Web Development Basics

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Module 1

all computers have four basic functions: input, processing, output, and
storage. Web developers build interfaces for users to provide input through keyboards,
computer mouses, or even touchscreens and microphones. Computers can also receive
input automatically through devices like sensors.

The computer must translate the data it receives from the input devices into binary code
for the computer to either store or process. Binary code, also known as machine code,
is a system that represents all data as either 0’s or 1’s (or false/true or off/on). It is the
only language that a computer can understand.

Processing is the series of actions that a computer takes when it receives data. The
programs that web developers write will tell the computer what to do with the data that it
receives. The computer mainly performs logical operations because the data is
converted into 0’s and 1’s.

Similarly to input devices, output devices must do some translation. They decode
machine code from the computer into a format that users can understand.

● Short-term storage, also called volatile memory, stores data while the device is
running. Websites store data that web pages will use while the user is interacting
with it. The data is stored in short-term memory, called random access memory
(RAM). For example, suppose you’re developing a site that handles inventory for
a shipping firm. When a customer enters an order, the web page will hold the
data in short-term memory until the customer clicks or taps a button to submit the
order. In many cases, the web browser will handle storing data in short-term
● Long-term storage will retain information even after the device is powered down.
Devices like solid-state drives (SDD) or hard disk drives (HDD) are used for
long-term storage. Websites create small files that store information called
cookies. A cookie stores user-specific data such as the last time that the user
visited the site, how long before they need to log in again, and other data. The
device’s long term storage stores cookies, which persist between site sessions.
A session is the time a user is on a website in one continuous block of time.
Hardware is the physical components your computer needs to operate. Examples of
hardware include the RAM and central processing unit (CPU), which handles

Some hardware also functions as input/output (I/O) devices.

The primary software that your computer needs is an operating system (OS). The
operating system is like a manager. It enables you to communicate with the computer
without knowing machine code. It also manages all software and hardware, and acts as
a coordinator between the hardware and all systems that are running.
Other software applications, also called programs, are sets of instructions that the
computer uses to perform tasks that are beyond the main functions of the operating
system. Examples of software applications include web browsers, word processors, and
image editors.
The web browser is like the automobile. It has a lot of power and uses complex
software to make the web useful. However, without websites, it really can’t do
much. The web sites and web applications that developers write are like the
driver—they tell the browser what to do to make it useful.

Web applications are a hybrid between a software program and a web page.
Web applications can run in a browser, but many software developers use a
wrapper for web apps. A wrapper is software into which a developer can add the
code they developed for a website. You might have downloaded an app onto
your phone that looks and behaves just like the application's website, such as a
to-do list app. The phone app has essentially the same code as the website, but
it is delivered and operates on your phone through a wrapper.
While both apps and pages send data to and receive data from the internet, web
apps have more access to system resources like storage, the file system, and
the graphics processor. This helps them behave more like traditional

Module 2
abstraction hides the complexity of the computer machine and enables
programmers to focus on what is most relevant using programming languages.

Compiled languages
These languages are used to develop systems programs, such as operating systems or
hardware drivers. They are also used for managing parts of the computer system such
as memory and data transfer. Compiled languages are also called low-level programs
because they are very close to the actual hardware of a machine.

For a computer to use a compiled language, the code a software developer writes must
be put through a compiler.
Compilation usually is a one-way process. After a developer compiles code, they can’t
modify it. They must go back to the source code to make changes and compile it
again. Source code is the version of the program software developers can read and
When a compiled program is read by a computer, the entire program is loaded into the
computer’s memory. As a person interacts with the program, the computer can perform
functions from the computer’s code that is available in its memory.
For example, the most common compiled language is C. C continues to be a popular
language because of its high-level readability and low-level functional capabilities. Java
and C# (pronounced “C-sharp”) are other popular examples of compiled languages.

Interpreted languages are the most abstracted from machine language. Similar to
compiled languages, they are designed to be self-describing. Self-describing code is
both easily readable by humans, but also the syntax of the code tells the developer
what the code does.
Interpreted languages need an interpreter. An interpreter is a piece of software that
reads each line of code independently and executes them at runtime. Runtime is the
code of a program that is active in the computer’s memory at a given time. As you
learned with compiled code, all the code of a compiled program is available at runtime.
Interpreted code is executed line-by-line. What parts of the program stays in memory is
dependent on how the developer writes the interpreted program.
Python and JavaScript are both examples of interpreted languages.

While interpreted code doesn’t need to be compiled, the interpreter still needs to
translate the human-readable code to machine language. Ultimately, all code that
developers write gets translated to the machine language the computer
understands, either by a compiler or an interpreter.

The code’s syntax defines the structure of the programming language and
functions like grammar does in natural languages and describes the terms and
relationships programmers can use within the language.

First, the translator (a compiler or interpreter) checks the code to ensure the
syntax is correct. It also confirms that the code follows the rules of the
language.Next, the translator converts the code into machine language.Finally,
your computer’s operating system opens the translated code, reads the
program’s instructions, and executes those instructions.

Web development includes all the work that goes into building and
maintaining web pages and websites. Web development includes writing code
to lay out a web page, add fonts and colors, and making the website interactive.
Web developers also work on databases, servers and network configuration,
application programming interfaces (APIs), and other server-side software
that ensures a website performs correctly.

Web design is also an important part of web development. It focuses on how

the elements of a web page or website are presented to the user. Information
should be easy to find, colors should be pleasant, and there should be enough,
but not too much, negative space. Websites and pages should also support
great experiences for users with accessibility needs. Web designers do all this
and more!

website as a collection of web pages that are all located on the same
domain name.
A web page displays information on the internet in the form of text (copy),
images, videos, and other elements.In addition to web pages, a website also
needs a domain name to locate it, a browser to view it, and a server to host it.
A domain name is simply the name of your website, and the URL is the complete web
address of your website. uniform resource locator (URL)
A website can be one page or thousands of pages. Each web page has a separate URL
containing the same domain name as the other pages of the same site. If you know the
full URL for each page of the site, you can simply enter those URLs to get to a specific
page. Because this is cumbersome, most websites have a navigation structure which
describes how the different pages of the website link together. Usually, the user sees
the navigation structure in the form of a navigation menu. The navigation menu is a set
of links with unique URLs presented in a user-friendly manner.

The browser is software that provides a way for a user to experience and interact with
a website. When you request a website, the browser first makes a request to the web
host for the website files. A web host, or a hosting provider, supplies the servers where
the files exist as well as all the services needed to return the website to the browser.
When a server returns website files, the browser interprets the files and displays this
information as the user interface (UI) of that website.

You need to upload a website to a server for it to be viewable on the internet. A web
server is a special computer, or network of computers, designed to host and deliver web
Step 1:Planning and design
the web developer works with a web designer and other stakeholders to create
requirements. These describe what functions the website needs to perform, and
how it should look. Designers might create wireframes to assist with the coding
process. Wireframes are diagrams that show where elements should be on a

Step 2:Coding

This is where the web developer shines! During this step, they program the website
and create code files. Web developers take the wireframes and the requirements and
write the code the website needs to function. Web developers work to meet the
requirements and reflect the design in software. When developers can’t translate the
design or a specific requirement into software code, developers might need to go back
to the designer and project manager to update the design or requirements
documentation. This is called an iterative process because the design and
development phases undergo continual change and improvement.
They might also be setting up the environment where the website will live. Web
developers need to purchase and register a domain name. They also need to set up web
hosting, either through a web hosting provider, or through servers at their company.

At the end of this phase, web developers provide working web pages that are ready for

Step 3
‘Testing and publishing
staging site.

● Front-end developers write the code that renders a website and also enables a
user to interact with a website. Some of those interactions trigger a process that
directly communicates and interacts with servers and the processes that run on
them. For example, when you do something as simple as clicking the play
button on a video, that begins a request to pull the data that makes up the video
you want to play from the server. The server then sends that data to your (the
client’s) device to render it (a client-side process).
● Back-end developers write the code that processes data and performs tasks
that send information to and receives information from the browser. For
example, a user might use natural language to search for all restaurants in a
given area. They type, “show me all the Greek restaurants in my home city”
into a form. This query along with some location data is sent to the server,
which uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology to
produce a result (a server-side process). The result then is sent back to the
client-side to display to the user.
● client-side process:
● Run on the user’s device
● Render web page layouts and make requests from the server
● Manipulate visual design elements, such as brand colors and typography
● Respond to user interactions, such as buttons and form validation
● Interact with server-side processes to send and receive data and process
● server-side process:
● Deliver dynamic content to websites based on user action, or data from a
● Store, manage, and deliver data to client
● Authenticate user login information
● Send data to and get data from client-side processes
● Run complex processes that require a lot of power and send results back to the
● Client-side processes run on the user’s device. They render web page layouts,
manipulate visual design elements, and respond to user interactions, such as
buttons. Server-side processes deliver dynamic content to websites based on user
action, or data from a database. They run complex processes that require a lot of
power and send results back to the client.

Module 4

Style A collection of formatting rules that define how to display diverse types of elements
on a web page.

The ability to program a website to work on both larger screens, as well as mobile devices,
has led to the development of responsive web design. This is a set of techniques that
enables websites to respond based on the size of the screen that is being used and how it is
being held.

A design is responsive when it can accommodate not only variable screen sizes and screen
orientations (horizontal and vertical), but also various input types. Mobile devices such as
smartphones and tablets support touchscreens and a mobile-ready, responsive design
should avoid inputs that require a physical keyboard or touchpad (or mouse) to navigate.
Many modern frameworks support responsive design. A framework is a software package
with built-in user interface and data tools that developers can use to build websites. React,
Vue.js and Bootstrap are examples of frameworks.
Search engine optimization (SEO) :Search engines automatically access websites
and gather information about them to create an index of all websites. This is known as
crawling the web. They then use complex algorithms to sort that information and rank it.
There are many factors that contribute to a website’s rank, including speed, mobile
friendliness, and accessibility.

Web developers increasingly need to understand how to optimize their websites for search
engines so that they appear higher in the rankings and internet users find their sites.
Developers add metadata to the top of their web pages or websites that describes the
content within them. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of ensuring that the
metadata included in the header of a page or site matches the content in the body, adding
appropriate information so search engines can properly crawl the site.

​ Meeting technical demands. It’s a challenge to meet the technical demands of

designs that also meet the needs of users. Developers must make decisions
within the constraints presented by technologies, design styles, programming
languages, and budgets.
​ Supporting compatibility. It’s a challenge to develop a website that works
consistently across different browsers. There are many popular browsers, and
these even have various versions for different platforms and devices. Front-end
developers must develop websites for many different browsers, which all have
different standards. Some browsers do not support certain styles and features,
and so the website should have fallbacks and degrade gracefully.
​ Accommodating graceful degradation. A website should function in a limited
way on older versions of browsers. Front-end developers need to keep browsers
and what functions they support in mind when they are developing their site.

Languages used:
web developers use HTML to build out the structure of a web page. Web
developers use HTML to tell a browser how to display web page elements
such as paragraphs, links, and media files.
web developers use CSS to add styling to a web page. CSS is responsible
for the colors, backgrounds, animations, and other decorative elements
on a page.
Web developers use JavaScript to add interactive elements to a website.
JavaScript allows web developers to extend the functionality of a
webpage beyond the basic HTML and CSS. With JavaScript you can add
pop-ups, dynamic image galleries, and personalized content.


Back-end developers focus mainly on servers, applications, and databases. Servers

are the computers that send and receive data, applications process requests and
responses from the front end, and databases store and organize all that data.
Basically, back-end developers make sure that servers, applications, and databases
communicate with each other and operate smoothly and quickly.

back end is consistently working in the background to power a user’s front-end


The back end also focuses on the data management and security of the website.
Back-end developers write all the code to make this possible.

In addition to ensuring servers, applications, and databases are operating as they

should, back-end developers also write server-side scripts for dynamic content,
develop APIs to move data around, and ensure websites and systems are secure and
meet security standards.

Application programming interface (API)

Have you ever logged into a website that let you use your credentials from another site, like
your social media or email, to log in? If so, you have experienced an API in action. APIs enable
front-end developers to interact with data and services from the server. They also enable two
distinct applications to interact with one another and share data. This ensures that when data
that is passed from between the front-end and back-end or between applications, it can be
done securely and predictably. APIs do this by specifying what type of request the client can
make, and what data the client can expect in return using a secure transmission.

Just like an API, the voice response system sends information to and receives
information from the user, and also defines the type of information that can be sent.
Back-end developers create or implement APIs to help move data between the user
and the data or services on the server.

Dynamic web pages

Now, web pages can display different content based on several different factors. The

content displayed on the screen may change based on location, time of day, or even

what the user has previously interacted with. Back-end developers write server-side

scripts to tell the server what rules to follow when delivering dynamic content

Payments and personally identifiable information (PII)

It is simple to make payments on a website or fill out a medical history form before an

appointment, but many people are still cautious about submitting their credit card

numbers and personally identifiable information to a website. Back-end developers

are responsible for database security and server-side encryption to ensure that their

websites are compliant with PII and payment card industry (PCI) security standards.

Back-end web developers use various programming languages to write code

for the applications that run on servers and code running queries against

databases. .

Java is widely used for developing web applications and web servers. Web developers
can use Java to build web applications that are data intensive and require strong
security. They can also use it to create applications that stream media and to build
recommendation engines like Netflix or Spotify. Java also enables developers to build
applications that use artificial intelligence (AI).
Python is a highly versatile programming language that is often used in back-end
development. Back-end developers use Python to build interactive websites. They use
it to communicate with databases and process data, and to send data to and from

When you log in to a social media site or your bank, you are generally asked to enter
your username or email and password. Developers can use Python to build the
functionality that enables a website to check if the username and password you
provide are correct.
JavaScript is a popular back-end programming language that enables developers to
write server-side scripts. They can create dynamic web pages and web applications,
collect data from forms, and perform database operations.

Back-end development focuses on creating and maintaining services (like login), data
storage, and functions (like data processing) that enable front-end experiences.


You can think about the World Wide Web as the places in your city, and the internet as the streets that get

you from place to place.

● The World Wide Web is comprised of all the websites that you use to
conduct business, socialize, and find information.
● The internet is a network of computers and servers that provide the
infrastructure for you to access the web.

step1:Enter the station

o access a website, your computer is connected to the internet using a modem and/or router
● A modem connects you to the internet. It is a piece of hardware that receives signals from your internet service

provider (ISP) and translates these signals into a form that your computer understands.

● A router manages the information sent over the internet. It ensures the delivery of the right information to

the intended device. A router takes the internet connection from your modem and breaks it up to provide

access to the different devices connected to the network.


When you type a URL in your browser, you are requesting information from another specific destination.

Your computer will push your request to your internet service provider (ISP), who will use a domain

name server (DNS) to translate the URL into a numerical internet protocol (IP) address. The DNS service

enables users to use friendly names in the web address of the websites they’re trying to reach. Without

DNS, instead of using a web address like https://www.ibm.com

(opens in a new tab)

, users would have to remember and type in an IP address like, DNS translates the

user-friendly web address to the IP address so users don’t have to worry about the IP address.

● A browser is the interface you use to request information, like the ticket counter.

● An ISP provides access to the internet connecting you with many other networks, using many servers to

transfer your data. Like how a postal service sorts mail addressed to various locations and then delivers your

mail to your address, an ISP uses your IP address to deliver the right data to your router. Your ISP uses

standard internet protocols to manage your personal connection and ensure that data reaches the proper


● DNS manages the mapping of text URLs and numerical IP addresses, like how a timetable maps the times and

destinations of individual trains and train stations.

● An IP address is the unique address for a specific location on the web. IP addresses are formatted

nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where each set of nnn is a number between 1 and 255-256, per 8-bit field, totaling 32 bits.

IP addresses are like your train ticket that identify the destination of your trip.
Step 3Load your bags and settle in
your browser will break your request into smaller manageable pieces using the transmission control
protocol (TCP). TCP is an internet standard that defines how computers should break up data and send
messages to one another. TCP and IP are the two basic standards that define the internet.

Step 4: enjoy the journey

Once your message is in the correct format and knows where it is going, it takes the quickest route
through the network of networks to reach its destination.

What is the cloud?

As internet technology evolved, hundreds and then thousands of servers networked

together to share the tasks, or workloads, involved in delivering hundreds of websites
and services. These became known as server farms. Further evolution enabled the
separation of the actual hardware functions.
Cloud computing, or simply the cloud, is an evolution of these server
farms. Early internet servers were designed to deliver websites with all the
services that a website needed, like storage, networking, and security. All
these services were included on a single server machine. Cloud computing
improved on that model by separating the features of one server into
separate functions on specially-designed and dedicated servers. This
makes it easier for web developers to use only the resources they need,
when they need them.

How does the cloud help web developers?

1.host websites
Web developers can use the major cloud providers like IBM, Amazon, and Google to
host websites. By hosting a site in the cloud, web developers can take advantage of a
worldwide network of computers that can make their sites fast and available to
people around the world.

2distribute workloads

If the software that retrieves data is on servers in the cloud, developers can update
that software and the apps on users’ phones can use it immediately—even if the
application that uses it wasn’t updated. Web developers refer to a website calling
software in the cloud as making an API call.

3store and distribyte data

Most websites use data and web developers need databases to scale to meet website
needs. There are many database solutions on the market, both open source and
proprietary. Cloud providers offer a wide range of options to meet the needs of
websites that range from small hobbyist sites to the largest enterprise sites.

Cloud providers also support binary large object (blob) storage. A blob is a large file
storing binary data, such as an image, video, or any file that contains more than
plain text.

4scale based on need

TCP defines how computers should break up data and send messages to one another. IP
is a set of rules that checks the exchange of data over the internet. These are the two
basic standards that define the internet.

Key points to remember

​ 1
​ 1
​ No matter the size, all computers have four basic functions:
input, processing, output, and storage.
​ 2
​ 2
​ Binary code, also known as machine code, is a system that
represents all data as either 0’s or 1’s (false or true). It is the
only language that a computer can understand.
​ 3
​ 3
​ Computers need hardware (the physical components) and
software (the instructions) to accomplish the four functions.
​ 4
​ 4
​ The concept of abstraction makes it possible to give a
computer instruction without understanding the sheer
complexity of the machine by hiding unnecessary details.
​ 5
​ 5
​ A compiler translates human readable code into machine code
by checking the syntax and translating human-readable code
into binary code.
​ 6
​ 6
​ The web development process consists of planning and
designing, coding, testing, and publishing, and maintenance
​ 7
​ 7
​ Client-side programs run on the user’s device, while
server-side processes run on website servers.
​ 8
​ 8
​ A front-end developer creates everything you see on a website,
such as text and buttons.
​ 9
​ 9
​ A front-end developer primarily uses HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript to build websites.
​ 10
​ 10
​ A back-end developer writes code to power the front-end
experience, including data management, and server
​ 11
​ 11
​ A back-end developer uses JavaScript, Python, and Java to
develop programs.
​ 12
​ 12
​ The World Wide Web is comprised of all the websites that you
use. The internet is a network of computers and servers that
provide the infrastructure for you to access the web.
​ 13
​ 13
​ Web developers can use cloud services to help them to build
scalable, robust websites.

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