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1. It finally home to me that it was time to buy a place of my own.

A. arrived B. came C. hit D. reached
Giải thích: It comes home to sb (idm): ai đó hiểu rõ điều gì
2. Well, it’s 7 p.m. I’d better hit the if I want to get home before it’s dark
A. roof B. headlines C. newspaper D. road
3. She’s the type who can’t sit on holiday and is always the move.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
Giải thích: on the move (idm): di chuyển, tiến triển
4. She had never been to Prague before, and she in love with it straight away.
A. dropped B. fell C. tripped D. crashed.
5. He didn’t speak a word of French when he first moved to France. He had to pick up the language from.
A. scratch B. start C. nought D. nil
6. Tamara has set her on becoming a ballet-dancer.
A. head B. feet C. brain D. heart
7. Why not buy the dress on then you can take it back if it doesn’t fit your mother?
A. agreement B. approval C. affirmation D. affection
Giải thích: on approval (idm): được bán với điều kiện được trả lại nếu không vừa ý
8. We’re free most of the weekend, but we’ve got a few bits and to do on Sunday morning.
A. things B. stuff C. pieces D. ends
Giải thích bits and pieces (idm): những thứ lặt vặt, linh tinh
9. It was so exciting! I was on the of my seat!
A. side B. edge C. end D. front
Giải thích be/keep on the edge of sb’s seat (idm): bị kích thích, căng thẳng
10. Insects and bugs .
A. make my skin run B. make my skin walk
C. make my skin crawl D. make my skin march
Giải thích: make sb’s skin crawl (idm): làm ai cảm thấy sợ
11. There are about twenty so people waiting in the outer office.
A. but B. and C. or D. so
Giải thích: or so (idm): gần bằng, xấp xỉ
12. Whether or not you like some kinds of modern furniture is a matter of .
A. comparison B. taste C. favor D. vogue
Giải thích: a matter of taste (idm): vấn đề thị hiếu
Dịch nghĩa: Liệu bạn có thích một số thiết bị hiện đại hay không chỉ là vấn đề thị hiếu.
13. Clare was her homework when her boyfriend called.
A. at the centre B. in between
C. halfway through D. in the middle of
Giải thích: in the middle of sth/doing sth (idm): đang bận làm cái gì/việc gì
14. I’m starving! I could eat like a .
A. cow B. horse C. house D. pig
15. You must have your head in the if you think you’re going to succeed without hard work.
A. ground B. clouds C. sky D. air
Giải thích: have one’s head in the clouds (idm): mơ tưởng viển vông
16. How much longer do we have to wait? This is starting to get on my .
A. mind B. back C. nerves D. nose.
17. “I’m to listen to your pathetic excuses,” she said.
A. sick and tired B. having enough
C. in no mood D. sick to death
Giải thích: in no mood to do sth (idm): không có tâm trạng làm gì
Đáp án còn lại:
sick and tired of sth/doing sth: chán và mệt cái gì/làm gì
have enough of doing sth: chán ngấy làm gì
sick to death of doing sth: chán làm gì
18. The fact of the that we have a government that will do what it wants to do for the next two
A. matter B. problem C. point D. situation
Giải thích: the fact of the matter (idm): thực tế vấn đề
19. ! You deserved to win.
A. Unfair luck B. Nasty luck C. Hard luck D. Bad fortune
Giải thích: Hard luck (idm) = Poor you!: Tội bạn, bày tỏ sự tiếc thương cho ai.
20. Mary wanted to give Nigel a present that was a little bit out of the .
A. normal B. ordinary C. average D. everyday
21. I know it’s early but I thought we ought to leave .
A. timely B. on time C. at the time D. in good time
Giải thích: in good time (idm): nhanh, sớm hơn dự định
22. The nearest town was 80 km away, I mean really in the middle of .
A. everywhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. nowhere
23. I need to get some cash. Do you think we might pass a bank ?
A. in the way B. to the way C. on the way D. at the way
Giải thích: on the way (idm): trên đường đi
24. I couldn’t finish the exam because I was just too time.
A. run out of B. wasted C. spent D. short of
25. “Did you sleep well?” “Yeah, like a ”.
A. drunk B. log C. horse D. fish
26. Phillips offered Joan a to cry on after her husband’s death.
A. shoulder B. arm C. hand D. leg
Giải thích: a shoulder to cry on (n): một người để chia sẻ cảm thông
27. There were a few small villages , but no major city for miles around.
A. on and off B. here and there
C. back and forth D. up and down
Giải thích here and there (idm): ở nhiều nơi, đó đây
Đáp án còn lại:
on and off (idm): lúc lúc, chốc chốc, thi thoảng
back and forth (idm): qua qua lại lại, đi tới đi lui
up and down (idm): nhấp nhô, lên lên xuống xuống
28. During the match, someone fire to the stadium.
A. opened B. put C. set D. caught
29. Several angry drivers shook their at me as I drove away
A. elbows B. arms C. hands D. fists
Giải thích: to shake one’s fists at sb (idm): giận dữ ai, giơ nắm đấm dọa ai
30. Each time I sneezed, everyone said: “ you!”
A. Cough B. Bless C. Cold D. Thank
31. I need an assistant - I’m up to with work.
A. my eyes B. my ears C. here C. All are correct
32. Stop making that noise! You’re getting on my !
A. muscles B. brains C. nerves D. blood
33. I don’t have any cash just now. I’m .
A. flat broken B. flat broke C. no money D. less money
Giải thích: flat broke (idm): hoàn toàn rỗng túi
34. She’s won the lottery! She’s the moon!
A. across B. over C. along D. through
35. I know your name is Jim. When I called you Tim it was just a of
A. slip B. skid C. skim D. slight
Giải thích: a slip of the tongue (idm): lỡ lời
36. After a six-year-relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to .
A. break the bank B turn the page
C. make the grade D. tie the knot
Đáp án còn lại:
break the bank (idm): ăn hết tiền của nhà cái
turn the page (idm): sang trang mới, thay đổi
make the grade (idm): đạt được tiêu chuẩn quy định
37. If he thinks he’s capable of building a house on his own, he’s living .
A. in a fantasy world B. in the clouds
C. on the moon D. in the sky
Giải thích: a fantasy world (idm): thế giới ảo, tưởng tượng
in the clouds (idm): xa vời thực tế
on the moon: trên mặt trăng;
be over the moon (idm): rất thỏa mãn, hạnh phúc
in the sky: trên bầu trời
38. She may seem unapproachable when you first meet her, but the truth is she has a(n)
of gold.
A. heart B. soul C. attitude D. feeling
39. On first coming to England, I fell in love with a girl who lived in the flat below mine.
A. feet over hands B. elbow to toe
C. foot in mouth D. head over heels
40. He’s such a ! Just when everyone is having a good time he starts moaning about being
A. dry bone B. soft touch C. wet blanket D. drop kick
41. The suspect was seen with intent outside of the jewellery store.
A. lying B. loitering C. waiting D. standing
Đáp án B
Giải thích: to loiter with intent (idm): lảng vảng có mục đích
42. I could tell from her face that she was on the of bursting into tears.
A. limit B. edge C. verge D. border.
43. “Did you enjoy the party?”. Well, kind .
A. off B. of C. like D. or
44. Let’s settle this argument once and for .
A. all B. ever C. always D. once.
45. I in love with her the first time, I saw her and we’ve just celebrated our 50th anniversary.
A. fell B. stumbled C. tripped D. tie the knot
46. “Can you tell me where Portsmouth Road is?
“Sorry, I haven’t got a clue.”

Giải thích: to get a clue (idm): biết

47. I don’t want to listen to any more of your half- ideas. Come back when you have some
ideas that aren’t impractical and stupid.
A. mashed B. peeled C. rinsed D. baked
Giải thích: half -baked (idm): thiếu kinh nghiệm, non nớt, ngu ngốc
48. Students sometimes support themselves by of evening jobs.
A. efforts B. methods C. means D. ways
49. She’s a very person, so her friends often ask her for advice.
A. practiced B. basic C. earthy D. down-to-earth
50. You should take notice of warnings which state that guard dogs are on .
A. alert B. patrol C. defence D. watch
Giải thích: be on patrol (idm): đang tuần tra
on alert: trong tình thế sẵn sàng
defence (n): sự phòng thủ
watch (n): sự canh gác
51. I revised my views comments from colleagues.
A. against B. further to
C. in the light of D. consequent upon
Giải thích: in the light of sth (idm): vì cái gì, cân nhắc cái gì rồi mới quyết định
as against sth (idm): tương phản với điều gì
further to sth: Như đã đề cập cái gì trước đó
consequent on sth (adj): là kết quả của điều gì
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi xem lại quan điểm của mình dựa trên những lời nhận xét của đồng nghiệp.
52. Eating a bar of chocolate from time time won’t do you any harm.
A. in B. to C. at D. with.
53. In most countries, driving tests are available on .
A. demand B. requesting C. question D. asking
54. What a heavy fog we have! I’m sure our flight will surely fall behind .
A. plan B. shipment C. time D. schedule
shipment (n): sự chuyên chở hàng hóa

55. 55. Mr. Henry was given a medal in recognition of his service to his country.
Giải thích: in recognition of sth (idm): để ghi nhận cái gì, điều gì
in response to: nhằm đáp lại
in gratitude for: để tỏ lòng biết ơn
knowledge (n): kiến thức, hiểu biết

56. I won’t buy that car because it has too much on it.
A. ups and downs B. adds and ends
C. wear and tear D white lie
Giải thích: wear and tear (idm): hư mòn, xuống cấp
ups and downs (idm): sự thăng trầm
odds and ends (idm): đầu thừa đuôi thẹo, vật linh tinh/ phần còn lại
white lie (idm): lời nói dối vô hại
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi sẽ không mua chiếc xe hơi đó vì nó xuống cấp quá rồi.
57. She passed the National High School Graduation Exam with colours.
A. bright B. flying C. red D. true
58. Taxis don’t follow any schedule; they come and go .
A. in sequence B. chronologically
C. at random D. punctually
in sequence (idm): nối tiếp nhau
chronologically (adv): theo trình tự thời gian
punctually (adv): đúng giờ
59. I shall do the job to the best of my ability
Giải thích: to the best of one’s ability (idm): với khả năng tốt nhất ai có thể làm
60. Can you deliver this letter hand?
A. in B. with C. to D. by
61. I’m opting out of the race and going to live on a small farm in the countryside.
A. horse B. dog C. rat D. cat and mouse
62. You can talk to him until you are in the ưin, but he still won’t understand.
A. white B. green C. yellow D. blue
Giải thích: (until you are) blue in the face (idm): trong thời gian dài.
63. He has been caught in the rain, and has been wet .
A. over and over B. once for all
C. to and fro D. through and through
Giải thích: through and through (idm): hoàn toàn = completely
over and over (idm): làm đi làm lại, lặp lại nhiều lần
once and for all (idm): hoàn thành, dứt điểm
to and fro (idm): đi tới đi lui
64. I’m very lazy. I only go to the gym once in a moon.
A. full B. black C. new D. blue
65. Of course an encyclopedia is not a book you read .
A. from cover by page B. from cover to cover
C. from the start to the stop D. from the top to the end
Giải thích: from cover to cover (idm): từ đầu đến cuối (thường đề cập đến sách)
66. Mr. Simkins is the big in the company as he has just been promoted to the position of
Managing Diretor.
A. bread B. cheese C. meat D. ends and odds
67. My English is progressing .
A. odds and ends B. leaps and bounds
C. bounds and leaps D. ends and oods
Giải thích: leaps and bounds (idm): (tiến triển) nhanh chóng
68. When you do something, you should .
A. get through to B. turn over a new leaf
C. weigh up the pros and cons D. go down well with
69. We regret to tell tou that the materials you ordered are .
A. out of reach B. out of practice
C. out of stock D. out of work
70. In the rush hour, the traffic its way over the bridge into the city.
A. crawled B. inched C. forced D. wormed
Giải thích: inch one’s way (idm): bò chậm chạp (qua đâu đó)
71. He put the two letters into the wrong envelopes mistake.
A. on B. by C. with D. in
72. I read the contract again and again avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in terms of B. by means of
C. with a view to D. in view of
73. Everyone can join our club, age and sex.
A. in place of B. regardless of
C. in case of D. not mention
74. When you use the Internet, you have so much information at your .
A. fingers B. hands C. thumbs D. fingertips
Giải thích: have sth at one’s fingertips (idm): dễ dàng có được và sử dụng cái gì
75. Without written evidence, we don’t have a on.
A. leg to stand B. foot to stand
C. leg to lean D. foot to lean
Giải thích: not have/without a leg to stand on (idm): không có lý lẽ để chứng minh là đúng.
76. Human beings have driven rare animals and plants of extinction in the past 100 years
A. on the verge B. to the verge
C. under the verge D. at the verge
Giải thích: drive sb/sth to the verge of sth (idm): đẩy ai/cái gì tới nguy cơ gì
77. Hard work is of success.
A. pros and cons B. part and parcel
C. chalk and cheese D back and forth
Giải thích: part and parcel (idm): một phần không tách rời
pros and cons (idm): mặt lợi mặt hại
chalk and cheese. Cấu trúc đầy đủ: (to) be like chalk and cheese (idm): rất khác biệt
back and forth (idm): chuyển động tới lui
78. You can’t just bury your in the sand and hope that this problem goes away.
A. book B. hand C. head D. foot
79. He’s sometimes bad-tempered but he’s a good fellow .
A. in heart B. by heart C. at heart D. with heart
80. Stop about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving
81. The director and the producer don’t see on certain aspects of products.
A. face to face B. heart to heart
C. mind to mind D. eye to eye
heart to heart (adj): thành thật, chân thành
82. Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the of her children.
A. reason B. concern C. care D. sake.
83. According to a recent survey, most people are on good with their neighbours.
A. relations B. terms C. acquaintance D. relationships
84. I just took it that hed always be available.
A. for granted B. into consideration
C. easy D. into account
85. She clearly joined the firm with a(n) to improving herself
A. view B. aim C. plan D. ambition
with the aim of v_ing: với mục đích làm gì
plan for sth: dự định cho việc gì
ambition of being/doing sth: hoài bão làm gì
Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy rõ ràng làm việc cho công ty này với mục đích là nâng cao trình độ của bản thân.
86. Stefania’s decision to give up her job came as a to all her colleagues.
A. surprise B. delight C. pleasure D. concern
87. It’s a good idea in theory, but it’s going to be hard to put it into .
A. practice B. trial C. test D. examination
88. If you take into stopping for lunch on the way, the journey
should take about four hours.
A. thought B allowance C. reminder D. account
89. The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without a of a doubt.
A. shade B. shadow C. benefit D. hue
Giải thích: without a shadow of doubt (idm): không có một chút nghi ngờ gì
90. I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my .
A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy
C. biscuit D. cup of tea
91. In the of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all time.
A. interests B. demands
C. assistance D. requirement
92. Vietnam’s Got Talent is the game show that has taken audiences .
A. by storm B. by wind C. by night D. by heart
93. When I got my case back, it had been damaged repair.
A. over B. further C. above D. beyond
94. We need to discuss the…_and bolts of the proposal before going any further.
A. component B. nuts C. summary D. details
Giải thích: nuts and the bolts of sth (idm): những chi tiết cơ bản của cái gì
95. Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the that the matter was confidential.
A. reasons B. excuses C. grounds D. foundations
96. Jo was shocked when I disagreed with her. She’s so used to getting her own .
A. mind B. way C. opinion D. views
Giải thích: get sb’s own way (idm): bảo thủ
97. After listening to all arguments I am now of the that there should be no new road.
A. opinion B. idea C. thought D. attitude
Giải thích: (to) be of the opinion that + clause (idm): nghĩ rằng, tin rằng
98. He left the country arrest if he returned.
A. with threat of B. in fear of
C. with fear of D. under threat of
Giải thích: be under threat of sth/V_ing (idm): dưới mối đe dọa
99. He was a natural singer with a voice that was as clear as .
A. a mirror B. a lake C. a bell D. a water fall
Giải thích: be as clear as a bell (idm): vô cùng trong trẻo
100. He may be shy now, but he will soon come out of his when he meets the right girl.
A. shell B. shoe C. shed D. hole
Giải thích: come out of sb’s shell (idm): thoát khỏi vỏ bọc (để cởi mở hơn)
101. Luggage may be placed here the owner’s risk.
A. at B. by C. under D. with
Giải thích: at sb’s risk (idm): dưới rủi ro của ai
102. The police are certain who the culprit is.
A. in some ways B. here and there
C. more or less D. by and by
Giải thích: more or less (idm): ít nhiều
in some ways (idm): một cách nào đó
here and there (idm): đây đó
by and by (idm): lát nữa
103. Don’t quote me. what I am about to say is the record.
A. on B. above C. off D. without
104. I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog, but I must admit that I’ve hardly put in
the problem so far.
A. a foot B. a dent C. a brave face D. damper
Giải thích: put a dent in sth (idm): giải quyết được chút ít chuyện gì
105. We may win, we may lose - it’s just the luck of the .
A. draw B. odd C. fate D. chance
Giải thích: the luck of the draw (idm): vận may rủi
106. They are having serious problems. Their relationship is on the .
A. rocks B. cliffs C. stones D. grass
107. Unemployment threat has been for a while now.
A. daunting on the lookout B. intimidating on the air
C. overwhelming on the wing D. looming on the horizon
Giải thích: loom on the horizon (idm): cực kì quan trọng (đề cập đến vấn đề nào đó)
108. I don’t like turning down work, but I’ll have to, I’m afraid I’ve got far too much
at the moment.
A. on my plate B. in effect C. on my mind D. up my sleeve
Đáp án A
Giải thích: have sth on one’s plate (idm): có việc gì đó để làm
in effect: đang có hiệu lực, hiện hành
on one’s mind: trong tâm trí ai
sth up one’s sleeve (idm): điều bí mật
109. William is an authority medieval tapestry.
A. on B. with C. about D. in
110. My grandfather can’t remember anything about his life because he has lost his .
A. head B. brain C. memory D. mind
Giải thích: lose one’s memory (idm): mất trí nhớ
lose one’s head (idm): mất bình tĩnh, mất kiềm chế
lose one’s mind (idm): điên rồ, mất tỉnh táo
Dịch nghĩa: Ông tôi không thể nhớ gì về cuộc sống của mình vì ông đã bị mất trí nhớ.
111. Losing my job was a . I never would have found this one if it hadn’t happened.
A. bleeding heart B. breath of fresh air
C. blessing in disguise D. bone to pick with
Giải thích: a blessing in disguise (idm): trong cái rủi có cái may, việc mà đầu tiên cứ ngỡ là bất lợi cuối
cùng hóa ra lại là có lợi.
a bleeding heart (idm): người dễ xúc động
a breath of fresh air (idm): một làn gió mới, một điều mới lạ gây hứng thú cho người khác
a bone to pick with (idm): Cấu trúc
have a bone to pick with sb (idm): tức giận về chuyện ai đó đã làm và muốn nói chuyện với người đó về
việc này
112. We’re if we continue with genetic modification of our food.
A. playing out of our skin B. playing with fire
C. playing over D. adding fuel to the fire
Giải thích: play with fire (idm): đùa với lửa, làm chuyện gì nguy hiểm
play out of our skin (idm): vui chơi hết mình
play over (phrV): chơi lại (một bản nhạc, trò chơi)
add fuel to the fire/flame (idm): đổ dầu vào lửa
Dịch nghĩa: Chúng ta đang đùa với lửa nếu chúng ta cứ tiếp tục thay đổi gen nguồn thực phẩm của mình.
113. After their argument, John didn’t know if Rick was a friend or a .
A. friend B. rival C. blood D. foe
Giải thích: a friend or a foe (friend or foe) (idm): bạn hay thù
114. I applied for the job the off chance, but I didn’t seriously expect to get it.
A. with B. on C. by D. for
Giải thích: off chance (idm): khả năng mong manh →on the off chance (idm): với khả năng mong manh
They agreed to the changes that they would be introduced gradually.
A. with the conditions B. by the comprehension
C. for the interpretation D. on the understanding
Giải thích: on the understanding that (idm) + clause = with the condition that + clause: Với điều kiện là...
115. The police are warning the public to be on the for suspicious packages.
A. guard B. care C. alert D. alarm
116. The issue is still discussion.
A. in B. on C. under D. for
117. Sitting uncomfortably among many people he didn’t know, Joe was like .
A. water off a duck’s back B. a fish out of water
C. a duck to water D. water under the bridge
118. What’s wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed on the wrong ?
A. edge B. foot C. side D. end
Giải thích: get out of bed on the wrong side (idm): thức dậy với tâm trạng không vui
119. This house costs an arm and a .
A. leg B. hand C. finger D. forearm
121. He longs to see his family again.
A. above all B. all of a sudden C. as a rule D. all at once
Giải thích: above all (idm): trên hết là, trước hết là
all of a sudden (idm) = all at once (idm): bất thình lình, một cách bất ngờ
as a rule (idm): như thường lệ
120. The company can’t expect me to move my home and family at the drop of .
A. blood B. a water C. rain D. a hat
Giải thích: at the drop of a hat (idm): ngay lập tức
121. An accident of this magnitude could easily bring the factory’s produc-tion to a .
A. halt B. quit C. stay D. block
122. Nothing the ordinary ever happens here.
A. out of B. within C. from D. bout
123. A journalist is on a politician in order to damage the politi-cian’s image.
A. digging his own grave B. digging up dirt
C. digging up out of the earth D. digging it out
Giải thích dig up dirt on sth (idm) (idm): vạch lá tìm sâu
dig one’s own grave (idm): tự đào mồ chôn mình
dig up out of the earth (idm): tìm kiếm, lục sục đào từng lớp đất
dig sth out (phrV): đào ra, moi ra
124. We were having dinner in a restaurant last night when this guy at the next table
because the waiter brought the wrong thing.
A. flew by the seat of his pants B. flushed out of some place
C. flew into the face of danger D. flew off the handle
Giải thích: fly off the handle (idm): nổi cơn tan bành
125. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a day.
A. windy B. rainy C. foggy D. snowy
Giải thích: a rainy day (idm): lúc khó khăn thiếu thốn
126. Why don’t you sit down and ?
A. make yourself at peace B. make it your own home
C. make yourself at home D. make yourself at rest
127. Do I have to my age?
A. do B. follow C. act D. see
Giải thích: act one’s age (idm): hành động cho đúng tuổi tác
128. I and realized that I would have made exactly the same choice.
A. place myself in Tom’s shoes B. put Tom in his place
C. put myself in Tom’s shoes D. put Tom in place
129. We still meet up for a drink and a chat once .
A. in a black mood B. at a time C. in a blue moon D. in a while
Giải thích: once in a while (idm): thỉnh thoảng, đôi khi.
130. I called Jenna yesterday with a view her about the project.
A. of asking B. to asking C. in asking D. for asking
131. We have our of course, but we are still quite satisfied with our life.
A. odds and ends B. ups and downs
C. safe and sound D. hair on his head
Giải thích: ups and downs (idm) lúc thăng trầm
odds and ends (idm): đồ linh tinh
safe and sound (idm): bình an vô sự
ins and outs (idm): chi tiết
132. Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it like the .
A. nose on his face B. tip of his tongue
C. back of his hand D. hair on his head
Giải thích: know sth like the back of one’s hand (idm) biết cái gì trong lòng bàn tay, hiểu biết rất rõ
133. It rained yesterday, so we could not go sailing.
A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese
C. fast and furious D. ups and downs
chalk and cheese (idm): hoàn toàn
fast and furious (idm): vừa nhanh vừa sống động
ups and downs (idm): thăng trầm

134. I’m sorry! I didn’t break that vase on .

A. time B. purpose C. intention D. my mind
135. I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my .
A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy
C. biscuit D. cup of tea
136. After running up the stairs, I was breath.
A. away from B. without C. no D. out of
137. wait for no man.
A. Tide and fire B. Time and tide
C. Time and fire D. Tide and time
Đáp án B
Giải thích: Time and tide wait for no man (idm): thời gian không chờ đợi ai
138. I know his name, but I can’t recall it at the moment. It’s on the tip of .
A. tongue B. brain C. mind D. memory
139. The worried man walked in the corridor waiting for the announce - ment.
A. back and fro B. to and forth
C. to and fro D. to and back
Giải thích: to and fro (idm): sự di qua đi lại
140. Chris’s father could not afford to send him to school because he was .
A. in high spirit B. at loss C. on approval D. in debt
Giải thích: Cụm từ in debt (idm): mắc nợ
Đáp án còn lại:
in high spirit (idm): nhiệt tình, năng nổ, cao hứng, phấn khởi
at a loss (idm): bối rối, lúng túng
on approval (idm): được bán với điểu kiện được trả lại nếu không vừa ý
Dịch nghĩa: Cha của Chris không có tiền cho cậu ấy đi học vì ông ta đang mắc nợ.
141. I am trying to the sundial in the back garden.
A. make allowance for B. make up
C. put up D. make room for
142. Don’t try to bite off more than you can I am afraid you are not so talented.
A. take B. swallow C. hold D. chew
Giải thích: bite off more than you can chew (idm): bóc ngắn cắn dài, cố gắng làm điều quá khó
143. Sorry, I can’t talk now. I am .
A. in the nick of time B. on approval
C. out of reach D. in a hurry
Giải thích: in a hurry (idm): vội vàng, hối hả
Đáp án còn lại:
in the nick of time (idm): sát giờ phải đi

on approval (idm): hàng mua có thể trả lại

out of reach (idm): ngoài tẩm với

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