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Exercise 2.1: Instructions. The following are the social media mostly used.

Recalling the ethics and principles of communication in

Chapter 1, Answer these questions:
a) What ethics and principles are applied? B) Explain why.
Type of Social Media Ethics to Apply Principles to Apply
1. E-Mail Honesty Relevance
Email messages should be truthful Emails should be relevant to be
and accurate. It is unethical to send false effective. To increase email relevance,
or misleading information via email allow your subscribers to decline specific
types of emails, honor the preferences of
your recipients/receivers, send
subscribers a relevant and expected mail,
always be clear about who the email is
coming from and apply the K.I.S.S.

Choose the best medium

Choosing the best medium for your
email is important to ensure that your
message is delivered effectively. To write
a proper mail, you should follow some
basic guidelines such as including a clear
subject line, using a professional
tone/formal tone, keeping your message
concise and to the point, and
proofreading before sending it.
Exercise 2.1: Instructions. The following are the social media mostly used. Recalling the ethics and principles of communication in
Chapter 1, Answer these questions:
a) What ethics and principles are applied? B) Explain why.
2. Facebook Honesty Study your Audience
Honesty is a crucial aspect of social To study your audience when posting
media, especially when it comes to in Facebook, you can use the Facebook
Facebook. Being honest on social media Audience Insights. This tool provides you
leads to authenticity, which is essential for with aggregate information about two
building trust with your audience. groups of people: people that are
connected to your Facebook page and
Openness to other views people on Facebook. With this tool you
The Facebook’s mission statement is can also get a detailed breakdown of your
to “give people the power to build audience demographics, interests,
community and bring the world closer hobbies, and lifestyles. If you are a
together”. business owner you can also learn about
the types of people interested in your
Build Consensus business by combining relationship status
Facebook allow its community to and Location.
discuss a wide range of topics but has
strict guidelines that users must follow. Be Enthusiastic
These guidelines are designed to protect To be enthusiastic on Facebook you
users from harmful content and ensure need to tailor your content to fit the
that the platform remains a safe and mindset and analytical insights of your
welcoming place for everyone. audience on Facebook and add value. It
should inspire, educate, entertain, and
help your audience.

3. Twitter Honesty and Commitment Be relevance, positive, enthusiastic,

Honesty, transparency, confidentiality, maintain an intense focus and Study
and commitment are essential to twitter your Audience
and its business, the values of twitter or Twitter aims to inform people about
the twitter code of ethics help us everything happenings in the world. It
understand what it means to be part of ensures earning everyone’s trust to stay
twitter and help us retain a strong identity. credible and reliable. Twitter considers
Twitter treat its users with respect they freedom of speech as primary human
deserve. rights. It promotes positive and healthy
Always keep in mind that twitter is conversations. Also, twitter works with
requesting their customers trust by leading NGO’s worldwide to spread
sharing their personal data. To keep trust, awareness and stimulate actions to foster
Exercise 2.1: Instructions. The following are the social media mostly used. Recalling the ethics and principles of communication in
Chapter 1, Answer these questions:
a) What ethics and principles are applied? B) Explain why.
everyone must respect and safeguard the and protect environmental conservation
security and privacy of that information as and sustainability. It considers saving the
well as any other private data that twitter environment a major social responsibility.
have. According to twitter their security Lastly, twitter move fast and allow people
policies strictly restrict user’s personal to feel free while sharing their opinion it
information access and use. And demand makes connecting with people fun.
that each of us take precautions to safe
guard user data from unauthorized
access. Be aware of your responsibilities
under these guidelines, and collect use,
and access user information in
accordance with twitter’s security, rules,
local laws, and Twitter’s Privacy
4. Instagram Honesty and Commitment Be relevance, positive, enthusiastic,
The community guidelines for study your audience and maintain an
Instagram layout the rules for what isn’t intense focus.
permitted on the platform. These rules Instagram is still relevant as of 2023, it
cover a wide rage of subjects, such as has over billions of monthly active users
Intellectual property, acceptable imagery, and continue to be one of the most
spam, support or adulation of terrorist popular social media platforms. Instagram
organizations, organized crime, or hate is more heavily linked to photographs.
speech, bullying and abuse, self-harm, The company study their audience and
and graphic acts of violence. they has implemented several design
The goal of Instagram’s community principles “to make it the success it is
guidelines is to establish a secure today”. Confirmation messages
environment for creativity and expression. allow users to make more informed
decisions and prevent errors from
occurring. Instagram created a safe for
accidental deletion of post by creating a
confirmation message, making sure you
know that by clicking that little x, that
image will be lost forever. Consistency is
one of the most fundamental principle of
Instagram. Knowing what to anticipate
when utilizing a specific product is helpful
Exercise 2.1: Instructions. The following are the social media mostly used. Recalling the ethics and principles of communication in
Chapter 1, Answer these questions:
a) What ethics and principles are applied? B) Explain why.
to users. Instagram has very specific
formatting requirements for their posts,
stories, profiles, etc. No matter how
unique an Instagram user may think their
post is, all of this contributes to
maintaining a uniform Instagram
experience. Instagram added filters for a
unique experience to their users.
5. YouTube Commitment and Openness to other Be Relevance, positive, enthusiastic,
views Choose the best medium, study your
YouTube platform should have a audience and maintain an Intense
responsibility to the audience for what is focus.
presented to the audience who watch or YouTube is a popular video-sharing
consume the content they create. Ethics platform with over billion users worldwide.
is closely related to norms, values, or If you’re looking to create content on
measures of behavior in interacting. The YouTube, here are some principles to
rules of social interaction that regulate keep in mind. Be relevant, it’s essential to
humans to respect each other, courtesy, find your target audience and create
etiquette, interact with another fellow content that caters to their interests.
creatures. Like the mass media which Create quality content, focus on creating
only favors something that can be sold. high-quality videos that are engaging,
Like ratings for television, influencers informative, and visually appealing. And
don't just focus on absence and viewers Understand YouTube’s community
on the YouTube Platform. guidelines by familiarizing yourself with
YouTube’s community guidelines and
policies to ensure that your content
complies with their standards.

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