Chapter 1 in Practical Research Example

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Background of the Study

Consistent honor students are often as role model or a leader in academic settings because of their

high academic performance. Throughout their academic careers, these students consistently earn great

grades, and are often praised for their diligence and commitment. However, despite all the glory and

academic success, these students also face various struggles that others often overlooked. The academic

pressure that these consistent honor student experiences can lead to various challenges such as stress,

anxiety, and burnout. Most of them sacrifice their personal time and social life to focus on their studies

and maintain excellent grades. Additionally, they may struggle to successfully manage their time, stay

motivated and focused, and also handle the pressure to excel in every academic aspect. Furthermore,

social and academic environment can also add more struggles to persistent honor students. Their peers

may isolate or judge them for their academic success, they may also face increased pressure from their

parents and teacher to excel in school. These experiences can lead to feelings of self-doubt, anxiety about

their future academic and career choices. Despite the tremendous obstacles that consistently honor

students encounter, this subject has not received much attention. This study aims to close this gap by

investigating the challenges faced by consistently honor students and the coping mechanisms they

employ. By gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by consistent honor students, the

reader will finally see the point of view of consistent honor student.
Statement of the Problem

Despite consistently achieving high academic standards, there are still some honor students that struggles

to maintain their performance and may even experience burnout. These struggles can lead to feelings of

inadequacy and exhaustion that ultimately impact both their academic and personal life.

As a result, it is crucial to pinpoint the major causes of consistent honor students’ difficulties and to

create efficient tactics to help them get over these obstacles and keep up their academic achievement and


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to enlighten the readers about the experiences and struggles of

consistent honor students and gain a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to their academic

success and well-being. This research explore the experiences of high-achieving students who

consistently maintain good grades and receive academic recognition, including their motivation, study

habits, support systems, and challenges.

The study also investigate the impact of academic success on students' mental health, social

relationships, and personal development. For instance, it could examine whether consistent honor students

experience higher levels of stress or pressure, and how they manage these challenges. Additionally, the

study reveals how academic success affects students' future plans, career aspirations, and sense of


Overall, the purpose of this research would be to provide insights into the experiences and struggles of

consistent honor students, with the goal of informing educational practices and support systems that

promote academic success and well-being for all students.

General Question:  What challenges do consistent honor students face in maintaining their academic
Specific Questions:
1. How does the pressure to maintain high academic standards affect your mental health and well-
2. What are your coping mechanisms that helps you overcome academic burnout and
3. How does school environment affect your academic performance as an honor student?

Potential Significance

This study is necessary because this can influence the mind-set of the reader as this study

discovers various types of research. This have enough concepts and ideas to inform each reader, such as

students, parents, teachers and also for future researchers. Additionally, this can improve the performance

of the future honor students. The potential significance of this study is to inspire and motivate the young

learners to enhance their performance and skill for them to apply this to their life and be better. The

struggles and challenges of honor students reminds us that it’s never going to be easy to reach the

expectations of those who expects too much from us. Lastly, this study will benefit students, teachers and

future researchers to stay strong and be more determined especially is you are aiming something high.

Firstly, the parents will gain deeper knowledge and understanding for children who are consistent

honor students. They will understand the struggles of honor students and what they go through, and the

challenges they face. That being said, parents may be able to develop ways to help their children in

dealing with the struggles and hardships that the children are facing. They may find a better approach in

providing support for their children.

Second, this study will help the fellow students understand that it is not easy to be an honor

student, especially being a consistent one. Many students look think highly of the honor students without

knowing the their struggles. Honor students may succeed the academic challenges but may lost mentally

because of the people around them who expects them to always ace every test. This study will help the
students to understand that even the top students struggles when they are pressured and this often leads to

mental health issues.

Also to the teachers, consistent honor students are students who consistently perform

academically, often earning good grades and demonstrating a strong work ethic. Teachers who work with

consistent honor students may feel a sense of fulfillment and earn recognition and respect from their

peers, school administration, and community. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, career

advancement, and a better school reputation. Honor students can also serve as positive role models,

demonstrating the value of hard work, dedication, and faith, which can create a positive classroom culture

and foster a deep sense of community.

And lastly, this study will help the future researchers to gain information and this will serve as

their reference. Using this a reference and add more information to their own research and have a better

analysis of the experiences of consistent honor students.

Scope and Limitation

This study will focus on the experiences of honor students in terms of academic achievements, social

interactions, and personal growth. It will investigate the factors that contribute to their success in

academic areas, as well as the challenges they encounter along the way. The study will involve a sample

of honor students from Palawan Adventist Academy on the last week of April 2023 and will use both

qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Definition of Terms

Operational Definition

Feasibility - capable of being done or carried out.(Merriam webster)

Instrinsic interest - (it is valuable or interesting)because of its basic nature or character and not because of

it’s connection with other things.(reverso dictionary)

Perfectionist - the doctrine that the perfection of moral character constitutes a person's highest good.

(Merriam Webster)

Prospects - the possibility of likelihood of some future event occurring.(Oxford Languages)

Rigourously - in a careful way so that every part of something is looked at or considered to make certain

it is correct or safe.(Cambridge University English Dictionary)

Suicide - the act of an instance of taking ones own life voluntarily and intentionally.(Merriam Webster)

Technical Definition

Accountable - subject to giving an answer(Merriam webster)

Academic performance - represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a person has

accomplished specific goals.(oxford language)

E-learning - learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the internet.(oxford language)

Mental capacity - sufficient understanding and memory to comprehend in a general way the situation in

which one finds oneself and the nature, purpose, and consequence of any act or transaction into which one

proposes to enter.(Merriam webster)

Valued learning - developing personal values as motivational objectives and behavioral guidelines is a

challenging task.

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