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Engineering Recommendation C99

Issue 1 2018

Guidance for working on cables under induced

voltage conditions

© 2018 Energy Networks Association

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Energy Networks Association. Specific
enquiries concerning this document should be addressed to:

Operations Directorate
Energy Networks Association
6th Floor, Dean Bradley House
52 Horseferry Rd

This document has been prepared for use by members of the Energy Networks Association
to take account of the conditions which apply to them. Advice should be taken from an
appropriately qualified engineer on the suitability of this document for any other purpose.

First published, 2018

Amendments since publication

Issue Date Amendment

ENA Engineering Recommendation C99
Issue 1 2018
Page 3

Foreword ................................................................................................................................7
Introduction ............................................................................................................................9
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................11
2 Normative references .....................................................................................................11
3 Terms and definitions .....................................................................................................12
4 Danger due to induced voltage ......................................................................................12
5 General aspects of induced voltages .............................................................................13
5.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................13
5.2 General formula for calculating induced voltage....................................................17
5.3 Calculating induced voltage due to phase currents (load & fault) .......................... 17
5.3.1 General .....................................................................................................17
5.3.2 Summation effect of three-phase cables ...................................................18
5.4 Calculating induced voltage due to earth fault current ........................................... 19
5.4.1 General .....................................................................................................19
5.4.2 Earth fault screening factors......................................................................20
5.4.3 Earth fault current values ..........................................................................22
5.4.4 Typical induced voltage due earth fault current ......................................... 22
6 Method to assess induced voltage for load currents .......................................................23
6.1.1 Trefoil source cables .................................................................................23
6.1.2 Flat formation single-core source cables ...................................................24
7 Method to assess induced voltage for inter-phase faults ................................................27
7.1.1 General .....................................................................................................27
8 Method to assess induced voltage for phase-earth faults ...............................................28
9 Example calculations of induced voltage levels ..............................................................29
10 Guidance on safe working on cables under impressed voltage conditions ..................... 31
10.1 General guidance for work using earthed working ................................................32
10.2 General guidance for work using insulated working ..............................................32
10.2.1 Work on HV cables ...................................................................................32
10.2.2 Work on LV cables ....................................................................................33
10.2.3 Work on cable sheath links boxes and link pillars ...................................... 33
Annex A (informative) Mutual Inductance ............................................................................34
A.1 General .................................................................................................................34
A.2 Earth resistivity .....................................................................................................35
Annex B (normative) Calculating induced voltage due to phase current .............................. 36
B.2Examples of induced voltage from load current.....................................................38
B.2.1 Trefoil cable arrangements........................................................................38
B.3 Flat formation cables.............................................................................................39
Annex C (normative) Induced voltage due to a phase-earth fault ........................................ 41
C.1 Example values ....................................................................................................41
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Issue 1 2018
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Annex D (normative) Inter-phase fault current limit graphs ..................................................43

Annex E (informative) Limit of earth fault current (LEFC) graphs ......................................... 48
Annex F (informative) Illustrative calculations of induced voltage ......................................... 58
F.1 Induced voltage due to load current ......................................................................58
F.2 Induced voltage due three-phase fault ..................................................................59
F.3 Induced voltage due phase-earth fault ..................................................................60
Annex G (informative) Guidance on risk assessment ..........................................................61
G.1 General .................................................................................................................61
G.2 Main risks from induced voltage ............................................................................61
G.3 Identification of the possible hazard ......................................................................61
G.4 Assessing risk .......................................................................................................62
G.4.1 Likelihood of a hazardous event ................................................................62
G.4.2 Vulnerability ..............................................................................................62
G.4.3 Exposure ...................................................................................................62
G.4.4 Risk assessment example.........................................................................62
G.4.5 Weather conditions ...................................................................................63
Bibliography .........................................................................................................................64

Figure 1 – Assessment process for induced voltage conditions ............................................ 10
Figure 2 — Voltage induction due to parallel live cables .......................................................14
Figure 3 — Induced voltage behaviour in a target cable for constant inducing current
throughout the parallelism (from ENA ACE 19 [1])....................................... 16
Figure 4 — Target cable and source cable arrangements ....................................................19
Figure 5 — Variation of K3 with sheath conductance ............................................................21
Figure 6 — Limit graph for load current in trefoil circuits .......................................................23
Figure 7 — Limit graph for load current in flat formation single-core cables .......................... 25
Figure 8— Illustrative cable route map .................................................................................30
Figure A1 — Mutual impedance data ...................................................................................34
Figure B1 – Cable arrangements when calculating induced voltage ..................................... 36
Figure B2 — Example plot of induced voltage levels due to load current from trefoil
circuits .........................................................................................................39
Figure B3 — Example plot of induced voltage levels due to load current from flat
formation single-core cables ........................................................................40
Figure C1 — Example plot of induced voltage levels due to an earth fault ........................... 42
Figure D1 — Limit graph for 3-phase faults in trefoil cables (induced voltage 430 V) ........... 43
Figure D2 — Limit graph for 3-phase faults in trefoil cables (induced voltage 650 V) ........... 44
Figure D3 — Limit graph for 3-phase faults in flat formation single-core cables (induced
voltage 430 V) .............................................................................................44
Figure D4 — Limit graph for 3-phase faults in flat formation single-core cables (induced
voltage 650 V) .............................................................................................45
ENA Engineering Recommendation C99
Issue 1 2018
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Figure D5 — Limit graph for phase-to-phase faults in trefoil cables (induced voltage
430 V) .........................................................................................................46
Figure D6 — Limit graph for phase-to-phase faults in trefoil cables (induced voltage
650 V) .........................................................................................................46
Figure D7 — Limit graph for phase-to-phase faults in flat formation single-core cables
(induced voltage 430 V)...............................................................................47
Figure D8 — Limit graph for phase-to-phase faults in flat formation single-core cables
(induced voltage 650 V)...............................................................................47
Figure E1 — Limit graph for 1,000 A earth fault ....................................................................49
Figure E2 — Limit graph for 2,000 A earth fault ....................................................................50
Figure E3 — Limit graph for 4,000 A earth fault ....................................................................51
Figure E4 — Limit graph for 8,000 A earth fault ....................................................................52
Figure E5 — Limit graph for 8,000 A earth fault (high security circuit) .................................. 53
Figure E6 — Limit graph for 18,000 A earth fault ..................................................................54
Figure E7 — Limit graph for 18,000 A earth fault (high security circuit) ................................ 55
Figure E8 — Limit graph for 25,000 A earth fault (high security circuit) ................................ 56
Figure E9 — Limit graph for 35,000 A earth fault (high security circuit) ................................ 57

Table 1 — Indicative values of screening factor K1 ...............................................................18
Table 2 — Indicative screening factors (K2) for the inducing circuit....................................... 20
Table 3 — Suggested maximum values of earth fault current values.................................... 22
Table 4 — Correction factors for Figure 6 .............................................................................23
Table 5 — Correction factors for Figure 7 .............................................................................25
Table 6 — Comparison of induced voltages for differing scenarios (see Annex F) ............... 31
Table A1 — Typical soil resistivity values .............................................................................35
Table F1.1 — Lead sheathed source and target cables Mean separation 5.1 m .................. 58
Table F1.2 — Coper wire screened source and target cables Mean separation 0.5 m ......... 58
Table F2.1 — Lead sheathed source and target cables Mean separation 5.1 m .................. 59
Table F2.2 — Coper wire screened source and target cables Mean separation 0.5 m ......... 59
Table F3.1 — Lead sheathed source and target cables Mean separation 5.1 m .................. 60
Table F3.2 — Coper wire screened source and target cables Mean separation 0.5 m ......... 60
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Issue 1 2018
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ENA Engineering Recommendation C99
Issue 1 2018
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This Engineering Recommendation (EREC) is published by the Energy Networks Association
(ENA) and comes into effect from the date of publication. It has been prepared under the
authority of the ENA Engineering Policy and Standards Manager and has been approved for
publication by the ENA Electricity Networks and Futures Group (ENFG). The approved
abbreviated title of this engineering document is “EREC C99”. It is not intended to be used as
a specification.

This EREC is intended to be used as code of practice, providing guidance and

recommendation to supervisors and operatives on how induced voltages can arise in insulated
sheath power cables from adjacent power cables. Methods to calculate the expected induced
voltage levels are provided in order to allow staff to make decisions on how to carry out work
in a safe manner when working on such cable systems. The methods in this EREC for the
calculation of induced voltages can also be applied to pilot, auxiliary and communication

Guidance is provided on methods for safe working on cables in situations where the induced
voltage is above the accepted levels. However, this EREC does not replace ENA Member
Company safety rules and procedures, safety warning instructions and notices, nor does it
preclude the need for attention to general safety e.g. the provision and maintenance of safe
access to and from the place of work, a safe place of work, a safe working environment, safe
methods of work and the correct use of personal protective equipment.

This EREC does not deal with safe working on pilot, auxiliary and communications Cables,
which is the subject of a separate document ENA EREC S37 Code of practice for the safe
working on pilot, auxiliary and communications cables. Nor does it not deal with the calculation
of sheath voltages due to induced voltages in single-core power cables sheaths under
balanced maximum full load or through-fault conditions that are required for system design
purposes. The subject of the bonding and earthing to minimise the effects is dealt with in ENA
EREC C55, Insulated sheath power cable systems.

The document is structured to:

• explain why and how induced voltages occur;

• provide guidance to enable an estimate of the magnitude of induced voltage levels, and;
• provide guidance on the methods to employ for appropriate and safe working on an
insulated sheath cable system subject to high induced voltages.

Where the term “shall” or “must” is used in this document it means the requirement is
mandatory. The term “should” is used to express a recommendation. The term “may” is used
to express permission.
NOTE: Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented in smaller type, and does not
constitute a normative element.
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Issue 1 2018
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ENA Engineering Recommendation C99
Issue 1 2018
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Load and fault current in a live power cable may induce voltages onto conducting parts of an
adjacent power cable. Higher voltages may be induced during an earth fault on the live power
cable. Voltages may also be impressed onto conducting parts during voltage rise occurrences
in the electrical earth system. Such voltages may create a hazard to people and equipment.
Although this EREC is concerned primarily with power cables the description and methods for
calculating induced voltages given in Clauses 5 to 8 are also applicable to the calculation of
induced voltages in pilot, auxiliary and communication cables.

Guidance is given in Clause 10 on the correct method of working to ensure any proposed work
is carried out in a safe manner where the induced voltage is above the accepted levels. This
guidance does not replace the need for compliance to company safety rules, which are
normally based on the Model Distribution Safety Rules [N6]. The procedures discussed in
Clause 10 are thus in addition to the general requirements for work on cable systems.

Generally, there are two effects that may cause voltages to appear on the conductive parts of
power cables.

i. Induced voltage which is a direct result of current returning through the soil or phase
currents/faults. This longitudinal voltage is proportional to the value of current and the
distance over which the power circuits run in parallel.

ii. Earth potential rise (EPR) (also referred to as rise of earth potential, ROEP) at the site
feeding the faulted power circuit. When an earth fault occurs, the entire area of a site
where the fault current flows to earth may momentarily rise in potential with respect to
the general mass of earth.

This EREC is concerned with the effects of induced voltage. EPR (or ROEP) is covered in
separate documents; ENA EREC S34 [N2], ENA EREC S36 [N3] and ENA EREC S37 [N4].
NOTE: This EREC does not deal with safe working in pilot, auxiliary and communications cables, which is the
subject of ENA EREC S37[N4] nor the calculation of sheath voltages induced in single-core power cables under
balanced maximum full load, or through-fault fault which is the subject of ENA EREC C55 [N1].
The assessment of induced voltage in a cable should be undertaken as depicted in Figure 1.
Annex G provides guidance on a risk assessment procedure to be used as indicated on the
flow chart.
ENA Engineering Recommendation C99
Issue 1 2018
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Quick assessment of induced

voltage due to load current (see
Clause 6)

Undertake a detailed
Is induced voltage likely to be
YES calculation as described in
above 60 V r.m.s.?
Clause 9 and Annex F


An evaluation of the risk of induced

Is induced voltage confirmed to be
voltage due to faults is recommended NO
above 60 V r.m.s
(see Annex G)

Is the calculated risk due to a fault event


Quick assessment of induced

voltage due to an inter-phase NO
fault (see Clause 7 and Annex D)

Is induced voltage likely to be above Undertake a detailed

permitted limit (e.g. 430 V r.m.s. or 650 V YES calculation as described in
r.m.s.) Clause 9 and Annex F


Quick assessment of induced

Is induced voltage confirmed to be above permitted
voltage due to an phase-earth NO
limit (e.g. 430 V r.m.s. or 650 V r.m.s.)
fault (see Clause 8 and Annex E)


Is induced voltage likely to be above Undertake a detailed

perrmitted limit (e.g. 430 V r.m.s. or 650 V YES calculation as described in
r.m.s.) Clause 9 and Annex F

Is induced voltage confirmed to be above permitted

limit (e.g. 430 V r.m.s. or 650 V r.m.s.)


Implement appropriate working techniques for

No danger is likely to occur from induced voltage
induced voltage (see Clause 10)

Figure 1 – Assessment process for induced voltage conditions

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Issue 1 2018
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1 Scope
This EREC applies to insulated sheath power cables, which are subject to induced voltage due
to being laid in proximity to power cables. Guidance is given on calculating the expected
voltage levels to enable decisions to be made on the correct method of working to ensure any
proposed work is carried out in a safe manner.

The extreme case of the hazards associated with the discharge of lightning energy caused by
direct strike is not covered.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents, in whole or part, are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

[N1] ENA EREC C55, Insulated sheath power cable systems

[N2] ENA EREC S34, A guide for assessing the rise of earth potential at substation sites

[N3] ENA EREC S36 Procedure to identify and record 'hot' substations

[N4] ENA EREC S37, Code of practice for the safe working on pilot, auxiliary and
communications cables

[N5] ENA TS 41-24 Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of Main
Earthing Systems in Substations

[N6] ENA SHEC 010: 2010 Model Distribution Safety Rules

[N7] National Grid UK Electricity Transmission plc, National Safety Instruction and Guidance
document: NSI 5, Cable Systems
ENA Engineering Recommendation C99
Issue 1 2018
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3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

risk to health or of bodily injury

high security circuit
electricity circuit with fast acting protection which, in the majority of cases, limits the fault
duration to less than 200 milliseconds

high voltage (HV)
voltage exceeding 1,000 volts a.c. r.m.s.

impressed conditions
conditions which may cause dangerous induced voltages or currents, differences in earth
potential or voltage differences across any break in the conductive path.

induced voltage
longitudinal voltage induced in cable as a direct result of the flow of current from an adjacent
power system line or cable.

Limit of Earth Fault Current (LEFC)
minimum value of earth fault current which would need to flow via a fault on a power system
through the earth to induce such a hazardous voltage in an adjacent cable.

low voltage (LV)
voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts a.c. r.m.s.

situation where two circuits are extending in the same direction within a range of separation
distance where the magnitude of induced voltage may be significant

4 Danger due to induced voltage

Induced voltages or currents in an insulated sheath cable may be caused by the flow of current
associated with an adjacent parallel cable or overhead line. The magnitude of the induced
current and/or voltages will depend on the current level, the length of parallelism and the
separation but can be sufficiently high to create a hazard to people and equipment. The
induced voltage will frequently be highest during the flow of fault current in the adjacent
cable(s) but hazardous levels of induced voltage levels can occur due to load current and this
condition must always be evaluated. These induced voltages may be additional to EPR
voltages being caused by the flow of current through an earth electrode.

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