Un Condtion Al Offer Letter

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Unconditional Offer - Subject to Qualification Verification

Dear Beant,

Student ID Number: 6000016665237

Now that you have satisfied the academic requirements, we are delighted to make you an Unconditional Offer of a place on
our MSc Management.

We have sent you a letter that you can access, download and print from within your Self Service Centre (SSC). This email
contains all the information that is included in the letter.

Access your Self Service Centre (SSC)

Click here to access your SSC.

Qualification verification

This unconditional offer is subject to verification of the following qualification(s):

Bachelor of Arts degree qualification from Punjabi University Patiala. Percentage score – 53.83%, Second Division.
Issue date – 07/07/2016.

The verification is undertaken by Qualification Check. Qualification Check will contact the body that awarded your
qualification to check that it is genuine.

When you submit your qualification(s) for verification, you will be required to provide your Student ID Number. Your Student
ID Number is: 6000016665237

Please click here for full instructions.

Please click here to submit your qualification(s) for verification.

Your course

Course: MSc Management

Awarding Body: Glyndwr University
Entry Level: Year 1
Course Duration: 1 Year
Mode of Attendance: Full-time
Level of Course upon Completion: FHEQ Level 7
Start Date: 2nd October 2023
End Date: 18th October 2024
Course Fees (Year 1): £15,000
Total Course Fees: £15,000

Graduate Visa: When you successfully complete your degree, you will receive a payment of £1,000 that can be used towards
the costs of the Graduate Visa. The Graduate Visa entitles you to stay in the UK for 2 years after you have graduated to
enable you to work or look for work. The current cost of the Graduate Visa, including the NHS Surcharge, is £1,948.

Note: During the first week of the course you will attend an enrolment session and an induction session. During the
enrolment session you will be provided with your Biometric Residence Permit, if you ask for it to be sent to us when you apply
for your Student Visa. During the induction session you will be provided with a free laptop and you will be shown how to
access all our IT systems.

How to Accept (or Reject) the Unconditional Offer

Before we can issue you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies, you need to accept this Unconditional Offer.

Once you have logged in to the SSC, click on the APPLICATIONS tab.

Click on the link: 2023 INTSVR Unconditional Offer - Subject to Qualification Verification.

You will see a RESPOND tab at the top right-hand-side of the screen. Click on the RESPOND tab to open the
online Unconditional Offer Acceptance Form.

Complete the form and click on SUBMIT at the end of the form.

You will also be able to print off a copy of your Unconditional Offer letter or download it.

Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)

Before you can apply for your Student Visa, we have to issue you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).

Before we can issue you with a CAS, you will need to complete some additional tasks.

Within the next few days you will receive an email to provide you with access to a separate system [CAS Shield].
This email will provide you with details about how to set up your account with CAS Shield.

Please click here for a video that explains how to access and use CAS Shield.

When you access CAS Shield you will be asked to confirm some of your details. You will be asked to upload your academic
certificates/transcripts and (if applicable) English Language Test. This is to ensure we have them all in one place for audit
purposes. In addition to these documents, you will also be asked to provide some, or all, of the following, and you may be
required to take an automated online interview:

1. Upload a clear scan of your passport. Your passport will need to cover the full duration of the course, plus an additional 4

2. Upload a scan of any previous UK visas and visa refusal letters.

3. Upload your proof of current address.

4. Upload a Tuberculosis Test Certificate, if you are from a country which requires you to take the test.

5. Pay at least 100% of the Year 1 course fees.

6. Upload evidence of sufficient funds to cover the balance of your Year 1 course fees plus living costs of a minimum of
£12,006 to cover your first year. The total amount must be maintained in your bank account for 28 consecutive days and the
bank statement must not be more than 31 days old on the day you submit your online visa application. It is important that
you take into account currency fluctuations, and therefore we would recommend you maintain at least an additional
10% in your bank account. You can check current conversion rates at: https://www.oanda.com/currency-

Note: If you are being funded by a parent or legal guardian you must submit official evidence of your relationship and a letter
of permission to use the funds for your education. If you have a student loan or you are being sponsored, you can submit your
loan letter/agreement (for a student loan) or financial guarantee letter (if you are sponsored). More details can be found here.

We will inform you, through your SSP and also through CAS Shield, once we have issued your CAS.

How to pay your fees

As stated above, before we issue your CAS you need to pay at least 100% of the Year 1 course fees.

When you pay your fees, you should use your Student ID Number as the payment reference. Your Student ID Number
is: 6000016665237

You have the following options for payment of your fees:

Credit card or debit card payment

You can make payments using a credit or debit card by making an online payment.

We do not impose any additional charges for paying by credit or debit card.


You can make payments using our online Convera facility.

This facility enables you to transfer payments through an overseas bank account. Once personal and payment details are
provided, you will be provided with Convera payment instructions, which you can either print and take to a bank for payment,
or use to transfer funds from an online bank account.

No additional charges are imposed by Convera or ourselves for using this service.

Bank transfer

You can pay by direct transfer to our bank account:

Bank: LLOYDS BANK PLC (Kings Cross Branch)

Account Name: Bloomsbury Institute Limited
Sort Code: 30-94-73
Account Number: 18954060
IBAN Number: GB49 LOYD 309473 1895 4060

Working in the UK

As an international student, you can work part-time (up to 20 hours a week) during term time, and full-time during vacations.

Once you successfully complete your degree, you are eligible for a 2-Year Graduate Visa, to enable you to stay in the UK to
work or to look for work.

Your Offer Package

Click here for additional information about your offer package.

Terms and Conditions

This offer is subject to our Terms and Conditions. You are advised to read the Terms and Conditions, and you are asked to
specifically look at Section 3 (tuition fees) and Section 10.1 (withdrawal if you do not engage with your studies).

Admissions Policy

We recommend that you read our Admissions Policy.

Here to help you: International Admissions Team

Our International Admissions Team is here to help you. You can contact the Team by email at international-office@bil.ac.uk. If
you have any questions, or if you require any assistance with accommodation, do not hesitate to contact the Team.

Best regards,

Sireesha Hemanth
Head of Admissions
Bloomsbury Institute

Email: international-office@bil.ac.uk

Our Privacy Notice sets out how we process the personal data of past, present and prospective students of Bloomsbury
Institute. The Privacy Notice explains how we collect, use and share your personal data, and your rights in relation to the
personal data we hold on you.
Privacy Policy

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