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1. David went home before we arrived. HAD

When we ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Do you have any plans for Saturday evening? DOING

What …………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………… Saturday

3. Do you know how to drive this kind of car? EVER

Have …………………………………………………….……………………………………………… this kind of car before?

4. During dinner, the phone rang. I

While …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. phone rang.

5. I made a lot of friends during my holiday in France. WHILE

I made a lot of friends ……………………………………………………………………………………………… in France.

6. It was the first time she had been to Europe. NEVER

She ………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….. to Europe before.

7. It’s been three years since I started to work here. WORKING

I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. three years.

8. Jack left the office before I arrived there. ALREADY

When I arrived at the office ………………………………………………..…………………………………………… left.

9. She didn’t go out until after Philip had called. BEFORE

She waited until Philip ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… out.

10. It was her intention to call you, but she forgot. GOING

She …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… but she forgot.

11.It is a year since I smoked a cigarette. FOR

I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….. a year.
12. They began interviewing candidates two weeks ago. FOR
They ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… two weeks.

B) Key Word Transformations

A- They didn’t insist on my showing them my passport. SHOW

I …………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… them my passport.

B- You can only come into this disco if you are over 18. NOT

You are ……………………………………………………………………………. come into the disco you are under 18.

C- “You must cut down on sweets and soft drinks,” said the doctor. HAD

The doctor told me …………………………………………………………….. cut down on sweets and soft drinks.

D- It isn’t necessary for you to come to class tomorrow. DON’T

You …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. come to class tomorrow.

E- I’m going to tell you a secret but please don’t tell anyone else. NOT

I’m going to tell you a secret but you ……………………………………………………………… tell anyone else.

F- It was a mistake to be so rude to the hotel manager. SHOULD

I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. so rude to the hotel manager.

G- You ought to spend more time reading. DON’T

Why ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… more time reading?

C) Open Cloze
For each space, choose ONE word which you think best completes the sentence. Look
carefully at the words both before and after each space.

1. There were very ___________ people at the party when we arrived but half an hour later, it
was crowded.

2. How was I to know that she would have an allergic reaction ___________ the nuts in the
cake? She should have said something!

3. Arthritis is a very painful illness ___________ affects not only the old but also many younger
people making many everyday activities difficult.

4. He said he couldn't come to the meeting because of a previous engagement but I think he is
just making ___________ excuses.

5. You were driving at over fifty miles ___________ hour and the limit here is only forty.

6. I ___________ to go to school now, otherwise I will be late.

7. I can eat almost ___________ type of fish or seafood except for octopus, which I can't stand.

8. The city is pretty safe although you may have some problems if you go into certain
neighbourhoods ___________ night.

1. I gave up my seat on the bus ___________ that an old woman could sit down.

2. The film was awful. The best thing ___________ it was the photography which was beautiful.
The film was shot in Cambodia.

3. What a strange looking dog! Do you know what breed ___________ is?

4. ___________ me a favour and pass me the cell phone that's on the newspaper, please.

5. First you will need to go to the post office, ___________ you can buy all the stamps and
envelopes you need.

6. If you haven't been to the doctor's for a check for over a year, you ___________ go as soon
as possible.

7. Madrid is a wonderful city but it has fewer parks ___________ London, which is a shame
because of the hot and sunny weather there.

8. Turn the machine off! That alarm means it can't ___________ working properly.

1. Excuse me. Could you not stand in ___________ of me like that? I can't see anything!

2. If you want to become a doctor, you will need to do well in biology and in the other sciences
as ___________.

3. ___________ the cold outside, she insisted on only wearing a light t-shirt.

4. Don't ___________ fun of Mr. Peterson because of his crutches. He had a very nasty

5. We don't have to play musical chairs at the party. There ___________ different kinds of
other games the children can play.

6. I didn't go to the dentist's because I wanted to. I went because I ___________ to!
7. Go down this street for about three blocks, then turn right ___________ you see the

8. That new car of yours isn't at all similar ___________ the one you had last year. Why did you
buy such a different one?

D) WORD FORMATION: Use the words given in capital letters to form a word that fits into the gap.

1.How long is the __________________ from Rome to Paris ? (FLY)

2. I have a very good __________________ with both my parents (RELATION)

. Pulling my front tooth didn’t hurt. – It was completely __________________ (PAIN).

4. I can tell from your __________________ that you’re not really happy (EXPRESS)

5. We offer free __________________ for purchases over € 100 (DELIVER).

6. James hasn’t had a lot of __________________ lately, so I hope he’ll do well with his new
company (SUCCEED)

7. It is __________________ colder today that it was yesterday (CERTAIN).

8. What __________________ is he ? Spanish or Portuguese ? (NATION)

9. You have the __________________ . – You can either go by bus or walk (CHOOSE).

10. My best friend has a great __________________ . (PERSON).

11. You need a lot of __________________ to write a good story (IMAGINE)

12. The lesson was __________________ . I almost fell asleep. (BORE)

13. Don’t be so __________________ . This is the second vase you have broken this month

14. It’s simply __________________ . I have won the lottery . (BELIEVE)

15. I have to hold a __________________ at my brother’s wedding (SPEAK)

16. There’s a lot of __________________ about that on the internet (INFORM)

17. The children were very __________________ when the teacher came in (NOISE).

18. The film was a bit __________________ . I didn’t really understand what happened

19. He has to wear these gloves for __________________ reasons (SAFE)

20. Sally was __________________ for two years before she found a new job (EMPLOY)

Fill in the spaces using the most appropriate tense form for each gap.

1. A: You seem energetic! B: Really, I (exercise)   for some time. 

2. A: What (you, do)   when the robbery took place? 

B: I (change)   a light bulb that had burnt out. 

3. Mike (use)   the same PC for more than three years. He is thinking of upgrading

4. If it (snow)   tomorrow, we (go)   skiing near Vesuvis. 

5. This is the second pill I (take)   to make me sleep. 

6. Sami started his business in Spain three months ago. When he returns to Türkiye next July,

he (spend)   nine months there. 

7. Mary (not, call)   me since she (leave)   the city. 

8. Karen (live)   in Hong Kong for more than two years. In fact, she

(live)   there when the political takeover occured. 

9. By the time the police (arrive)   , the robbers (run)   away. 

10. The book writes that the Maya tribes founded an advanced civilization in the forests of the

Yucatan; nevertheless, their culture (disappear)   by the time Europeans first

(arrive)   in the New World. 

11. Hey.. Be quiet! The boss (come)   . 

12. It (snow)   all day. I hope it stops by noon because I wish to go to the market. 

13. Listen Ed, I don't care whether you (miss)   the bus this morning. You

(be)   late for meetings too many times. This is my last warning. 

14. We are fed up with storm and those dark clouds! We expect, when we (wake)   

up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine)   . 

15. When Hasan arrived at the cafe, I (wait)   for him for half an hour. 

16. I (not, hear)   of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. 

17. During the past 50 years, travelling (become)   much easier and very

comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take)   two or three months to cross Africa by

wagon. The trip (be)   very rough and often dangerous. Things (change)   
a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from Ankara to Tokyo in a
matter of hours. 

18. Your English (improve)   . You (watch)  television programs and

(study)   grammar every day since you first arrived in London. It is apparent that
you will be fluent very soon. 

19. When Ted (arrive)   home last night, he discovered that Hilary

(prepare)   a beautiful candle-lit dinner. 

20. Do not forget that if you (need)   to contact me sometime next week, I

(stay)   at the Hilton in Istanbul.

F) WORD FORMATION: Use the words given in capital letters to form a word that fits into the gap.

21. In India, there are a lot of __________________ in the streets (BEG).

22. When I gave up smoking I started putting on more __________________ (WEIGH).

23. I had no __________________ in finding the right street . (DIFFICULT)

24. He talked about __________________ and peace in our world (FREE)

25. __________________ , I was invited to watch the new film (LUCKY)

26. The __________________ of our rainforests is a serious problem (DESTROY)

27. Animals in a zoo don’t live in their __________________ environment (NATURE)

28. __________________ does not have anything to do with how much money you have

29. Thank you for being so __________________ yesterday (HELP)

30. He has been a long- __________________ runner for a few years now (DISTANT)

31. Don’t you think it’s too __________________ for you to go sailing in such weather

32. This is my last __________________ . – Don’t walk across the lawn ! (WARN)

33. He gave me some good __________________ on where to go shopping (ADVISE)

34. If you want to complain about the product, please go to the __________________

35. The new flat is not __________________ . It’s too expensive (AFFORD)

36. John is six years old. He’s very __________________ and full of life (ACT)

37. My mother spent her __________________ in France (CHILD)

38. I have made a few __________________ to your article (CORRECT)

39. Every child should get a good __________________ (EDUCATE).

40. Listen carefully to the __________________ before you go out ! (INSTRUCT)


B) John ________________ (always/travel) a lot. In fact, he _____ (be) only two years old
when he first _____ (fly) to the US. His mother ___ (be) Italian and his father ___ (be)
American. John ___ (be) born in France, but his parents ________ (meet) in Cologne, Germany
after they ________ (live) there for five years. They ______ (meet) one day while John's father
__________ (read) a book in the library and his mother ________ (sit down) beside him.
Anyway, John ________ (travel) a lot because his parents also __________ (travel) a lot.

As a matter of fact, John ____________ (visit) his parents in France at the moment. He
_______ (live) in New York now, but ______________ (visit) his parents for the past few
weeks. He really _______ (enjoy) living in New York, but he also _______ (love) coming to visit
his parents at least once a year.

This year he ___________ (fly) over 50,000 miles for his job. He _______________ (work) for
Jackson & Co. for almost two years now. He's pretty sure that he ____________ (work) for
them next year as well. His job __________ (require) a lot of travel. In fact, by the end of this
year, he ____________ (travel) over 120,000 miles! His next journey _______ (be) to
Australia. He really ________ (not like) going to Australia because it is so far. This time he
__________ (fly) from Paris after a meeting with the company's French partner. He
_______________ (sit) for over 18 hours by the time he ________ (arrive)!

John _____________ (talk) with his parents earlier this evening when his girlfriend from New
York _________ (telephone) to let him know that Jackson & Co. ___________ (decide) to
merge with a company in Australia. The two companies ______________ (negotiate) for the
past month, so it really _______ (not be) much of a surprise. Of course, this _______ (mean)
that John _______ (have to catch) the next plane back to New York.He ______________
(meet) with his boss at this time tomorrow.

H) MIXED TENSES: Fill the blanks with a suitable form of the verb in brackets.

Pat and Ronald Thomas (1) ___________________ (not live) in a caravan, but their home (2)
__________________ (travel) more miles than any other house in Britain! Their house (3)
______________________ (make) from a pair of Victorian railway carriages and they (4)
_______________________ (live) there for ten years. “I (5) __________________ (not want)
to live in a train at first,” admits Pat, “but when I (6) ________________ (see) that this train
had a garden with a stream, I just (7) ____________________ (fall) in love with it. We (8)
________________ (buy) it from an old lady and she (9) _____________________ (already /
do) a lot of work on it. But there is a lot left to do and we (10) _____________________ (still /
make) improvements.”

Visitors are often surprised to see how spacious the house is. All the dividing walls (11)
________________ (remove), so now the rooms are about fifteen metres long.

Pat and Ronald (12) _____________________ (pay) $68,000 for their house. Recently, they
(13) _______________________ (offer) more than $100,000 for it, but it’s not for sale.

“I (14) _____________________ (discover) more and more about the history of this train all
the time,” says Ronald. “It (15) __________________ (build) in Swindon between 1855 and
1875. We (16) _____________________ (work) so hard to make it beautiful that I don’t think
we (17) ____________________ (ever/ sell) it,” he admits. “I hope it (18)
___________________ (remain) in our family forever.”

G) Key word transformations: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Use up to five words including the word you are given.

1. I haven’t seen John for several weeks. LAST

It’s several weeks _______________________________________________________ John.

2. Juventus scored two goals in the last five minutes of the game. MANAGED

Juventus ______________________________ two goals in the last five minutes of the game.

3. Scientists have found a new cure for the common cold. IN

Scientists __________________________________ finding a new cure for the common cold.

4. Jenny could swim for miles when she was younger. ABLE

Jenny ____________________________________________ for miles when she was younger.

5. I am sure the movie will be good. The directori is brilliant! IS

The movie ___________________________________________ good. The director is brilliant!

6. The little boy could get dressed without the mother’s help. OF

The little boy ____________________________________ dressed without the mother’s help.

7. I am supposed to hand in this report by the end of the week. HANDED

By the end of the week, I will __________________________________________ this report.

8. The train left before I arrived, so I couldn’t see her off. BY

The train _______________________________________ I arrived, so I couldn’t see her off.

9. It wasn’t necessary to go to yoga class today. I had forgotten the teacher was going to be
absent. HAVE

I _____________________________________________________ to yoga class today.

10. I have arranged to see the dentist tomorrow to have my tooth taken out. AM

I __________________________________________ tomorrow to have my tooth taken out.


1) You can’t use a mobile phone in here. (ALLOWED)

You ............................................................ use a mobile phone in here.

2) It wasn’t necessary for you to bring all those books. (NEED)

You ............................................................. brought all those books.

3) These exercises should be continued for six months. (MUST)

You ............................................................ on doing these exercises for six weeks.

4) At school, Jane was the best swimmer in her class. (SWIM)

At school, Jane ........................................... anyone else in her class.

5) Do you think you will manage to find the way? (ABLE)

Do you think .................................................... find the way?

6)I thought I would get the job, but someone else got it instead . (SUCCEED)

I ............................................................ the job.

7) I knew how to drive by the time I was 17. (TO)

I ................................................................ by the time I was 17.

8) Unfortunately, I missed the train. (MANAGE)

Unfortunately, I did not ........................................................ the train.


1. Our meeting is tomorrow. A

We ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. tomorrow.

2. Our 25th wedding anniversary is at the end of next year. FOR

By the end of next year we ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25 years.

3. The arrival time of Helen’s flight is 8. AT

Helen’s flight ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8.

4. There’s a party at Mary’s house next week. HAVING

Next week …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. party at her house.

5. Do you have any plans for Saturday evening? DOING

What …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Saturday evening?

6. Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way. TO

Look at those black clouds! It’s ………………………………………………………………………………………………. rain.

7. Hurry up! We’ll get to the theatre after the beginning of the play. WILL
By the time we get to the theatre, the ………………………………………………………………………….…… begun.

8. It is likely that my friends have not received my letter yet. UNLIKELY

My friends ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… my letter yet.

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