy setting dawn when using it Keep it in a place nearby use it any time whenever necessary. PORTABLE RESUSCITATOR FOR EMERGENCY PORTABLE RESUSCITATOR P-102-P-103 eos a) Table of Contents =xmmaxsararnasenesSeESES Precautions for safely Caution on use . Lifesaving treatment “6 ‘Name of each part eoek Operation, 1. Preparations see8 ‘Consumption and consumable time of oxygen 2. Aspiration tanrees 3. Aulifctal eppration (Resuscitation) + + 4,Oxygeninhalation + 0 01+ tee ‘The Usage of accessories vee 5. Careufler use : ra 6. Suilizatio & Disiufection + 16 7.Cleaning of Equipment ++ + sss teens Maintenance & Inspection | Maintenance & Inspection (User's mspection) Check List + +--+ + ++ 18 ‘2.Seheduled Inspection #6 6s ee eee eee eee 8 Working Check ofRespintor, 0s tt tte testa a ‘Troubleshooting Before calling serviceman + + + + + beeen eee +2 Specification ee ANE 1 Artiticial Respiration 2 Aspiration 8,Oxygen Inhalation (P-102B type is not equipped) NE to 3 funolione can be oparatad atthe same ume. (However, note that the consumption of oxygen increases, and consumable time shortens when you use two er more funciione at the eame hms.) 3 Precautions for safety Gla Be sure to follow the safety precautions shown here. ‘This manual includes important descriptions regarding safety, be sure to read before ws, —— In failure to cbserve the matters, even ifit works normally, the user AX Warning | com be in the state of danges, ald cetivus livuble Gan uctur in the equipment. ‘These are matters thatthe prohibition to use other handlings than right purpose, thatthe patient and disease which should not be treated by this ‘equipment, and that the medical apparatus and connection devices that should not be used together: In failure to observe the matters, the user ‘ean be in the atate of danger; and serious trouble can vecu in the cauipment. f ‘These are caution matters except Warlag, taboo and prohibit that the wer should observe and about the forage and maintenance of the AX Caution | cqupmeat tn faa w ose ve he waters le uel performance of the enulpmen¢canot be obtained, medal practice can he airtel, tn tronble can occur in the eqlpmeat 2s FOR SAFETY USE At may be concerned directly or indirectly that the discontinuation of the medical ‘treatment by failure or generating of fault may be eonecrned with a paticats Hie ctl or indirectly, ‘Re snre to yerform maintenance chock (usr check) every 3 months, And alzo the scheduled inspection every 2 years by the manufteturer or the repair contractor is required. (Scheduled inspection and overhaul are charges.) eee ‘Before you will return this product for inspestion or repair, empty the bottle and disinfect or sterilize the products. We cannot receive it when fear of infection is init. =a Caution on use same ZX Warning @Operate this product under the instruction of physicians, medical staffs, or emergency life saving teehntesans, @Thic equipmentis for emergency measure only. At the same time call an ambulance. @Check the remaining gas volume in the eylinder before use, And after use, replace it ‘wn 3 fully eharged cylinder, @Re sure ta open the cylinder valve slowly. Open i fully once, ond nee i fo about halt ‘opened position to use. ‘Ranid opening ean cs lontion. explosions duet adiabatic eompreson. @if oxygen smells, shut the valve and stop using the equipment, and take adequate ‘measures and replace the cylinder, ‘Theres fear of having been burned the resi sheet inthe eylinder valve or the O-ring in the pressure aus @Always check motto fold the connection tubes of inhalation mask and the lke on use. @Do not add the extension tube to the mask tube and the like. Doing so can cause the ‘flow rate error due to line resistance. @Never use the flow rate set at the middle range between graduations of the control dial ‘The gas flows, but the accuraey is not sure, @Do not use the Mush button in the upper part of the respirator for the vietim who is ‘thoughts damaged in the lungs, ue depressor anil tnngue fhreeps, he earefil st to hurt @Chuvse dre airway size according to the victim's body slze and age. @ Vien inserting the airway fa the mouth ae eave di dhe vein Joes wot vomit wor has a fit of pharynx due fo the tongue fll and blockade of airway by pharynx presare. Tehe nauscates or vomits, donot forest insert the ray errine ‘aks retin nansates or vomits oF hei going to push ou the airway with his tongue, @Ro sure to shut the cylinder valve, and let the remaining gas flow out from the pressure ‘regulator. The pressure gauge basa load, which can eause a trouble. ‘@stcrilize oF disinfect the components and accessories if necessary, and prevent various germs from propagating and infecting forthe next use. @ Ventilation is required in the small place and airtight room, as the density of oxygen becomes high. it is necessary to masier how to use this equipment in emergency case by reading ‘through and check eack part daily, @Do not use it affer giving it the impact like falls by mistake, but request the ‘manufieturing seller to check it @re sarc to inspect and maintain the unit every 3 months, And perform the inapecton bby makers every 2 years. Prohibition || @Do not use the oxygen eylinder charged more than 14.7MPs, Use the oxygen for medical use only. ‘@Use this equipment for right purposes only and do not use for any other purposes. ‘The neprato hal eased for ustion only Never ute it for blood calle Qin nat alow fire inflammable, gaitable near the oquipment ‘Oxygen i not a material that burns or explodes itself, but increases the susceptibility of material to bur, ©Do not wipe off with alcohols. ‘Doings ex gate alcoho. Do not apply vib mud each parts ud eonmetion uf he buy. Ag do aot unde dhe equipment with oly hands. Doings can fire ©Do not use this product around inflammables and in the pottonons gas of the high density, | “Thoroiea danger of =xposon and bad aston for human bodys @Do not place ad stare thiv eye ‘humidity and high temperature, Do not leave this un in navvow, alti pees such asi uu auubuiance under burning sun. | Failure todo so ean cause thatthe oxygen gus inflates so mich Inthe ender, thatthe eli valve af | the gua regulator can work, and thatthe gas volume Devouns small and caus in Wuuble of the cenipment. went ler direct sunshine, In any loention with bigh @Do not use the mouth gag, tongue depressor, tongue forceps and airways if they are ‘erarke, dofnrmed, hurrrd and cfainel @Do not water the unit, ‘Doings ean eause he trouble @suction catheter, vinyl mask aud mouth gag are single use. They re wut reusuble, @Do not disassemble nor alter the equipment. incase of trouble, ell the seller © Use te spare parts the maker supplied. Le 388 Caution on use ER A\ Caution @De careful of location of the equipment. Avoid Ue like. (On transportation, too.) iuativn, vibration, impact und Che ‘@Do nox place me equipment where me chemical is stored and gas generates, (© conueeting doe uxygen cylinder with the regulator do not connect 00 tht, At Obrng into ma ightniag ot requrd. ‘@Do not change the sering pressnre ofthe pressnre regulator ‘@te tongue depressor and tongue forceps should not be altered, such as bending, scraping and stamping. @vo not blockade the vent ofacpirator, Doing so will stop suctioning. ‘© rhe respirator (resuseitator) ofthis produet is designed for a child (Whose weight is from 10k to 40g) and an adult (whose weight i over 40k). Do not use it for a newborn buby ‘whose weight is under 10kg. @In using the resuscitator head, the gas will leak from between the face anc mask if the ‘mask does not cover te nose and mouth rightly, and it ean works incorrectly, @in using the resusetator head, 2s the oxygen consumption is increasing so fast, use it looking at the needle of the pressure gauge and checking the reminding gas volume. ‘@Atways wateh the patient ihe turns pale on the lips or vomits. As the mask is transparent and can be looked through, ‘@When stop the medical treatment for sometime, be sure to turn the oaygen cylinder valve clockwise and stop the oxygen supply fo save the oxygen consumption. (@ Abvays watch the condition ofthe victim and the medical instrument @ Whenever anything is wroug om the eyuipment ur the vietin, stop dhe equipment fake adequate meacures, Whan the eqpipment ie found wenng, post eign SCT OF ORDER” conspicuously on the unit, and call a serviceman, ‘@For emergency, propare the oxygen gas eylinder fully charged forthe reserve, ifesaving treatment ‘When 2 man is suddenly taken ill seriously, how fast he will be taken a appropriate treatment Influences his prognosis. Refore sing this equipment, explain about the lifesaving treatment inorder [i] Confirming the state of the patient consciousness ‘Givin hin stimulation such as speaking 1 tum, beating firm by shoulder and the like, checking his reaction whether or nat he opens ayes, regponces, move his limbs, ete I-A Management [21-8 Check of Breathing State Call on ama ce he the patent i Tn case that the not conzelous, ‘airway is d breathes enough ae check tthe breathes enough. oo ‘The alruay manners Bs noite er oe Ae Gene tee eS ows Gon Ue us mouth od gs When AST cen the man ts the plysial seegth of his nate and nec fel vaca on of ere Eis ad See aywhch #oen d cad oogue rot eebiienon Inthe example deat thot taconite any ose ‘who are sed by secu tia a ssa [Bring your ear noor tho viticn’s nese ‘and mouth, check that you ean hear his breathing, feel his beating air on your face, and see the movement ofhis breast. ~ [J croush [B1-B Take the recovery posi forthe victim Ie is an effective pasion th Wigs root sadn airway blockage with the vomiting thing, and to keep the est 3B Ua pe | Make hs fice dommwaid aly out | Tis jaw to make the vomit 20. out easily. Pot out the both hands and feet {orward and stabilize hn. [JA Check of Breathing State Tn case that the victim is conscious, Check hate brent neue, ct the save a [2] Artificial Respiration (Resuscitation) Cardiac Compression When the breathing 1s not confirmed after scouring the airway, artificial repiniion is required at once. A "spinor seesory to this empment a [Looran the te, button or belt of the viotim, protect him from the flls of the dy femperaume wih biarker ed ike, and watch his condition and wait or sn ambulance, Perfurm dhe resuscitation ofthe victim, \___ and the eardiae compression, too. ae a2 Name of each part SEE ‘This manual covers the rewaintne moale,P-I02A type de P-102D type @ P-108 ype. ‘The model P-102A is usted, Tongue Feeens Tongue Doprece Inhalation vais) ten a idan toa) Yui ask = Sueton cantar a Operation [ema ZA Warning | { Since this product is for purpose of first aid, eis important thatthe products inspected and maintained usually and be kept its funetion and performance so that itean operate without fail, ca Preparations 41, Check whether the airway of the victim is secured or not, Lay tho patint on hig bool, It offal orgy place a pillow or the like (towel, ete.) under the th paletsiesk ower iste penis, AQ Press down his head lightly to lift his jaw, and will 1p hia throet op. z ‘When te vie shut is mouth fialy ands seen tn his om cavity, itis etecive for you to use the accostrine sch 99 euth gg, tango Aepressor, etc (Refer'opagel5) PILLOW 2. Check that the oxygen cylinder is connected with the pressure regulator firmly. Check thet the oylinder is connected with the collider eamuection pat of dae pressure regular, and thatthe yoke handle is not loose. x, Open taper yrs, a Steed hs sxc ‘Tum the cylinder valve “slowly” counterclockwise, tot invote the oggen gs 10 Ais omic oe ber teers Rom ad teh iat fal opel poston o ly open jikiat"e a Sos Seat ef pear eis b aciea tote em hrs ‘tally charged (over 13Ma), evunner valve Connect necessary accessories are connected according to patient's state. ‘DRemove the focien mats and scouc tho airway. ~--Refec toe pase 10 Apion ‘Prete nici respition+“Refeto the poe I of Arf respon (Ressiation) (Prati oxygen inhalation. + Rete tothe page 13 of Oxygen inalation (Excinds P-102B type) ei 225 Operation Etim eE Ci onsumption and consumable time of oxygen ‘The followings are about oxygen consumption per minut thats sed each fiction, @Aspimtion + + + About 18t/min, (@Aritetal Respiration + + * About 12Umin, }Oxygen Inhalation « + - Calibration setup ‘When the 2.2 water capacity cylinder is fully charged (#12MP2~2400) in case that only a single nerion nse, the confines eae rime wal be allows; "Tog te mina gs ling press in th 2 yg oir ahot MP he ble loves ese fs nF sna Hal nl ie LP @Aspination + + + About 13 min, (2408-+18¢inin) ‘@Artifcial Respiration * + + About min, (aut L2Umin.) ixygen Inhalation + + + (Example) In case of inhaling oxygen setup at 6tnin, About 40-min, 2400+Stimin) = In cise that 2 oF more functions are used together, the calculation of useble time of each fimefion has fo be deducted from fhe eonswmption ofthe afer two functions, About devoting function, calculate the oxygen consumption equals usable time multiply by exygen consumption per minut, end the oxrgen consumption minus oxyeen capacity inthe evlindcr fully charecd, (Example) ‘Din order to secure the airway in whic the vomits siay, espiration was practiced intermitently for | minates in total. @aAfter securing the airway, the artificial respiration was practiced for 10 minutes as the vietims Ind stopped breathing. @setfbreathing is confimmed during the artical respiration, and it is changed to oxygen inhalation of 6Unin, In case of using one 2¢ water capacity cylinder, the fll gus capacity is 240¢, ‘Doxygen consumption at arpiring Imin, * 18¢hin.=18¢ (Oxygen consumption at artificial respiration 10min. © 12min, = 1200 ‘Consequently the oxygen sed or oxygen inhalation i @2)_= Ge Ge Gs DanC Tone et [2] Aspiration In order to secure the airway, Asprator is used for removing vomits when the vitma’s away clogs and he cannot breatho himcelf, 1, Connect Inlet Tube with aspirator, Insert the inlet tube plug of aspirator into the ‘conncetion part of the presswie 1egulaor il i clicks stopped. INETTUBEPLUS 2, Connest a catheter with the aspirator Insert the nozzle of the aspirator into a catheter, ‘an accessory 1o the equipment. r sag nT sucroweaen psrraten 3, Press the button and practice the aspiration ‘Prece the button on the uppor af the aspirator, and practice aspiration. Aspire secretion up to waif boule, und empry rear ASHATOR ZX Caution || Do nor blockade the vent of wiring wr wil sop suctioning. Tf the aspirator does not work by ehanc, refer to page 22 and confirm. 4, See that the forcign matters are remuved aud dhe victn’s alrway ts secured, Reférto 1 of [I] preparation on page 9 and confirm, -10- 1G Operation SEA AEE [3] Artificial Respiration (Resuscitation) ‘Arificlal resusclttor(Coavertet) and inhalation masks are available to use forthe artificial "espiretin of the vietim wha ara not conscians end eennot breshs enough Ay Caution || The respirator (resuscitation of this prodnet fe designed for a child (whose weight is trom 10kg to 40kg) and an adult (whose weight is over 0k). Do wot uce it for a newborn baby whose weight is under 10k, 1. Setting up of Ventilation Times aud Oaygen Concentration ‘Set up the ventilation times (Turning the ring snd agjust the postion ofthe yellow mark), tuming the canceatation rng ofthe esprtos according to the victim's condition. Tidal volume and ‘xygen concentration ae changed by ventilation times, im Venton | Tidal | O.Gas SQ Time | Voume [constrain ~ \ F , concixeatows FAST| Many | _Litte | About 50% MP chimes SLOW] Few | Much |About 100%) 3H; Oxygen emiked with alz 42 ! When the ring is filly ture tol SLOW Js. 3G CIC itis used at the middle position, the oxygen gas concentration shall not be arantced in eccuracy. 2, Attach an Inhalation Mask to the Respirator Choose the mask according to the victim's age tnd physique, and attach tt the respirtor, (Guandans) Adult» + + Large: Child « + « Medium or Small 3, Connect an Inlet Tube with the artificial respirator Inver the plug of inlet tube of reopimtor (esuscitator) into the connection part of pressure regulator till i clicks stopped. And the oxygen lows in al rapa tarts, “le a EE 4, Attach the mask to the vietim and practice the artificial respiration ‘Check again thatthe airway is secured (Refer FLUSH BUTTON the page 9), press the mask uv ower tbe vieds INEGI nose and mouth ‘When the respirator is normal, the indicato: (green) ofthe oxygen flush button ofthe respirator Upper par moves pend own, Ax 2 ZA Gouton || ie araal aptar Tae wakes ema AMtaced fo the ice ny. IF dos ot seat by chance arto paged to, *In case that the respirator cracks and cracks fast and repeatedly, and the movement of the chest is not seen from the beginning or on the way of artificial respiration, the foreign maters can say In the airway or the anmway can be blocked ddae to tongue root subsidence. Remave the mack, take ant ‘the foreign matters or take adequate measures, and secure the airway and start respiration again. Pali die flush burton tn the upper past ofthe respirator, and it canbe pressured mare ing || “Flush dime should be lnaited by PT a eee “Do not use the flush button for the ‘tim who is thought is damaged ‘ie gs. ‘Tho vietim is seen is breathing spontaneously, practice the oxygen inhalation (Refer to the page 4) wit Flowmeter and Inhalation mask, ‘Then Ieasen the metal fitting ofthe inlet tube connected withthe respirator ta stop the axygan low ftom it Watch the victim carefully until a physician, medical staff of lifeseving personel seveve hit, aud lace te respirator (resusctator) near by you for siden artifical respiration to him agatn, “ih Oper: [4] Oxygen Inhalation (p-1028 type is not equipped) 1h case that the vetim is breathing but weak, or for oxygen administration after resuscitation, xe Vinyl Mosk necessary to the eppenr, 1, Connect the vinyl mask with the gas opening Connect firmly the tube of inhalation mask with =. the gas opening ofthe low meter ofthe pressure regulates, ‘ZX Warning || Donotadd the extension tube to the tube of vinyl mask. Doing . {29 ca eae the How rate error due to ie resistance 2, Put the mask on the vietim Cover the Vietin’s nose and mouth with the ‘Vinyl Mask and tum the mast band behind his Inca ad festou it 3, Start the oxygen inhalation “Tum the. few como da,set the Now rae for the required rte, and str im inaling oxygen. FLOW CONTROL DIAL, ZX Waring |] While he is inhaling oxygen, watch the tube of inkalation ‘mask not to be folded. When stop tae oxygen inhalation temporarily or Mins, fn she Now cant tal 10 O, and stay ‘the oxygen flow. “1s The usage of accessories ‘@Mouth Gag ¢ Werte Se fing eae Ay + When the mouth is shut firmly and it cannot be opened with hands & ~ Sita ‘Dinsert the threaded part on the tip of mouth gag in between the fost teeth ofthe victim, OTTum its handle slowly clockwise, @Tongue Depressor Its efetve forthe folowing case. + When condinm and observe te ral cavity (Diioco i in de vidi’ tau, and depress his tongue, ®Confimm and observe the oral cavity. " @Tongue Forceps lis etetv rth fllowing cst. + When confirm and observe the oral cavity Zo + Wen remove te freign mater fon tno cavity Dit catches the vic’ tongue ®t put the tongue an the right position to confirm and the oral eavity and to remove the foreign matters. @Airway S201, m, a0 prosoryvood covetng to te physi) = Its effetv in he allowing cases, ‘When a pationt closes his suc al ils airway eamot be secured ~ Open the mouth and not make the tongue plug up a thoat (Depen she moun ofthe victim, and point the ip ofthe airway to the roof ofthe mouth, and slowly inset it into the mouth, ©Tuming (180° ) the airway, insert it gradually to just this side of the roof ofthe larynx. ZX Wearaing ‘technician can use airway. + Do mot force to insert the atrway, when the vietim vomits or rejoot with tongue, Do not use eracked and broken airway. [28] Operation [5] Care after use CHUNDER VALVE : 1, Turn the eylinder valve handle clockwise and close it firmly. id * When the pressure gauge indicates the gas pressure, close the cylinder valve ané then let ihe actessones i connected the inlet tubes work and discharge the i | remaining as. | 2. Remove dhe accessories, sand wash and disinfect | | them (Refer to the page 17°18) , ASPRATOR, Wild ‘Adler ting Aspiratr, remove the cap, pour out te | | | | seston, des i in water or warm waterand then Ginist nd asrlze i, Sines the anton eatotr ia | single use product, discard properly after use, and | picpatea ew uum i the neat ise, PACKING | “After having used the respirator (resuscitator, remove it | cand the musk. Wash the mask well in water oF tepid ‘water, and stelize or disinfet it Storize or dsingtat | the respirator if necessary. Since the vinyl mask and mask gag are a single use ‘product, discard them properly alr use, and prepare ‘ew ones forthe oe, “Afler having wsed the tmgue depressor, tongue forceps ‘nd airway, wash them well in Water a tepid water, and | | sterilize o disinfect ther. ' | 3. Replacement of Oxygen Cylinder WT ha ne ty lon fn aye epider mth tly Whi : charged one afer use except that the oxygen was hardly cconwned, When Seetall saw cygen ga ends, St the pin hoes ofthe cylinder valve to the pin positions of Hii ‘the yoke connection, and tum the yoke handle to fix the \| valve firmly. i 1f tho eylindor content romains lit, next we will be shortened, and can be compelled to stop the treatment ili flack of oxygen | (Reference) Calculation of gas volume in the cylinder { | Gas volume is calculated as follows; iyi Pressure (MPa) « Water Capacity in the cylinder (2) x 10 \ li "Ee aie one He ip eae we WEISS Gas Volume(e) ‘OPreseure ix shoo on the pressure gauge ofthis equipment. ‘Okor example, 2-2 water capacity cylinder is confined is stamped V2.0 of V2.L on, ii ‘hn einer chenlder ‘Tha eplinder quantity fe lifferent fem the made 102 can be equipped with 1 piece of 20 water capacity cylinder. 2-108 can he aqingad sith 2 pinons of 28 water capacity eylinler ols ation & D fection Caution about disinfectant element) ‘3Keep the concentration of the di ‘documents drawn by the malcers. Inhalation of poisoned gas.) and store. |.Restunw ir, attachments enough, and disinfect the equipment. (Failure to do so can lower the effect of disinfection.) 2aDv uvt unis de disiufecuant wid other ones. (Doing so can lose the effect of disinfectant and generate the dangerous fectant prescribed in the attached (Faifure to do so can deteriorate the equipment.) 4Re careful not to fouch the disinfectant directly or not fo inhale the goo ‘nto whieh is turned. (Failure to do so can cause the hand rough and S.After disinfection, wash away mn sterilized water and dry well enough, Do not use crease, Do not use disinfectant such as kinds of sodium hypochlorite, iodeform and "elke, ag he metal part ean corrode, And also do not use strong acid water asi ean also corrode the metal parts, holytc surfactant snl alewhol 2x they cam erak resin 1, Sterilization and Disinfection of Aspirator Gusiacsteer iusimlewe mld ‘After disassembly and cleaning, soak in the disinfectant suitable tothe material, refering to the right list. Dilute the disinfectant as described in the attached documents, Description tral] Fai Asseanly —[Alariuin & AS Packing NBR Botts |Aaryie Rein [Sucton Catheten PVC. Recommend you to use chlorhexidine gluconate series and eationis crap rine ‘Satatactosnothwednatcia alae, Itis possible to strlize in eylene oxide eas ess than 50°C). Be carefil af remaining exe tnd practic ar purging well enough, ‘edict cams in ZOO ‘Sun Tampere ~My ory | ek 0 dP roooure Regulator = | = [vee | 0. Prosoure Regula ve i eee Oa Gyinder == [ee [ne = Ile Tube x2 so] (ves no | asoiion Yes | No_[ Yes [no [Ciuc Pati Suction Cater Yes | No [ Yes [ No esprater Yor | Ne_[ Yeo | Ne tnhaation ask) Yes | No” | Yes | No [natn Mask yes | No_| Yes | No Inhaainn Rask (9). es | No_[ Vee [ Nr Vievitasi a Metered rezone | | 9 [| We rc Mouth Gog Yes [We [Ves | No “Tengu dopaasar Yes | No_[ Woe [We Tongue Forceps | Yes | No [ Yes [No ‘wy Yes | no_[ Yes [no ‘ny 0) Yor [ No” [ Yes [No ‘Airway (5) Yes [ No_| Yes [No Test Bag Pres Cro [iene Cose =| = i Co = 2 ] If the components are lost or deteriorated, purchase the spares jrom the store you purchased before, “18. | Maintenance & Inspection ZEEE 2, ‘Funetional Inspection ‘When the maski connesied wi the ges opening and the fow control dial is tumed, the gas flows from the | Goed) No mask Production Serial No. > Inspection Date : Yeer__Month__Day Inspector [ons Contents Inspector | Remarks || cecyindercan be comacad wat Pressure Regus | Good] No 3 |_| The noose of preseure gage tal pont ToiPa or %] |@| more wnen me cjincer vate is opened wien | coon] No 3 conngcing the inlet ube, (Check of gas content) hen eh Vao one, Tdactr does nl go down © | ® | (Leak oneckta one touch chuck) Me cs The pl of net ube can Be conned propery wih s ® the pressure regulator Bond = ‘The meta ting of init tube can be connected propery 3 ® with the aopirator_(Sorcw thread arc not loosc) Bool i @ | Aspirator wens remy. Gnod| Nev ‘The plug of inlet tube can be connected properly with @ the pressure regular [ees et g | Therein onl ube canbe connected OPH | ang) wo With the respirator {Sorew thread ate not loose) oe @ | Respir works moral, (Refer to the page 20:) ‘Gc0d| No ( | The fow control dial can be tuned smooth Good} No ® ‘Oxygen tnnation In case the indicator of the pressure gauge goes down st the lak is expected. Apply soap) water to each connecting pat and find the leak prt. Then, refer to the page 22 and afr offBefon calling servicemen, and tke adequate mezsures. After the measures, the phenomena are n0 remele nd calla Serviceman fom the stoe you purchased About No ofthe other onder also the mater that you consult with the store for rep [2] Scheduled Inspection In order to prevent sudden flue and to use the equipment sae, we revomsnend you to make ‘maintenance check by the makers or special contractor in every 2 years. In scheduled inspection, practice replacement of consumables such as rubber parts. and inspect the function and ‘performance, Replace toe deteriorated pats except consumables with new ones if necessary. d Working Check of Respirator A, Atte ‘Test Bag to Respirator i 7 Ath Ts Bae (Ltt ng) to Respirator. ad { sears} 2, Connect Inlet Tube with Respirator, and check the movement. Screw to fitting metal of inlet Tube finaly fn the connection part of Respirator. Screw in, and oxygen lowe in and check that Test Bag inflates and deflates repeatedly, 3, Check that the ventilation times will change, turning Concentration Ring Check that the cycle of inflation and deflation of Test Bag becomes faster when Concentration Ring is set atfFAST, and that becomes slower whcn it is set at FsLows. 4, Cheek that Plush Button works normally Keep pressing the lush Button on th upper ofthe Respirator, and check thatthe anygen Sows coulowusly and the Bag doesnot deft. (Tet Bagi inating) ‘Supply Pressure of each setting up are as follows: ‘Supply Pressure ‘esitive Pressure | _2.920.3kPu (2343cmH,0) Negalive Piessue | -O.8t0 3KPa CAxtrmHO) {The above lenes are measured on the followin condition, COMPRIANCE 200mt/KPs (20mt/emHI20) RESISTANCE LPs (1Ve) (MemHDAW (Cle) 20. 281 Troubleshooting before calling a serviceman "a2 In fallure or wrong salon of the equipmecet, ery out tho following remedy. Temay rtoen tn ‘work normally. Even if it does not retum after remedy, never disassemble t but cll he sellers you purchased. PHENOMENON CAUSE REMADY “Indicator of Respirator |» Is the cylinder outlet valve| Match the pin hole of the oy! does not gos UP. filly opened? value to the pine of Voke Connection, Oxygen does not come | «Is the Pressure Regulator and tum the Yoke Handle to fix the out Ins cuueeily? Pressure Regulator femly. (Beopror does ot wok) ‘Next, open the cylinder valve filly 10 (spt does mo wor) the lef. (Aer open It fll, retun itt (Gas does st dichaye fom ‘the half psition) ‘the gs opening) ~ Does the gas lake fom the cinder conection pat? | detesiousted, replace it with a spare one + 1s © metal ring wth rubber x ving. set properly in the evlinder connection part? Ts Gas volume Ile in the | Replace the cylinder with w fly Tiled ovlinder? one. 7 No said probiem. Calle sone you purchase + After emedy, not improved (Failures of Pressure Gang au accessrics) “[ivease atthe indicator | Is the Pressure Regulator) Refer to the said TIndiator of of the Presiure Gauge | installed conoety? Respirator dove wi goes up. and _gpes down at @) inthe | + Does the gas leak ftom the | TOxyygen does not come outs functional inspection on | _ cylinder connection par? _| the page 12, | 7 asad problem. Tails sore you purhnce. + Aller emed, mt improved. ‘Cad of Pee Rete) ot PHENOMENON CAUSE | REMADY “Indicator of Respirtor | ~TsTnhalation Mask attached | Arach the Mask to cover the victim's rsa es ie | Na 1OOR «Is the inlet tube connected | Insert the plug of inlet tube into the one until it clicks. And also if the serew thread of metal fiting for tube of respirator i Loose, serew infil. -{h- Ss : METAL ATTING FOR TUBE + No said problem, | Call the store you purchased, + Aferremady not improved. @ailures of Respirator) — He ~ Respinaior cracks and [> TS the viel’ alway | Remove the reign matters and seaure cracks fast blocked? ‘the airway adequately. ~ No ssid proba Call ne slore you purchased. + Aferemesy nat improved. Failures of Respirator) a = Specification == P1008 1020" P-108 "ips Diag stl cage ear baanen po | Regula Pea SSP (A 1OMPacyndr spl pros) Sol Va Wiring Pasar Dus - [ype ote cman eye | sepa ee ee ~~ = haa ea Faroe Sai owt Gepiuaettniots | | Geapirsetncan ct Sui sete Fess cathe bole wl “or 12 pusiva inal 0) “nr 12 pagans eieNg . stern tlie cs sons ang) nana ae ied comocie Tie Opn Tis opi Te Fas i Cn Eee eT [FC iii we oa a To ra Neston kine [gatos btLinarnse vouneparrint) [Cage cen Bitinlocton Press 236 cave Fessu aa en Caran lvaen eras 8596 one oorranan coo OT ha seas sast0¥6 | nie echaiam axa poss) BOP a cress Ee ra aaa EET ee Grane praia Tea Canara ints oie Eminent stg ‘leery tent covet Syprne as Lae praca oop] 2 are Onarga a a Seed Geet aoa aaa, VaR See REG Nona ied SOLE DISTRIBUTOR Se SHIN-EL INDUSTRIES, INC. ‘TOKYO, JAPAN Presse eps FovMeta pe lal espa Surly resi isis] Puce aja bre MANUFACTURER FY) | saxco wanuractinie coir, SAITAMA, JAR MADE IN JAPAN ons

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