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Compavisen between Voltage and Four Areplifers Basis of Comparision Amplitude of AC signal! Output irmpedanee Cusvent Collector load. GllectoY Gerend Gouging Transistey Size UNIT-I Noltage amplifier The amplitude of vopat Ac signal %5 small The aulpud impedonce of the voltage amphfer is very high ¢ 12ka) Te collector current of the veltage amplifier very ow 4p to ima Ty vdtage avaplifier, the caltector load has igh vesistane , ty pically yaa RK: Re coupli "4 io used 19 voltage amplifier The hansis tov used has low powey voting heme Smell WM sire ® Loy Bruce _ Amplifier The amplitude of opt Ac signal is lage | 1 output imnpedance of the power amplifier 6 very loo cap te goon? , 50 that at can detiver a high corres Tre callector casent of Vhe power oraplifiey iS greater than (oor) Tn purer amplther the collector toad has (oe sesistarne typically sn to 202 Transformer coupling is ued in Pouer amplife used as \avge power vating The transistor hence lage in Size why Rover Amplifies > To drive a load with high power > pudio system needs tens to hundreds Walls of power why power amplifiers ave known as large signal amples ? Buer amplifiers ore capable of providing large amount of power to Ahe load: (ww The stage which develops and Seeds suf Picient , banding the lange signals is power ty the load like — loud speaker, gev vo mote Amplifier called large signal amplifier o Quer What is the Funchon of — Pouer amplifier To amplify a weak signal until sufficient power 1S achieved fo drive a load (like loud speaker) » > Typical output power vay of aq poury amplifier will be 10 oy higher - Facors to be considered 19 large signal amplifies — ar Power amplifier Oulput Rewer Diste ton opeveting veqion Theva} —Considevations EFfiency classification of fower Amplifers classa The aoplifer conducts through the Fal aso" cf the input he operating point Ca-point) 1s get near the middle of the load line Eficienty is 257 te 607 class 6 The amplifier candack through est of the input she pint is set at catolf region LeFicenty is equol to WS 7% Class AB ° ‘ the amplifer Conducts some where between 140" and 360 Tee g-qeirt 45 located anyuhere in between the middie of the tadline and cut off region The aport efficieny 15 between soy and T8S7- classe The amplifier conduck lessthan 188° of the toput The epint 16 locoted belay the wit oF region Efficienty © A944: Conductivo angle class aq > effaency class A < class AB class AG > clasB > classe Tr order 4o achieve the maximum — symmetrical s0ing of current ard wltage Cap achieve wnaxiemum outpet power) the @ point C operating point ) shold be located at the centre of the de load fine ppply kvL to the output side of fhe civcutt shown in Rigi Yee ~TERi-Yee =O oe Meer Vee Rt 90) TR = Wet Vee Tc = - Me 4 Me Ye Mey Me ow T= (gt )%e + RQ RL CEO RL 2® compare the abwve equation with Hh Yemrtc (where yore, r=Mee , slope EM= ae wer ee J L Tc=(b)o+ Ye = Ke Put Vee <0 ingatu get ~interaet we RL a Pat aaa F Te=0 in egcw, Vo get x-intercet 9= CR) Me 4 Me ae > " : A small input signal causes the output voltage to swing to a maxirn um of Yee and minimum of ov Ve The cacvent can also swing yarn 0 ™mA cto Dc opevation ply xvi at sop side of the avutt abown in gt Nec - Teg Re -Yee = 9 Mee = Vee » Tea RB Tea - “ec -Vee et Cwhere VeeroTyv ) ee Re 26) eollector cuyrent Seq = P Tea ny Catlector to Emitter voltage Vee = Mee - Tog Au Fromm €7 09) 46) operacting point @ ( Vecq, Sea) De powey Input The dc power input is provided by the supply CMe): with no acc input signal The ve curremt drawn 1s the collector current Tea. Hence dc power input is (CP). = Nee Teg + @ AC Power dutput The ac power delivered by the amplifier fo the toad can be expressed by using v-m-6 values ) CP ac = Yams Tyms ca) Nrenge Nm ~{" rarer SC emeeeee ee Tims = Im eb zea = & & = ot C Bom Higa: Vmnaa=Yee ,%min=0, Tmort 2Ice, Tmin=o J) Subshlute eq tp) ,(@) in e209? ac Me Tea = “ee Kee ee ee ape rai Efficiency The efficienry of an amplifier vepresents the amount of ac: pouty deliverd ov tvancferred to the load from the de sounre anes OL Oae sion, Nec Tea apa amine Tang = 00 .o5, Py ge th qT x loo We 225 7 Subshtwte €¢ cays ppc) in e@ 11> Mec Tea ) Thas the maximum efficiemy of a sevies Ped class a Power anplifter is 294 Fower Dissipation The amount of power dissipated by the tansisty is the difference between the de prver inet and ac power delivered ty the load ao Advantages <> Current Flows for complete input cycle > The circuit is stmple to design > wo distortion is present Disadvantages > Power dissipation is rove > tow Efferenty > low Ruer output ts @ Explain with neat diagram the operation amd constueti of class # series Led power amplifier b Devive te expression f DePower » AC Power , Power dissipation and ePRcency of the above circuit Sen 2-9) show that the maximum efficieny of class Puey amplifier is 257. ) 4n Series fed class power Amplifier Vee = 20, Rie (6M , Raz ISkr Kind opevating point and ef Ficienty. Assume the required data 2b) Gol Given Vie 2 90¥ Fee V5KE y vssi0tn R, len led us Assume Yee ort¥ Be 50 Tea = “CnMOE - a0-0:7 id ae —— siee < _ a = 19-87 810 = 1B TMA Re 1S K10" sed Tea = Bigg = ome loBImMAS + 6UBS mh Meas Mec~ Teg + 20- we'albe CONG+ 25 =-. = ety ) operating punt @ (Mca, ta) = ( 4qv , 45 mA) WD efdeney 33 Poet Mee Teg © 20 K OURS MA « 20K6U2-5 KIO = (DBT Watts, Tac = Meo Tee = 20KbUT-SMA 399 Walls = ~~ FPReeny (7M) & Fae too foe = BPD loo = 26.02 225% (2-87 Calculate the input power . output power and efficieny of the fi sevied fed clase A power amplifer fy ian input voltage that results base carrent of iomA if Re cikn )RL=2op, Bros = vi and \ee = 90 see a Sole Given Rg etka, Reson tw ¥e% B25 »%=20v C= Neg ave ¥ Eigen comes | ke = 2-07 5 143 mA K Tea SBtpg = 2SRINSMA = UB2S MA +) Input pmsey (Red = Vee Tea 29 KUB27> SMA = 165 W Now input ac voltage causes a base current of lama ye toma) oh ae a CD enels \oma Cedams = BU ms = 25 xlo mA mA = 116-78 mA Wokouer Cy W = 0426W wo caluatate the input power, output power and the efficiency of class A power amplifier shwo in Rg: The input voltage causes a bate current = 5 mA ems Aaeint8¥) Bee tr3er i —— aa tee Sol) Tyg = Vie“ YB=0°1 Liam EMEP UI aus pape 616 Re, Leak ce \Yse pau a Teg = BTea = YoxlueyrmA =SIb-8MA e i. ) Ampat wee Fee Vee Sea ; 3 =1B*S7OSMA =18K5768X IO = oaew 8) gutput Gwer Pre = Tyme RE given Ciy)e srne Gres = (Pe ee yors mA = 200mA * face (200K) ¥1b = 00416 oGuw 1) EPhaeny Cony +, BS qI00 Fre = O64 x0 + GIT 26% to 38 6 Transformer Coupled Class-A pawer Amplifier Me ee R "Step down = St -— ‘. r Figh Transformer Coupled class power amplifter ' Here R, and provide + ia Re provides stabilization fon The tansformey used here 16 step-doun tvansfermer with tums vatio n= Mt The High impedance primary of the Hanéformes Te connected tothe high inpedante collector wm circuit * The low impedante getondary of the tvansfarmey i Connected to the load ( genevatly loud Speaker ) DC operation TH is assumed that the winding fesistantes ave On ding of the transformer There is no oc wltage drop acinss the poimary win ppply KvL at the olp side Vee -0-Vee = 0 Nee = Veo 1) + yep actass the primary winding of the Teansfonea «+ De: bias as voltage Meg = Ve ea) DC tun, i ueent” drain 35 the callector current Tee De Buey Input ‘The dc power input iS pravided the de cuvrent dawn is the collector current Tea by the supply voltage with no input signa) Hence de power input is given by Poe = Vee Tea Brae Heer Input Ac aurtput power > The ac power developed id on delivered to the load is on the secondary side of the the primary side of the trantfarmer . + transformer > The ac power delivered by the amplified to the load can be expressed by using ms values Fac = Wane Trms uy Vn LO Yann -% ai ‘macs Veni) ata aaa = ee e ( ] & ( ie) eee Tvms = Im = 1 (e=ae=s] atl ey ee iG Se i re (ss Veeng ‘i ” eB = from fg 2 Mman= 2%) Viigo , Tmon= 2 Sea , Tmn=? substitute e945) & eg (ce) in eqtu) Gente Tay = Vee ie! aR a ef Rciency The efficieny of an amplifier represents the amount of ae power delivered tov transfevred 40 the load from DC Source p, (7H) = 2 xtoo nee GSD, Foe Substilute eges) g erer) in ercs) mM: Vee Tea = aes x loo =S0y¥ Vee Tea transformer coupled 49 Hence maxtmurn possible theoretical efficienty in case of classa amplifier ss sox B Vy Advantages Le The efficienty of operation is highey than d Sevies fed classn Power amplifier 2° Excellent impedance rnatching 16 athieved 3- Maximurn power transfer is done 4 pe biasing current is doesn't Flow thvough the load So powey is Saved - Disadvantages tepue to the transformer , the civeutt becomes bulk yer 2+ Expensive C costly) when compared to Seviesfed class A Rwer amplafie 3: Foor Frequency 1eBponse Trpedance matching ri) J | loud speaker eat . Refleced ——Topud impedarce impedane i a inptdon 5 60 speaker is enly a few chs C2) Several hurched high ohms Trnpedanve matching D Explain with neat datagram , the working of a teans-for mey coupled class A Power amplifiers what ave the advantages and — dis advantages 2) Show that tn the case of transformer coupled class A fower amplifier, maximum Pficrenty is Sov. Oya pa Transformer Acton >The ranefrmey vsed tn the collector civeutt for impedance roatching > The prey transferred nm the power ampliRer to the load iil be woaviroum ony Hf the amplify output impedance oquals tp the [rad resistance - Tis 5 actor ding cto mevimurry power Sranvfer theorem Saente Sy ansfor marinus poner Liser amplifier to te out put matching of amplRer output impedance with the aig of sutput device is Necessary device or Ne i We de “dyh bs Placid tn load Acc a “Tramsformet Bis the load resistance connected in Secondary of atanshrmer Qi! +» Reflected Ind vesistante in the primary . The number of turns im the Primary are Ny Secondary + b lek ov, is the primayy vo tage Va Secondary” 9) ae Primary cuvvent a a Secondary” 4 - Tuvas vatio tes ear Me, Mees. gS ea pe te a rai, . a) My =(n e (ME 4 (ye to Cyt oy x ys wm as Ma (4%) 7 esc eo Y, ay ina Q wheve Mv, 1 M eGR | veflected Inad resistance (# Effective Input T resistance at the primary) Von = RL — load resistance Cm Effective autpub resistance ab th the Secondary of the transformer ? Rs pe eee Vac Power develbped on the primary of the transformer is given by : F 1 z Fac = Wire Sivms x Fac = TNrms Ri (00 Pac= Virms a where Vyms - @MS value of primary voltage Tin . a Current Mereng = Mi » Twos © D we fe 2 > ac powey deliverd to the toad on Secondayy of the Frans-forrney is given by 2 2 fac = Meme Tarms (0 Pag = Soame Rr 0 Bet Vans. Rr where Vers —R™S value of Secondary valtag e == a ovens) ee 4 cuvrent == Ty aoe A transformer coupled class-A power amplifier supplies a of power to speaker 4 the supply voltage iS %V and Teq is ‘Soma find the efficienty of the circutt Sol efficienty én) u fae x8 pe given Nac =2W Toe = Vee eq = 36 ¥I50 mA =26xIS0x15 = 4H CN) = =, 00 en wef lected amplifiey, the * load impedance is 1602" Foy @ payliculay power carcent of 7A from als Tf the amplifier dakes a mean collectos Supply and delivers ac load power of 25" 4o the transfor mer couple d- load , calculate the efPicienty and the collector dissi pation Sele Pree Vee’ Icqg = 16 *2= Bow Pac = Q5W aoe eftrcientyy GAN) 7 Tp =US xo 2 8% 30 Foner dissipation = Poe-Re = Brees = QATSW ClassB Pash Pull Ampl fer load | oubput Hanstorrre f is Acansforrner pn Conshuctiot Class ® push pull amplifier consi bases axe coomected to the secondary ef He centey tapped rope ste of two identical” Froneictrs 7 and Te whee transfrmer Ty > The emitleys axe shorted and connected 4 ground > The collector Lerminals ave connected 42 Yee ‘through he primary f the outpet transformer Tro Heo ota drans-formet => The input signal 1S applied 3 Te tnpid vansfarmer paduces opposite pelacity, signals to the Hoe Fransigtor veut CThe tuo signals ave we cut of phase with each ather) The avteut -ronsformer cambines ‘we bales of the Ae wovelbnn -bogether <> The toad is connected to the stondavy of the satput transformer operation, “> During the pusitive haif-uycle of the ne input, transistor is conducting Cin active region) and collector current (ig) flows and 7 is off Cin cabot region) andro os * Clg) on > During negative half cycle of the Ac input, transicty 1, is conducting and collector current Cle Flows and 7, is OFF > Hence fy both the cycles, each transistor candutts calternately . e we a4, \ Im » load line \ y . ack Nee Joperating point Figo: The De ov average value of £ ctpat tatemrert of each trantibtr- ty is = Im vT > The too cwrents , dyawn by the tuo transistors , from the die Surly ave in the same direction - s Hence the total de ot avevage current dyaon fom the supply is sum of the individual average current drawn by eath transistor We = Tm 4 Im 5 2h 7 = oo De fouey Input The toll Dc power input is given by Foc = Mee Tae o ez Me % Im =H? 1 hoe % Ve Poe ea ec AC Rwer output Toe Te Ven tims and Trg = Im Mins = cee BD “Pac = Mo tm = Yn Sen v2 =r from $g9, Vine Vee. Pac = Medm =... & ELPicienty me SE pied The — Yecim a io ot Nee Tin T = Txtoo 4 TR = 185% -- (6) clas 8 amplifier 15 18-Sy- Hence, He mavimuro efficienty of —pash pull Power dissipation ‘the power dissipation by both the transistors 16 the difference between the pe power input and ac power deltvered to the load Fy = Poe-Pac eG) substitete eps eacuy in e8c7? By = 2MeTm- YmIm gy ye BMce Oeee 1 = T RoR! i ~ BRU shee St The condition Poy mantmurn powey diesipation can be obtatned by © differentiating the e¢¢8) wert Vm and equating ty 0 se = & ve -2%m =0 oe ge a Vn F % Mec foc maninurry power dissipation C4 eustivie nen unnversiing fg a a Fone A Be -@ Vee) 4 ee 1 ei. SS 7 al Te Tm Rt 7 2a! 2 Cee eee ia Ad vantages 1. The efficiency is higher than classA (1 18:57) 2. Move output power B when there 15 no input signal, the Power dissipation iS Zero 4 Impedance matching is poasible Disadvantages t+ pue to transformers, the civeuit 2+ Expensive 3 Frequenny vesponSe 1S poor 4 Harrnonte distortion is higher: ) Derive the expression fee maxtmurn class 8 push pull amplifrer what are its advantage 5 and becomes bulky EPPicienty in case of dis odvantages, Complementary Symmetry class B Rewer Aanplifier +Vec vy alan Aca es “ies ois ae : oo SS oe Piga- re lifter Bgt-civeuit Aiegvan of complernertany Symmetry class Faser amp Complementary tvansistors means one of the transisters iS PP and other iS PNP — The Hansisoy 7 is Pn ahile Tm is PAY - far beHley impedance waking the two ‘Wansisters 7; and Ty ace used in common collector configuration Cemitter follower) > Busing Yhe positive half cycle of the input the transist J, iS in active vegion and Jo i in cutoff vegion: > Transiste 1, produces, Bsitive half cycle across the load Rt Fhe transisty F) > paring the wegative half cycle of the input, is in cutoff vegion and Fy is in active vegion R > Heme tyausicl produces, negative half cycle across the aad Re >The overage ao ve current drawn by each Hansistw is Sm > The toto! pe carent dvaun Gren the supply 1 equal to sum of individual average cusent drawn by each transistey t - q aes cee aaa Tnput De Pouev De Posey input is given by Cen foc = Nee Tae een substtute eg 0) in ea cay eM, 3S pS 40) Output ac Power is ‘The az poner delivered by the ampliftey 47 the lead Vime > Trms ta) Sine nlae Vege in aqll Senoee Pac. “ { Ss 2@ Efficiency ana fac Xtoo | ¥oe Substitute eq yeats) 19 Ct OW 7 = ery Exim Se =HYm x 100 geile cho Mee Fem i for smanimmum ePficienty Non Sil reac es Ce) ae “W = Mee 1b i ae = Tx too a mn 2 18:5 7 Advantages Lak ig a Hranefemmevtess cineatt, 60 cnet 15 lees - 2 Due + cornman collect canfiguuakon, impedance matthing 1s possible S The Frequenty veeponse 1S gerd Dio ad vantages VT a6 difficult do get a pare at dransistrs Cnn & pnp) fal hove gimilay characteristics « 2 circuit needs both positive and negative supply swsltages S- dulpat 16 dishrted due to cress ever Distartion - Crossover Distortion ClassB ft sf fer amplifier suffers from cress ovey dietorton: > 0. S Tn the class® configuration , he tao identical transistors get into Conduction , one afte the other and the output produced aill be the combination af both > > For a transistey in order to conduct , the base emitter junchan should cress ov (By silicon? Cre curt -in volkage vy, ) + Tansistey FT, conducts hen Vin 7 0-1 x a % » Vin €-01v when -ov ¢ Vin co-av, both the transistors aye in ve ets cut-off vegion ond output 6 zero- oss met 1058 cn <7? ‘T oFF T oFF Raney Ts. conducting PATHS cress aver distortion elect vedures he peak value: of the oad whith yo turn vedutes the Mmantmum Poot catgut Aistertion occas When the BIS are net perfedy matched: RE CVESS NR Fhrenation of cross-over Distection Te prevent eras quer distortion , beth transistors will normally te Based at a level Mhet 1S slightly above cut off Class AB Rawer Amplifier 3 05 the mame implies class A@ iS combination of class A and class B type of amplifiers > he clots A has the problem of low efficency and class B has cxassever distorton problem, class 4B is emerged to eliminate fhese tuo problems, by ubilizing the odvantages of beth the classes: > To eliminate crossover distortion, both transistors in the class B arrangement must be biased slight above cut-off Tuhen thee is no sigaal- Solution egiet Picker Te a The biasing can be dine aging wltage divider bias wp State vebwe fy, Reecters | Rand me Se divider ber. =) > To awid crass ever dishrtion » the village acres: vesishe Ry should be equal ts Aransistey cut-in wHage 0%) Cre 07 fe Ss) Ds Hee Resistere Rand Rp are used to provide adequate z bas- 5) 4 Rand’ ace chesen subtel village eurest Ma 18 ead on Operation The moment when the input signal crosses zero y the Hansist Starts omdacing Simslarly when the Input signal guec beta zero , He sransishe TS Start candtecting Hoasmonies Harmonics ave integer multiples of a Sindaro ents Frequenty f) Herefove havmenics ean be eapvessed 2F component is called 1 SF as 2, 3, uf The second harmoni¢ , thicd ¢ & UF the Fandarnental Requenty (F) is shiz je \ ad harmonic 1S 2 xf = 2x5k = KH <— on os Laee = 3xskstsntz-/ | 3 " : peck | 20.06 mies Harmonic Distortion > Distortion jn the output waver due fo the generation of hatrammice > Harmonic distor ton ve produced due te non tinenrity of active device Fij-curkput signa! | with oul astortion ofa eat \ay \ | \/ fg. a4 harmonic conponent Gaprecnern Coutput due to 294 harmonic ) Harmonic distwtion > ean be caltulated fn 7-Py =| | xm anh distyton = Shere 1 foo amplitude of fundamental Sequenty an = " Highest harmemc Cnt havmonic? the total havmonic distortion THD) 1S determined by 9 * Transistor is a mon Wtneay device: Because of non-linearity the output signal ef an amplifler is distored The output current 15 ig = Ty+ T, sinwt + 7, singut + Ts Sin gut + --- eae, ea A Fandanerda! 24 faceronie 314 havmonic Carnpeneat where So - 0¢ component 4, - Peak value of fundamental component Th , and harmonic “dou I, - " . output prwer due to harmonic distortion The Rover delivered to the load at the fundamental Frequenty is Re (2) a . output power due to 24 havmanic component is Poe ( iy Cone Sef Octput power due to 314 harmonic component 15 a - (BY a 5 mall Total power delivered to load ov Total output prover Pea let eet tq, a cy Pay De pT RL L e a . ae (a pee rT ooo mattigle divide with 1,2 ca 2 gt Re = (te 4 yy 7 = fe = Cin aot. IR = Tac = Cte ntyPy Pr seand hormanie distortions _—— qT where pas total disthon [oe tD-- Px Tard ys 2 YThe ac power output of a class A amplifier is uw: TF the ePAciency is ys7 — what £6 fawet raking of — tansistey a) Seqe) epee ©) 24W 4) <4uw rye fac y i “Se Yat Fae 1° Qe = aay The power vading 9) calulate the ePPiciency of a class B amplifier for a supply voltage of guy with peal voltage of 8 volts a) 2618 ¥ ) a5:6o4% O 40257. 6) yy = 3 Yo xloo 4 Me eT xB x WO 2 261799 S 218 qo 3) A Moucr transistor ubsking in class @ opevation bas xero signal power dissipation of 5 wats: Bnd the efficienty and power rating of the Hansistor , SP ac power i equal to 2 Walb Gen PoceS Facer on & Power rating ap trasisty = DC Pew = Ef Fiieny (vA) = a x 100 be = ZW 2 Yow S = U6 of transisty should be gyeaker than a equal ty 8:9 To complementary eymmetry class user amplifier circuit Vee easy, Pizto , Gmere, determine the inpd power, aut Pauer and ef ficranvy Sei Input De Power (Poe d= Veo ( 220) ot 2°95 (? ae 7 2 ew output ac Rwev (Be) = “nim z Ve The output power i mani muro salen Nen= Mee Vee im 9622. 95W gia z CfBeiency (mm) - ieare ios ° foe = 25 x10 2 186% 318 ta)with neat sketch, explain the complementary symmetry classe Rwer amplifier ») Derive the expression pe Fower, AC Power , Rwer dissipation and efficienty gf the above civtuit 2 eeplain with neat diagram the operation and constuction of Gomplementary symmehy classB power amplifies 3 Faplain the operation of uass-@ power amplifier using npn and pnp -tansittrs: with the help of circuit and waveforms 4 pra the crcuit of class-n@ power amplifier and explain its wotking S what is the dvawback of class® power amplifier How vt is gong to overcome using class AB power ampli Frey G what 15 crossover distortion suggest a methad of power amp lifter Con Fi guanc in which Crs eer distortion can be elimtnabel

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