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Talato, Justin P.


Readings in the Philippine History Module 4

Module 4: Learning Activity 1

Text Content Context

Key words that From the key How do these What
can be found in words what themes relate evidences do
the text that themes can be to us you find
Subheading would deduced? Filipinos? existing until
characterize the today?
inhabitants of
the islands
Delightful and The theme Filipinos are There are
sociable. "friendship" is well-known people who are
what I associate for their delightful and
with the keywords friendliness easy to talk to.
Spain has arrived I gathered because and Meeting other
the words hospitality. It people made
delightful and is a sign of me realize that
sociable show a friendship to those
strong connection be able to characteristics
to friendship. properly care and themes are
for others. still present in
Love, peace, I associate the Harmony is The evidence I
Arrival in Zubu comfort, and keywords with the relatable to us discovered
quiet. theme "harmony" Filipinos today is that
because being because it is Filipinos fight
love in peace, all we have for peace and
ease, and quiet is ever desired. justice from
what makes Filipinos our
harmony. have always government.
fought for That is, they
peace, and we want harmony
want a in our country
peaceful between the
country in our government
country. and its people,
where there
will be no harm
but everyone
will still obey
the law.
Christianization of Zubuanos Christians, The theme "God These themes The evidence is
peace, comfort, fearing" and are very obvious
and quiet "Loyalty" are relatable to because many
what I associate Filipinos people believe
with the keywords because the and fear God.
I gathered because Philippines is
the words and one of the few
story places on the
demonstrated planet where
great love and the majority
respect for God. of people
worship God.
Death of Magellan Obeyed us and The theme of A Filipino is Today's
provided us respect is what I someone who evidence is our
with food associate with the is respectful. OFWs. They
keywords Filipinos are treat foreigners
gathered because known for with respect
being able to obey their kindness and do not
is respectful, and and respect. harm them.
giving food is a Mostly on They abide by
way of showing people who the laws of the
Filipinos respect. are new to country in
them, or what which they
we call reside.

M4: Learning Activity 2

1. How would you differentiate the people of Guam and the islanders of Samar and

Cebu as to their encounter with Magellan and his men?

The people of Guam raided Magellan's ship to pay for the water and food they had provided

to the crew during their interaction with Magellan and his people. The islanders of Samar

and Cebu, on the other hand, welcomed Magellan and his men and even signed friendship

2. How did the people of Samar show their hospitality and friendliness?

The Samar islanders greet Magellan and his people with open arms. Their interaction was

friendly, as they gave them the little food they had and offered them a place to stay, and

they later signed a friendship treaty.

3. What do you think were the reasons for their friendliness of these islanders especially

when they saw the big vessels?

The vessels were carrying the region's key chiefs, and perhaps Magellan and his people

were afraid they would hurt them because of their previous experience with the thieves on

the island, so they had to be kind and polite. Magellan and his men explained to the natives

that the king of Spain had sent them to do no harm in the name of peace. The people of

Magellan had also grown hungry and in need of shelter, and the only way they could get

food was through the Islanders.

M4: Learning Activity 3

1. Between Raja Zula and Lapu-lapu what do you think were their negative traits?

Lapu-lapu is a stubborn and proud leader who refused to submit to another leader. Rajah

Zula, on the other hand, can be viewed as a cunning leader who used the Spaniards'

presence to try to defeat Lapu-lapu.

2. How did politics play a part in the relationship of the two chiefs in the island of


Warriors of Lapulapu, a Mactan native chieftain, overpowered and defeated a Spanish

force fighting for Cebu's Rajah Humabon, led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan,

who was killed in the battle. The battle resulted in the departure of the Spanish crew from
the archipelago, delaying Spanish colonization of the Philippines by 44 years until Miguel

López de Legazpi's conquest in 1564-1565.

3. What do you think was the lesson behind Magellan’s actions that led to his death?

The Spaniards' enthusiasm for going to war was due to their tactical unpreparedness and

overconfidence. While their modern equipment and technology did assist them, it was

insufficient to combat the army of local Filipinos who outnumbered them by a large

margin. This outmanned Spanish force was no match for the 500 or so Filipinos who

charged at them nonstop. Contemporary guns and arrows would be too slow to use, and

their armour would be too heavy and burdensome, all of which slowed the effectiveness of

their warfare strategy. As a result of overconfidence, poor expectations, poor scouting, and

other factors, Magellan was defeated in battle, a humiliation to the mighty Spanish nation,

and a catastrophic loss for the expedition, losing their leader and causing them to lose their

ally, forcing them to travel alone on a somber journey back to Spain.

4. We were taught that it was Lapu-lapu, the first Filipino hero to have killed a foreign

occupier, as the slayer of the captain-general. But who really killed Magellan

according to Pigafetta’s account?

According to Pigafetta, many natives—probably battle-hardened, as evidenced by their

proficiency with spears and very large bolos—killed Ferdinand Magellan, not Lapu-Lapu.

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