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Belén González Bouza

Assessor: Alex Asampong
Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 2
PLO WW4 - Communicates business messages effectively and persuasively using
proficient English................................................................................................................. 3
PLO WT1 - Formulates evidence-based conclusions..........................................................5
PLO WT3 - Analyses macro-economic factors and policies driving international trade and
business development in an industry...................................................................................7
PLO WW7 - Produces management information from various data sources.......................9
PLO WM18 - Evaluates the financial performance of an organization...............................11
Final reflection semester 4 B&K........................................................................................13
Appendix........................................................................................................................... 13
Feedback form communication..................................................................................13
Feedback form formulation evidence-based conclusions...........................................14
Feedback form macro-economic canvas....................................................................14
Feedback form produces management information from various data sources..........15
Feedback form key performance indicators................................................................15
IPG Revenue Graph...................................................................................................16
IPG Revenue Growth Rate Graph..............................................................................16
IPG Operating Profit Margin Graph............................................................................16
IPG Return on Investment Graph...............................................................................17
Feedback forms examples on specific competencies.................................................17
References........................................................................................................................ 17

The following document offers a concise, critical conclusion and an evaluation of the
results per Professional Learning Opportunity (PLO)/mission that I have been achieving
this semester. By achieving different self-study certificates and as a remote social media
marketing intern at SalesEra from April to June.

With the self-study certifications, I can demonstrate my accomplishments by expanding my

knowledge and learning the fundamentals of digital marketing and Google Analytics. I
chose these courses since my work required me to have this basic knowledge, and while I
did not know much, I wanted to be prepared and ready to demonstrate all of my
capabilities to my supervisor, colleagues, and myself. I was able to plan and execute
effective social media campaigns, track, and analyse social media analytics, and stay
current with industry trends and best practices after completing these courses.

Furthermore, as a social media intern at SalesEra, I learned how to accelerate growth and
boost brand value for organisations in a competitive market. SalesEra synergizes with
organizations to help them achieve desired results (SalesEra, 2022). This company is
situated in India and the USA, yet it is global, with employees and interns from all over the

As a Salesera social media intern, I'm able to enter this fast-paced environment and
contribute to the company's online presence and interaction. My responsibilities included
brainstorming and creating daily content for social media platforms, including graphics and
videos. I maintained the social media calendar, assisted with copywriting, and researched
opportunities for promotion. I collaborated with the marketing team to develop engaging
content, managed the company's reputation, and positioned it as a thought leader.
Additionally, I identified new areas for digital engagement, ensured brand consistency, and
contributed to design strategies (Mail2mannu, 2023). Overall, I played a vital role in
creating and executing social media campaigns while demonstrating a blend of creativity,
analytical thinking, and strategic planning.

PLO WW4 - Communicates business messages effectively
and persuasively using proficient English.
Throughout this internship, I believe I have used competent English to communicate
business messages effectively and convincingly. To demonstrate this, I will reflect in the
reflective journal I've been writing from the start of my implementation phase. I will reflect
on five such instances, including applicable replies and input from an experienced expert.
As previously stated, I completed this PLO daily, therefore I will only reflect on five distinct
occasions that show a distinctive component of my responsibilities and demonstrate my
talents to communicate in a variety of circumstances.

To communicate business messages effectively and persuasively using proficient English

you need to be good at active listening, message delivery and asking for feedback (Slack,
n.d.). Some of the techniques that I tried to follow to communicate business messages
efficiently were the following: adapt the message to your audience, prepare for the
message delivery, be authentic while communicating, be enthusiastic and engaged when
speaking, manage nonverbal signals to control the message, practice active listening
when people respond to you, ask for feedback from team members, probe for
understanding to confirm you’re being heard, and handle conflicts respectfully (Slack,

The first instance that I will reflect on is when I took the time to explain the internship
process to a new intern who approached me for help. Rather than telling her to wait until
the next daily meeting, I saw it as an opportunity to hone my leadership abilities and
interact with the intern. I gave her basic information about the organisation, the function of
a social media marketing intern, and crucial tasks. To assure her comprehension, I gave
examples of my previous projects and campaigns, showing the broader context and
objectives of social media marketing at SalesEra. Reflecting on my business
communication abilities, I can say I used different tactics such as message adaptation,
preparation, genuineness, passion, and active listening, resulting in good communication.
Overall, this experience helped me improve my communication skills, reinforce my
knowledge, engage in reflective thinking, gain leadership experience, and boost my
confidence as a social media marketing expert. In this instance, I did not receive feedback
from an expert.

The second instance that I will reflect on is when I discussed the newly suggested design
tools in a team meeting with the supervisor of that week. In summary, I transmitted to her
the importance of suggesting fresh design tools that differ from our current ones, while
also emphasizing the importance of their cost-effectiveness, preferably free of charge.
Reflecting on my business communication skills, I believe I did not convey the message as
effectively as I could have because I was too direct. Before communicating my message, I
feel like I should have prepared it. I did, however, attentively listen to her,
nevertheless, successful communication requires sending messages in a more effective
manner than I did. Overall, this incident has served as a reminder of the significance of
applying caution in matters of correction and the need to engage in deliberate planning
before verbal expression. It created in me a greater awareness of the potential

consequences of hurried or careless communication. In this instance, the feedback given
served me to reflect on communicating more politely and respectfully.

The third instance that I will reflect on is when I suggested new tactics to increase the
visibility and popularity of Instagram for the company. In summary, in a team meeting, the
supervisor explained that the company's exposure was low, so I proposed a few
suggestions to boost it, such as using high-quality images and more interactive content
and strategic hashtags. After reflecting on my business skills in communication and using
the previously mentioned strategies, I believe that my message was effectively transmitted
with clarity and conciseness, assuring understanding among the recipients. I displayed
genuineness, passion, and engaged involvement throughout the communication process.
However, feedback indicates that, while my delivery was successful, the content of my
message was inadequate in giving essential information. This situation taught me an
important lesson: the importance of accepting and implementing feedback to be able to
improve your work. Furthermore, it pointed out the significance of delivering
particular messages. For this reason, I may improve the effectiveness of my interactions
and ensure that crucial information is successfully communicated by being adaptable to
feedback and striving for clear communication.

The fourth occasion on which I will reflect is when I sent a message to my supervisor
asking him regarding the company's financial information in order to complete my PLO. In
summary, I politely requested him to assist me in finding any intern or someone who could
assist me in completing this internship requirement since SalesEra's financial information
is not available on the website. Reflecting on my business communication skills, I can
confidently state that I tackled the problem with civility and professionalism, emphasizing
my desire for directions while appreciating the financial data's confidentiality by suggesting
signing a non-disclosure agreement. I established a good and cooperative culture by
maintaining a courteous tone, stating my desire, and showcasing my ability to
communicate professionally. Overall, I am confident in my ability to deliver professional
messaging. I ensure that my communication is well-planned and executed precisely by
engaging in thoughtful reflection before crafting a message. Allowing me to successfully
explain my thoughts while maintaining a professional tone, giving me confidence in my
abilities to navigate diverse business communication situations. In this instance, I did not
receive specific feedback from an expert.

The last instance that I will reflect on is when I acted as a third party or interpreter between
the supervisor and an intern. In summary, I explained to the intern that while the
supervisor's advice was not required, it was significant and should be taken seriously as a
polite directive. Reflecting on my business communication skills, I believe my message
was delivered correctly, and in a clear and concise manner, and I tried to ensure that the
intern realised the necessity of taking the supervisor's comments while remaining
courteous and professional. Overall, I just helped my supervisor and the intern understand
each other in this situation. It is common to have misunderstandings when talking, but it is
critical to actively listen to correct this. In this instance, I did not receive feedback from an

The applicable replies from an experienced expert can be found in the appendix.

PLO WT1 - Formulates evidence-based conclusions.

The following PLO is based on an approach of deliberate evaluation to formulate a
reasonable conclusion. As a social media intern, I have been able to apply my academic
knowledge to real-world business practices during my internship. Because of this hands-
on experience, I was able to vividly tie my internship experiences to the theories I had
learnt. By critically assessing and reflecting on these experiences, I was able to draw
evidence-based conclusions on how to enhance social media practices. I'll provide a
couple of specific examples to highlight this.

Because of the knowledge I had previously received through self-study courses on the
fundamentals of digital marketing and Google Analytics, I was able to effectively employ
key social media marketing tactics to recognise the target demographic, produce
compelling content, and analyse website data. I used these marketing tactics to monitor
SalesEra’s performance and website traffic and produce social media content. I was able
to assess the efficacy of various techniques and make data-driven decisions by putting
these theories into practice.

Immersing myself in day-to-day tasks such as managing SalesEra's social media accounts
by monitoring and assessing important performance measures, developing content to
engage the target audience, accelerating growth, and increasing brand value for various
businesses. However, the following examples are remarkable situations in which I will
clearly show how my practical experience provided me with a unique perspective and
allowed me to connect the dots between theory and practice.

For instance, when the visibility and popularity of our post were not high, I suggested to
the team to start posting content created by users. By analysing and going back to the
theories I had learnt from the self-study course. I requested feedback from an experienced
individual in our marketing department to prove my results. He validated my observations
and gave me requested me to work on that proposal. I started working on it by applying my
knowledge of user engagement content (UGC), community building, and authenticity.
Remembering that the UGC is frequently seen as more authentic and trustworthy and that
with this technique brands can establish a sense of belonging and community, which aids
in brand exposure and acquiring new clients.
Presenting this idea to the supervisors, explaining to them that it would consist of engaging
users to share their opinions, use specific hashtags, and more. I convince them and they
gave me a green light to start working on it. As a result, two weeks after using this
strategy, I went to Google Analytics' analytics dashboard and checked the social media
section, where I discovered that exposure and popularity were gradually increasing. After
discovering this result, I received very positive feedback from my supervisor, who
encouraged me to keep working and investigating other methods to increase SalesEra’s
visibility. Overall, this situation has made me make a connection between theory and
practice, helping me realise why incorporating the audience in content development was a
successful strategy and why it connected on a deeper level with our followers.

Another example in which accurate assessment was critical was during a social media
campaign we ran for one of our clients. The campaign appeared to be promising at first,
with a high number of impressions and engagements. However, on closer inspection, I
discovered that the conversion rate was very modest, and the actual impact on sales was
not as large as we believed. To further understand the roots of the problems, I decided to
go deeper into the data and statistics. I investigated the audience demographics,
engagement trends, and conversion funnel. While our social media initiatives had brought
a high number of users to the client's website, the user experience and navigation were
impeding conversion.
I requested feedback from one of the managers in our marketing department to validate
my results. They validated my views and gave me additional information on potential
solutions. They stressed the significance of optimising the client's landing page,
streamlining the purchasing process, and increasing the overall website performance.
With this input in hand, I worked closely with our web development team to make the
necessary improvements, such as optimising the landing page and streamlining the
checkout process. In addition, to assess the impact of these modifications, we developed a
system for tracking conversions and analysing user behaviour. The results were
encouraging, with an impressive rise in the rate of conversion and an increase in sales for
our client. This result verified the efficacy of the careful evaluation procedure as well as the
significance of incorporating feedback from experienced professionals.

In conclusion, I believe that without the self-study courses I completed on the

fundamentals of digital marketing, and Google Analytics I would not have been able to
effectively apply my knowledge during my entire internship as a social media intern. This
theoretical understanding gave me the skills and methods I needed to manage social
media accounts, analyse user behaviour, and optimise material for maximum impact. As a
result, positive outcomes from the practical implementation of this knowledge verified its
usefulness in the field of social media marketing. This hands-on experience has not only
benefited my professional development but additionally strengthened my passion for the
area and my commitment to implementing evidence-based social media marketing

The applicable replies from an experienced expert can be found in the appendix.

PLO WT3 - Analyses macro-economic factors and policies
driving international trade and business development in an
The following PLO consist of a visual canvas and an analysis of the macro-economic
factor and policies driving international trade and business development within the
marketing industry, the one SalesEra is connected to. I will explain how the trends are
relevant to the marketing industry, the interactions between various trends and the impact
on the business while demonstrating the use of feedback received from an experienced

Economic growth is an increase in the production of economic goods and services in one
period of time compared with a previous period (Team, 2021). This trend is especially
important to the marketing industry since it indicates chances for marketing firms like
SalesEra to help businesses reach their target audience and capitalize on the increased
demand for products and services. SalesEra's services can be tailored to fit the changing
demands of organizations and contribute to their market expansion objectives. It has an
impact on all businesses because as the economy expands, so does the demand for
goods and services as people spend more money. However, if it declines, demand will be
reduced (Economic Factors Affecting Marketing , 2019).

Trade Agreements are any contractual arrangement between states concerning their
trade relationships (Britannica, 2023). Trade agreements and free trade policies allow
marketing agencies to enter foreign markets with fewer trade restrictions (Barone, 2022).
SalesEra can benefit from these policies by providing marketing services to firms in
several nations, increasing its client base, and diversifying its revenue streams. However,
standing out in a congested field where local agencies may have established ties and a
greater understanding of the cultural and business landscape may provide challenges for
SalesEra. In order to stand out successfully, SalesEra will need to differentiate itself by
delivering unique value propositions, and specialized services, or using its experience in
specific industries or locations.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) consist of providing certain exclusive rights to the
inventors or creators of that property, in order to enable them to reap commercial benefits
from their creative efforts or reputation (Saha, 2011). SalesEra, like other marketing
organizations, values intellectual property. Effective intellectual property protection secures
their distinct marketing methods, branding, and campaigns. This enables SalesEra to build
a reputation for creative solutions, attract clients looking for creative talent, and separate
itself from the competition (Saha, 2011). Obtaining and maintaining strong IPR protection,
on the other hand, can be a complicated and expensive procedure that includes legal fees,
registrations, and ongoing monitoring. As a result, SalesEra may need to invest more in
protecting its intellectual property, which includes trademarks, copyrights, and patents.
This can be costly, especially for smaller marketing companies with limited resources.

Furthermore, the process's complexity may necessitate specialist legal skills, increasing
the price (What is Intellectual Property (IP)? , n.d.).

These three trends are linked in numerous ways since they all contribute to market
expansion, foreign market access, and competitive advantage. Each of these trends has
one thing in common: they all create opportunities for the marketing business, and thus
SalesEra, to grow their services and reach their target, remove trade barriers, and
safeguard unique marketing strategies and branding, giving them a competitive advantage
in the market.

By doing this analysis I have been able to better understand of SalesEra’s decision-
making strategy growth. These economic factors and their interactions generate
considerable growth prospects for SalesEra, which may develop its client base, boost
revenue, and strengthen its brand recognition by capitalizing on economic growth, using
technical advancements, accessing international markets through trade agreements, and
protecting its intellectual property. Finally, SalesEra’s ability to react to these trends and
incorporate them into its marketing strategies and service offerings, from my point of view,
would position the company as a trusted partner for businesses looking for successful and
innovative marketing solutions.

PLO WW7 - Produces management information from various
data sources
The following PLO is based on a reflection drawing multiple evidence-based conclusions
on SalesEra’s performance based on the management information, including the feedback
of an experienced professional. Moreover, in each evidence-based conclusion, I will
recommend a couple of actions to improve this business performance while showing my
ability of situational understanding.

I was able to obtain a thorough and in-depth insight into a company's inner workings
throughout my time at SalesEra. This experience has been highly beneficial to the
development of my professional career and personal learning because I had no prior
experience in an office job. During this time, I observed in depth certain SalesEra
management issues that I believe are vital and should be improved in the future. Some of
these major observations are presented below:

Internal communication at SalesEra from my point of view could be more effective. I

believe so because there were times when the supervisors missed several of my social
media content posts because we utilise the same group chat for everything, which means
that everyone sends their work there, the daily meeting link is between those messages,
critical information is also between those messages, and more. This results in
misunderstandings and project delays.
I recommend having multiple group chats, one for each category, such as sending work to
receive feedback, sending the daily meetings link, and one for important information.
Furthermore, integrating collaborative technologies, such as project management
software, increases team coordination and information flow in order to reduce project
delays. Applying these tools can help keep track of a project’s progress so that everyone
knows what is left to be done (Jostle, n.d.).

Professional Development is another management issue that I believe SalesEra could

improve for the future interns that might join the company. At the beginning of my
internship, I received a document with all the information necessary to accomplish my role,
I got an online explanation of it as well. However, this information was quite broad, as a
second-year student I am not experienced at all in the marketing business industry. For
this reason, I expected to have training sessions or mentoring programs every certain time
in order to increase all the interns’ knowledge. After I noticed this obvious lack of attention
on employee professional development. I recommend establishing customised training
and personal development programmes for each department to build a learning and
growth atmosphere.
These programmes may include taking classes or workshops, attending professional or
industry conferences, or earning a certificate to expand your knowledge in your chosen
field (Lparsons, 2022). Providing SalesEra’s employees with the opportunity to improve
their abilities and learn new things.

Finally, Salesera's company culture is an exceptionally valuable management issue that I
got the opportunity to extensively analyse. I believe SalesEra should improve a few things,
therefore I will make some recommendations.

Company culture is defined as a shared set of values, goals, attitudes, and practices that
make up an organization (Daley, n.d.). From the beginning to the end of my
implementation process, I did not feel fully integrated into the team; I believe this was due
to the fact that there were too many interns, which meant that I was not given the time and
consideration that I need. SalesEra’s culture is not a clan culture, a culture of people-
focused, highly collaborative work environment where every individual is valued,
prioritizing communication (Daley, n.d.).
I believe this because most of the daily meetings were focused on the supervisors'
directions rather than valuing or focusing on the interns' work. Nonetheless, they did show
regular interest in the inters by asking whether anyone had any problems or doubts.
However, as mentioned above, there were a couple of times when I did not feel valued.
For this key issue, I propose fostering a culture of collaboration by building strong
employee relationships, encouraging frequent employee recognition, creating positive
employee experiences, opening up transparency and communication, and last and most
important scheduling regular and meaningful one-to-ones (Improve Workplace Culture ,
Moreover, organising online social gatherings and team-building activities can also assist
improve team bonds and establish a healthy work atmosphere.

After seeking feedback on my recommendations, I was both pleased and thankful to see
how well my supervisor absorbed my advice and conclusions. Muktak recognised the
importance of my ideas and the evidence-based quality of my conclusions. He was
genuinely enthusiastic when I offered my proposals for boosting internal communication,
professional growth, and company culture. He agreed on the need for change and
development in these areas, and he praised the practicality and feasibility of the proposals
I made. This feedback enabled me to evaluate alternative points of view and incorporate
new ideas into my conclusions.

Overall, the favourable feedback from my supervisor confirmed the importance of my work
as an intern. It was encouraging to see that my observations and analysis were well
received and that my ideas were deemed practical and actionable.

The applicable replies from an experienced expert can be found in the appendix.

PLO WM18 - Evaluates the financial performance of an
The following PLO consist of a financial evaluation of the three most relevant key
performance indicators (KPIs) over a two-year fiscal period (from the first quarter of 2021
to the third quarter of 2022) that are relevant for Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.
(IPG) in order to discover trends, patterns, and any major changes in IPG's financial
performance. IPG is a global provider of marketing solutions. With approximately 58,000
employees in all major world markets, our companies specialize in advertising, digital
marketing, communications planning, media, public relations, and speciality marketing
(Group, 2023). Moreover, the reason why I am evaluating this firm instead of SalesEra is
that my firm did not share financial information with me. Moreover, I have chosen IPG
because it has a similar purpose and values as SalesEra.
The 3 KIPs most relevant for IPG that I will analyse are revenue growth, operating profit
margin, and return on marketing investment.

Revenue Growth is a KPI used to measure how sales are increasing or decreasing over
time. The revenue growth is calculated by subtracting the first month’s revenue from the
second month’s revenue. Divide the result by the first month revenue and then multiply by
100 to turn it into a percentage (Revenue Growth Rate | KPI example | Geckoboard, n.d.).
As an advertising and marketing organization, IPG's revenue growth reflects its capacity to
recruit new clients, gain new business, and expand its market share. The company's
capacity to produce effective marketing solutions and respond to changing market
demands is demonstrated by its strong revenue growth. It also represents IPG's success
in producing income from both new and existing clients, demonstrating the company's
competitive positioning in the industry.

I was able to calculate the quarterly sales growth rates for 2021 and 2022 using IPG's
financial reports. The company’s quarterly revenue numbers indicate changing growth
rates over time. In 2021, the revenue increased by 11% from Q1 to Q2, with a revenue of
$2,257.00 in Q1 and $2,568.50 in Q2. This shows a considerable upward tendency during
this time period. Moving on, revenue in Q3 was $2,542.00, a slight increase from Q2. The
revenue growth rate from Q1 to Q2 was 1.29%, indicating an average constant revenue
performance. IPG began the year 2022 with $2,568.50 in revenue in the first quarter, a 7%
increase over the previous quarter. However, revenue at IPG fell somewhat in the second
quarter of 2022. Revenue declined -4% in the third quarter, from $2,735.70 in Q2 to
$2,735.70 in Q3. Representing a temporary loss in revenue during this time period. IPG's
sales began to recover in the third quarter of 2022. Revenue increased by 1.04% to
$2,637.70 in the third quarter compared to the previous quarter (Financial Reports | IPG,
Overall, IPG's quarterly revenue growth rates in 2021 and 2022 show an overall rising
trend, with occasional fluctuations and a tiny decrease in Q2 2022. IPG must keep a

careful eye on these trends and assess the fundamental variables that drive revenue
performance during each period.

Operating profit margin, also known as return on sales, is an important profitability ratio
measuring revenue after the deduction of operating expenses The operating profit margin
is calculated by dividing operating income by revenue (Vipond, 2023). Furthermore, the
operating margin is an important KPI for IPG because it represents the profitability of the
company's fundamental operations. A healthy operating margin suggests good cost
management, efficient resource allocation, and the ability to profit from its services.
Maintaining a good operating margin is crucial for IPG's long-term viability since it reflects
the company's ability to provide services efficiently while keeping spending under control.

I was able to calculate the quarterly operating profit margin for 2021 and 2022 based on
IPG's financial reports. I estimated that in 2021, the operating profit margins were 11% in
Q1, 15% in Q2, and 14% in Q3. Moreover, in 2022, in Q1 was 10%, in Q2 13% and in Q3
13% as well (Financial Reports | IPG, 2023). These results show the ability of IPG to
properly control costs and generate profits indicates the company's financial stability and
operational effectiveness. Overall, IPG maintained an excellent financial performance,
demonstrating consistent profitability during the investigated time periods.

Return on Marketing Investment (ROI) is a KPI that measures how much revenue a
marketing campaign is generating compared to the cost of running that campaign. The
ROI is calculated by deducting the marketing costs from the sales growth that dividing by
the marketing investments and multiplying by one hundred to obtain a percentage (Return
on Marketing Investment (ROI), n.d.). Furthermore, the Return on Investment (ROI) is an
important financial KPI for IPG. ROI assesses the profitability of IPG's investments and
provides insight into the efficiency of its capital deployment.

The ROI figures for IPG show different performances over the investigated time
periods. IPG achieved a positive ROI of 10% in Q1 2021. The ROI, on the other hand,
dropped drastically in the second and third quarters, reaching -87% and -91%,
respectively. The decreasing trend continued in 2022, with ROI values of -51% in the first
quarter, -127% in the second quarter, and -134% in the third quarter. (Financial Reports |
IPG, 2023).

All the financial information was obtained from IPG financial reports, available on their
website. All the calculations
can be found in the Excel: IPG excel financial KPI calculations_Belén González
All the Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. (IPG) financial graphs of the KPIs analysed
can be found in the appendix.

Finally, with this assessment, I have revealed information on the IPG’s financial health,
growth trajectory, and areas of strength and concern. The decline in ROI, combined with
negative revenue growth in some quarters, emphasizes the importance of IPG addressing
fundamental issues and improving its financial performance. To achieve sustainable
development and increased profitability, strategic changes in marketing spending and

company strategies may be required. Nonetheless, operational profit margins were
outstanding indicating IPG's effective cost management and strong profitability. The
company's financial stability and ability to generate sustained earnings are reflected in its
stable and efficient financial performance.

Final reflection semester 4 B&K

In order to further develop my vertical T-shape I will set two SMART goals to try and
accomplish them after semester four.

The first SMART goal I want to achieve is to improve my critical thinking skills as a person
who tries to act and think rationally but finds it difficult at times by reading at least two
books per month that require critical thinking, reading for 10 minutes each day, and
reflecting on what I read. I believe I will increase my knowledge and develop my critical
thinking skills, thinking clearly and rationally, and understanding the logical connection
between ideas (Copyright 2011-2023, n.d.).

Furthermore, to improve my problem-solving skills, I will set a SMART goal of

implementing a structured problem-solving approach in different complex problems related
to the controversial issues of each month. To do so, I will complete a problem-solving
online course first to increase my knowledge, and I will research each controversial issue
with relevant sources to come up with possible solutions. I plan to solicit feedback from
experts in each sector on the potential solutions I devise.

To conclude, everything I have reflected on above demonstrates that in this

implementation phase, I have been able to accomplish these different PLOs, showing that
I am able to communicate business messages effectively, formulate evidence-based
conclusions, analyse macroeconomic factors and policies, produce management
information from various data sources, and evaluate the financial performance of an

Finally, I must say that this incredible opportunity has not only helped me progress
professionally but has also enhanced my passion for the field and commitment to applying
evidence-based social media marketing tactics.

Feedback form communication
Activities/situations of communication by student

In a meeting, discussing the implementation of new design tools for the social media post.

The intern added to the explanation a recommendation, to suggest other tools that are free
and don’t have the same layout as Canvas.

Effectivity and persuasiveness of the communication

The intern showed assertiveness and directness. This directness might be viewed
positively because it demonstrates a desire to confront difficulties head-on. It is important
to note, however, that the intern's communication was slightly unpleasant. They used
language and tone that were disrespectful and impolite

Advice to the student

In the future, the intern should concentrate on expressing messages in a more

constructive and polite manner. It is critical to use professional and polite language,
avoiding personal assaults or insulting statements.

sum up the student’s entire task +/- pass

Feedback form formulation evidence-based conclusions

Usefulness for the company

Both instances that the intern provides to demonstrate the PLO achievement are good, the
suggestions made have had positive impact on SalesEra.

Quality of the work

Intern demonstrates the application of the theorical knowledge that she obtained on the
self-study courses.

The conclusions were evidence based with the results from the Google Analytics

In the PLO is not quite extend the logical/critical thinking process. However, based on the
conclusions and the implementation of the suggestions the intern must have think critically

Advice to the student

Continue to improve your skills and contribute to the field of social media marketing if you
continuously use this deliberate evaluation strategy.

sum up the student’s entire task ++ very good

Feedback form macro-economic canvas

Usefulness of the Macro-Economic Canvas

Yes, the Macro-Economic canvas is relevant for the industry and region in SalesEra.

Quality of the visual macro-economic canvas

The visual canvas does show clearly the macro-economic factors and policies driving
international trade and business development.

It does not explain the interactions between various trends.

It does explain the impact of the trends on SalesEra.

Advice to the student

It should show the relation between the various trends.

sum up the student’s entire task + good

Feedback form produces management information from various data sources

Usefulness for the company
The intern did not disappoint with the recommendations made at all. Her recommendations
were not only beneficial but also actionable. In the future, the company will make changes
and implement the intern’s suggestions.

Quality of the work

It was clear that she understood the business.
The implementation plan she offered demonstrated her ability to translate ideas into
actionable tactics.
Overall, her suggestions were clear and concise, as mentioned before the suggestions did
not disappoint at all.

Advice to the student

I encourage the intern to continue exploring professional development opportunities,
remain current on developing data trends, and keep accepting feedback. If you do so, you
will continue to excel in your role and have a big impact on the production of valuable
management information.

sum up the student’s entire task ++ very good

Feedback form key performance indicators

Key Performance Indicators

The 3 chosen KPIs are right. All three are significant for the company and the intern
explains why.

Explanation of the KPI’s and the effect of the trends

All three KPIs are explained perfectly, it mentions how each KPI is calculated and why it is

Then explains the performance of the two-year fiscal period of each KPI

Advice to the student

Great work on your evaluation and keep up the excellent analytical approach in assessing
financial performance.

sum up the student’s entire task ++ very good

IPG Revenue Graph
IPG Revenue
$2,735.70 $2,637.70
$3,000.00 $2,568.50 $2,509.60 $2,542.00
$2,500.00 $2,257.00
Q1 Q2 Q3

2021 2022

IPG Revenue Growth Rate Graph

Revenue Growth Rate

12% 11.19%
8% 6.51%
2% 1.29% 1.04%
-2% Q1-Q2 Q2-Q3 Q3-Q1 Q1-Q2 Q2-Q3
-4% 2021 2022

IPG Operating Profit Margin Graph

Operating Profit Margin

16% 15%
14% 13%
12% 11%


Q1 Q2 Q3

operating profit margin operating profit margin

2021 2022

IPG Return on Investment Graph

Return on Investment
20% 10%
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3
-20% 2021 2022
-60% -51%
-100% -87% -91%
-140% -127%

Feedback forms examples on specific competencies

Barone, A. (2022). Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Definition: How It Works, With Example. Retrieved
from Investopedia:

Britannica, T. E. (2023, June 2). Trade agreement | Benefits, Negotiations & Impact . Retrieved
from Encyclopedia Britannica:

Copyright 2011-2023, (. (n.d.). Critical Thinking. Retrieved from SkillsYouNeed:

Customer Retention Rate. (n.d.). Retrieved from Klipfolio:

Daley, S. (n.d.). Company Culture: Definition, Benefits and Strategies. Retrieved from Built In:

Economic Factors Affecting Marketing . (2019, March 14). Retrieved from Small Business - :

Financial Reports | IPG. (2023, June 8). Retrieved from IPG:

Group, I. (2023, February 9). About. Retrieved from IPG. IPG. :

Improve Workplace Culture . (n.d.). Retrieved from O.C. Tanner: Great Britain. :

Jostle. (n.d.). 7 Ways to Improve Internal Communication at Your Business. Retrieved from

Key Performance Indicator: Revenue Growth. (n.d.). Retrieved from PorteBrown Accountants &

Lparsons. (2022, August 23). Why is Professional Development Important? - Professional

Development | Harvard DCE. Retrieved from Professional Development Harvard DCE :

Mail2mannu. (2023, Januari 12). Social Media Marketing Intern | SalesEra. . Retrieved from
SalesEra. :

Return on Marketing Investment (ROI). (n.d.). Retrieved from Kipfolio:

Revenue Growth Rate | KPI example | Geckoboard. (n.d.). Retrieved from Geckoboard:

Saha, C. N. (2011). Intellectual property rights: An overview and implications in pharmaceutical

industry. Retrieved from Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research,
2(2), 88. :

SalesEra. (2022, December 15). About Us. Retrieved from SalesEra:

Slack. (n.d.). Effective business communication techniques. Retrieved from Slack:

Team, I. (2021). What Is Economic Growth and How Is It Measured? Retrieved from Investopedia:

THE INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC. (2022, April 28). Retrieved from Investors

Vipond, T. (2023). Operating Margin. Retrieved from Corporate Finance Institute:

What is customer retention? (n.d.). Retrieved from Salesforce:

What is Intellectual Property (IP)? . (n.d.). Retrieved from WIPO:


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