Asset-V1 IIMBx+QM202x+1T2021+Type@Asset+Block@FoDS Syllabus

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Welcome to this online course and we wish you a fulfilling learning experience!

❖ Course Code: QM202x

❖ Course Name: Foundations of Data Science
❖ Course Instructor: Prof. U Dinesh Kumar
❖ This course is suitable for students/practitioners interested in improving their knowledge in the fundamental concepts of Data Science.
The course will also prepare the learner for a career in the field of Data Analytics.
❖ There are no mandatory pre-requisites for this course.
❖ Please follow the highest level of integrity and respectful online conduct for this course

# Module Title Topics Covered Content/Effort Grading % Release

Assessments Date

0 Welcome to the Course 30 minutes None 17/Mar/2021

❖ Welcome Message
4:30 UTC
❖ Navigation in edX

❖ Pre-Course Survey
❖ Meet the Team!

❖ Learning Aids

1 Descriptive Statistics and ❖ Introduction 10 Videos

5% 24/Mar/2021
Data Visualization
❖ Data Types and Scales Effort - 2 Hours 5 MCQs 4:30 UTC

❖ Population and Sample

❖ Measures of Central Tendency

❖ Measures of Variation

❖ Measures of Shape

❖ Data Visualization

❖ Demo Using Excel and Tableau

2 Probability Theory ❖ Introduction 18 Videos

5% 07/April/2021
❖ Probability Theory-Terminology Effort - 3 Hours 5 MCQs 4:30 UTC
❖ Axioms of Probability

❖ Bayes’ Theorem

❖ Random Variables
❖ PDF& CDF of Continuous
Random Variable
❖ Binomial Distribution
❖ Poisson Distribution
❖ Geometric Distribution
❖ Uniform Distribution
❖ Exponential Distribution
❖ Normal Distribution
❖ Chi-Square Distribution
❖ Student’s t-Distribution
❖ F-Distribution
❖ Tutorials

3 Sampling and Estimation ❖ Introduction 17 Videos

5% 21/April/2021
❖ Population Parameter & Sample Effort - 3 Hours 5 MCQs 4:30 UTC
❖ Sampling

❖ Probabilistic Sampling

❖ Non-Probability Sampling

❖ Sampling Distribution

❖ Central Limit Theorem

❖ Sample Size Estimation for Mean

of the Population

❖ Estimation of Population

❖ Method of Moments

❖ Estimation of Parameters Using

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

4 Confidence Intervals ❖ Introduction 7 Videos

5% 5/May2021
❖ CI for Population Mean Effort – 2 Hours 5 MCQs 4:30 UTC

❖ CI for Population Proportion

❖ CI for Population Mean when
Standard Deviation is unknown

❖ CI for Population Variance

5 Hypothesis Testing ❖ Introduction 20 Videos

5% 19/May/2021
❖ Setting up a Hypothesis Test Effort – 4 Hours 5 MCQs 4:30 UTC

❖ One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Test

❖ Type I Error, Type II Error, and

Power of the Hypothesis Test

❖ Hypothesis testing for Population

Mean with Known Variance: Z-

❖ Hypothesis testing for Population

Proportion: Z-Test

❖ Hypothesis test for Population

Mean under Unknown Population
Variance: t-test
❖ Paired Sample t-test

❖ Two-Sample Z and t-test

❖ Two-Sample Z-Test for


❖ Effect Size: Cohen’s D

❖ Hypothesis Test for Equality of

Population Variances

❖ Non-Parametric Tests: Chi-

Square Tests

❖ Tutorials

6 Analysis of Variance ❖ Introduction 8 Videos

5% 02/Jun/2021
❖ Multiple t-Tests for Comparing Effort - 3 Hours 5 MCQs 4:30 UTC
Several Means

❖ One-way ANOVA

❖ Two-way ANOVA
❖ Tutorials

7 Correlation Analysis ❖ Introduction 6 Videos

5% 16/June/2021
❖ Pearson Correlation Coefficient Effort - 2 Hours 5 MCQs 4:30 UTC

❖ Spearman Rank Correlation

❖ Point Bi-Serial Correlation

❖ The Phi-Coefficient

8 Applied Linear Algebra 5% 30/June/2021

❖ Why do we need Linear Algebra? 10 Videos
5 MCQs 4:30 UTC
❖ Matrix Algebra and Operations Effort - 4 Hours

❖ Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

❖ Linear Algebra in Dimensionality


❖ Linear Algebra in Natural

Language Processing
❖ Linear Algebra in Machine

9 Final Exam MCQs Graded Questions-40 07/July/2021

4:30 UTC

MCQs- Multiple Choice Questions; UTC – Coordinated Universal Time

Points to Remember:

❖ Course end date – 14/July/2021 4:30 AM UTC

❖ Last date to submit all graded assessments – 13/July/2021, 4:30 AM UTC
❖ To receive verified certificate, you should get a score of 60% or higher
❖ Please contact edx support team for all technical, platform, certification and payment related issues.

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