Menangain Komplain Pelanggan - Sumiati

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Lembar Kerja 1

Nama Lengkap : Sumiati

Nomor Kartu Prakerja : 6153202338328201

Bentuk Emosi Pelanggan

1. Angry
2. disappointed
3. panic

Teknik Mengelola Emosi Pelanggan

1. stay calm and keep our voice tone stable
2. saying our apologize for the inconvenience they experienced
3. giving the solution to solve the costumer’s problem

Lembar Kerja 2
Naskah Cara Menangani Komplain Pelanggan

mia : good morning, i am mia from the green internet. What can i assist you

costumer : Hi, I would like to make a complaint.

mia : sure, may i know what are the issues?

Customer : My internet connection has not worked properly for three days.

mia : I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Would you be able to share the
details of your issues?

Customer : It’s been repeatedly dropping-out. Once it’s connected, the speeds
are really slow. I can’t work without internet!

mia : sure, let me help you to check it first. May I know what is your client

Customer : Certainly, my client number is BC002-059

mia : thank you, please wait i will chec it in our system

Customer : What do I do then?

mia : okay, w will be sending our techinician to your home to fix your
internet connection. May I know if you will be at home today?

Customer : Yes, I will be home.

mia : perfect, our technician team will arrived at your home around 1 pm
this noon

Customer : OK, thank you for your help.

mia : you are welcome. Good morning and have a good day

Lembar Kerja 3

Video Roleplay Menangani Komplain Pelanggan

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Tautan Video Roleplay Menangani Komplain Pelanggan

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