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Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher logfile

Version: 2019-04-02
Build time: Apr 2 2019 22:34:42
Built by: brliron

Run configuration file: D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest


Initializing patches...
EXE file name: D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\th17.exe
(JSON) Resolving versions.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
Hashing executable... → th17 v1.00b (original) (codepage 0)
(JSON) Resolving configuration for th17.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
Game directory: D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Plug-in directory: D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\

Initializing plug-ins...
(Font) Loading Aroania.ttf (426296 bytes)...
(Font) Loading Cirno.ttf (28952 bytes)...
(Font) Loading THBiolinum.otf (557212 bytes)...
(JSON) Resolving stringdefs.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\thpatch\
(JSON) Resolving th17/stringlocs.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
[Plugin] thcrap_tasofro.dll: not used for this game
[Plugin] thcrap_tsa.dll: initialized and active
(JSON) Resolving th17/trophy.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\thpatch\
(JSON) Resolving th17/missions.js... not found
(JSON) Resolving th17/loops.js... not found
(JSON) Resolving themes.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\thpatch\
(JSON) Resolving th17/musiccmt.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\thpatch\
(JSON) Resolving th17/spells.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\thpatch\
(JSON) Resolving th17/spellcomments.js... not found
Applying thcrap detours to D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest
Detouring DLL functions (dinput8.dll)...
( 1/ 1) DirectInput8Create... OK
Detouring DLL functions (dsound.dll)...
( 1/ 3) DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA... not found
( 2/ 3) DirectSoundEnumerateA... not found
( 3/ 3) DirectSoundCreate8... OK
Detouring DLL functions (d3d9.dll)...
( 1/ 1) Direct3DCreate9... OK
Detouring DLL functions (winmm.dll)...
( 1/ 1) joyGetPosEx... OK
Detouring DLL functions (kernel32.dll)...
( 1/40) CopyFileA... not found
( 2/40) CopyFileExA... not found
( 3/40) CreateDirectoryA... not found
( 4/40) CreateFileA... OK
( 5/40) CreateFileMappingA... not found
( 6/40) CreateProcessA... not found
( 7/40) DeleteFileA... OK
( 8/40) FindFirstFileA... OK
( 9/40) FindNextFileA... OK
(10/40) FormatMessageA... OK
(11/40) GetCurrentDirectoryA... not found
(12/40) GetEnvironmentVariableA... OK
(13/40) GetFileAttributesA... not found
(14/40) GetFileAttributesExA... not found
(15/40) GetFullPathNameA... not found
(16/40) GetCommandLineA... OK
(17/40) GetModuleFileNameA... OK
(18/40) GetPrivateProfileIntA... not found
(19/40) GetPrivateProfileStringA... not found
(20/40) GetStartupInfoA... OK
(21/40) GetTempPathA... not found
(22/40) IsDBCSLeadByte... not found
(23/40) LoadLibraryA... OK
(24/40) MoveFileA... not found
(25/40) MoveFileExA... not found
(26/40) MoveFileWithProgressA... not found
(27/40) MultiByteToWideChar... OK
(28/40) OpenFileMappingA... not found
(29/40) RemoveDirectoryA... not found
(30/40) SetCurrentDirectoryA... not found
(31/40) SetEnvironmentVariableA... not found
(32/40) WideCharToMultiByte... OK
(33/40) WritePrivateProfileStringA... not found
(34/40) ExitProcess... OK
(35/40) CreateProcessW... not found
(36/40) CreateRemoteThread... not found
(37/40) LoadLibraryW... not found
(38/40) CloseHandle... OK
(39/40) ReadFile... OK
(40/40) SetFilePointer... OK
Detouring DLL functions (user32.dll)...
( 1/22) CharNextA... not found
( 2/22) CreateDialogParamA... OK
( 3/22) CreateWindowExA... OK
( 4/22) DefWindowProcA... OK
( 5/22) DialogBoxParamA... not found
( 6/22) DrawTextA... not found
( 7/22) GetClassInfoA... not found
( 8/22) GetClassInfoExA... not found
( 9/22) GetWindowLongA... not found
(10/22) GetWindowLongPtrA... not found
(11/22) InsertMenuItemA... not found
(12/22) LoadStringA... not found
(13/22) MessageBoxA... OK
(14/22) RegisterClassA... OK
(15/22) RegisterClassExA... not found
(16/22) SetDlgItemTextA... not found
(17/22) SetWindowLongA... OK
(18/22) SetWindowLongPtrA... not found
(19/22) SetWindowTextA... not found
(20/22) TabbedTextOutA... not found
(21/22) UnregisterClassA... not found
(22/22) GetWindowRect... OK
Detouring DLL functions (gdi32.dll)...
( 1/14) CreateFontA... OK
( 2/14) CreateFontIndirectA... not found
( 3/14) CreateFontIndirectExA... not found
( 4/14) EnumFontsA... not found
( 5/14) EnumFontFamiliesA... not found
( 6/14) EnumFontFamiliesExA... OK
( 7/14) ExtTextOutA... not found
( 8/14) GetGlyphOutlineA... not found
( 9/14) GetTextExtentPoint32A... not found
(10/14) TextOutA... OK
(11/14) CreateCompatibleDC... OK
(12/14) DeleteDC... OK
(13/14) DeleteObject... OK
(14/14) SelectObject... OK
Applying binary hacks...
( 1/21) 0x00475039 Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+34)
(sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+34)... OK
( 2/21) 0x00475159 Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+34)
(sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+34)... OK
( 3/21) 0x004752C9 Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+3c)
(sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+3c)... OK
( 4/21) 0x004082CF Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (ebp-10c)
(sprintf_msvcrt14_ebp-10c)... OK
( 5/21) 0x004082DD Safe sprintf (replace) (sprintf_rep)... OK
( 6/21) 0x004750D6 Safe sprintf (replace) (sprintf_rep)... OK
( 7/21) 0x004750E7 Safe sprintf (replace) (sprintf_rep)... OK
( 8/21) 0x004751A4 Safe sprintf (replace) (sprintf_rep)... OK
( 9/21) 0x00475247 Safe sprintf (replace) (sprintf_rep)... OK
(10/21) 0x00475258 Safe sprintf (replace) (sprintf_rep)... OK
(11/21) 0x00475314 Safe sprintf (replace) (sprintf_rep)... OK
(12/21) 0x0047539D Safe sprintf (replace) (sprintf_rep)... OK
(13/21) 0x004751B0 Correctly align right-aligned text (TH16+) (spell_align)... OK
(14/21) 0x0042DCB8 Correct text length calculation for the TH17 variety of Fairy
Wars-style text boxes (th17_textbox_size)... OK
(15/21) 0x0042DF42 Correct text length calculation for the TH17 variety of Fairy
Wars-style text boxes (th17_textbox_size)... OK
(16/21) 0x0045DCBD trophy_ingame_lineflip_2...OK
(17/21) 0x0045A71F music_title_prepare...OK
(18/21) 0x00475320 center_align...OK
(19/21) 0x0045DC6F trophy_ingame_lineflip_1...OK
(20/21) 0x0045FA02 Disable the enumeration of Meiryo for compatibility to existing
font settings (meiryo_disable)... OK
Setting up breakpoints... (source cave at 0x024C0000, call cave at 0x025E0000)
( 1/17) 0x0042DBF6 ruby_offset... OK
( 2/17) 0x0042DE80 ruby_offset... OK
( 3/17) 0x0040215C file_size... OK
( 4/17) 0x00402194 file_load... fixing rel.addr. 0x0005BF37 to 0xFDF9E06B... OK
( 5/17) 0x0045E238 file_loaded... OK
( 6/17) 0x0045A723 music_title... OK
( 7/17) 0x0045A969 music_cmt... OK
( 8/17) 0x0045AA34 music_cmt... OK
( 9/17) 0x0042519A spell_id... OK
(10/17) 0x0041AD24 spell_id#real... OK
(11/17) 0x0041AF30 spell_name... OK
(12/17) 0x0045894D spell_id#result... OK
(13/17) 0x00458A87 spell_name#result... OK
(14/17) 0x0045C1CD spell_name#practice... OK
(15/17) 0x0045DF4B gentext#trophy_result_desc... OK
(16/17) 0x0045D0E1 gentext#trophy_result_nickname... fixing rel.addr. 0x00000DDA to
(17/17) 0x0045DC92 gentext#trophy_ingame... fixing rel.addr. 0x000001F9 to
0xFDF9DC8B... OK
Complete run configuration:
"thcrap_version_min": "0x20170905",
"thcrap_url": "",
"binhacks": {
"log_restore": {
"code": "e9[log_printf]",
"title": "Restore the game's built-in logging"
"menu_desc_align": {
"code": "52 ff75ac ff75b0 e8[GetTextExtentForFontID] 8d440010 50 db04e4 58 59
89ca 90909090",
"title": "Menu description alignment"
"result_spell_align": {
"code": "31c0",
"title": "Remove spell \"alignment\" in the result screen"
"spell_name_fetch": {
"code": "8b4d0c5131c9515151",
"title": "Prepare deferred spell name fetching"
"sprintf_call_esp+14": {
"code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e414",
"title": "Safe sprintf (esp+14)"
"sprintf_call_esp+18": {
"code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e418",
"title": "Safe sprintf (esp+18)"
"sprintf_call_esp+1c": {
"code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e41c",
"title": "Safe sprintf (esp+1c)"
"sprintf_call_esp+34": {
"code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e434",
"title": "Safe sprintf (esp+34)"
"sprintf_call_esp+38": {
"code": "e8[strings_vsprintf]89442434",
"title": "Safe sprintf (esp+34)"
"sprintf_call_esp+3c": {
"code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e43c",
"title": "Safe sprintf (esp+3c)"
"sprintf_call_ebp-50": {
"code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8945b0",
"title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-50)"
"sprintf_call_ebp-88": {
"code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]898578ffffff",
"title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-88)"
"sprintf_call_ebp-8c": {
"code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]898574ffffff",
"title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-8c)"
"sprintf_call_ebp-208": {
"code": "5190909090909090909090e8[strings_vsprintf]83c40c509090",
"title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-208)"
"sprintf_call_ebp-200": {
"code": "5090909090909090909090e8[strings_vsprintf]8b4d0c83c40c509090",
"title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-200)"
"sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+34": {
"title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+34)",
"code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]89442434",
"addr": [
"sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+3c": {
"title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+3c)",
"code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]8944243c",
"addr": "Rx752c9"
"sprintf_msvcrt14_ebp-10c": {
"title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (ebp-10c)",
"code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]8985f4feffff",
"addr": "Rx082cf"
"sprintf_rep": {
"code": "8b",
"title": "Safe sprintf (replace)",
"addr": [
"meiryo_strcmp_remove": {
"code": "9090",
"title": "Don't restrict use of the Meiryo font to Japanese locale"
"ending_copy_rem": {
"title": "Remove the useless string copy and buffer overflow in ending
messages, #1 (remember line start and skip to the end of the string)"
"ending_copy_rep": {
"code": "8b",
"title": "Remove the useless string copy and buffer overflow in ending
messages, #2 (LEA → MOV)"
"spell_align": {
"title": "Correctly align right-aligned text (TH16+)",
"code": "ff7518 56 e8[GetTextExtentForFontID] 83c008 d1e0 89c6 8b442410
8b4c240c 8b542414 8b4c8808 8bc1 c1f808 8b948200018601 0fb6c1 8d0c40 8b8224010000
8b0cc8 8b451c 8d1400 89f0 8b742410 909090",
"addr": "Rx751b0"
"antitamper_remove_check": {
"title": "Don't quit the game on an invalid anti-tampering checksum",
"code": "33c0 c3"
"hud_force_redraw": {
"title": "Redraw the HUD every frame, because we might be drawing TL notes
"code": "eb"
"th17_textbox_size": {
"code": "6a00 51 e8[GetTextExtentForFontID] 83e81c 7302 31c0 f30f1097b4010000
f30f108fb0010000 8bcf 90909090909090",
"title": "Correct text length calculation for the TH17 variety of Fairy Wars-
style text boxes",
"addr": [
"trophy_ingame_lineflip_2": {
"code": "ffb3 3c02 0000",
"ignore": false,
"addr": "Rx5dcbd"
"spell_align_result": {
"addr": "Rx75381"
"music_title_prepare": {
"code": "8b542418 52 31c0 50 50 50 a1 209a50000",
"addr": "Rx5a71f"
"center_align": {
"addr": "Rx75320"
"trophy_ingame_lineflip_1": {
"addr": "Rx5dc6f",
"code": "40",
"ignore": false,
"comment": "This binhack should be in th17.js but because version specific
binhacks (like the one above) always overwrite non version specific binhacks, this
one has to be here."
"ret": {
"code": "c3",
"title": "Returns from a function"
"meiryo_disable": {
"code": "83c414 909090",
"title": "Disable the enumeration of Meiryo for compatibility to existing
font settings",
"addr": "Rx5fa02"
"font_dialog_params": {
"code": "6a036a006a0068000000006a006a006a006890010000",
"title": "Set parameters for alternate dialog font"
"font_dialog_set": {
"code": "6a019090",
"title": "Use alternate dialog font"
"breakpoints": {
"ruby_offset": {
"font_dialog": 0,
"font_ruby": 2,
"str": "esi",
"offset": "eax",
"addr": [
"cavesize": 6
"ascii_params": {
"cavesize": 5
"file_size": {
"file_size": "eax",
"file_name": "ebx",
"cavesize": 5,
"addr": "Rx0215c"
"file_load": {
"file_buffer": "eax",
"stack_clear_size": "8",
"cavesize": 5,
"addr": "Rx02194"
"file_loaded": {
"cavesize": 5,
"addr": "Rx5e238"
"music_title": {
"str": "edx",
"track": "eax",
"format_id": "Music Room Numbered Title",
"cavesize": 5,
"addr": "Rx5a723"
"music_cmt": {
"str": "eax",
"format_id": "Music Room Note Title",
"cavesize": 5,
"addr": [
"line_num": "[edi+0x804]",
"track": "[edi+0x808]"
"spell_id": {
"spell_id": "eax",
"cavesize": 8,
"addr": "Rx2519a"
"spell_id#real": {
"spell_id_real": "ebx",
"cavesize": 9,
"addr": "Rx1ad24"
"spell_name": {
"spell_name": "esi",
"cavesize": 5,
"addr": "Rx1af30"
"spell_id#result": {
"spell_id_real": "esi",
"spell_rank": "eax",
"cavesize": 6,
"addr": "Rx5894d"
"spell_name#result": {
"spell_name": "eax",
"cavesize": 7,
"addr": "Rx58a87"
"spell_name#practice": {
"spell_name": "eax",
"spell_id_real": "ecx",
"spell_rank": "esi",
"cavesize": 7,
"addr": "Rx5c1cd"
"gentext#trophy_result_desc": {
"file": "trophy.js",
"ids": [
"line": "[ebp+8]",
"str": "eax",
"cavesize": 5,
"addr": "Rx5df4b"
"gentext#trophy_result_nickname": {
"file": "trophy.js",
"ids": "ecx",
"str": "eax",
"cavesize": 5,
"cave_exec": false,
"addr": "Rx5d0e1"
"gentext#trophy_ingame": {
"file": "trophy.js",
"line": 0,
"addr": "Rx5dc92",
"ids": "esi",
"str": "eax",
"cavesize": 5,
"cave_exec": false
"tlnotes": {
"reference_resolution": [
"font": "'MS Gothic' 32 0 400 DEFAULT_QUALITY",
"valign": "bottom",
"region_size": [
"region_topleft": [
"title": "東方鬼形獣  ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature",
"formats": {
"anm": "anm11",
"msg": "msg11",
"end": "end10"
"tsa_font_block": {
"offset": 4,
"min": 0,
"max": 8,
"addr": "Rx12a334"
"font": "Touhou Biolinum",
"fontrules": {
"* 15 * 700": "* 21 * 100 NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY"
"game": "th17",
"console": false,
"dat_dump": false,
"patches": [
"id": "base_tsa",
"min_build": "0x20140528",
"servers": [
"thcrap_version_min": "0x20190718",
"title": "Basic support for Team Shanghai Alice games",
"url_engine": "\n\nThis is the last
build you'll ever have to download and extract manually, because we now have
digitally signed automatic updates of thcrap itself!",
"archive": "D:\\Games\\Touhou\\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\\
"dependencies": [
"fonts": {
"Aroania.ttf": true,
"Cirno.ttf": true,
"THBiolinum.otf": true
"id": "script_latin",
"servers": [
"title": "Shared data for languages using Latin script",
"archive": "D:\\Games\\Touhou\\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\\
"dependencies": [
"id": "western_name_order",
"servers": [
"title": "Western name order",
"archive": "D:\\Games\\Touhou\\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\\
"id": "lang_en",
"title": "English language pack",
"dependencies": [
"update": true,
"servers": [
"archive": "D:\\Games\\Touhou\\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\\
"thcrap_dir": "D:\\Games\\Touhou\\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\\
"run_cfg_fn": "D:\\Games\\Touhou\\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\\
"build": "v1.00b",
"patchhooks": {
"msg*.dat": [
"patch_func": 1814129952,
"patch_size_func": 0
"p*.msg": [
"patch_func": 1814129952,
"patch_size_func": 0
"s*.msg": [
"patch_func": 1814129952,
"patch_size_func": 0
"msg*.msg": [
"patch_func": 1814129952,
"patch_size_func": 0
"e*.msg": [
"patch_func": 1814129920,
"patch_size_func": 0
"*.anm": [
"patch_func": 1814098832,
"patch_size_func": 1814135360
"*.std": [
"patch_func": 0,
"patch_size_func": 1814135360
"*bgm*.fmt": [
"patch_func": 1814110192,
"patch_size_func": 1814111232
(Data) Resolving th17/dialog_203.bin... not found
(JSON) Resolving th17/dialog_203.js...
+ D:\Games\Touhou\Touhou 17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature\thcrap\nmlgc\
Shutting down repatch watcher thread.
• Last error codes: 0 (queue), 0 (changes)
• Total number of file changes parsed: 0
• Maximum buffer fill state: 0/65536 bytes
Removing plug-ins...

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