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m:p Ji

· --. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Jj!~M~O~D~E~R~N'~S-a;-:~O~F~B~l~O-LO_G_Y_Xl~II
3. rn~ary endos perm nuclcu11 111 formed due to fusion
4. In of two polar nuclei and one of
p b1thL-cou11 stilmens cnch nnl'l,er bcar11' two antiicr 1 b ·
• = ~q
5 fusinn of ferti117.ntlon which occurR twice In the some
) is called doubl e fl'rtili?.ntion. •
o es ,1n d four pollen sacs
b ·
the male gametes. ·
em ryo sac at a tlme by two male gametes (syngamy
and triple -~
6· ln mc~ns pnro11,cnl'/\ls , nw11,,111porC' mothe r cell under goes
7. Air lnyl•rin11, ii< done In plnnt~ (I) which don meiosis to form f h I 'd
od . our ap OI megaspores. ;tt
8. ln sdf -it,compnllhility poll~n grninRof a n~!:r .
a~;~:!v:ntltlou11 roots ea11lly !I.I) b~anches fall to bent
s.1 me flower du!' t·o muhrn l inhibition. due to large diameter.
P ble of effecting fer1tli 7..ahon, even lf they are placed
on stigma of
If fl'rtili
9. en,fos 2-11 tion foils no endo11perm Is forme d In on I
perm. g osperm s · Thus, there 1s· no wastage of energy ln the develo
pment of f,
' ·~',
1. A- 2. D; 3. 13; 4. C; 5. A; 6, A; 7. D; 8. C; 9. C; 10. D;
ll. B; 12. A; 13. B; 14. D; 15. A; 16. C; 17. C; 18. C; 19. A.
Very Shor t Answ er· Que stion s (One mark each)
1. Give one examp le of dicot endos permi c
2. What is cotyle don of maize grain techni
cally called ?
3. Name the outer cover ing of seed.
4. Give one examp le of non-e ndosp ermic dicot
5. ~at is geneti c consti tution of endos perm in
angio sperm s ?
6. What is pomo logy 7
7. G!ve one exam ple where epigy nous type of
flower is present..
8. Give the ~ c a l term for the kind of
pollin ation carrie d out by birds.
9. N~me a cultiv ated plant in which neithe
r fruits nor seeds are forme d.
10. Give one exam ple of bird pollin ated plant.
11. Name a plant where diade lphou s type of stame
12. Name the smalle st flowe r.
ns are presen t.
13. Give a exam ple of nucle ar type of endos perm.
14. How Bryophyllum plant propa gates ?
15. Wher e the pollen grains are forme d in a plant
16. What is the name .given to sheath cover ing
of plumu le ?
17. What is goote e ? (CBSE 1989)
18. What type of fruit tomat o is?
19. (i) Give the term for pollin ation by bats.
(ii) Give one exam ple of bat pollin ated flower
20. Whic h are the nuclei that fuse to form endos (Outside Delhi,1992)
perm ?-;, / (Delhi and Outsi de Delhi 1992C)
21. Name a bat pollin ated flowe r.
22.. Give three exam ple of false fruit. (Outside Delhi 1995)
23. What is funicu lus ? (CBSE 1995) ;
24. Name a plant which is propa gated throu gh (CBSE 1995) '
(Outside Delhi 1996 C) .· i,
floral buds.
25. What is bulbi l?
26. What is scute llum? (Delhi 1997 C) i
27. What is coleo rhiza? (Outside Delhi 1997 C)
28. What are parthe nocar pic fruits ? (Delhi 1997 C)
29. Differ entiat e betwe en mono ecioti s and dioec (Outsuh Delhi 1997 C)
ious plant s. Give one examp le of each.
30. Defin e parthe nocar py. (CBSE 1997) ·;
31. What is doubl e fertili zation ? (Delhi 1999 C) ,
32. What is the term used for plant bearin g both (Delhi 1999 cf;
male and female flowe rs?
33. What featur e is most impor tant in moth pollin (Outside Delhi 1999 C)
ated flowe rs 7
34. What does the term mono eciou s mean ? (Outside Delhi 1999 C)
35. What are quisce nt seeds ? (Outside Delhi 1999 C)
36. How does the musta rd inflor escen ce differ (Outsuh Delhi 1999 C)
from banan a inflor escenc e in arrangemen t 7 Give the technical term for each.
37. Why are cucur bits referr ed to as mono eciou s?
38. Give the technical term for flowe rs pollin ated
by honey bees and butter flies. List any two special featur
es of such
~ ,
(DelJr rs.
i 2002)
39. What is the fate of haplo id mega spore s fonne
d by mega spore moth er cell in an angiosperm plant ? (Fordp 2002) .
40. List the advan tages of pollin ation to angio sperm
<DeDri 200'l ct. .,

. (Delhi 2004)
.. .
ERING PLANTS ilization ? Explam. (Supp. Pun jab 2006)
' REF~HQ.J)Uc;;TJONIN,l:'LqW e'ring plant referred as double fert
ff ·1
n · tio·n· t1t·a flow
pp. Punjab 2006)
·,. . (Su
the process- o er iza 6)
- Ifie term for pollination by
bats. (Haryana 200 .
. . . . -, .
1 itonoga my.
would be the ploidy in cell
s of microspore tetrad ?
-~ . , "' I • • ••• r', ,..
in, unc
. th'.a'(CB
is res pon
i . ,a
sib le (or pro duc mg
ple Pap er- Ii, 2001, 2010)
l the part ~h, ch rs pro tect,v,~
• • ••

.. oi,l~iv'ing figure o( a fn~i ,t, labe ,' . .

. ··, ' · ·.: , 1 1:, ,,., ..,
~J.':IT.~= -. , • ,.•tli~· : r ... ·. ,...._...,.. ·-ro;•....,.-:, •'.. .: - ."-:
.'. .. ,,. ., '
.. , ' ..,.:·
;ti.,~ , ' C' '
., ..
~¥,:·• \ ! I_I ;1' 1' I;•: 'I f I{

• ''1~ .
·• li •·•
tJ,'-) i \•.
. ,... :i•• "I ,,: ', t,•,, • ·, ,
. ,, <' , ' :
+-l . •. ' ·, ., ,, .• . . . ,' . ;:",. ·
I .. · .~ .
er in which ·aevelopmeri't of
female game,to phy t~ tak es p
· lace
f . .!lie part of a~ angiospermic flow , -.,: ·.. •· . (CBSE Outsid' ethat'makes it
~ itt, /ol p'o' J7et, 'grairis
JI~. Mention the cli!lrac teri

~ the past a're obtairled as f6ss

· ;,...
rrticroscopic pollen grains of
'the . .th well exj.,~f!d :<C BSE f!el~i 2009)
. .. ed:'flowers. -wi stamt'ns' att~ larg~
~ rt nt of an inflorescence of sma
ll dull col our
ers . . . · (CBSE Delht 20091
~t ibn·_tl,e poll~nating age characteristic of pollen grains pro duc ed by .suc h flow s .fou nd in its end osp enn
htf uy-stigma. Give any one me s. Wo rko ut the-number ·o f chr om oso me
~ contains 32 chr om oso 201~/
mei ocyte of an onion pla nt 1
• (CBSE Sample Paper
• • ? . . •: : . , Ho w ma ny ma le .gam eto phy tes this

por ang ium .
e mo the r cells per micros

had 100 microspor (Delhi CBSE 2010)
• ,:- • •

.,.bilolied drthecous anther

.• .
1 • , .• • • .
· son. ,.
~-· rit er•can produce? · garite_tophytes. Give one
'O _
~ g tap etu m ofte n.fa f
il P rodu~~ :viable (De lhi ~B_ SE 2010,
anth er wi th malfunctionin
't.' , .. ; ; .. ,. .. · •.
· .,'..;_ , 1
. ·\•,:· !•'.i .. . .: ::..

(Tw o ma rks eachJ1

!' ~., ·.• •~ :

t ~ •' -~·


(~ · • •
I;""-:?;',·,' · · . · · · ·· •· · (CBSE 2008]
thenocarpic fruit. Justify. fer ent frmJ
true _fr~it _and also a par gamous. Ho w are they dif
~ a is a
cha smo gam ous;'w hile !!18:t-«;>f'!!eahsis cleisto - . (CB SE 2oosj
- . ~ Bo_w_ er of br111Jal IS refe
rred to as
· -- · ·, ·. · - , ··
two :my J
poll;;, ~ - 1gio,'·~,,,;_
E,q>lain the function of
· ftlCh other. of
sec tion al vie w of , .; ;~ S ...p I e P ape r 2009
. :~-:>a,,i, :;,b,lled dfag ,-am of the (CB SE a,,,
•- ;· ,
· · ·
{ ...._._, ., par
::~ .· . ·
~~'ts. ,, . ,.,, . r- -- .= -- -- -- , · · " ·. .
· · • ·
flower shown in A and B.
I° I • ' • ,·
' ii C He ntify the typ e of 7
will pro duc e an ass ure d
--~ -- 11".!Iith ,ou t of the two . . .• .
~ ·..!l!'el:f _s'et ,. . .
··'},.' ·-,, .
.) :-".:.: ,:,':·t,- :~ ..
r---,·,~1"14 ;"
;; } -':-.:,· :·· ·
., .t· .. -~. :-;.:

,' •

' 1 ,•
1:_-.::=r- • ,.'
"'! ~,. • .
......._~ ... .- ~ l ,; . . f
·~~j ~-. •-.~ .. ,,.., ,·.
.. . ,
<CBSE ~attt_pl..e'Pa pn:201.01
,. . " and "B" and me ntio n th.
. fun .: . "' .

~ tf:ie_T.S. of a ~ature ant her given below identify "A

ion. .• . . . __ .~ ._.,ct . , .i ; . t

-!~l-. .
~~ - ,.
. ,
~ ii li i~ ;; ~ · . t •• . : , ..... . • •- l

,•..· rl...
I •: ,
• j


Pa i,d 2010
··•·· .~ : ·· .· · '· (CBSE Sample
primar y endosp erm nucleu s in an angiosp erm.
6. Mention the reasons for difference in ploidy of zygote and (Dellii CBSE 2010)
e cross pollination? (Del/ii CBSE 2010}
7. How does floral pnttcm of rneditrrrnncan ore.hid Oplrrys guamtr
ce :
8. Arrange the h1tlowing words In correct evoluti onary sequen (Uttrakha11d 2010)
i:poro~""nou~ tissue, rnicro!lpore tetrad, micros pore mother cell.
l'ollrn grain, .
and stigma of wind pollina ted flowers
9. (i) Write the characteristic features of anther, pollen
Explain. (Outside Dell1i, CBSE 2010)
(Ii) How do flowers reward their insect pollinators?

(11,ree marks each)

Short Answ er Questions
(Haryana 2005)
1. Give the significance of vegetat ive propag ation.
(Harya na 2005)
2. Describe the vegetative reprodu ction by grafting
method . Mentio n some exampl es of it.
(Harya m, 2005)
3. ~,ib e the vegetative reprodu ction by artificial
layerin g method . Give one examp le of it.
ction ? Describe any two method s of vegetat ive propagation.
4. Vll'hat do you understand by vegetat ive method of reprodu ~ 'I
(H.P. 2006)

5. Vv'hat is agamos permy ? How is agamo spermy differen

t from parthen ogenes is and parthen ocarpy ?
(CBSE, Delhi Board 2006)
1. (CBSE, Delhi Board 2006)
6. '\,\lhaHs double fertilization in angiosp erms ?
and a mature ovule from an insect- pollina ted flower. Some
7. The diagram below shows a germin ating pollen grain
ha\'l! been labelled. POU.ENTVBE


s to form each of the followi ng :

Give the letter of the nucleu s which fuses with a male nucleu ·
(i) The zygote (ii) The endosp erm
the followi ng :
8. The diagram represe nts a flower. Label the parts and answer

G-~, .-,--- --\'lt- --=-r -

(a) Give the letter oI the structu re which : E-___;:::...,O::::::::::::=:.:.:__,-~-\-U
(i) becomes the fruit 'wall; (ii) become s the
testa (seed coat); (iii) produc es pollen grains.
Cb) Explain two ways, shown in the diagram, in
which this flower is adapte d for insect pollina tion.
9. Look at figure and label the followi ng :

' ,I
I. ' i'.
I ·-
10. How tapetal cell in micros porang ium can become binudeate ?
b h d 7 What Is the function of germ pore 7
, ·
u think the exine of pollen grohm should c ar
o yo
- .he importance of megas po re mot er cc11 undergoing meios is 7 {Hary ana Boar d 2006)
- ~ the development of embryo imc. h tc or pollen In h hel of suit,1ble diagra ms.
t f mnle gnmetop y nnglo! !pcrm ~ with t c p (Sllpp. Punja b 2006)
the developmen °
, ollen grain.
. e let the Rtngc!I of micrm1copc mntur lng Into 8 p
- ·c help of Inbelled d 1;igrnm11, d p (CHS£ Samp le Paper -I: 2007)
f ti ...... nf r.ach ·of,the.labcll cd
;...w_ ,i--- ---
inn'nl figu re nf n typlcn1 dlcot embryo, lnbcl the port!! (1), (2 ) on d (3) St11tc thP.· unc: v" · . • 2(11(/,
. . ' '(CtrSE ·Samplt!_•J:'ap~l'•l(,,.)00 7, . , ,
... -~
• , . . .
. . (1)


(well labelled).
l11belled diilgrmn (L.S.
. _ ..
(JIP 2009)
(HP 2009, CBJ~ ;';;,
of ~alz~ _graif'.• ' .•·· · ,. ·•~·;·:w: , ·'!_~ _. ,1_1~,- "
. "-- well lilbellcd diilgratn o( ilnatre1,r ~us_ov~ e.- '.-;·_·_- ' .• 1
:- .z; .••,'., :'. -1 -
ne the following terms : . .
(HP 200'1)
-·l\:lro gnmv .
(b) Anem ophily
Ora\~ :i ,~rell labelled diagra ~ of T.S. of.matu~e anther
\'Vhat is triple fusion 7 Where and how_does it take
(c)_Mesog amy

• a 6cs the pollen mother cell develop mto·m a~re_P0 .. ~h gra

:~e- f .' : .gios ermic flower.
o a~
pll~ce? N Inf
t1fe nucM Involved in triple fuslon:(Punfab 2009)
illustr ate ·the"'s tages with labell ed d1agramlf.

. i': -. . , · (CBSE Delh~ 2009J

-; ~
, . ..,

;alongitudinal section·of a' post . . , . . . .... :· . . ·., f' , ll ·tube mto a matur e embry o sac.
pollin ated pistil showirig entry' P~ , ~ 0
Label fillform
'3Kis, chalazal end, hilutn; antipodals; male gamet es and . (Delh i, CBS£ 201.0)
se~ondary: t1.1:1c_ eus. 1
·· f ' th · dl1 d
W~}e the charac~eri~tic_~; a¥e~ ~-- an... e~•:P . . en~ . stigm a· of wind pollin
. . _.. 1_, ,, ·i',;; •· ' •· ated flowers. ·
p,0 do flowers rewar d .¢ ~& msec~ p0iliriator~_1.E~Ia,m
. .':'. ,, _,.,·-- ,
. · , (Outs ide Delhi , CBS£ 2010)
1'f.1 tion any four.s tra~~ e~ ~1~p, fl~~e.rj:ngplan,t s to,pre
. . ·, ,
ven! ~e~ ~ollinati(?11.
(Outs ide Delhi," CBSE 201.·o,
Why is geitonogamy a1so·re fetted1to ;as genetical autog amy?
ifrlie"in brief the developi:nent,oHemalEH~am~tophyte in angio~_..perms ,·:· ' :. . . . (Punjab. 2010)
~ ~ _ . , .~ . ·• -- _...,._-,1,·#:...- !
.... o; • :_..;i • J..-,..;, ' ... l-t.,
.t!·,• ,,. -t-;- J.•: ,.' ~·•• ••;.·:.,.-:•. \•' '
: ,' '. r .. ·-
.,,-t· ' •v ., • . . ,,

(Five mark s each ) essay on the development of female gamet op~yt e: m_u strate the answe r with suitab le diagr
~ a well-labelled diagra m of a matur e ovule, ams.
Showing its intern al struct ure.
_..,_.-· ibe the struct ure of a typical mono sporic embry
o sac found in flowe ring plants._ . .
'· t'do you understand by the devel opme nt of an embry
o ? Suppo rt the answe r with swtab le diagr ams.
te· a note on the develo pment of endos perm. Menti
on the types with examp les.
~ · _mpatibility is a natura l barrie r in the fusion of g~ete
s." Jus~ the_ statem en~. . . .
• ' ibe in brief the variou s specia l mode s of reprod uction
. Menti on their econo rruc signif icance .
~ the develo pment of female gamet ophyt e in a flowe ring
plant. Draw a labell ed diagr am of the L.S. of an ovule
·g ametophyte. show ing
· ' (Outside Delhi 2002C, Supp. Punja b 2006)
firaw a longit udinal section view of a typica l anatro pous
c'tab el any four major parts of ovule. ovule to show the site wher e doubl e fertili zation talces
place .
How do the male gamet es that are prese nt in the pollen
grains reach the site menti oned by you in part (a) to cause
•- fertilization. doub le
Draw the embryo sac of a flowering plant and label (i) (CBSE Samp le Paper-I, 2007)
centr;tl cell (ii) chala zal end of the embr yo sac (iii)
l!,J Name the cell that develo ps into the embry o sac and expla in syner gids.
how this cell leads to the forma tion of embr yo sac.
' mention the role played by the variou s cells of the
embry o sac.
(CBSE Samp le Paper -UI, 200n
- w a labelled diagra m of the intern al struct ure of a
_matu re'em bryo sac of an angio sperm .
ra~ the events that occur in a functi onal meg~~~~
-~~~?ing to the devel opme nt of a matu red embr yo sac in an
~ osperm. , · , ,. . -: : - · . .. . (CBSE 2008)
be the stages of ~mbry o devel_opment in a dicot plant.
. · . ·· (CBS £ 2008)
• _a n~at l_abelled ?1agram, expla ~ the 7-cell ed, s_.n uclea
te ·matu re femal e game tophy te. (UP 2008, HP 2009)
~7.ahon 1S essential for produ ction of seed, but" m some
~tve ~ examp le of an angio ~perm that produ ces. seeds
angio sperm s seeds devel op witho ut fertili zation .
witho ut fertili zation . Name .the process.
__.:'Expl am the two ways by which seeds devel op witho
ut fertili zation . · • (CBSE Outside Delhi 2009)
ff'illll rM of ••nd11~p<'rm of coconut.
U . N111111• thr ,-,•II lrnm w hich 1•11,t,,~1'1•r1n of rnt11n11t dl'Vt•l,11'1!'1 . •(;jv(' lhtP ch/lr,dnf~llc ZOO'JJ
ICH5£ Vtlhi
g rilin frorn mlcrwtpore mothP.r cell In
Hi. l),,.,.Tib1• In 114'1 p11•111-,. th,• l'Vl'nt11 th,1t 11•,HI tn thl' d1•111°lopnw nt of II 1-ct•llt•d poll,•n
, (()11t1/dt Dt /11I CBSE 20WJ
1111g11•"l'l'lm i-.
17. (11 llr11w II rw,11 nnd Wl'II l,,lwll, .. t tlingrnm of poll1•n 11<1r.
(Uttr11/ch11nJ ZIJWJ
(t,) Pr,,w A 111',lt 1111.t well lnbdll'd dl,111r,1111 of cmpryo MC.
• mother n•II up to formnlion of o mature embryo 1
s. c in a fl<iwertn~ plant.
18, (11 Trn,'\' Lhl' dl Vt•lnp1111•nt of llll'R•"•Pon.

lJtlhi 20101
(•mbryo, (Out, idt
(hi I >r,,w It l,,b,•llt•d di,1Rrnm of the 11lrui:t11r~ of mnlure dlrnt 1
14J. GivC' l'\'O!<llll!I ,vhy : , . , ,
Is formed .
(i) mo~I 1.v~nh's In n11iziosp1•m111 divlJc only niter ccrtnln nmounl of endo11perm
lill ~•·,mndnu t !'l't't.l11 .irl' cxalhumln ou11 nnJ cm1l11r st.-cd11 ore albuminou s.
(iii) mkmpyl1• ,,.mnins R!I a l'l mall pore In the Sl'l'J co,11 oi 11 !lt'cd.
(ivl inh·~11m•11 ts 11f an ovull' hnrden and the water conlcnt Is highly reduced as the seed
Cvl apple 1111d caslww are not called true fruits, (CBSE 20111
20.Ca) Draw a 1,, hdll,J Ji, of L.S. of an embryo of gr,1ss (any slx labels),
(\,) Give 1'1.',11'<11\ for C',lCh of the following :
(i) Anllwrs of angiosper m flowers arc described as dithecous.
(CBSE 2011),
(ii) Hybrid Sl.WS have lo bl! p~uccJ alter year.

==========================ia-#ffitM,f 41111E=========================-=:I
l . Castor; 2. Scutcllum ; 3. Testa; 4. Pea; 5. Triploid; 6. Study of fruils and their
cultivation; 7. Sunflower; 8. Ornithoph ily;
; Arcea; 14. From leaves; 15. In anther inside the pollen sao;
9. Su~arcane; 10. Coral tree; 11. 1.Atlryrus; 12. Wolf]ia microscopia 13.
is tlie process of air laycrin practised in litchi, pomegran a te etc.; 18. Berry; 19. (j) Chlropter ophily;
16. Coleopble; 17. Gootee
21. Kadamb; 22. Apple,. pineapple, jack fruit;
(ii) Kadamb; 20. 2 polar nuclei (secondary nucleus) and one male gamete;
floral buds become fleshy due to storage of food, they are called bulbils
23. Funiculus is the stalk of ovule; 24. Agave; 25. When
in caryopsis of maize is called scutcllum; 27. Protective cap Of! radicle of maize; 28. The fruits
e.g. Aga,lt'; 26. Single cotyledon
female flowers are borne on the same
which are formed without fertilization e.g. seedless fruits of banana; 29. W1'en male and
flowers are borne on different plants they are called
plant, they are called as monoecious e.g. maize. When male and female
of fruits without fertilizatio n; 31. One male gamete fuses with egg
dioecious e.g. papaya; 30. Parthenoc arpy is the formation
male gamete fuses with two polar nuclei to form primary ~dosperm nucleus (triple fusion).
(syngamy ) lo form zygote. Second
both ~e ·and female flowers are borne
All steps together represent double fertilization; 32. Bisexual; 33. Nocturnal; 34. When
ce is present. Here the flowers are borne in acrope~
on the same plant; 35. Dormant seeds; 36. In mustard raceme inflorescen
axis is enclosed by spathe; 37. Because in cucurbits male and female
order. In banana spadix inflorescen ce is present where fleshy
38. Entomoph ilous : (i) Flowers bear, nect'ar; (ii) Flowers are large scented and showy; 39.
flowers are borne on the same plant;
usually upper three degenera te;
• Out o f fo ur megaspo res formed due to meiosis in megaspo re mother · cell,
nuclei; • Out of eight nuclei, three are arranged
• FW\ctJOnal megaspor e forms embryo sac. Its haploid nucleus forms eight
• Two polar nuclei get arranged in centre
toward~ end of ovule to form egg apparatus (one egg and two synergids);
(2n); • Remaining three nuclei form antipodal cells towards chalazal end of ovule:;
and fube to form secondary nucleus
'°· Adv1.11ugt$ of pollinatio n to angiosper mic plant; (i) Pollen grains are transferre d to
stigma thereby pollinatio n provido
form~ (after fertiliutiu n) and
male gamel.t:'b for fertilization; (ii) It checks abscission of ovary; (iii) It stimulates ovules
tube, one male gamete fuses with the egg·(ayng.any)
011ary to form fruit; n. • In angiosper ms, out of two male gametes in pollen
nucleus (triple fusion) to form triploid endoi;P'!rm nucleus; • Thi:i
to form zyiute and o ther male gamete fuses with secondary
in the same embryo sac by two male g~tt.'S (syngamy and trip~ fwiion) and calll!d
~ oJ ft'ftlfu.ation which occurs twice
on the stigma of anottwr flower borne
doubk' ft'J1lJ.lzation; 42. Chiropter ophily; 43. When pollen from one flower are depot;ited
on the ba1Jk'; 44. Haploid.



'6. Mt-gai.poa·; f7, l'ht! oute, laye, oJ mirn..11>pote, cuntr ii thk:k. It llcov..t widuped11l typtolcut
wh.ich ~ rt:b11,IGJ1t to dwmic.J .,u1 biol~i,.sJ d«ompuii itwn; & Wwi (Aawmophily);
Thi poUen grai&la AN dry and
w1wt",~; fll. • Mt-iu1:y~ h.a. 32 d11<n1\UiO l1W!li (21•) • H&!tu it» ¥4DWf1t wW hav.t 32/2 • 16 ~ • ~

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