0 Questions Units-1-2

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MIT School of Cpmputing

Engineering Physics


Unit – 1 Acoustics & Ultrasonics


1. Is the wavelength of a sound wave of a given frequency same in all medium? Why? - 2 marks

2. How the sound produced by two different musical instruments differ from each other even if they
are playing same musical note? - 2 marks

3. Define echo and give the conditions for echo. - 2 marks

4. What is reverberation? - 2 marks

5. Define reverberation time and give the Sabine’s equation of reverbertation time. - 2 marks

6. Define absorption coefficient of a material. Using Sabine’s formula, explain the method of
determining the sound absorption coefficient of a material. - 4 marks

7. Explain any two factors affecting architectural acoustics of a lecture hall or an auditorium and give
their remedies. - 4 marks

8. What is echelon effect? How can we decrease it? - 2 marks

9. What are the different types of noise? How can we reduce them ? - 4 marks

1. A hall has a volume of 1200 m3. Its total absorption is equivalent to 480 m2 of open window. Calculate
reverberation time of the hall. What will be the effect on the reverberation time if audience fill the hall
and thereby increase the absorption by another 480 m2 of open window? - 2 marks

(Hint: T = ,
Ans. T1 = 0.4 sec, T2 = 0.2 sec)

2. A classroom has dimensions 20 x 15 x 5 m3. The reverberation is 3.5 sec. Calculate the total absorption
of its surface and the average absorption constant. - 2 marks
(Hint: T = , A =∑ α i S i ,
A i=1
Ans. A = 69m2, αav= 0.073)
3. The reverberation time is found to be 1.5 sec for an empty hall and it is found to be 1 sec when a curtain
cloth of 20 m2 is suspended at the centre of the hall. If the dimensions of the hall are 10 x 8 x 6 m3,
calculate the coefficient of absorption of curtain cloth. - 2 marks
(Hint: T = , A =∑ α i S i ,
A i=1
Ans. Aempty = 51.52, αcurtain = 0.644 )

4. A hall has volume of 2265 m3 and its total absorption is equivalent to 92.9
m2. How many persons should be seated in the hall so that the reverberation time becomes 2 seconds?
Given that the absorption area of one person is equivalent to 0.186 m2 of the open window. Calculate the
reverberation time of the hall also. - 2 marks
(Hint: T = , A =∑ α i S i, Aaudience =A person ∗ No . of persons )
A i=1
Ans = 481 persons



1. What is magnetostriction effect? - 2 marks

2. Explain the magnetostriction effect and working of magnetostriction ultrasonic generator with circuit
diagram. - 4 marks

3. What is Piezo-electric effect? - 2 marks

4. Describe inverse Piezo-electric effect. - 2 marks

5. Describe the use of ultrasonic waves for SONAR and flaw detection. - 4 marks

6. Explain inverse Piezo-electric effect and working of piezo electric ultrasonic generator with circuit
diagram - 4 marks
7. Explain the working of a SONAR. - 2 marks


1. Calculate the length of an iron rod which can be used to produce ultrasonic waves of 30KHz. Given that
Young’s modulus of iron = 11.6 x 1010 N/m2
Density of iron = 7.23 x 103 kg/m3 ( Take n=1.) - 2 marks

n ❑Y
(Hint: f =
2L ρ √)
Ans . L = 0.067m = 6.7 cm

2. Calculate the frequency of 22 mm length of a pure iron rod. Given that the density of pure iron is 7.25 x
103 kg/m3 and its young’s modulus is 115 x 109 N/m2. Can you use it in magnetostriction oscillator to
produce ultrasonic waves? (Take n=1.) - 2 marks
n ❑Y
(Hint: f =
2L ρ √
Ans. F = 90.51 khz
3. Calculate the frequency of ultrasonic waves using the following data.
Young’s modulus of quartz plate = 8 x 1010 N/m2, Thickness of quartz plate = 4.5 x 10-3 m
Density = 2.65 x 103 kg/m3, Take n=1. - 2 marks
n ❑Y
(Hint: f =

2L ρ
Ans . F = 610 Khz = 0.61 MHz

4. An ultrasonic source of 85 KHz sends down a pulse towards the seabed which returns after 0.75s. The
velocity of sound in sea water is 1700 m/s. Calculate the depth of the sea and the wavelength of
pulse. - 2 marks

(Hint:d= , v = f λ)
Ans d = 637.5 m , λ = 0.02m = 2 cm

5. A steel bar is tested using an ultrasonic flaw detector. The pulse arrival times are found to be 30 x 10-6
sec and 80 x 10-6 sec. If the bar is of 40 cm thick, find out the location of the defect. - 2 marks
(Hint:d= )
Ans. d = 0.15 m = 15 cm

Unit 2: Quantum mechanics and Nano technology

1. State the de’ Broglie hypothesis and give the expression for de’ Broglie wavelength - 2 marks
2. Derive the time dependent Schrodinger wave equation for a particle. - 4 marks
3. Derrive the time independent Schrodinger wave equation for a particle.? When can we use it? - 4
4. State and Explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. - 2 marks
5. For the case of particle in a one dimensional rigid box draw the diagram and describe the boundary
conditions on wave functions and give the expression of energy of the particle. - 4 marks
6. Explain a physical method of synthesis of nanoparticles with nessasary diagram and give its
advantageous and disadvantageous. . - 4 marks
7. Explain any 2 properties of nanostructures in detail. - 2 marks
8. Explain a chemical method of synthesis of nanoparticles. - 4 marks
9. Explain any four applications of Nano-technology in detail. - 4 marks
10. Why nanoparticles show different properties than their bulk counter parts? - 2 marks
11. Explain optical properties of nanoparticles. - 2 marks
12. What are the applications of nanotechnology in the field of automobile industry? - 2 marks
13. What are the applications of nanotechnology in the field of electronics industry? - 2 marks
14. What are the applications of nanotechnology in the medical field? - 2 marks


1. What is the speed of a proton with a de Broglie wavelength 0.1 Å ? - 2 marks

2. Find the kinetic energy of an electron whose de’ Broglie wavelength is the same as the wavelength
of a 100 KeV X ray. - 2 marks
3. Lowest energy of an electron trapped in a potential well 38 eV. Calculate the width of the well.
- 2 marks

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