Collaborative Group Activities 2 - Group 3

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Collaborative Group Activities 

Guide Questions 

1. What are the three main types of magma and how are they distinguished in terms of their
chemical composition, temperature, and viscosity? 
2. What is the main difference between the way that pure minerals melt and the way the rocks
melt? What effect does the addition of volatiles like H20 and CO2 have? 
3. What are the main gases that occur in magma? 
4. What are three ways that magma can be generated? Explain each. 
5. Define the following: (a) dike, (b) sill, (c) xenolith, (d) stoping, (e) batholith, (f) obsidian, (g)
pumice, (h) pyroclast, (i) pegmatite. (Use drawings if it helps). 
6. What does the texture of an igneous rocks tell us about cooling history?
7. Describe the following igneous textures (a) aphanitic, (b) phaneritic, (c) porphyritic. 
8. Describe the distribution of igneous activity on Earth. 

1. The three main types of magmas are basaltic, andesitic, and rhyolitic. They all have large
amounts of silicon dioxide
 Basaltic Magma - contains large amounts of iron, magnesium, and calcium. But it has low
amounts of potassium and sodium. Its temperature starts from 1000 degrees celsius to 1200
degrees celsius.

 Andesitic Magma - the said minerals, found in basaltic and rhyolitic, found on andesitic magma
has moderate amounts observed. It ranges from 800 to 1000 degrees celsius
 Rhyolitic Magma - It is the complete opposite of Basaltic Magma wherein Potassium is the
majority of its component and has only few iron, magnesium, and calcium. It ranges from 650 to
800 degrees celsius.

 In terms of Viscosity, to summarize it up it is directly proportional as to how steep the volcano
is. The steeper the volcano, the viscous the magma and vice versa

2.The main difference between the way that pure minerals melt and the way rocks melt is that
minerals have a specific melting point, whereas rocks do not. Pure minerals will melt at a
specific temperature, whereas rocks will begin to melt over a range of temperatures, known as
the melting interval. This is because rocks are made up of a mixture of minerals, each with its
own melting point.
The addition of volatiles like H20 and CO2 can have a significant effect on the melting
behavior of rocks. When volatiles are added to a rock, they lower the melting temperature of the
rock, making it easier to melt. This is because the volatiles reduce the strength of the chemical
bonds that hold the minerals together, making it easier for them to break apart and melt.
In addition, the addition of volatiles can also lead to the formation of new minerals and
the release of gases, which can cause explosive volcanic eruptions. For example, when water is
added to magma, it can cause the formation of new minerals such as amphibole and biotite,
which can cause the magma to become more viscous and more likely to erupt explosively.
Overall, the addition of volatiles like H20 and CO2 can have a significant impact on the
melting behavior of rocks, leading to the formation of new minerals, changes in the composition
of magma, and explosive volcanic eruptions.

3. Some of the gas is released as the pressure drops and the magma rises to the surface and
erupts. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur gases make up the majority of the gases
dissolved in magma, with smaller amounts of hydrogen, hydrochloric acid, and hydrofluoric
acid. The majority of the pinch in our earlier "pinch of salt to a double handful of magma
analogy is made up of water vapor, with smaller amounts of carbon dioxide and sulfur gases,
along with a few grains of hydrogen and the other acid gases.

4. A molten magma produce in a three main ways that cross to the right of the green solidus line.
The decompression melting brought on by reducing pressure comes first. Mid-ocean ridges are
where decompression melting takes place. The pressure decreases as the boulder gets closer to
the surface and rises quicker than the temperature can reduce, the rock may melt.

Second, the addition of volatiles causes flux melting. In the presence of volatiles like water and
carbon dioxide, rocks melt more slowly. The water-saturated upper layer of the lithosphere sinks
along with the subducting plate as it passes beneath the overriding plate. Water is driven out of
the cold slab as it dips and percolates up into the hot, dry mantle rock above. 

The last is melting, brought on by heat as the temperature rises or simply conduction.The
simplest method of transferring heat is conduction. Hotter particles vibrate more when viewed at
the atomic scale. Some of the vibrational heat energy is passed to the adjacent particles when
they make contact with them, heating them up. 

5. Dike-Unharmonious intrusive sheet that does cut through earlier rocks

Sill-does not intersect existing rock beds since it is a concordant intrusive sheet. At significant
magma flux, stacking of sills creates a sill complex and a sizable magma chamber.
Xenolith- is a fragment of rock that is encased in another kind of rock. A xenolith is typically a
rock that became embedded in lava as it cooled. The molten rock that spews forth as lava during
a volcanic explosion is known as magma. Stoping-the removal of a number of layers or stages
from the earth or rock.
Batholith-a massive igneous intrusion that extends deep within the crust of the planet.
Obsidian-a black natural glass created when molten lava is cooled.
Pumice-fast solidification of a gas-rich froth of glassy lava results in the formation of a highly
light and porous volcanic rock.
Pyroclast-a volcano's vigorous eruption of solid material into the atmosphere.
Pegmatite-granite or another igneous rock that is crystallized, with crystals ranging in length
from a few centimeters to several meters.
6 .Phanertic = Large crystals = slow cooling
Aphanitic = Small crystals = fast cooling
Porphyritic = Mixed cooling history, slow then fast
Glass = Near instantaneous cooling
Vesicular = holes = gases escaped when magma solidified

7. The texture of an igneous rock provides important clues about its cooling history. The
rate of cooling affects the size and shape of crystals that form within the rock.
If the rock cools quickly, as in the case of lava cooling on the Earth's surface, it will
result in a fine-grained texture known as aphanitic texture. This indicates that the crystals did not
have enough time to grow large before the magma or lava solidified.
On the other hand, if the magma cools slowly underground, it will result in a coarse-
grained texture known as phaneritic texture. This indicates that the crystals had plenty of time to
grow and form large grains.
In some cases, magma can begin to cool slowly underground, but then be rapidly cooled
as it is erupted onto the Earth's surface. This can result in a porphyritic texture, where large
crystals (phenocrysts) are embedded in a fine-grained matrix (groundmass).
In addition to providing information about the cooling history, the texture of an igneous
rock can also provide information about its composition and the conditions under which it
formed. For example, a rock with large crystals may have formed under high pressure, while a
rock with a glassy texture may have cooled rapidly on the Earth's surface.

8. On Earth, igneous activity is mainly concentrated at tectonic plate borders. This is so that
magma, which can rise to the surface and solidify into new rock, can be produced as a result of
the movement of these plates. Divergent, convergent, and transform plate borders are the three
main types. New crust is formed at divergent borders as a result of magma rising up from the
mantle to cover the space left by the migrating plates. Mid-oceanic ridges, which are networks of
submerged volcanoes and rift valleys, are the result of this activity.

Subduction zones are produced when two plates are driven beneath one another at convergent
boundaries. The descending plate is under extreme heat and pressure in these places, which
causes it to melt and produce magma. As a result of this magma rising to the surface, volcanic
arcs like the Pacific Ocean's Ring of Fire may emerge. A boundary known as a transform
boundary occurs when two plates slide past one another. Although volcanic eruptions are not
commonly linked with these regions, magma intrusions could occur there and solidify to create
new rock.

Overall, tectonic plate movement and the concentration of igneous activity near plate borders
determine how igneous activity is distributed on Earth. However, some regions of volcanic
activity that are not connected to plate boundaries, such as hotspots, which are considered to be
brought on by mantle plumes rising from the Earth's interior.

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