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Spotting Errors

1 I work hard and study well (a)/ that I

may pass the examination (b)/ and
make my parents proud. (c)/ No error
2 Many of the founding fathers (a)/ of
our constitution are (b)/ so reverend
as Ambedkar as if not more. (c)/ No
error (d)
3 I wonder (a)/ that government will (b)/
approve my project or not. (c)/ No
error (d)
4 Seldom if never (a)/ he has reached
office (b)/ on time despite many
warnings. (c)/ No error (d)
5 The captain asked the player (a)/ to
play well lest (b)/ they would lose the
game. (c)/ No error (d)
6 Such was her pronunciation (a)/ as (b)/
I could not understand her (c)/ No
error (d)
7 I did not (a)/ steal the oranges (b)/
from your orchard never did my
brother. (c)/ No Error (d)
8 Whether or nor they were in love, (a)/
John decided he needed to break up
with his long-distance girlfriend; (b)/
the time apart was just too difficult.
(c)/ No error (d)
9 Provided by she was paid overtime,
(a)/ Kara agreed to clean the golf
course (b)/ before she left for the day.
(c)/ No error (d)
10 They had tried (a)/ to win deceptively
(b)/ and this resulted in both failing or
destroying others. (c)/ No error (d)
11 Joseph is not only involved in (a)/
organizing seminars and conferences
(b)/ but also in conducting adult
literacy programs. (c)/ No error (d)
12 I will accept (a)/ the responsibility (b)/
while the time comes. (c)/ No error (d)
13 The Ghats in Benaras were (a)/ very
crowded but we were (b)/ able to
watch the Ganga aarti clearly. (c)/ No
error (d)
14 Hardly had the director (a)/ started the
shoot, that the actors (b)/ got engaged
in a bitter banter and eventually things
turned violent. (c)/ No error (d)
15 The most frightening periods in
history (a)/ have often been moments
(b)/ between the death of one king to
the rise of the next (c)/ No Error (d)
16 Although he was (a)/ invited at the last
minute (b)/ he could not prepare
properly for the seminar. (c)/ No error
17 In Lahore leaders are taking bad
advantage (a)/ of casteism, (b)/ I think
it is nothing than bad things. (c)/ no
error (d)
18 The criminal had hardly put (a)/ the
precious thing in his (b)/ bag than the
landlord got up. (c)/ No error (d)
19 I shall not go (a)/ except you (b)/
permit me. (c)/ No error (d)
20 Make haste lest (a)/ you should not
miss (b)/ the train. (c)/ No error (d)
21 Though she was tired (a)/ but she did
not stop dancing (b)/ in yesterday’s
dinner party. (c)/ No error (d)
22 You have to (a)/ do it just like (b)/ I
have done it. (c)/ No error (d)
23 He ran as fast (a)/ that he reached the
destination in (b)/ just two minutes.
(c)/ No error (d)
24 He was so clever (a)/ that everybody’s
attempt (b)/ to misguide him proved to
be futile. (c)/ No error (d)
25 He encouraged me (a)/ so I might not
(b)/ lose heart. (c)/ No error (d)
26 He allowed (a)/ me to talk to no other
(b)/ person but her lawyer. (c)/ No error
27 Since interlinking of rivers will (a)/
help tackle drought, the government
has not paid much (b)/ attention to this
project. (c)/ No error (d)
28 In just two months (a)/ after having
planted, most of the plants have (b)/
either dried up and are suffering due
to lack of maintenance. (c)/ no error
29 She was too beautiful (a)/ to be
rejected by any (b)/ youngman who
wished to make her his wife. (c)/ no
error (d)
30 I don’t know if any of the members (a)/
of the party is conspiring (b)/ against
the President or not. (c)/ no error (d)
31 Though I was sitting in the (a)/ back of
the theatre, (b)/ I couldn’t see the
performance very well. (c)/ No Error
32 The doctor did not (a)/ put the patient
on the ventilator, (b)/ yet still made
him comfortable. (c)/ No Error (d)
33 These tutorials (a)/ are so elementary
that (b)/ they can help neither you nor
I. (c)/ No Error (d)
34 Though they worked day and night (a)/
to build the highway before the (b)/
deadline but they could not completed
it. (c)/ No Error (d)
35 Both Renu as well as (a)/ her sister are
very tall (b)/ and are in the basketball
team. (c)/ No Error (d)
36 Mr. Roy was (a)/ not only very (b)/
successful and humble also. (c)/ No
Error (d)
37 The exam was not (a)/ so easy that (b)/
we had expected. (c)/ No Error (d)
38 She will come (a)/ to work though it
(b)/ doesn’t rain tomorrow. (c)/ No
Error (d)
39 Miss Marple (a)/ is neither a good
singer (b)/ or the good stage artist. (c)/
No Error (d)
40 You cannot lead (a)/ a healthy life (b)/
although you stop smoking. (c)/ No
Error (d)
41 Because (a)/ she didn’t love him, (b)/
she had to marry him. (c)/ No Error (d)
42 No sooner did Priya (a)/ get her report
card when she started jumping (b)/
with joy. (c)/ No Error (d)
43 Until I was (a)/ still a little weak, I
decided to walk home (b)/ from the
metro station. (c)/ No Error (d)
44 Notwithstanding we were (a)/ all busy
that weekend we had to (b)/ cancel the
outing. (c)/ No Error (d)
45 Though John and (1)/ Andrew look
exactly (2)/ alike but they (3)/ act quite
differently. (4)
46 You have to (1)/ pay standing (2)/
charges whether and (3)/ not you use
the service. (4)
47 Read in a (1)/ good light (2)/ lest it
shall not (3)/ hurt your eyes. (4)
48 The staff at the (1)/ consulate seemed
(2)/ not only insensitive, (3) yet also
professionally inadequate. (4)
49 The rebels would not (1)/ be happy
with anything (2)/ other from the
complete (3)/ removal of the current
regime. (4)
50 The temptation to (1)/ exploit
consumers (2)/ usually prevails unless
(3)/ it is not curbed. (4)
51 I scarcely knew (1)/ what to expect (2)/
than I asked (3)/ this question. (4)
52 No sooner from (1)/ they came, they
(2)/ had the suspect and (3)/ wanted us
to identify him. (4)
53 The army of (1)/ lifeguards and
attendants (2)/ is both friendly (3)/ or
capable. (4)
54 Despite of the (1)/ technological
breakthroughs (2)/ of telemedicine, (3)/
there are regulatory hurdles. (4)
55 Erica decided to (1)/ continue living in
Paris (2)/ but she fell in love (3)/ with
the city. (4)
56 The equestrian (1)/ fell off his horse
(2)/ for injured (3)/ his waist. (4)
57 Notwithstanding his horror at the way
(1)/ the things turned out to be, (2)/ he
did not lose hope (3)/ and decided to
try all over again. (4)
58 Last week, the Court directed (1)/ the
Centre to constitute a tribunal within a
(2)/ month to adjudicate the river water
(3)/ dispute among the two states. (4)
59 She doesn’t even know (1)/ whether
her daughter is (2)/ coming back home
(3)/ and staying at her friend's place.
60 "Australia will introduce random (1)/
searches of workers entering while
inside (2)/ its airports, as it increases
security (3)/ after a recently foiled
terrorism plot", officials said. (4)
61 Perhaps the greatest tragedy (1)/ for
undercover atheists is the barrier (2)/
it necessarily erects among (3)/ them
and their loved ones. (4)
62 An attempt made by his uncles to
dislodge him (1)/ proved
unsuccessful, and no sooner (2)/ was
the young sovereign firmly settled
when he began to (3)/ meditate an
extension of his own dominions. (4)
63 Both the rich along with (1)/ the poor
were equally distraught (2)/ of the
unyielding rise in the fuel (3)/ prices
and demanded government subsidy.
64 The staff at the (1)/ consulate not only
seemed (2)/ insensitive but also (3)/
professionally inadequate. (4)
65 Opportunity makes realizing (1)/
achievement possible, (2)/ and it does
not (3)/ necessarily guarantee
success. (4)
66 She's great, but (1)/ provided that, (2)/
she does lose (3)/ her temper
sometimes. (4)
67 He handled (1)/ the connectors (2)/
gently so that not (3)/ to damage them.
68 The technical department (1)/ provided
a base for him (2)/ as soon as he could
pursue (3)/ Technical Studies over and
above normal classes. (4)
69 It is extremely (1)/ doubtful that (2)/
anyone survived (3)/ the explosion. (4)
70 Relations among the (1)/ two countries
have (2)/ been in a parlous (3)/
condition for some time. (4)
71 Even though the (1)/ problem has been
(2)/ identified, appropriate action (3)/
can be taken. (4)
72 The regulatory environment is
different (1)/ in each country, such as
(2)/ it is not possible to put together
(3)/ two equities dealing operations on
the same platform. (4)
73 He has no (1)/ option than to (2)/ work
as a waiter (3)/ in his friend's hotel. (4)
74 The Boeing 767 had (1)/ barely taxied
to (2)/ a halt than its (3)/ doors were
flung open. (4)
75 Though John and (1)/ Andrew look
exactly (2)/ alike but they (3)/ act quite
differently. (4)
76 You have to (1)/ pay standing (2)/
charges whether and (3)/ not you use
the service. (4)
77 Read in a (1)/ good light (2)/ lest it
shall not (3)/ hurt your eyes. (4)
78 The staff at the (1)/ consulate seemed
(2)/ not only insensitive, (3) yet also
professionally inadequate. (4)
79 The rebels would not (1)/ be happy
with anything (2)/ other from the
complete (3)/ removal of the current
regime. (4)
80 The temptation to (1)/ exploit
consumers (2)/ usually prevails unless
(3)/ it is not curbed. (4)
81 I scarcely knew (1)/ what to expect (2)/
than I asked (3)/ this question. (4)
82 No sooner from (1)/ they came, they
(2)/ had the suspect and (3)/ wanted us
to identify him. (4)
83 The army of (1)/ lifeguards and
attendants (2)/ is both friendly (3)/ or
capable. (4)
84 Despite of the (1)/ technological
breakthroughs (2)/ of telemedicine, (3)/
there are regulatory hurdles. (4)
85 The message in all stories of Leo
Tolstoy (1)/ is presented with such
humour whom (2)/ the reader hardly
realises that (3)/ it is strongly didactic.
86 We plan to (1)/ sell a part of our (2)/
business therefore we have (3)/ to
repay a loan. (4)
87 No language is tough and easy (1)/
because language is a practical
medium (2)/ through which we express
(3)/ our ideas and thinking. (4)
88 My husband being unwell, sent (1)/ a
directive to his boss (2)/ briefing why
could he (3)/ not attend the office on
that day. (4)
89 Europe’s travel industry is suffering
(1)/ as a result of a sluggish economy,
(2)/ a stretch of bad weather, (3) / as
well as the chilling effects of
persistent terrorist activity. (4)
90 Until the liberalisation of 1991, India
(1)/ was largely and intentionally
isolated (2)/ from the world markets, to
protect its fledgeling (3)/ economy and
achieving self-reliance. (4)
91 "Australia will introduce random (1)/
searches of workers entering while
inside (2)/ its airports, as it increases
security (3)/ after a recently foiled
terrorism plot", officials said. (4)
92 After the examination is over, (1)/ you
must hand over (2)/ both the answer
booklets as well as the question paper
(3)/ to the invigilator. (4)
93 One may not be able to learn to speak
French as well as he/ she (1)/ does
Spanish, but should one be able to
speak (2) well enough so that the
Spanish (3)/ understand what you
have to say. (4)
94 To achieve meaningful and sustain (1)/
change on the ground, local (2)/
leadership in programmes, advocacy,
(3)/ policy and research is critical. (4)
95 We plan to (1)/ sell a part of our (2)/
business therefore we have (3)/ to
repay a loan. (4)
96 In a democracy, on a dispute as (1)/
tangled and resonating with claims,
complexities (2)/ and ambiguities as
with the current issue, (3)/ a tidy
closure will always elude. (4)
97 What we experienced was
phenomenal, (1)/ our minds and
bodies were worlds (2)/ that we
created and was the (3)/ only things
we had control over. (4)
98 No language is tough and easy (1)/
because language is a practical
medium (2)/ through which we express
(3)/ our ideas and thinking. (4)
99 Germany is a global hub for
manufacturing, (1)/ and the largest
manufacturing economy in (2)/ the
world as well as the largest (3)/
exporter of goods in the world. (4)
100 We stayed / in Jim's flat / during he
was / on holiday.
101 You will not succeed unless you don’t
work hard
102 Until you tell(A) me the truth,(B) I shall
punish you. (C) No error(D).
103 Either he is(A) mad, nor he(B) feigns
madness.(C)No error.(D)
104 The reason is because the two groups
have different expectations.

He was / late / for school / and

106 Our soldiers fought as fiercely that the
enemy had to accept defeat.
107 You cannot lead a healthy life
although you stop smoking.
108 Preeti is absent from the meeting due
to she is out of station.
109 You will win (A)/ only and (B)/ you
deserve it. (C)/ no error (D)/
110 If I’m older, (A) I’d love to be (B) a
dancer. (C) / No error (D)
111 No sooner had they completed the
work when they demanded the wages.

Although he(A)/ worked hard but(B)/

he failed.(C)/No error(D)
113 Either take the bus, (A) /and the auto
to reach (B) / the railway station. (C) /
No error (D)
114 I do not like vegetables, or do I like
115 The Doctors (a)/ relaxed (b)/ between
12.00 AM to 5.00 AM (c)/ no error (d).
116 Unless you do not give(A)/ the keys to
the safe(B)/ you will be shot(C)/ No
117 Ravi fed her with green chilli but
118 One can never imagine how serene
(A)/ and gorgeous Coorg is unless (B)/
one doesn't go there in person. (C)/ No
error (D)
119 Both K-12 as well as university
campuses (A)/, will require daily
temperature (B)/ checks for each
student (C)/ No error (D)

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