CONTRACT AND LOO - Sessa Maria Laura

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1 November 2022

Private & confidential

Maria Laura Sessa

1 Paradise Island
Surfer Paradise QLD 4217
Dear Maria Laura

Offer of Employment

Congratulations! Following recent discussions with you, I am pleased to confirm our offer of
employment. The purpose of this letter is to outline your employment terms and conditions. If you
accept this offer, you will be employed on a casual basis. Your commencement date will be 8 November
2022 or as otherwise agreed between us.

Your position will be Facility Cleaner (the Position), employed by The Star Entertainment QLD Limited
(the Company). The Company is part of The Star Entertainment Group Limited group of companies
(The Star Entertainment Group).

Details about your terms and conditions of your employment are set out in the attached Employment
Agreement. We ask that you read and understand these prior to accepting your offer. When you accept
this offer, this letter and the Employment Agreement will form your employment contract with the

Subject to the terms of the Employment Agreement, your hourly base rate of pay will be $23.54 (gross).
As a casual employee, casual loading of 25% will be added to this base rate (as set out in the relevant
enterprise agreement applying to you) in lieu of annual leave, personal leave, notice of termination,
redundancy benefits and to compensate you for the nature of casual employment.

This rate is based on the classification of the position to which you have been employed, which is
currently classified as a Level 2 position under the relevant enterprise agreement applying to you. Any
shift allowances, weekend and public holiday penalty rates will be paid in accordance with the relevant
enterprise agreement if applicable. You will be paid for the hours that you have been rostered to work
and have actually worked. Your wages will be paid by bank transfer directly to your nominated bank

While employed in the Position, you are covered by an enterprise agreement, currently The Star Gold
Coast Enterprise Agreement 2018 as varied or replaced from time to time or its successors. Please note
the enterprise agreement does not form part of your employment contract with the Company.

You will be required to participate in the Welcome Day program, details of which will be provided to you
by the Recruitment team. A position description outlining your responsibilities and expectations in your
position is available from your Manager.

Please click on the “I Accept” button online to confirm your acceptance of this offer of employment and
the terms and conditions contained in the Employment Agreement. If you have any questions, please
contact your Recruitment representative or your Manager.

Once again, congratulations, and I look forward to working with you.

Yours sincerely

Louise Carter
Group Manager Talent Acquisition
You will be employed by The Star Entertainment QLD Limited (the Company) to perform the
responsibilities normally associated with the position of Facility Cleaner (the Position). In the Position
you will report to the Facility Operations Manager or such other position as the Company may require
from time to time. Also, from time to time the Company may require you to perform other duties, within
your skills, qualifications and experience, for the Company or any of its related companies either in
addition to or instead of your normal duties. This means your position and/or reporting lines may vary
from time to time, although all other terms and conditions of your employment will continue to apply.

Note: In this Agreement, “related company” means a related body corporate in accordance with section
50 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

You represent to us that there are no limitations on your ability to fully perform all of your duties and
responsibilities for the Company, including physical or psychological limitations or limitations arising
from any prior employment or engagement (e.g. post employment restrictions). You further agree you
will not breach continuing obligations arising from any prior employment in the performance of your
duties and responsibilities for the Company, including confidentiality obligations. You understand that
any breach of these obligations will constitute grounds for immediate termination of your employment.

Pre-employment Medical

The Company may require you to undergo a pre-employment medical assessment prior to you starting
(or at some time after your commencement date) which allows us to assess whether you are able to
perform the inherent requirements of the Position. You agree to sign all documents and consent forms
and do all things necessary to allow the medical practitioner to discuss the results of your medical
assessment with the relevant HR manager or other Manager of the Company.

Security / Police Checks

At the Company's discretion, certain security and/or probity checks regarding your background may be
undertaken either prior to commencement of your employment or after your commencement date. Your
offer of employment and ongoing employment is subject to the successful completion of the Australian
Federal Police background check or any other security or probity checks.
Your continued employment is also subject to you maintaining a clear criminal record. It is your
responsibility to let the Company know immediately if this status changes. You must inform your
manager immediately if you are arrested, charged or convicted with any offence that could be relevant
to your employment or bring the Company into disrepute. If you fail to do so, you will be subject to
disciplinary action, which may include termination of your employment.

You will be located at the Company’s The Star Gold Coast premises, currently located in Broadbeach or
such other locations as the Company may reasonably require. You agree to work at such different
locations if you are asked to do so.
Eligibility to Work in Australia
This employment offer and your ongoing employment is conditional on you being and continuing to be
legally eligible to work in Australia. Accordingly, the Company may, prior to your commencement or at
any time during your employment, require you to provide evidence to support your eligibility for
employment in Australia (such as birth, visa or residency documents). You warrant that any information
you provide in response to such a request is legitimate and accurate.
If you require a visa to lawfully work in Australia, your employment offer and continued employment is
conditional on you meeting and continuing to meet, at all relevant times, any associated visa and
immigration requirements. This means that if you are not able to satisfy the requirement at the relevant
time (e.g. by commencement), or fail to continue to satisfy it at some later time during your employment,
this Agreement and your employment may be terminated by the Company with immediate effect by
written notice to you. In these circumstances, you will not be entitled to any payment on termination

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other than accrued but unpaid wages plus any payments required by law to be made in relation to your
visa (e.g. return travel costs).
Employment Status
You will be employed on a casual basis. As a casual employee, your contract of employment shall be
on an hourly basis. The minimum engagement period for each casual shift is set out in the relevant
enterprise agreement (as varied from time to time).
The terms of this Agreement (other than your continuing obligations as an employee generally such as
obligations in relation to confidentiality and intellectual property etc) apply to each offer of casual work
you accept.
Each offer of casual work performed by you constitutes a discrete engagement and is not continuous
with previous casual work performed by you for the Company. You acknowledge and agree there is no
expectation on ongoing or regular employment with the Company.
You acknowledge and agree that there may be periods when there is no suitable casual work available
for you as it is dependent on business and operational needs. You acknowledge and agree that the
Company is under no obligation to offer you any, or any particular casual work.
Accordingly, work may be offered to you via a roster from time to time by the Company, and if you are
available and wish to perform the work, you may accept that work. Any casual work that you and the
Company agree to from time to time will be worked at such times as are agreed between you and the
Enterprise Agreement
In your position, you are covered by The Star Gold Coast Enterprise Agreement 2018 (Enterprise
Agreement) as varied or replaced from time to time or its successors. The Enterprise Agreement does
not form part of your employment contract.
During your employment with the Company, you must:
a) give the whole of your time, ability and attention in normal working hours, or when reasonably
required outside those hours, to the business of the Company;
b) faithfully, diligently, properly and efficiently perform the duties and exercise the powers that may be
assigned to you from time to time;
c) comply with all reasonable directions and instructions given to you by the Company;
d) follow safety procedures and properly use safety equipment issued by the Company, or the
occupier of any site or location from which you are required to work;
e) use your best endeavours to protect and promote the interests of the Company;
f) protect the property of the Company from theft, damage or neglect and give notice immediately to
the Company of any such theft, damage or neglect which may come to your attention;
g) obtain and maintain any training qualification, accreditation or licence that is required to carry out
your duties and as instructed by the Company;
h) show respect, trust and care for the Company, your colleagues and our customers; and
i) not be concerned or interested, directly or indirectly, in any business involved in the conduct of, or
preparation for, any business in competition with, or of a similar nature to, any business carried on
by the Company.
The employer’s implied duty of trust and confidence is expressly excluded in this agreement.
The Company will contribute to a complying fund of your choice the compulsory required amount of
superannuation prescribed by applicable legislation in force from time to time (currently 10.5% of your
ordinary time earnings up to the maximum contributions base, if any, provided that you earn the
required minimum amount set out in the relevant enterprise agreement that applies to you).

Unless required otherwise by law, the Company will pay contributions to the fund that you nominate on
your online acceptance form. If you do not nominate a fund, we will pay contributions to your stapled
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super fund (the details of which are provided to us by the ATO), or if you do not have a stapled super
fund, into The Star’s ‘default’ fund, HostPlus Executive Super Fund.

In the event that you elect to sacrifice some of your wages to your chosen superannuation fund (or the
default fund), the same amount of the sacrificed superannuation contribution will be deducted from your

By accepting and signing this employment agreement you are consenting to the provision of your
personal information, including any health information, between your employer and the superannuation
fund you have elected to be a member of, and their service providers, in order to facilitate the provision
of superannuation and other benefits in the course of your employment and for the management of the
superannuation fund.

Leave Entitlements
As a casual employee, you are not entitled to paid annual leave or personal (sick/carer’s) leave. You
may have an entitlement to other types of leave including unpaid carer’s leave, long service leave and
parental leave, in accordance with relevant legislation as varied from time to time.
More details about your leave entitlements are contained in the relevant enterprise agreement applying
to you or the Company’s leave policies, available on the Company’s intranet, or by contacting your
Human Resources representative.
Medical Examination
If you suffer from an illness or injury of any type which prevents you from performing the inherent
requirements of your position or the Company believes that workplace health and safety risks may arise
as a result of you performing work, the Company may require you to attend a medical examination.
If you are required to attend a medical examination, you consent to the doctor (or medical practitioner)
providing a medical or any other information to the Company. You also agree to sign any medical
authority that a medical practitioner may require before releasing information to the Company.
You understand and agree that the findings of any examination or medical assessment may lead to a
review of your ongoing employment status.
Policies and Code of Conduct
You are required to read, understand and comply with the Company’s policies, procedures, practices
and applicable Code/s of Conduct and Workplace Policies and Team Handbooks as amended from time
to time. You may access these on the Company’s intranet or by contacting your Human Resources
representative or manager. Please ensure you read through and understand the contents of these
resources. For example, important policies include our:
a) The Star Entertainment Group Code of Conduct
b) Acceptable Use of IT Electronic and Voice Communications Systems policy and Information
Security policy
c) Health, Safety and Wellbeing policies and procedures
d) Employee Gambling policy and Gifts policy
e) Workplace Harassment policy and Bullying policy
Any such policies, procedures and practices, including the Code of Conduct, are for the Company’s
benefit and do not form part of your contract of employment or create any enforceable right or
entitlement in your favour. The policies, procedures and practices may be varied from time to time and
you agree to comply with such variations. A breach of the Company’s policies, procedures and practices
may result in disciplinary action, including the immediate termination of your employment.
Conflict of Interest
You acknowledge that at the date of signing this contract no conflict of interest (as defined in The Star
Entertainment Code of Conduct) exists or is likely to arise during employment. If during employment a
conflict of interest or a risk of a conflict of interest arises, you will notify your employer immediately.

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In order to achieve consistency in delivering these expectations, it is important that you maintain a 5
star, professional presentation standard which is in keeping with the personality of the outlet or business
unit. This includes being very clean and tidy, with an impeccable level of personal hygiene. Taking
personal pride in your presentation is a key factor in determining team member performance, and
subsequent recognition. You should always refer to your relevant outlet/business unit presentation
guidelines/grooming policy for specifics details regarding presentation standards.
To keep our service professional and personal, name badges and identification cards should always be
You are required to always wear your uniform as it is specified in relevant policies or procedures and in
accordance with your business unit/outlet’s grooming and personal presentation standards, including
the correct coloured hosiery or socks and shoes.
Your uniform must always be clean, well pressed (not creased), fit correctly and tidy. If your uniform is
soiled, exchange it for a clean one, from the Uniform Room.
Workplace Surveillance
The Company reserves the right to monitor, access and review, at any time, on a continuous and
ongoing basis, all internet usage and all messages, emails, documents, images or any information
transmitted or received on the Equipment Network, and you agree to such monitoring, access and
“Equipment Network” includes, but is not limited to, all PC, hand held devices (such as iPhones,
Blackberries, telephones, mobile phones, file servers, email, Intranet and Internet access and any other
data voice communications, networks or devices connected to those networks.
Due to the nature of our business, the Company also conducts, on a continuous and ongoing basis,
video monitoring and surveillance at certain of its premises for reasons including monitoring of gaming,
prevention of theft and other illegal/undesirable activity, investigating patron disputes and coordination
of emergency and alarm responses. This surveillance is carried out using visual surveillance devices on
a continuous and ongoing basis by our surveillance/security/compliance teams (or third parties) and
may occur at any time during your employment.
The footage from these devices will be accessed, monitored and reviewed by a specialised surveillance
team employed by the Company and located onsite, and where appropriate, our compliance personnel
and/or relevant third parties. In some circumstances it may be necessary to refer surveillance footage to
management or law enforcement agencies. You agree to such monitoring, access and review.
For The Star Entertainment Group to maintain its reputation for probity and integrity in delivering
gambling products and services, it is vital that no one who works at The Star Entertainment Group
should be able to gain an unfair advantage, or be perceived by regulators, customers and others to gain
an unfair advantage, in gambling within its casinos.
Employees involved in providing gambling services or products to The Star Entertainment Group
customers must do so responsibly and in keeping with relevant Codes, laws and regulations. The Star
Entertainment Group employees who are permitted to gamble off-duty must do so responsibly and
within their means. Anyone who has a problem with their gambling should immediately contact the
appropriate problem gambling counselling service at their workplace.
Adhering to Employee Gambling policy is a condition of your employment. It is your responsibility as an
employee to know the restrictions that apply to you, as set out in this policy.
Non-compliance with the policy will be treated as a serious breach, which may result in the termination
of your employment and/or this Agreement.
Licences, Certificates and Other Regulatory Requirements
Many positions in the Company require a licence, security or other probity checks and clearances and /
or the fulfilment of certain other regulatory requirements, prior to or during employment.
If such a requirement applies to your Position, whether from commencement of your employment or at
some later time, you will be advised. Your employment remains at all times conditional on all such
requirements being satisfied. This means that if you are not able to satisfy any such requirements at the
specified time, or (at the Company’s discretion) to satisfy the requirements within a time period specified
by the Company (acting reasonably), this Agreement and (if it has commenced) your employment under
it may be terminated by the Company with immediate effect by written notice to you. In these
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circumstances, you will not be entitled to any payment on termination other than accrued but unpaid
wages, annual leave and long service leave entitlements (if any) owing to you on the termination date.
Please note that if the Position is or becomes one which required you to have a licence or other similar
qualification, what you do at work and outside work can affect your suitability and the Company’s
suitability to continue to hold individual and company licences.
If your Position does not require you to have a licence (or other similar qualification) you must not at any
time perform job functions at the Company that require a licence (or other similar qualification).
The Company may, from time to time, require you to:
a) apply for or renew any licence, certificate or other qualification; and
b) attend any training or do any other thing connected with, or required to obtain or renew, a licence,
certificate or other qualification, which is required by relevant laws or regulations, in connection with
your employment.
c) The Company can require you to bear any costs directly incurred or associated with:
d) applying for, renewing or otherwise obtaining such licences, certificates or other qualifications; and
e) attending training or doing any other thing connected with, or required in order to obtain or renew,
such licences, certificates or qualifications.
Gifts & Gratuities
All team members at The Star Entertainment Group are required to act with integrity by remaining
objective in decision-making and ensuring that our activities and intentions are not in conflict with the
interests of the Company or The Star Entertainment Group. The Company’s Gifts policy prescribes strict
rules concerning acceptance or provision of gifts, which is one behaviour where the potential for conflict
of interest may emerge risking our organisational value of integrity. You should read this policy together
with the Procurement Policy for more information.
Intellectual Property
During the course of your employment with the Company, you may be involved in conceiving or
developing intellectual property (whether in the form of inventions, registered patents, patent
applications, patentable ideas, circuit layout, plant variety rights, trademarks, confidential information
including know-how, technology and trade secrets, discoveries, copyright, improvements, designs, or
otherwise any other form of intellectual property rights throughout the world) either solely or jointly with
others (Intellectual Property). This may occur during and/or as a result of your employment or in
relation to work performed by you during your employment.
You agree to immediately disclose to the Company and unconditionally and irrevocably assign to the
Company (without limitation) your entire right, title and interest in any existing Intellectual Property or
Works created or developed by you in connection with your employment (whether alone or with others)
and upon their creation, all such future rights will vest in the Company.
You are required to disclose promptly to the Company all Intellectual Property that you are involved in
conceiving or developing. All such Intellectual Property will be deemed to be a work made in the scope
of and during the course of your employment with the Company. In addition, you must disclose promptly
to the Company all other Intellectual Property of which you are aware.
The Company may require you to execute on demand, at its expense, any document that may be
desirable to secure to it the best copyright, patent or other protection in Australia and elsewhere to the
Intellectual Property.
By accepting this offer, you consent unconditionally to the Company, its successors, assigns and
licensees doing or omitting to do anything (whether occurring before or after this consent is given) that
would otherwise infringe your Moral Rights in any Works created or developed by you (whether alone or
with others) in the course of your employment with the Company including:
a) not identifying you as the author of any copyright material in Intellectual Property, or identifying
someone else as the author of the Intellectual Property; and
b) modifying, altering, adapting, distorting or otherwise changing any Intellectual Property even if you
consider that your honour or reputation is prejudiced as a result.

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You warrant that you have given this consent genuinely and without being subject to any duress by the
Company or any third party and without relying on any representations other than those expressly set
out in this Agreement.
“Moral Rights” has the meaning given to it in the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000 (Cth)
and includes rights of integrity of authorship, rights of attribution of authorship and similar rights that
exist or may come to exist anywhere in the world.
“Works” means all inventions, designs, drawings, plans, software, hardware, reports, documents,
systems, improvements and other materials.

As a consequence of your employment with the Company, you will have access to and may help to
develop a wide range of information that is confidential to the Company and its related companies. This
information includes (without limitation):
a) trade secrets;
b) financial information, financial reports, balance sheets, profit and loss statements and details of
bank accounts;
c) business plans and management reports;
d) commercially sensitive information and business intelligence;
e) client and customer lists (including lists of client and customer preferences and spending patterns)
and lists of suppliers and contractors;
f) policies, systems and protocols;
g) information about the business and affairs of the Company or The Star Entertainment Group, such
as products and service information, research and development, privacy information, marketing or
strategic plans, commercial or business plans, financial information and data, supplier information
and operational information and methods; and
h) all other information obtained from the Company or in the course of your employment that is by its
nature confidential or information identified to you as confidential, in whatever form that information
exists, and whether you have access to that information before, during or after your employment
with the Company (Confidential Information).
You agree to respect the confidentiality of information and documents to which you have access in the
course of or arising from your employment.
During your employment with the Company, or at any time after your employment ends for any reason,
you must not disclose or use any of the Company’s Confidential Information other than in the proper
course of your employment, except where:
a) the Confidential Information has become freely available to the public (other than by a breach of this
obligation by you);
b) you are required to disclose the Confidential Information by law or by a requirement of a regulatory
body, in which case you must first notify the Company of that legal or regulatory requirement;
c) the Company provides its written consent to the disclosure; or
d) you are required to disclose it in the proper course of performing your Position for the Company.
You also agree that during your employment you will use your best endeavours to prevent the
publication, use or disclosure of any Confidential Information, including by a third party. If you are
required by law to disclose any Confidential Information, ensure that you tell the Company of that
requirement as soon as practicable, and certainly before you actually disclose that information.
In accepting this offer, you acknowledge you are also subject to obligations concerning Confidential
Information in equity, under the common law and under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).External
Employment and Other Activities
During your employment with the Company, you are expected to devote the whole of your time,
attention and abilities during working hours to your duties. Accordingly, you agree not to engage in any
other employment (including self employment) or activity that will or is likely to constitute a conflict of
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interest with your employment duties owed to the Company, or which may affect your proper
performance of those duties. In addition, if you own any personal securities of shareholding in a private
or public corporation which owns, operates or is otherwise interested in a Restricted Business, you must
declare this to your manager who will seek assistance from Human Resources in determining whether
such ownership constitutes a breach of any Company policy. In this clause, Restricted Business means
any business or activity which competes with or is substantially similar to the business of the Company
and includes without limitation any casino and / or hotel business of or associated with the entity or
entities that own or operate Crown casino group.
You are required to obtain written approval from your Manager and the General Manager of Human
Resources before taking on any additional work outside the Company.
Termination by you or the Company
Your casual employment may be terminated by you or the Company on one (1) hours’ notice. In either
case, the Company may elect to pay you in lieu of all or part of your notice period. Any payment in lieu
of notice will be based on the amount the Company would have been liable to pay to you (calculated on
your ordinary hourly base rate of pay and penalties, loadings and allowances (if relevant), or pro-rated if
you work part-time) for the hours you would have worked had your employment continued until the end
of the actual notice period.
Termination by the Company without notice
The Company may terminate your employment in writing with immediate effect at any time if you:
a) breach any of your obligations as set out in this Agreement;
b) perform your work in a manner reasonably considered by the Company to be unprofessional;
c) engage in conduct which the Company reasonably considers is likely to damage the Company’s
or The Star Entertainment Group’s reputation or is in breach of the Code of Conduct or another
Company policy;
d) engage in discriminatory, harassing or bullying behaviour or violent conduct;
e) commit any act of dishonesty (whether or not connected with your employment) such as
embezzlement, theft or fraud;
f) commit any act of dishonesty (whether or not connected with your employment) or any other act
which may bring the Company or any related company into disrepute;
g) commit any act of serious or wilful misconduct;
h) become disqualified from holding office with the Company or any of its related companies under
any legislation;
i) breach your obligations under this agreement in relation to Confidential Information or
Intellectual Property;
j) are convicted of any offence under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or under any law or
regulation relating to insider trading;
k) are convicted of any criminal offence excluding an offence under road traffic legislation in
Australia or elsewhere for which you are not sentenced to any term of imprisonment whether
immediate or suspended);
l) fail to meet or satisfy any security, probity, licensing, immigration/visa or other legislative or
regulatory requirements; or
m) otherwise engage in any act or omission which would justify summary dismissal at common law.

If your employment is terminated with immediate effect (ie. without notice or payment in lieu of notice)
you will be paid up to the date of termination (ie. the end of the hour that you were working when
notified during your casual shift).
The Company may, at any time, including during any period of notice, terminate your employment with
immediate effect for any reason warranting summary termination. The exercise of this power is not
constrained by the fact that the Company may have already exercised a right of termination under
another clause or sub-clause of this agreement.

Return of Property
Immediately upon termination of your employment for any reason, you must return to the Company all
property belonging to the Company or The Star Entertainment Group in your possession or control

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(including all Confidential Information in whatever format), including mobile phones, computers, keys,
credit cards, access cards, diaries, documents, disks or USBs, records and papers.
You also agree that the Company may withhold any monies due to you until you have paid any monies
owing by you to the Company, including but not limited to, any outstanding loans, advances, expenses,
training costs or the costs of repairing any damage or loss to any Company property caused by you
(and/or recovering the same).

You acknowledge you have read and understood the contents of this Agreement and have had the
opportunity to seek independent advice in relation to it.

Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement (and supersedes any prior understanding or
agreement) between you and the Company concerning your employment. The terms of this Agreement
prevail over any other documentation concerning your employment to the extent of any inconsistency.
By accepting this offer, you acknowledge you have not relied on any representations or warranties other
than as set out in this Agreement, and that you have disclosed to the Company all matters that are
material to the Company’s decision to offer you employment. You understand and agree that the terms
and conditions on offer under this Agreement are conditional on your signed acceptance of this

Governing Law
This letter is governed by the laws of the State or Territory in which you primarily work.

I, Maria Laura Sessa, accept this offer of employment. By signing this document or by clicking on the “I
Accept” button online, I confirm I have read this agreement, the cover letter and the attached documents
and understand each of them, and accept the terms and conditions set out in them.

I acknowledge and agree that my employment is conditional on my continued satisfaction of any

applicable probity, security, licensing, immigration/visa and any other operational or regulatory

I consent to the Company using and disclosing my personal information for legitimate employment-
related purposes (as determined reasonably by the Company) and applicable law.

I acknowledge I have received a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement.

Signed: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________

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