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Chapter-4 Youth Leisure and Music Youth Leisure

The term leisure will embody the perspective that the engagement is enjoyable,
interesting, personally meaningful, self-expressive, self-endorsed, and mostly
intrinsically motivated.

Communication, sociability, information, education, identity, self-fulfillment,
freedom from compulsion.

Social and economic leisure functions: socialization, regeneration,

compensation, integration, consumption, basis of the service economy, system
stabilization, innovation and lifestyle.

The benefits of leisure are:

1. Health Benefits: Improved physical and mental health.
Improved work/life balance.

2. Social benefits: Opportunities for learning.

Improved self-esteem.

3. Community benefits: Family and community cohesion.

More productive schools and workforces.

4. Environmental Benefits: Use your leisure time towards environment.

Green transport.

5. Economics benefits: Employment opportunities.

Components of Leisure Industry.
1. Sport and Physical Activity
2. Arts and Entertainment
3. Tourism (Heritage, Visitor Attractions)
4. Countryside Recreation
5. Home-Based Leisure
6. Catering
7. Shopping (Clothes).

 Sport is an activity involving physical exertion, skill and/or hand-eye
coordination as the primary focus of the activity, with elements of
competition where rules and patterns of behavior governing the activity exist
formally through organizations. Physical Activity is any bodily movements
performed by skeletal muscles that result in an increase in energy
2. Art and Entertainment. Art is the products of human creativity, the
creation of beautiful or significant things and a superior skill that you can learn
by study and practices and observation. A good places to see art is at an art
gallery. It can be many things art of example it can be, drawn pictures,
photographs, pieces of materials etc.
Entertainment is an activity that is diverting and that holds the
attention of the participant/audience. . For example watching a film is a
good example of entertainment.
3. Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails
the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual
environment for personal or business/professional purposes.
There are 9 forms of Tourism:
1. Leisure / Holiday Tourism can be divided into two forms: relaxation and
2. Business Tourism.
3. Cultural Tourism.
4. Eco-tourism.
5. Study Tourism.
6. Religious Pilgrimage.
7. Health Tourism.
8. VisitingFriends and Relatives (VFR).
9. Sports Tourism (Chai, 1995).
4. Countryside recreation is all about enjoying the outdoors. It is quality places
to enjoy the outdoors and opportunities to participate in outdoor recreation
activities. For example, rock climbing.
5. Home-Based Leisure is enjoying activities at your own home or anyone else`s
home. This can include things like listening to the radio, watching TV, going on
the computer, or reading etc. The best example that I can think of for home-
based is DIY and gardening. This is something that people love doing in and
around the house.
6. Catering: is the business of providing food, drink and other related services
to social events for example a restaurant, bar, pub, fast food places etc. It can
involve socializing with friends in a pub, going out for a meal with the family or
friends or even just going to a cafe for a coffee on your break. Fast food places
are the most common known in the industry, for example McDonalds, Pizza
Hut, KFC and many more.
7. Shopping (Clothes etc.): Many people know what shopping is which is
basically searching for or buying goods and services, the commodities
purchased from stores. This can vary from buying clothes, food, games and
electrical items
Examples are not just shops but can be shopping centers or a specific town.

Youth music genres are associated with many youth subcultures, such
as hip-hop, punks, and emos, ravers, Juggalos, metal heads, manelisti
and goths.
The 7 elements of music:
 Rhythm, in music is the placement of sounds in time.
 Melody is a succession of pitches in rhythm.
 Harmony, in music is the sound of two or more notes heard
 Timbre is the perceived sound quality of a musical note, sound or tone.
 Dynamics refer to the variations in LOUDNESS of a musical composition
or specific NOTEs.
 Texture is how the tempo, melodic, and harmonic materials are
combined in a musical composition, determining the overall quality of
the sound in a song.
 Form refers to the largest shape of the composition.

Basic Music Forms:

 Strophic: The strophic form include hymns and folk songs. Strophic form
is a song structure in which all verses or stanzas of the text are sung to
the same music. Or AAA song form.
 Sonata Form: is a three-section musical form where each of the main
sections explores a central theme or motif.
 Theme and Variations: is a popular musical form in which a composer
states a melody and then repeats it several times with changes to create
more interest and variety.
 Minuet and Trio: An A-B-A form (A = minuet; B = trio) in a moderate
triple meter that is often the third movement of the Classical sonata
 Rondo: in music, an instrumental form characterized by the initial
statement and subsequent restatement of a particular melody or section,
the various statements of which are separated by contrasting material.

Advantages of Music:
 It's heart healthy. Research has shown that blood flows more easily when
music is played.
 It elevates mood.
 It reduces stress.
 It relieves symptoms of depression.
 It stimulates memories.
 It manages pain.
 It eases pain.
 It helps people eat less.

Disadvantages of music:
 Hearing loss.
 Music can be distracting.
 Music can trigger bad memories.
 It's very difficult to make money in the music industry.
 Some people just can't stand music.
 Noise pollution.

 Making Bad Decisions.

Music may be a recurring positive presence in our lives, but it can also come with
negatives both to you and to others. Youths will listen to music almost
everywhere. So, it has an impact on them. Positively, music will help reduce stress,
prevent drug abuse, encourage exercise, and improve sleep quality. When used
properly, music affects youths positively. Hence, it is impossible to separate
youths and music.

Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the
world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border
trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and
Example: Coffee was first grown in arabid region in 11 century but due to
commercial trade know coffee is known as globally consumed commodity.

Types of globalization are:

1. Economic globalization: refers to the widespread international movement
of goods, capital, services, technology and information.
2. Social globalization: It leads to greater interaction among people.
3. Cultural globalization: refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and
values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social
4. Political globalization: the growth of the worldwide political system, both
in size and complexity. The best example is WHO (World Health
5. Environmental globalization: It refers to the internationally coordinated
practices and regulations regarding environmental protection.
6. Technological globalization: the increasing speed of technological
diffusion across the global economy.
7. Financial globalization : refers to increasing global linkages created
through cross- border financial flows
8. Geographical globalization: the set of processes (economic, social,
cultural, technological, institutional) that contribute to the relationship
between societies and individuals around the world.

Advantages of globalization:
1. Access to New Cultures.
2. The Spread of Technology and Innovation.
3. Lower Costs for Products.
4. Higher Standards of Living across the Globe.
5. Access to New Markets.
6. Access to New Talent.
7. International Recruiting.
8. Managing Employee Immigration.
Disadvantages of globalization:
1. Increased Competition. Although free trade can increase a nation's
wealth, it also increases competition.
2. Exploitation of Labor and Resources.
3. Imbalanced Trade.
4. Domestic Job Loss.
5. Globalization benefits more to richer countries than poorer country.
6. Terrorism.
7. Deforestation and loss of biodiversity caused by economic specialization
and infrastructure development.
8. Greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution caused by
increased transportation of goods.

Youth Marketing
“Youth Marketing” is a term used in the marketing and advertising industry to
describe activities to communicate young people. The young market is critical
because of the demographics buying power and its members influence on the
spending of family members. Youth marketing strategies commonly include
television advertising, magazine advertising and online marketing. Today youth
expect to be able to learn about, interact and be entertained with brands or
services targeting them online.

Types of marketing
1. Content Marketing: Content marketing is a strategic marketing
approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and
consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and
ultimately to drive profitable customer action.
Instead of pitching your products or services, you are
providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers
to help them solve their issues.

2. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing

that leverages the power of popular social media networks to achieve your
marketing and branding goals. Social media marketing requires an evolving
strategy with measurable goals. It also includes paid social media advertising,
were you can pay to have your business appear in front of large volumes of
highly targeted users.
The bigger and more engaged your audience is on social media
networks, the easier it will be for you to achieve your marketing goals.
Benefits of social media marketing:
 Builds relationships
 Increase brand awareness
 Generate, leads and customers
 Drive traffic
 Humanize your business
3. Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing involves a brand collaborating
with an online influencer to market one of its products or services. Some
influencer marketing collaborations are less tangible that that brands simply
work with influencers to improve brand recognition.
Influencer marketing statistics –
 It have grown to $16.4 billion in 2022.
 Business are making $5.2 ROI for every $1 spent on influencer
 There has been a 45% increase in searches for the phrase “influencer
marketing” on Google alone since 2016.
 90% of survey respondents believe influencer marketing to be an
effective form of marketing.
 67% of brands use Instagram for influencer marketing.
 130 influencer marketing focused platforms and agencies entered the
market in the last 5 years alone
4. Search Engine Marketing [SEM]: Search engine marketing is the practice of
marketing a business using paid advertisements that appear on search
engine results pages or (SEPs). Advertisers bid on keywords that users of
services such as Google and Bing might enter when looking for certain
products or services, which gives the advertiser the opportunity for their ads
to appear alongside results for those search queries.
There are 3 main search engine marketing-
Pay-per Click (PPC)
Organic SEO
SEM is a form of internet marketing that involves the promotion of
websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages primarily
through paid advertising.

5. Email Marketing: Email marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of

direct marketing as well as digital marketing that uses email to promote your
business’s products or services. It can help make your customers aware of
your latest items or offers by integrating it into your marketing automation
Types of E-mail marketing-
 Welcome emails
 Newsletter emails
 Lead nurturing emails
 Confirmation emails
 Dedicated emails
 Invite emails
 Promotional emails
 Survey emails
 Seasonal marketing emails

Examples of brands using youth marketing


Importance of youth marketing for brands

 Since this type of marketing creates a dialogue among other young
consumers, this will influence brand awareness and other individuals as
youth is an essential determinant of consumer behaviour.
 Young people make such precious consumers of the market because they
influence people around them. Their purchasing decisions affect their friends
and family.
 In addition to being consumer themselves, they influence their friends by
choosing specific products that are, such as the car that they decide to buy,
the clothes their friends buy etc.
 Youth have grown as the digital generation who grew up with the internet on
their fingerprints by continuously adapting new changes. The most
knowledgeable groups surround them, and they pass on knowledge to their
parents on trends and tech rather than using any other way.
 Even if youths are not buying goods with their own money, they still
influence how their parents spend on gifts to believe teenagers have more
knowledge of shopping.
 The older generation relied on traditional marketing such as newspapers,
radio and TV for information, but for youths, they are always active on
internet and surfing the internet and social media are much cheaper
advertising platforms than traditional ways.
 Youths do not depend on one source for information and entertainment.
They switch from one place to another time to time as they are more flexible
than others and are always open to trying something new, that makes it
easier for brands to reach their ideal customers.
 The way to gain loyal customers is by gaining trust for your brand from
youth. They will continue to use your brand from/for a longer period and
recommend your brand through word of mouth.[Internal link of the word of
mouth marketing]

Effects of youth marketing

 We should be aware of the disadvantages of youth culture in branding. The
consuming behavior of the younger generation actually is a double-edged
sword to a brand.
 Most of the young pay more attention on the style that the brand name of a
product when they make their purchase decision, so it is not uncommon that
one guy is using a Samsung Note 4 to take a picture one day but an Apple
IPhone 6 to text message the other day.
 If the youth are in favor of the brand, their comments would stimulate the
promotion though there is still the risk of causing misunderstandings among
some older generation because of their buzz words.
 Youth today are continually evolving with new ideas. More than anyone, they
are the only ones having most of the buying power. They are the early
adapters and quickly get attracted to new trends.

Chapter-6 Youth Media and Technology

Media: Social media refers to the applications and websites that are designed to
allow people to share content quickly, efficiently and in real-time.

Technology: Technology is science or knowledge put into practical use to solve

problems or invent useful tools.
Today’s Youth are called as ‘Gentech’, and for good reason. They easily and
quickly use technology to find information.

Uses of technology
1. Business
2. Agriculture
3. Education
4. Medical

Technology in daily life

1) Technology has become a part and parcel of everyone’s life, especially
2) Technology has connected the world.
3) Each one of us wishes to keep abreast of latest trends and gadgets.
4) Technology has made life easier.
5) Technology has made life convenient and portable.
6) Technology helps students in interacting with each other and shape ideas.
7) Increase general knowledge and awareness in youth.

Benefits of Social media

 World-wide connectivity.
 Real-time news and information discovery.
 General fun and enjoyment.
 Great opportunities for business owners.
 Saves time and cost by facilitating faster communication.
 Promoting your business and advertisement.
 Get updated with latest happenings.
 Showing off your talents.
Negative effects of technology and media
It can be a great tool for communication but it also has many harmful effects
particularly younger generation
Lead to addiction
Lead to social isolation
Cyber bullying
Privacy issues
Uses vulnerable to crime
Spread of misinformation
Health issues
Influence of advertisement on buying
Waste of time
Lack of interpersonal skills
Reduction in real life contact
Privacy on social media is virtually non-existent
Technology and social media can have a large impact on user’s mental and
physical health.
The youth are often too open and public with personal information when
they are online.

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