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How do you balance the desire for quick progress with the need for steady and
consistent practice?
k. What role does immersion play in speeding up the language learning timeline?
l. Have you ever felt frustrated by the time it takes to become proficient in a new
language? How do you cope with such feelings?
m. Do you think it's better to focus on learning quickly or on thoroughly
understanding the language?
n. How does the availability of language learning resources impact the time it takes
to learn a language?
o. What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn a language efficiently
in a relatively short time?
p. Have you experienced moments where you felt like you were making rapid
progress? What caused these moments?
q. How does the concept of "language learning plateau" relate to the time it takes to
become proficient?
r. What milestones or achievements do you use to track your language learning
progress over time?
s. How do you manage your time effectively to ensure consistent language practice?
t. Do you think having a language learning partner or community can impact the
speed of your progress?

Read the text and answer the questions.

There are many good ways to learn English faster. Here are some top tips:

Talk with native English speakers. This helps you learn how to pronounce words and
make sentences. It also helps you practice conversational English.

• Set reasonable goals that you can reach. This will help you stay motivated.
• Try to find a conversation exchange partner. A conversation partner can help
you learn culture also.
• Stay focused on your reasons for learning English. Think about why you want to
learn to stay motivated.
• Use English learning apps on your phone and computer. Apps can help you
learn anywhere and anytime. Good apps include dictionaries and focused
learning apps.

The key is to use different techniques like grammar, conversation, and apps.
Staying motivated by talking with native speakers and setting goals for yourself can
help you learn English faster

1. Do you use any of these tips?
2. Do you have any other tips to learn faster?
3. What role does reading play in your language study?

More information - How long does it take to learn a foreign language?

https: //www.studyandgoabroad.com/meaningful-travel/language-travel/long-does-
learn-foreign-language/#: ~: text=The%20next%20and%20most%20accurate,in


20. The cities of the future

Step into the world of tomorrow's cities, where amazing changes are happening.
Advanced technology is making cities greener, more efficient, and nicer to live in.
Imagine buildings covered in gardens that clean the air, cars running on electricity,
and smart roads that control traffic. These cities are all about staying connected –
you can get quick healthcare help and move around easily with public transport. But,
there are also some challenges to face. We need to make sure everyone can enjoy
the benefits, and keep our personal information private. As we move forward, these
future cities want to blend technology with city life in a good way for everyone.

Web page

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG74dkrrE7I

a. How do you think future cities will look different from cities today?
b. What kind of technologies do you imagine will be used in cities of the future?
c. How might buildings in future cities be more environmentally friendly?
d. Do you think electric cars will become the norm in future cities? Why or why not?
e. How could smart roads make transportation better in future cities?
f. What are some benefits of having more green spaces in future cities?
g. How might technology help with waste management in future cities?
h. Do you think public transportation will be more accessible in the cities of the
i. What role might artificial intelligence play in managing future cities?
j. How could future cities be designed to be more inclusive for people of all abilities?
k. What challenges could arise from the increased connectivity in future cities?
l. How might healthcare services be improved in the cities of the future?
m. What are some potential privacy concerns in technologically advanced cities?
n. Do you think everyone will have equal access to the benefits of future cities? Why
or why not?
o. How could future cities be more energy-efficient compared to today's cities?
p. What positive impacts could sustainable architecture have on future cities?
q. How might the concept of work and jobs change in cities of the future?
r. Do you think traditional markets and street vendors will still exist in future cities?
s. What recreational and leisure activities might be available in future cities?
t. How could smart home systems enhance daily life in future cities?
u. What role might renewable energy sources play in powering future cities?
v. How might urban farming contribute to the sustainability of future cities?
w. What are some potential downsides of relying heavily on technology in future
x. How could future cities ensure that citizens' voices are heard in decision-making
y. What steps could be taken to balance technological advancement with preserving
the culture and history of a city in the future?

More information – Modern cities

https: //www.eldesconcierto.cl/tendencias/2023/08/09/video-registro-muestra-como-

21. How and why did you choose your career?

Choosing a career is a big decision we all have to make. It's like starting a journey
where our skills and what we like meet. People think about different things when they
decide. First, they think about what they enjoy doing. Also, they look at what they're
good at. Jobs that are stable and can grow are important too. Some like flexible
hours, while others want a set routine. Family and society can also influence choices.
In the end, picking the right career means finding what we love, what's practical, and
what others think, so we're happy and successful.

Match the jobs with their definitions.
1. ____ comedian a. researches environmentally friendly technologies
2. ____ green researcher b. helps students with their problems
3. ____ guidance counselor c. controls a company's brand online
4. ____ organic food farmer d. takes care of animals in captivity
5. ____ social media manager e. grows food without chemicals
6. ____ zookeeper f. makes people laugh for a living


a. What made you decide on your current career path?
b. How did you discover your interests and talents for your chosen career?
c. Did your family influence your career choice? If yes, how?
d. What do you enjoy most about your chosen profession?
e. Were there any challenges you faced while choosing your career?
f. How did you gather information about different career options?
g. Did you consider job stability when choosing your career? Why or why not?
h. What factors did you prioritize while making your career decision?
i. Were there any specific subjects in school that guided your career choice?
j. How does your current job align with your skills and strengths?
k. What steps did you take to explore different career paths before deciding?
l. Did you receive any advice from mentors or professionals in the field?
m. How did your personal interests contribute to your career decision?
n. What made you excited about the career you're pursuing?
o. Were there any childhood aspirations that influenced your career choice?
p. How do you see your chosen career evolving in the future?
q. What role did education play in shaping your career path?
r. Did you consider the potential income and growth opportunities in your field?
s. What do you think are the most rewarding aspects of your chosen career?
t. Did you ever think about pursuing a different career? Why or why not?
u. How do you balance your career choice with your personal life and hobbies?
v. Did you take any career assessments or tests to help you decide?
w. What do you wish you had known when you were choosing your career?
x. Did cultural or societal expectations influence your career decision?
y. How confident are you that you made the right career choice? Why?

Answer the questions
a. Which of the words are positive, which are negative
awful boring challenging dangerous difficult fantastic
frightening interesting rewarding fascinating

b. If you had to live your life over again, what career would you choose?

c. How your life would be different if you had chosen one of the follow professions.
Doctor Elementary Teacher Politician Lawyer Chef Architect

Chose the correct word
a. I'm interested in human behavior, so I'm planning to take a class in ____________.
(geography / psychology / math)
b. I want to take a course in _____________, such as commerce or accounting.
(education / business / social science)
c. I'd prefer not to study ___________ because I'm not very comfortable in hospitals.
(engineering / new media / nursing)
d. I'd really like to work in Information Technology, so I'm thinking of taking courses
in ____________________.
(computer science / finance / English)

More information – Career choice, follow your passion?

https: //www.cnbc.com/2021/01/13/biggest-mistake-young-people-make-when-

22. Differences Between Latin American Countries

Welcome to the colorful world of Latin American countries, where cultures are
different and amazing. Each country has its own special traditions, languages, and
ways of doing things. From Mexico's lively festivals to Brazil's exciting music, every
place is unique. People speak different languages like Spanish, Portuguese, and
native languages. But it's not just about words – the food, clothes, and how people
act can be different too. The old traditions of indigenous people are also important
and passed on to new generations. These differences make Latin America a place full
of history, diversity, and unity.

Web page

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aft0tvjeci0&t=23s

a. What are some common languages spoken in Latin American countries?
b. How do the cuisines differ among various Latin American nations?
c. What similarities or differences do you notice in traditional clothing across Latin
d. What are some well-known festivals celebrated in different Latin American
e. How does the geography vary among the countries in this region?
f. Are there any shared historical events that have shaped Latin American countries
g. What are the main religions practiced in various Latin American nations?
h. How do you think the education systems differ among Latin American countries?
i. Are there any distinct cultural dances or music genres associated with specific
j. How do social norms and customs differ among different Latin American cultures?
k. What are the economic differences between various Latin American countries?
l. Are there any famous landmarks or tourist destinations unique to certain countries?
m. How do political systems vary across Latin American nations?
n. What are some common challenges faced by countries in this region?
o. How does the climate differ among different Latin American countries?
p. Are there any shared values or beliefs that unite Latin American cultures?
q. How have indigenous cultures influenced the identities of different countries in
Latin America?
r. What role does art and literature play in reflecting the diversity of Latin American
s. How do family structures and traditions differ among various cultures in this
t. Are there any regional organizations that promote cooperation among Latin
American countries?
u. How does the level of urbanization vary across different nations in Latin America?
v. What are the main sources of income and industries in various countries?
w. How do healthcare systems differ among Latin American nations?
x. Are there any languages unique to specific indigenous groups within Latin
American countries?
y. How has globalization impacted the cultural identity of different nations in this

Continue the following stories.
1. Maria was very excited when her plane landed in Mexico City. She was going to
spend time in Mexico to learn about its culture.

2. Santiago got off the bus in Lima, Peru. He had a backpack and wanted to see the
ancient Inca sites.

3. Emily was in Costa Rica, lying in a hammock on a beautiful beach. She was so
happy to be there to explore and learn about nature.

4. Juan had a map in his hand in the busy streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was
excited to try tango dancing and taste delicious food.

5. Ana was in the Amazon rainforest, amazed by the animals and plants. She was
studying biology and would spend a lot of time in Brazil's jungles to learn more

More Information - Differences Between Latin American Countries

https: //www.linkedin.com/pulse/fun-perplexing-cultural-differences-between-latin-
23. Robots in the future

Imagine the future, where robots become a big part of our lives. These machines are
no longer just in movies – they're becoming real. Robots can help at home and work,
doing things precisely and accurately. They might take on jobs that people used to
do. This can make things faster and safer. But there are also important things to think
about. How will robots affect jobs? What about making good choices? As we move
forward, we need to balance new ideas with being responsible. The future could bring
a world where humans and robots work together, opening up new possibilities.

Web page

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSA5Bq-1fU4

Examine the following words about robots
Programming Actuators Feedback loop Algorithm
Degrees of freedom Robotics Sensors


a. How do you think robots will change our daily lives in the future?
b. What tasks do you think robots could help us with at home?
c. Can you imagine a job that robots might do better than humans in the future?
d. How could robots improve safety in different industries?
e. Do you think robots might replace some jobs? Why or why not?
f. What kind of robots would you like to have at home in the future?
g. How might robots change the way we communicate with each other?
h. Are there any concerns about robots taking over human roles in society?
i. What positive impacts could robots bring to healthcare in the future?
j. How could robots assist people with disabilities or special needs?
k. Do you think there will be rules or laws to control how robots are used?
l. What are some ethical considerations when it comes to robots making decisions?
m. How might robots change the way we learn and get an education?
n. What role could robots play in emergency situations or disaster relief?
o. Are there any jobs that you think should always be done by humans, not robots?
p. How can we make sure that robots are programmed to follow moral values?
q. What skills or qualities do you think humans have that robots can't replace?
r. Could robots help us with environmental issues in the future? How?
s. What potential downsides might come from relying too much on robots?
t. How do you think people's attitudes towards robots might change over time?
u. Do you worry that robots could become too powerful or uncontrollable?
v. How might the relationship between humans and robots evolve in the future?
w. What are some ways that robots might help us explore and understand space?
x. Do you think there will be jobs related to building, maintaining, and repairing
y. How can we ensure that robots benefit everyone in society, not just a few?

More information - Chile: Pioneering the protection of neurorights

https: //en.unesco.org/courier/2022-1/chile-pioneering-protection-neurorights

24. Veganism and vegetarianism

Explore the worlds of veganism and vegetarianism, where dietary choices are about
more than just food. These lifestyles both avoid eating meat, but they have different
ideas. Vegetarians don't eat meat but still have things like milk and eggs. Vegans
take it a step further and don't eat any animal products at all, like milk, eggs, and
things made from animals. People choose these ways of eating for different reasons,
like caring about animals or the planet, or for their own health. Some think that not
eating meat can help the world be kinder and better for everyone. As more people go
for these choices, food companies are making new things that don't use animals.
Whether it's about being kind to animals, staying healthy, or helping the
environment, both veganism and vegetarianism show that what we eat matters.


a. What might lead to the decision of adopting veganism/vegetarianism?
b. How does embracing a vegan/vegetarian diet impact eating habits?
c. Which types of foods are usually avoided in veganism/vegetarianism?
d. Is veganism/vegetarianism often considered challenging? If so, why?
e. Are there potential health benefits associated with a vegan/vegetarian diet?
f. What are commonly preferred sources of protein in veganism/vegetarianism?
g. How can situations with limited vegan/vegetarian options be managed?
h. From your perspective, what are the primary environmental advantages of
i. Have you been motivated to try veganism/vegetarianism?
j. How can essential nutrients be ensured in veganism/vegetarianism?
k. What misconceptions might surround veganism/vegetarianism?
l. How are inquiries about reasons for choosing veganism/vegetarianism typically
m. Which go-to meals or snacks align with a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle?
n. Does adopting veganism/vegetarianism potentially influence perspectives on
animals and food?
o. How are plant-based products or meat substitutes perceived within
p. Are there instances of social challenges or criticism faced by those practicing
q. What guidance could be given to someone considering veganism/vegetarianism?
r. How does the actual experience of veganism/vegetarianism differ from initial
s. Are there specific cultural or traditional foods relinquished in
t. How can family gatherings or events be approached when non-vegan/non-
vegetarian food is served?
u. What influence might veganism/vegetarianism exert on the food industry?
v. Have any new cooking techniques or recipes been discovered through embracing
w. Does the choice of veganism/vegetarianism potentially influence friends or family

More information

25. After effects of the COVID-19 pandemic


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