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NR No: 002 Date: 08/SEP/2023

SHOTLIST: ATMIS conducts training on human rights for public officers in

Jubaland State



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1. Wide shot – Participants present during the Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop in
2. Med shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
3. Close up - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
4. Wide shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
5. Med shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
6. Close up – ATMIS Protection Officer, Gloria Jaase during the TOT workshop.

7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Gloria Jaase, ATMIS Protection Officer

“As you know, one of ATMIS’ mandate is to promote human rights protection and to
ensure that human rights are respected in our operations and those of our

8. Wide shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.

9. Med shot - ATMIS Senior Protection and Human Right Officer Jaase and a
participant discussing during the TOT workshop.
10. Med shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.

For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email:
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
11. SOUNDBITE: (English) Gloria Jaase, ATMIS Protection Officer
“We expect that when this training is over, the participants will cascade it to different
sectors of the society and make sure we generate a large number of trainers.”

12. Wide shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
13. Med shot – Key points written on the board during the discussions.
14. Med shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
15. Med shot – A participant writes down some points during the discussions.
16. Close up - A participant writes down some points during the discussions.

17. SOUNDBITE: (Somali) Ayan Mohamed Hassan, Participant

"This workshop is essential because it has taught me about individuals’ rights, which
will help me understand our own fundamental rights. Once we are enlightened, we
will also know the best practices of not violating others' rights.”

18. Med shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
19. Med shot – A participant explains some of the points during the discussions.
20. Wide shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
21. Med shot - Participants present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.
22. Wide shot - A participant explains some of the points during the discussions.
23. Close up – A participant present during the TOT workshop in Kismayo.

24. SOUNDBITE: (Somali) Hussein Mohamud Jama, Participant

"The purpose of the workshop was to prepare us to become trainers who will be
tasked with disseminating the knowledge we have learned here to various groups in

25. Wide shot – ATMIS officials and the participants take a group photo at the end of the

ATMIS conducts training on human rights for public officers in Jubaland State

Kismayo, 8 September 2023 - Twenty-one officers from Jubaland Federal Member

State ministries and civil society organisations have completed a five-day training of
trainer’s course on human rights and civilian protection in the port city of Kismayo.

The course is part of a series of training organised by the African Union Transition
Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to equip Federal Member States and civil society

For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email:
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
organisations officials with the necessary knowledge on how to protect and promote
human rights in their respective regions.

“As you know, one of ATMIS’ mandate is to promote human rights protection and to
ensure that human rights are respected in our operations and those of our
counterparts,” said Gloria Jaase, the Civilian Sector Coordinator and Protection
Officer, on Thursday.

The participants will be part of a team that will be sent to different parts of Jubaland to
train locals and various interest groups on human rights and civilian protection.

“We expect that when this training is over, the participants will cascade it to different
sectors of the society and make sure we generate a large number of trainers,” added
Jaase who is also the Acting Human Rights Officer.

The training focused on deepening the participants’ understanding of key principles of

International Human Rights Law, including human rights frameworks, children's rights,
women's rights, and the protection of Internally Displaced People (IDPs).

Jointly conducted by ATMIS’ Civilian Sector Coordination Office in Kismayo and

Jubaland State’s Ministry of Human Rights, Women and Family Affairs, the sessions
attracted representatives in the State Ministries of Interior, Security, Education, and

Ayan Mohamed Hassan, a member of Jubaland civil society, said the training will
enhance his knowledge and capacity in monitoring and documenting violations of
human rights in the community.

"This workshop is essential because it has taught me about individual rights, which
will help me understand our own fundamental rights. Once we are enlightened, we
will also know the best practices of not violating others' rights,” she said.

For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email:
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
Participant Hussein Mohamud Jama said he was ready to share the knowledge he
had learned with his colleagues.
"The workshop's purpose is to prepare us to become trainers who will be tasked with
extending and disseminating the knowledge we learn here to various members of
society,” he noted.

Since its involvement in Somalia, ATMIS has maintained a solid commitment to the
promotion and protection of human rights in Somalia, coupled with capacity building
for the Somalia Security Forces (SSF) and the local community, in compliance with
the UN Security Council 2628(2022).

-- Ends --

For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email:
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

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