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Dodaj końcówkę –s do podanych czasowników:

1. Give – ____________________________________
2. Go – _____________________________________
3. Carry – _____________________________________
4. Watch – _____________________________________
5. Have – _____________________________________
6. Read – _____________________________________
7. Study – _____________________________________
8. Play – ____________________________________
9. Eat – _____________________________________
10. Sleep – _____________________________________
11. Do – _____________________________________
12. Like – _____________________________________
13. Love – _____________________________________
14. Hate – _____________________________________
15. Live - _____________________________________
Wybierz właściwą formę:

1. They play/plays football every weekend.

2. He get/gets up at six o’clock.
3. I play/plays basketball every Saturday.
4. My brother sleep/sleeps in small bedroom.
5. We listen/listens to hip-hop music.
6. They live/lives in Warsaw.
7. My mum watch/watches TV every Friday.
8. My grandfather work/works as a teacher.
9. Kasia go/goes swimming every Monday.
10. My brother run/runs every morning.
4. Uzupełnij pytania w czasie pres ent simple (za pomocą Do i Does) oraz krótkie


a) - …………………………………… you like animals?

- Yes, ……………………………………

b) …………………………………… Suzie and Pete often listen to music?

- Yes, ……………………………………

c) …………………………………… these animals live in Africa?

- No, ……………………………………

d) …………………………………… your sister tidy her bedroom on Mondays?

- No, ……………………………………

e) …………………………………… Mary have breakfast at home?

- Yes, …………………………………

f) …………………………………… your parents work at the weekends?

- No, …………………………………

g)…………………………………… your grandparents like cats?

- Yes ……………………………………

H)………………………………… your sister play the piano?

- No, …………………………………

i) ………………………………… you and your friends play football?

- Yes, …………………………………

j)………………………………… Monica sing well?

- No, …………………………………

5. Uzupełnij zdania przeczące w czasie present simple. Wpisz „Don’t” lub „doesn’t.”

a) I …………………………………… want a pet rabbit. I want a cat.

b) My brother and I …………………………………… do our homework at Friday evenings

c) My grandparents …………………………………… have a pet

d) My brother and I …………………………………… play football on Mondays.

e) Beth ……………………… walk to school. She rides her bike.

f) My cousin …………………………………… like big dogs.

g) Me and my sister …………………………………… like candies. We love chocolate.

h) Mum and Dad …………………………………… walk to their work. They always drive by car.

I) I …………………………………… like animals.

j) My Grandma

…………………………………… hate cats. She love them.

Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasowników w czasie Present simple:

1. I usually ………………………………………… (play) football after school.

2. We often ………………………………………… (eat) pizza on Fridays.
3. She never ………………………………………… (eat) sushi. She don’t like it.
4. My brother and I always ………………………………………… (go) to school by bus.
5. My mum usually ………………………………………… (go to shopping) on Saturdays.
6. She ………………………………………… (have) her music lessons every day.
7. The train ………………………………………… (arrive) at six o’clock.
8. She ………………………………………… (not like) maths.
9. We ………………………………………… (not use) mobile at school.
10. Susan ………………………………………… (love) singing.
11. Beth and Vi ………………………………………… (not watch TV) Sundays. They always
………………………………………… (go ) to the park with their friends.
12. ………………………………………… (you/like) ice cream?
13. ………………………………………… (she/like) broccoli?

Uzupełnij zdania przysłówkami częstotliwości (adverbs of frequency) podanymi w


1. I …………………………..(zawsze) eat breakfast in the morning.

2. John …………………………. (zazwyczaj) goes to the gym three times a week.
3. They …………………………. (często) visit their friends on weekends.
4. He …………………………. (czasami) watches movies on Friday nights.
5. We …………………………. (nigdy) travel by bike
6. She …………………………. (często) drinks soda.
7. Maja and Julia …………………………. (zazwyczaj) have pizza for dinner on Fridays.
8. I …………………………. (zawsze) read books before bedtime.
9. He …………………………. (zazwyczaj) brushes his teeth after breakfast.
10. Me and my brother …………………………. (nigdy) miss our favorite TV show on Sundays.
11. They …………………………. (czasami) go for a bike ride in the park.
12. He …………………………. (nigdy) misses his morning coffee.
13. We …………………………. (zawsze) have a family dinner on Sundays.
14. She …………………………. (czasami) goes shopping for clothes after school.
15. Leo and Jessica …………………………. (często) play board games on Friday evenings.
16. I …………………………. (zazwyczaj) go swimming at Sundays.
17. We …………………………. (nigdy) eat spicy food because we don't like it.
18. She …………………………. (często) takes the bus to school in the morning.
19. Mark .…………………………. (czasami) eat fast food.
20. They ………………………. (często) go skiing in the winter holidays.

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