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My dear Trevor!

I am keeping you in my mind all day and night long. You are in my mind when I get up and say good morning to you my
dear, you are in my mind when I make coffee for breakfast and feel pity as I am to drink it alone. I keep you in my mind
in the work and it is difficult for me to concentrate upon my duties as I am roaming with you through the woods and
mountains while I must listen to my boss or render documents. You accompany me in the evening when I come back
home in the dark city filled with lights. I go to my house with darkness in the window as nobody waiting me there and
look at yellow from the light windows of the houses and imagine families happy and not and KNOW when we switch
on the light in OUR window it will be the happiest, the lightest, the brightest, the warmest window in the world. You
know dear recently I have written to you in the night as at those days I managed only to drop into the Internet-cafe I
rent computer in and printed your letter. Then having come home I make coffee and comfort myself in the arm-chair and
reading carefully your letters, feeling every word and having a sensation I am the happiest woman in the world as I am
needed, I am waited by the man I have a deep feeling to, by MY man, by the man I waited for my whole life...

Unfortunately my trip will be possible only in August. And the only thing I can do is ... to dream. I am dreaming of our
meeting. I restrain myself from dreaming too much but succeed a little. If meditate it becomes evident that life is empty
without dreams. As for me I have so many dreams and wishes that sometimes it occurs to me that only a magic wand
can help me. Let's dream about our meeting together. Well, I even don't want to regard my thoughts as "dreams" let it
be foreseeing.

When I imagine our meeting there is a beautiful day before my eyes. As a rule, all the themes which are connected with
feelings remind me warm evenings with amazing sunsets, with nightingale's sinning and fragrance of jasmine, acacia or
lilac. Lilac is the most beloved flower for me. I like to dream about walking along the lilac alley with lovely man. We
have much time and hurry nowhere. We go hand by hand and feel the warm of each other. The aroma of lilac is
associated with sense of conciliating, felicity, love. Therefore bright-lilac is a color of love and happiness for me. I like to
have a rest in the botanical garden. Most of beautiful flowers are blooming there. It is a similarity of paradise but without
the atmosphere of primordiality.

We've met. I'm awfully happy. The whole day we were roaming around the town holding hand in hand. It began raining
and we hid in a small cozy cafe. We got wet and cold a bit. To warm we ordered coffee with liquor. We feel good and
don't want to go anywhere. I want to tell about all my life and to know all about you. I want a lot at once! And we can't
stop talking. The music begin to play and you ask me to dance. But it is not a habit to dance here, the whole place is
occupied by the tables and we go just outside in the rain. Can you waltz? I hope-yes, if not I'll teach you. I want to
dance with you waltz Boston. Later we'll dance everything what you want: rock&roll, tango, something like American
country just everything what you want but at first the waltz. I want you to show me all places you like, I want you to tell
me all thoughts you have in your mind, I want you to let me know all feelings you have in your soul...

Will you join me in my dreaming , dear?

Thank you for readiness to reach me by the telephone and to hear in person but unfortunately I have not got a telephone
at all, though to listen your voice would be a sheer pleasure for me. To hear your voice, to communicate with you in
person is a dream of mine.

With love and respect,

Your Olga.

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