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Refereces of Hadith and Quran in formulation of Law

Prayer and Charity

Quran: ”And establish regular prayer and pay Charity Tax” al Baqarah

Prophet S..A.W :

“Say your prayers as you have seen me pray”.

( he then showed all the postures of prayer)

“there is no prayer for the one who does not recite the opening chapter of the Quran”.

Quran is silent on what amount is Zakat applicable Prophet S.A.W guided.

“7 ½ Tola Gold,52 ½ Tola of silver”

“No charity tax is due on property amounting less than 5 Uqaya of silver and no charity is due on less
than 5 camels and no charity is due on less than 5 wasq of dates or grains”


Quran: “God has permitted trade and forbidden Riba” Al Bakra

Prophet S.A.W:The bartering of gold for gold is usury/Riba except if it is from hand to hand and
equal in amount(and quality).


Quran:” O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork; so
shun them” Surah maida

Prophet S.A.W prescribed a punishment of whipping 40 stripes for drinking

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