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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1

Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________

Lesson title: DC Motors: Materials:

 Equivalent Circuit of a DC Motor Pen
 Separately excited and shunt DC motors Calculator
Short bond paper
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this module, you should be able to: References:
1. Differentiate a separately excited dc motor and shunt motor. A Textbook Of Electrical
2. Solve board exam problems for shunt motors. Technology in SI Units (Volume
II) by B.L. Theraja and A.K.
3. Theraja

Electrical Machines: Direct and

Alternating Currents by Charles
Seymour Siskind

Electric Machinery
Fundamentals (4th Edition) by
Stephen J. Chapman

Productivity Tip:
“Schedule doing practice drills similar to the ones in this module two more times this week. Doing
short drills on different days will help you master the process!”

1) Introduction (2 mins)

For the succeeding modules, we will study all about DC Motors. DC motors is a machine that converts electrical
energy into mechanical energy. There are five major types of dc motors in general use:
1. The separately excited dc motor
2. The shunt dc motor
3. The permanent-magnet dc motor
4. The series dc motor
5. The compound dc motor
Each of these types of motor will be discussed in the next modules.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)
1. What is the difference between
a shunt motor and a separately
excited motor?

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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1
Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________

2. What is Ohm’s Law?

3. Explain KCL and KVL.

1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

An electric motor is a machine which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The direction of
rotation, field and current is given by Fleming’s Left Hand Rule.

Figure 1. Fleming's Left Hand Rule

Figure 2. Simple Motor

DC motors are often compared based on their speed regulation. The speed regulation of a motor is defined as
the change in speed from no-load to full-load. It is expressed as a fraction or percentage of the full load speed.
Speed regulation (SR) of a motor is defined by
𝑆𝑅 = × 100

where 𝑁𝑁𝐿 = no-load speed

𝑁𝐹𝐿 = full-load speed

The speed regulation tells as the effect of load in a motor. A positive speed regulation means that a motor’s
speed drops with increasing load, and a negative speed regulation means a motor’s speed increases with
increasing load.

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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1
Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________

The Equivalent Circuit of a DC Motor

In figure 3 shows Thevenin equivalent circuit of the entire rotor structure, including rotor coils, interpoles, and
compensating windings, which is an ideal voltage source 𝐸𝐴 and a resistor 𝑅𝐴 . The brush voltage drop is
represented by a small battery 𝑉𝑏𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ opposing the direction of the current flow in the machine. The field coils,
which produced the magnetic flux in the generator, are represented by inductor 𝐿𝐹 and resistor𝑅𝐹 .

Figure 3. (a) Equivalent Circuit of DC motor (b) Simplified Equivalent Circuit

Separately Excited DC Motors

A separately excited dc motor is a motor whose field circuit is supplied from separate constant voltage power
supply. Equivalent circuit of a separately excited motor is shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. Equivalent Circuit for a Separately Excited Motor

We can solve the current in the field windings 𝐼𝐹 by using Ohm’s Law: 𝑰𝑭 = , since the field windings
is connected in a constant source the inductance 𝐿𝐹 will act as a short circuit.

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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1
Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________

For voltage in the Supply 𝑉𝑇 of the motor, we can solve it using Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law at the side of
the armature:


For this motor, the armature is in series with the source. Therefore, 𝐼𝐴 = 𝐼𝐿

where 𝑉𝑇 = Supply voltage

𝐸𝐴 = Back emf (in other books it is 𝐸𝑏 )
𝑅𝐴 = Armature resistance
𝐼𝐴 = Armature current
𝐼𝐹 = field current
𝐼𝐿 = Line current

Shunt DC Motor

Shunt Motor is a type of self-excited dc motor with its armature and the field coils are connected in parallel.
When we say self-excited dc motor, we are referring to a kind of motor where its field coils is supplied with
same source with the armature coils.


Figure 5. Equivalent Circuit for a Shunt Motor

For us to solve the currents (𝐼𝐴 , 𝐼𝐹 , and 𝐼𝐿 ) and voltages (𝑉𝑇 and 𝐸𝐴 ). When need to remember the principles of
Kirchhoff’s voltage and current Law (KVL/KCL) and Ohm’s Law.

For solving the Supply voltage 𝑉𝑇 we will have a KVL loop between armature and Supply voltage,


Soving 𝐼𝐴 using KCL we get, 𝑰𝑨 = 𝑰𝑳 − 𝑰𝑭 , where 𝑰𝑭 = =
𝑹𝑭 +𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒋 𝑹𝑭

where 𝑉𝑇 = Supply voltage

𝐸𝐵 = Back emf
𝑅𝐹 or 𝑅𝑠ℎ = Shunt field resistance
𝑅𝐴 = Armature resistance
𝐼𝐴 or 𝐼𝑠ℎ = Armature current

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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1
Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________

𝐼𝐹 or 𝐼𝑠ℎ = shunt field current

𝐼𝐿 = Line current
*NOTE that in a shunt motor, unless otherwise specified, the flux is assumed to be constant.

Speed Control of Shunt DC Motors

The two common ways in which the speed of a shunt dc machine can be controlled by:

1. Adjusting the field resistance 𝑅𝐹 (and thus the field flux)

2. Adjusting the terminal voltage applied to the armature.

Example 1. A 50-hp, 250-V, 1200rpm dc shunt motor with compensating windings has an armature (including
the brushes, compensating windings, and interpoles) of 0.06 Ω. Its field circuit has a total resistance 𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑗 +
𝑅𝐹 of 50 Ω, which produce a no-load speed of 1200rpm. There are 1200 turns per pole on the shunt field
a. Find the speed of this motor when its input current is 100 A.
b. Find the speed of this motor when its input current is 200 A.


In previous lessons we discussed on how to solve the induced voltage of a DC machine. The induced voltage
of the dc machine is given by,

𝐸𝐴 = 𝐾′𝜙𝑁

Since the field currents in the machine is constant (because 𝑉𝑇 and field resistance are both constant), and no
armature reaction the flux in this motor is constant. The relationship between the speed and internal generated
voltages of the motor at two different load conditions is:

Since 𝜙 is constant,
For no load: 𝐸𝐴1 = 𝐾 ′ 𝜙𝑁1 ; 𝐾′ =

For with load: 𝐸𝐴2 = 𝐾 ′ 𝜙𝑁2 ; 𝐾′ =

Equating 𝐾 ′ , we get:

𝑁1 𝑁2

Therefore we get speed at load (𝑁2 ):

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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1
Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________
𝑵𝟐 = ( )𝑵
𝑬𝑨𝟏 𝟏

At no load, the armature current is zero, so 𝐸𝐴1 = 𝑉𝑇 = 250𝑉 and 𝑁1 = 1200 rpm. For us to get 𝑁2 we need to
solve for the current at load condition.

a. If 𝐼𝐿 = 100𝐴, the induced voltage is

𝑉𝑇 250𝑉
Where : 𝐼𝐴 = 𝐼𝐿 − 𝐼𝐹 = 𝐼𝐿 − = 100𝐴 − = 95𝐴
𝑅𝐹 50Ω
𝐸𝐵 = 250𝑉 − (95𝐴)(0.06Ω) = 244.3 𝑉
∴ 𝑁2 = ( ) (1200𝑟𝑝𝑚) = 𝟏𝟏𝟕𝟑 𝒓𝒑𝒎

b. If 𝐼𝐿 = 200𝐴, the induced voltage is

𝑉𝑇 250𝑉
Where : 𝐼𝐴 = 𝐼𝐿 − 𝐼𝐹 = 𝐼𝐿 − = 200𝐴 − = 195𝐴
𝑅𝐹 50Ω
𝐸𝐵 = 250𝑉 − (195𝐴)(0.06Ω) = 238.3 𝑉
∴ 𝑁2 = ( ) (1200𝑟𝑝𝑚) = 𝟏𝟏𝟒𝟒 𝒓𝒑𝒎

Exmaple 2. A 230V shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.26 Ω and shunt field resistance of 45 Ω.
Assuming brush drop of 2volts. Calculate the counter emf(back emf) of this motor if the full-load current is 50A.



Using KVL we get the equation of counter emf

𝐸𝐵 = 𝑉𝑇 − 𝑉𝐵 − 𝐼𝐴 𝑅𝐴
𝐼𝐴 = 𝐼𝐿 − 𝐼𝐹 = 50𝐴 − = 48.8889𝐴

∴ 𝐸𝐵 = 230𝑉 − 2𝑉 − (48.8889)(0.26Ω) = 𝟐𝟏𝟔. 𝟑𝟐𝟖𝟗 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐬

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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1
Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________

Example 3. A 4-pole, 240 V, wave connected shunt motor gives 1119kW when running at 1000rpm and drawing
armature and field currents of 50A and 1A, respectively. It has 540 conductors. Its armature resistance is 0.1
Ω. Assuming a drop of 2V for brush drop, find (a) total torque (b). useful flux per pole


𝐸𝐵 = 𝑉𝑇 − 𝐼𝐴 𝑅𝐴 − 𝑉𝐵

𝐸𝐵 = 240 − (50)(0.1) − 2 = 233𝑉

b. For total torque, 𝑇 = ; 𝐸𝐵 = for 𝑍, 𝑃, 𝜙 and 𝑎 are constant
2𝜋𝑎 60𝑎
𝑇 = 𝐾 ( 𝐴 );
𝐸𝐵 = 𝐾( ) 𝐾= ∴𝑇=
60 𝑁 2𝜋𝑁
𝑇= = 𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟐𝟓 N∙m
60𝐸𝐵 𝑎
c. The useful flux per pole, ∅ =
∅= = 12.94mWb

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Problem Solving. Solve the following problems completely. Write your solution in a separate short bond paper.
BOX your final answer. (5pts each required values.)

Problem 1. A 250-V shunt motor runs at 1000rpm at no-load and takes 8A. The total armature and shunt field
resistance are respectively 0.2Ω and 250 Ω. Calculate the speed loaded and taking 50A. Assume the flux to be

Problem 2. A 230V dc shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.5 Ω and field resistance of 115 Ω. At no-load,
the speed is 1200rpm and the armature current of 2.5A. On application of rated load the speed drops to 1120rpm.
Determine the line current and the power input when the motor delivers the rated load. Assume the flux to be

Problem 3. A 20kW dc shunt generator delivering rated output at 1000rpm has a terminal voltage of 500V. The
armature resistance is 0.1Ω, the voltage drop at brush contact is 2V and the field resistance is 500 Ω. Calculate
the induced voltage(back emf), shunt current and armature current of the motor.
Problem 4. A 200V, 20kW shunt generator has an equivalent armature of 0.05 ohm and a shunt field resistance
of 200ohms. Determine the power developed in the armature when it delivers full load.

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

Now answer the “What I Learned” column in Activity 1.

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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1
Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Problem Solving. Solve the following problems completely. Write your solution in a separate short bond paper.
BOX your final answer. (5 pts each)

Additional Problem 1. A 50-hp, 250-V, 1200rpm dc shunt motor with compensating windings has an armature
(including the brushes, compensating windings, and interpoles) of 0.06 Ω. Its field circuit has a total resistance
𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑗 + 𝑅𝐹 of 50 Ω, which produce a no-load speed of 1200rpm. There are 1200 turns per pole on the shunt
field windings.
a. Find the speed of this motor when its input current is 300 A.

Additional Problem 2. The four-pole shunt connected generator has a lap connected armature with 728
conductors. The flux per pole is 25mWb. If the generator supplies two hundred fifty 110V, 75W incandescent
lamp. The field and armature resistances are 110 ohms and 0.025 ohm respectively. Determine the speed in
rpm of the generator.

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

Three things I learned:




Two things I like to learn more:



One question you still have:


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ELE 096: Electrical Machines 1
Students’ Activity Sheets #4

Name:______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________ Date:________________


Q: Is shunt resistance equivalent to field resistance?

A: It will depend on the type of motor. If we are solving a shunt motor then shunt resistance will be equal to field

Q: What is the difference between separately-excited DC motor and shunt DC motor?

A: Separately-excited DC motor has its field circuit connected to a different power supply which can be a battery.
While, a Shunt DC motor is a type of self-excited machine where field circuit is supplied from the same supply
as the armature is connected.

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