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Strouds Farm will be our first field trip of the year. Mme Gibb, Mme Leeman and Mme Clarks classes will be going on Wednesday, October 5th. Mme Jarvis, Mlle Goss and Mme Allins classes will be going on Thursday, October 6th. The buses will leave the school at 8:40am and volunteers can meet us at the farm (Lakeridge and Taunton) for 9am.


Please take a few moments to look through the Scholastic flyers with your child. Please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada. Please send orders in by Tuesday, October 11th. In the Club de Lecture flyer, I recommend the following titles: 2) Cest lHalloween! 3) Cest moi lespion des citrouilles 8) Le renard et la cigogne 9) Halloween 10) Le grand livre des tout-petits 11) Mon petit livre bilingue franais-anglais 13) Loto de mots 14) Je lis mes mots-outils 15) Chante avec moi les chansons de mon enfance

16) Les bonnes manires Merci! 17) On partage tout! 18) Drle de dindes 20) Moi, la pomme 23) En avant Chuggington! 24) Apprentis lecteurs 75) Fafounet joue dans les feuilles 76) La bote lecture 77) Frisson lcureuil en pleine nuit

WEBSITES French (body parts) (Halloween) (word games)

Math (patterning) (math games) (ordinal numbers)

The days indicated on the calendar with the library symbol are our library book exchange days. Please ensure books are returned that day or brought back to be renewed for another week. Students may not sign out a new book until they have returned all other books to the library.

The days indicated on the calendar with running shoes are gym days. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately to run around and have fun.

Please ensure that your child comes to school with a lunch and two snacks every day. Students are encouraged to consistently eat foods that are good for them, so please remember to pack healthy especially for morning snack! Thank you! With autumn already in full swing and with winter quickly approaching, the Grade One Teachers are happily accepting any donations of facial tissues (Kleenex) and paper towel. These items will be kept in a central location for the entire class to use. All donations are greatly appreciated.

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