E4T-Module 2 - Handout 3

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English for Tourism

Module 2: Intermediate English for Tourism

Session 3: Adventure Tourism
Adventure tourism encompasses a wide range of activities and experiences that involve exploration,
physical activity, and a degree of risk. It's all about stepping out of one's comfort zone and engaging with
nature and culture in a more immersive way.
Adventure tourism is crucial for El Salvador's economy, drawing visitors with its diverse natural
landscapes and offering opportunities for cultural immersion. It also promotes environmental
conservation and sustainability while showcasing the country's potential on the global tourism stage.

1. Key Elements of Adventure Tourism:

Nature-Based Activities: Adventure tourism often takes place in natural settings, such as mountains,
forests, deserts, rivers, and oceans. Activities may include hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, snorkeling,
and wildlife safaris.
Physical Challenge: Participants in adventure tourism activities typically engage in physically demanding
experiences that test their endurance, strength, and skills.
Risk and Uncertainty: Adventure tourism carries an element of risk, but it should be managed through
proper safety measures and guidelines. Participants often seek the thrill of facing challenges and
overcoming them.
Cultural Immersion: Adventure tourism can also involve cultural experiences, such as staying with local
communities, learning about indigenous traditions, and interacting with different cultures.

2. Types of Adventure Tourism:

Volcanic Mountain Adventure: Engage in thrilling activities such as trekking, mountaineering, and even
volcano hiking amidst El Salvador's volcanic landscape, including the iconic Santa Ana Volcano and Cerro
Coastal Water-Based Adventure: Dive into the excitement of white-water rafting in El Salvador's rapid-
filled rivers, kayaking in lakes, scuba diving in vibrant coral reefs, and surfing along the Pacific coastline.
Jungle and Wildlife Adventure: Immerse yourself in the rich biodiversity of El Salvador through wildlife
safaris in its lush rainforests and national parks. Explore treetop canopies on thrilling canopy tours and
trek through the jungles with exotic flora and fauna.
Cultural and Community-Based Adventure: Deepen your connection with El Salvador by living among
local communities, learning their traditional skills, and participating in vibrant cultural festivals that
showcase the country's heritage and traditions.

3. Responsible Adventure Tourism:

Environmental Conservation: Encourage your clients to minimize their impact on the environment by
following Leave No Trace principles and supporting eco-friendly tour operators.
Cultural Respect: Promote respectful interactions with local communities and cultures, emphasizing the
importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding.
Safety: Prioritize safety by selecting reputable tour operators, adhering to safety guidelines, and
ensuring that participants are adequately prepared and equipped.
Support Local Economies: Encourage tourists to support local businesses and communities by
purchasing locally made products and services.
Education and Awareness: Educate tourists about the natural and cultural significance of the places
they visit to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding.

4. Guidelines for Effective Delivery of Safety Instructions

Use Simple Language: Avoid technical jargon and use plain, understandable language. Ensure that
tourists of all backgrounds can comprehend the instructions.
Visual Aids: Utilize visual aids such as diagrams, pictures, and videos to supplement verbal instructions.
Visuals enhance comprehension, especially for visual learners.
Step-by-Step: Break down complex instructions into smaller, manageable steps. This approach prevents
information overload and helps tourists retain critical information.
Repetition: Repeat key safety points, especially before the activity begins. Repetition reinforces the
importance of following safety procedures.
Demonstration: Physically demonstrate how to use safety equipment or perform specific actions.
Tourists often learn better through observation and practice.

5. Steps to Follow in Case of an Emergency

Assess the Situation: First, assess the nature and severity of the emergency. Is it a medical issue, an
equipment malfunction, a natural disaster, or another type of emergency?
Ensure Tourist Safety: Prioritize the safety of tourists. Move them to a secure location, away from
immediate danger, if necessary.
Contact Authorities: If the situation requires external assistance (e.g., medical help, search and rescue),
contact the appropriate local authorities immediately. Provide them with the location and nature of the
Use Communication Devices: If you have communication devices (radios or phones), use them to call
for help. Know the emergency numbers and contact information for local authorities.
Provide First Aid: If someone is injured, administer basic first aid if you have the training and
equipment. Stabilize the injured person until professional help arrives.
Keep Tourists Informed: Communicate the situation and action plan to tourists. Reassure them, and let
them know what to expect and how they can assist.
Follow the Emergency Response Plan: If your adventure tour company has an emergency response
plan, follow it diligently. It should include specific steps for different emergency types.

6. Adventure Tourism Conversations

Conversation 1: Hiking Adventure
Tourist: Hi, we're interested in going on a hiking adventure in El Salvador. Can you recommend a good
Guide: Of course! The Santa Ana Volcano hike is one of the most popular choices. It offers stunning
views and takes you through the lush rainforests.
Tourist: Sounds amazing! What should we bring?
Guide: Make sure to wear comfortable hiking boots, bring a water bottle, and apply insect repellent.
We'll provide helmets for safety.
Conversation 2: Surfing Lesson
Instructor: Welcome to El Salvador's famous surf break! Are you ready for your surfing lesson?
Tourist: Absolutely! We've been looking forward to this. Do you have surfboards available?
Instructor: Yes, we have boards for all levels. We'll start with some basic techniques, and soon you'll be
riding the waves like pros.
Tourist: Sounds exciting! What safety measures should we follow?
Instructor: Always wear your surf leash, listen to the lifeguard's instructions, and be mindful of other
surfers. Safety first!
Conversation 3: Zip-Lining Adventure
Guide: Welcome to the canopy adventure! Before we start, let's go over some safety instructions.
Tourist: Great! What should we know?
Guide: Keep your harness securely fastened, and always follow the guide's signals. Lean back and enjoy
the ride!
Tourist: How high are we going?
Guide: We have various zip lines at different heights. We'll start low and work our way up, so don't
Conversation 4: Emergency Situation
Guide: Everyone, please stay calm. We have a minor equipment malfunction, but we're prepared for
such situations.
Tourist: What should we do?
Guide: First, we'll secure the equipment. Then, we'll use the radio phone to call for assistance.
Meanwhile, stay together and keep safe.
Tourist: Thank you for being prepared and keeping us safe.
Conversation 5: Lost Tourist Emergency
Guide: We've taken a wrong turn, and one of our tourists is missing. We need to locate them quickly.
Tourist 1: I can't believe we got lost! What should we do?
Guide: Let's not panic. Our emergency responder will stay with the group. We have a satellite phone to
contact authorities if needed. Stay put, and we'll find our missing tourist.
Emergency Responder: I'll stay with the group, and the tour guide will start searching. We'll reunite
everyone as soon as possible.
Tourist 2: Thank you for having a plan in place for situations like this.

7. Role-Playing Exercise:
Work in small groups of 3 to 5 members. Within your group, select ONE of the following prompts to
work on. Be ready to share your work after the breakout rooms session.
Prompt 1: Adventure Activity Plan
Objective: Plan an adventure tourism activity in El Salvador.
Instructions: Choose an adventure activity (e.g., hiking, surfing, zip-lining) and create a detailed plan for
it. Include safety measures, equipment needed, route or location, estimated budget, and potential risks.
Explain why you chose this activity and how you would promote it to tourists.
Prompt 2: Safety Instruction Guide
Objective: Develop a safety instruction guide for tourists.
Instructions: Create a comprehensive safety instruction guide that covers the essential safety guidelines
for an adventure activity in El Salvador. Use clear language and visual aids. Explain the importance of
each safety measure and provide step-by-step instructions. Include relevant vocabulary from the
Prompt 3: Adventure Tour Package Proposal
Objective: Create a proposal for an adventure tour package in El Salvador.
Instructions: Design a complete adventure tour package that includes activities, accommodations,
transportation, safety measures, and cultural experiences. Describe the target audience, pricing, and
promotional strategies. Justify why your package would appeal to adventure travelers.
Prompt 4: Case Study Analysis
Objective: Analyze a real-life adventure tourism case study in El Salvador.
Instructions: Research and select a case study of an adventure tourism company or destination in El
Salvador. Analyze its successes, challenges, safety practices, and cultural sensitivity efforts. Provide
recommendations for improvement based on the topics covered in the session.

8. Assignment
Select ONE of the previous prompts to work on. (You can complete the prompt that you selected in the
breakout room or choose another prompt.) You can respond to it in any oral or written way. Examples
of acceptable responses include a recording or video of no more than two minutes in length, a written
work of no more than one page, or a Power Point file with no more than 6 slides.

9. Evaluated Activities
Quiz 3: due at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, September 12
Assignment 3: due at 11:59 pm on Thursday, September 14

Adventure Together. (2023, June 29). El Salvador adventure travel guide.
Grand View Research. (n.d.) Adventure tourism market size & growth report, 2022 – 2030.
Grucela, A. (2023, June 10). Adventure tourism: 60+ statistics, facts, and trends [2023]. Passport photo
online. https://passport-photo.online/blog/adventure-tourism-statistics/


• The global adventure tourism market was worth $282 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow to
over $1 trillion by 2030.
• Adventure tourism is a growing trend, with the number of adventure travelers expected to
increase by 60% by 2025.
• The United States is the largest market for adventure tourism, accounting for 34% of global
• The most popular adventure tourism activities include hiking, camping, backpacking,
mountaineering, whitewater rafting, and scuba diving.
• The average age of an adventure tourist is 35 years old.
• Soft adventure activities (e.g., backpacking, camping, and hiking) make up 60% of adventurous
tourism’s revenue.
• Hard adventure activities, such as rock climbing or caving, bring 20% in revenue.
• The average length of an adventure trip in 2021 was eight nights.
• Couples are the most likely cohort to engage in adventure tourism, making up 40% of such
travelers. Next are solo travelers (25%), groups (20%), and families (14%).
• Women are more likely than men (51% vs. 38%) to seek adventures on their own.
• 85% of tourists aged 30–40 get activity inspirations from social media.
• Living new experiences, going off the beaten track, and traveling as locals are the key adventure
travel motivations.
• Adventure tourists are more likely to be college-educated and have higher incomes than non-
adventure tourists.
• The most popular adventure tourism destinations include Nepal, Tanzania, Costa Rica, and New
• Europe attracts 49% of adventure tourists. Central America comes second with a 20% clientele
share, followed by North America (14%).
• Adventure tourism is becoming increasingly popular among older travelers.
• Adventure tourism is often seen as a way to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
• Adventure tourism can be a physically and mentally challenging experience.
• Adventure tourism can be a safe and rewarding experience if it is planned and executed
A few statistics about adventure tourism in El Salvador:
• In 2022, there were an estimated 2.5 million tourists who visited El Salvador. Of these, 15%
were interested in adventure tourism activities.
• The most popular adventure tourism activities in El Salvador include hiking, surfing, and
• The average spending per adventure tourism tourist in El Salvador is $1,000.
• The adventure tourism sector is estimated to contribute $100 million to the Salvadoran
economy each year.
Some of the reasons why adventure tourism is growing in El Salvador:
• The country has a diverse landscape, with mountains, volcanoes, beaches, and rainforests.
• The cost of adventure tourism in El Salvador is relatively low.
• The Salvadoran government is promoting adventure tourism as a way to boost the economy.

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