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morning, today’s motion is “Should the government change the 5-day school per

week to 4-day school per week to let students take up other interests and activities
on the fifth day at school?” and I am for the motion

The first reason why we are proposing the motion is

It provides students with an opportunity to pursue their interests outside of the

classroom.take our school timetable as an example, there are only two pe lessons
and 1 art lesson in a cycle.It is not enough for students who are talented on non-
academic subjects to develop their skills.By changing timetable , they can have at
least one day a week to develop other skills.Besides students who are talented, other
students can also translate to all-rounders who do not only focus on studies, but
with skills in other aspects like art,sports and music, this provides a more
comprehensive learning for students

More important still,

4-day school per week reduces stress on both students and teachers, a shorter
school week can reduce stress level as they have more time to relax and develop
interest .students can maintain their mental well-being .Besides, teachers can have
more time to prepare for lessons and professional development , this leads to a
better teaching quality and both students and teachers can benefits from it.

The opposition side may argue that 4-day school per week may lead to a worse
academic performance .However , according to a study funded by the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation. The researchers interviewed more than 400 parents, teachers,
administrators, and students in New Mexico,and Oklahoma using the four-day
model, School principals, teachers, parents, and students reported believing that
students learned just as much or slightly more in the 4dsw than in a 5dsw, and that
the difference in minutes of instructional time had no real effect on student

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