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Exhibit 1 Financial Statements for 1975

Balance Sheet
As of December 31,1975
Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances
Cash 30,934 Accounts Payable 32,754
Accounts Receivable 8,800 Accrued wages 3,466
Inventory 40,540 Total Current 36,220
Total Current 80,274
Bank Loan 27,550
Furniture & Equipment 21,700 Total Liabilities 63,770
Less: Accumulated
Depreciation 8,788 Fund Balances:
Total fixed 12,912 Designated by board for 25,000
Special Outreach Project
Total Assets 93,186 Purchases of new equip. 3,000
Undesignated 1,416
Total Fund balances 29,416
Total Liabilities and Fund
Balances 93,186

Income Statement
Revenue from patient fees 345,450
Other revenue 5,000
Total Revenue 350,450

Program services 235,000
Utilities 10,000
Laboratory 25,000
General and Administrative 92,000
Total Expenses 362,000

Surplus (Deficit) (11,550)

Exhibit 2 Costs and Patient Visits1 for 1975, By Department

Department Visits Salaries2 Others3 Total
Pediatrics 5,000 $20,000 $8,000 $28,000
Family Planning 10,000 5,000 15,000 20,000
Adult Medicine 2,100 30,000 16,000 46,000
Nursing 4,000 27,000 6,000 33,000
Mental Health 1,400 15,000 8,000 23,000
Social Services 1,500 32,000 8,000 40,000
Community Health 2,500 5,000 10,000 15,000
Dental 6,400 20,000 10,000 30,000
Sub-Total 32,900 154,000 81,000 235,000
Administration 38,000 2,000 40,000
Rent 36,000 36,000
Utilities 10,000 10,000
Laboratory Work 16,000 9,000 25,000
Cleaning 6,000 6,000
Record Keeping 7,000 3,000 10,000
Total $215,000 $147,000 $362,000
Number of Patient Visits 32,900
Average Cost per Visit $11.00

Patient visits rounded to nearest 100; Expenses rounded to nearest 1,000
Includes fringe benefits
Materials, supplies, contracted services, depreciation and other non-personnel expenses
Exhibit 3 Floor Space and Laboratory Usage1 by Department

Department Floor Space2 Laboratory Usage3

Pediatrics 1,000 1,000
Family Planning 1,300 200
Adult Medicine 1,800 2,400
Nursing 300 100
Mental Health 1,000 ---
Social Services 500 ---
Community Health 1,100 100
Dental 1,000 200
Administration 500 ---
Record Keeping 300 ---
Laboratory Work 1,200 ---
Total 10,000 4,000

Rounded to nearest 100
In Square Feet
In hours/year

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