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Grade Level 11
Department of Education Teacher SHARIBELLE A. MAGSINO Learning Area PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1
Teaching Dates and Time May 8-12,2023 WEEK 2 Quarter QUARTER 4
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners demonstrate understanding of...
1. qualitative research designs.
A. Content Standards 2. the description of sample.
3. data collection and analysis procedures such as survey, interview, and observation.
4. the application of creative design principles for execution.
The learners should be able to...
B. Performance Standards
1. describe qualitative research designs, sample, and data collection and analysis procedures.
 describes sampling procedure and sample (CS_RS11-IVa-c-2)

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives OBJECTIVES

1. Define sampling and other technical terms about sampling.
2. Differentiate the various methods of sampling.
3. Pick out an appropriate sampling method and sample for a chosen research topic.



1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Ask the students about their understanding of
research design, qualitative research, data
Begin the lesson by asking students to briefly
Begin the lesson by asking students to recall collection methods, and sampling.
share their understanding of sampling methods
the importance of sampling in research and its
and the importance of selecting an appropriate
role in ensuring the representative of data. Recap the previous lessons on selecting the
1. Reviewing previous lesson or sample for research.
most suitable qualitative research design based Recall the previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson
Facilitate a brief discussion to refresh their on the research problem or question, justifying
Recap the key points from the previous lesson,
understanding of sampling and its significance the selection of the qualitative research design
emphasizing the different sampling methods
in practical research. based on its relevance and suitability for the
research objectives, and differentiating the
various methods of sampling.
Explain to students that the purpose of this
lesson is to define sampling and other Explain to students that the purpose of this
technical terms related to sampling. Explain to the students that the purpose of this lesson is to delve deeper into the various
Tell the students that you will continue the
2. Establishing the purpose of the lesson lesson is to differentiate the various methods sampling methods and develop their skills in
discussion of the previous lesson.
Emphasize the importance of understanding of sampling. selecting appropriate samples for specific
these terms to ensure the validity and research topics.
reliability of research findings.

Provide real-world examples where sampling

techniques have been utilized in research
Provide real-life examples of research topics,
Provide examples of research studies and the such as "The impact of social media on
sampling method used for each. teenagers' mental health" or "The preferred
Present different scenarios and discuss the
3. Presenting examples/instances of the study habits of successful students."
implications of different sampling methods on
new lesson Discuss the different methods of sampling
the generalize of the findings.
such as probability sampling and non- Discuss the importance of selecting an
probability sampling. appropriate sample to ensure the research
Engage students in a class discussion to
findings are valid and representative.
analyze the examples and identify the
technical terms associated with sampling.

Introduce the concept of probability sampling Introduce the concept of probability sampling
Introduce the concept of sample size and its
methods. methods.
Introduce different sampling methods, such as impact on research findings.
random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster
Discuss the different types of probability Discuss the different types of probability
4. Discussing new concepts and sampling, convenience sampling, and Discuss the factors to consider when
sampling methods such as simple random sampling methods such as simple random
practicing new skills #1 purposive sampling. determining the appropriate sample size, such
sampling, stratified random sampling, and sampling, stratified random sampling, and
as population size, desired level of accuracy,
cluster sampling. cluster sampling.
and available resources.
Provide examples of when to use each method. Provide examples of when to use each method.

Introduce the concept of non-probability Introduce the concept of non-probability

Provide examples and calculations to illustrate
sampling methods. sampling methods.
how sample size is determined for different
research scenarios.
Discuss the different types of non-probability Discuss the different types of non-probability Explain the characteristics, advantages, and
5. Discussing new concepts and
sampling methods such as convenience sampling methods such as convenience limitations of each sampling method.
practicing new skills #2 Engage students in a hands-on activity where
sampling, purposive sampling, and snowball sampling, purposive sampling, and snowball
they calculate the required sample size for a
sampling. sampling.
given research topic using appropriate
formulas or online tools.
Provide examples of when to use each method. Provide examples of when to use each method.
6. Developing Mastery Divide the class into groups and provide them Divide the class into groups and provide them Engage students in a group activity where they Divide the students into small groups.
with a research problem or question. with a research problem or question. are given scenarios and asked to determine the
most appropriate sampling method for each Assign each group a specific research topic.
Ask each group to identify the most suitable Ask each group to identify the most suitable scenario.
sampling method for their research problem or sampling method for their research problem or Instruct the groups to brainstorm and select an
question and justify their choice. question and justify their choice. Encourage students to justify their choices and appropriate sampling method and sample size
engage in a class discussion about their for their assigned research topic.
Each group will present their justification and Each group will present their justification and selections.
address the issues of sampling error and address the issues of sampling error and Each group will present their chosen sampling
sampling bias in their sampling method. sampling bias in their sampling method. method and sample size to the class, providing
a rationale for their selection.
Encourage class discussions and peer
feedback to foster critical thinking and refine
their choices.

Discuss how the concepts of sampling and its Discuss how the concepts of sampling and its
technical terms can be applied in real-life various methods can be applied in real-life
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of
situations. situations.
7. Finding practical applications of research in various fields and how the skills
concepts and skills in daily living learned in practical research can be applied in
Provide examples of how sampling can be Provide examples of how sampling can be
daily life.
used in fields such as education, healthcare, used in fields such as education, healthcare,
and social sciences. and social sciences.

Summarize the main points of the lesson, Summarize the key concepts and skills learned
emphasizing the definition and significance of in the lesson.
sampling in practical research.
Ask the students to reflect on how they can
Engage students in a class discussion to apply these concepts and skills in their future
Ask students to reflect on the lesson and share
8. Generalizing and abstractions about identify the key concepts and technical terms research projects.
their insights or any remaining questions they
the lesson related to sampling.
may have.
Encourage students to reflect on the potential
challenges and considerations in selecting
appropriate sampling techniques for different
research scenarios.

Administer a short quiz or assignment where Conduct a formative assessment by providing

students are given scenarios and must identify a set of research scenarios where students
Conduct a quiz to assess the students'
the appropriate sampling technique and need to identify the most suitable sampling
understanding of the lesson.
explain the associated technical terms. method and sample size.
9. Evaluating Learning
Provide feedback on their performance and
Provide immediate feedback on the students' Monitor students' responses and provide
address any misconceptions.
responses and address any misconceptions or individual feedback to reinforce their
areas that need further clarification. understanding.

Ask the students to come up with their own Ask the students to come up with their own
research problem or question and identify the research problem or question and identify the
most suitable sampling method for their study. most suitable sampling method for their study.

10. Additional Activities for Application Ask them to justify their choice and address Ask them to justify their choice and address
or Remediation the issues of sampling error and sampling bias the issues of sampling error and sampling bias
in their sampling method. in their sampling method.

Provide additional resources for students who Provide additional resources for students who
need remediation. need remediation.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?



Subject Teacher Head Teacher III Principal II

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