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18 Month Bible Reading Plan: Month 8 Day

19 2 Chronicles 15, 16, 17, 18

By Vivian / November 27, 2022
2 Chronicles 15 Observations
2 Chronicles 15:2 There are conditions to experiencing the presence of
2 Chronicles 15:7 A great verse of encouragement.
2 Chronicles 15:8 This is how we know that we have heard from a true
prophet or have received the true word of prophecy. Asa took spiritual
house cleaning to another level. The Word of YAHUAH brought
conviction which led to corresponding action. He not only put away
idolatry and its accompanying paraphernalia, but he completed his turning
away from idolatry by renewing the altar of the Most High. We need both
in repentance—tearing down, building up, filling up—for repentance to be
complete. Otherwise we will be a cake half done.
2 Chronicles 15:9 This is effective evangelism. We do not have to beg a
lost and dying world to turn to YAHUAH. When they see that YAHUAH
is with us, especially when end-time events ramp up even more, they will
be drawn to His light shining forth through us.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. 

Matthew 5:16
When Israel walked out of Egypt with a high hand, they did not go door to
door begging those who chose to walk out with them to go with them.
When the people saw that YAH was with Israel, they willingly, eagerly
joined Israel thereby making the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt
(Exodus 12:38).

2 Chronicles 15:10 3rd Month – Shavuot Pentecost

2 Chronicles 15:12 A covenant to see YAHUAH Elohim.
2 Chronicles 15:12 Loud voice, trumpets, cornets.
2 Chronicles 15:16 At this time, Asa was serious. So idolatry was still in
the land, but the leader of the land stood firm in worshipping YAH and
making worship of Him the policy (if you will).
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any

Proverbs 14:34
How many are willing to not compromise truth by not caving to the
iniquities of family members?

And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or

father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s
sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting

Matthew 19:29

2 Chronicles 16 Observations
2 Chronicles 16:1-6 How soon we begin to rely on our own efforts and
plans even after seeing YAH move mightily in the past on our behalf. Asa
saw how YAH delivered Judah from the Ethiopians (2 Chron. 14:9-15).
YAH certainly would have done so again. Surely Asa should have known
this unless… unless… there was something not right going on with him.
When sin comes into in our lives, all trust, rest, confidence in YAHAUAH
Elohim leaves us. Adam and Eve ducked and hid from YAH because of
their sin (Gen. 3:8). They knew that they could have no confidence that
YAH would want to fellowship with them as He had always done.

We do not know for sure if this is why Asa chose not to seek YAH over
seeking out the Syrians for help. However, the writer of Chronicles made
sure to include the detail that Asa did remove idolatry to a point in Israel,
but did not take away the high places.

Yes, as the chronicler stated Asa’s heart was perfect toward YAH (15:17),
but were his hands perfect toward Him? Based on observation here in this
chapter, I would have to say, no. No, Asa’s hands were not perfect toward
YAH. He had a heart to do right in protecting Judah from invaders, but he
laid his hands on the treasures of Yah to make a league with a heathen
If his hands so freely and easily did this, what other ill-advised, sinful,
iniquitous deeds were his hands doing?

We can only have complete rest, confidence and trust in YAHUAH

Elohim and trust that He has our back when our hands are clean in
agreement with our heart that we have for Him.

And thou shalt love YAHUAH thy Elohim with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength:
this is the first commandment. 

Mark 12:30
Our hands represent our strength. Notice the reference also to the heart in
this verse.

Most if not all of us have done something that deep down inside we knew
was not pleasing to YAH. Like many, we may have even spoken the
words, “God knows my heart.” And yes, He does know our hearts, that we
do want to do what pleases Him. But we must always remember that even
though He knows our heart, He also sees our hands (actions).

Who shall ascend into the hill of YAHUAH? or who shall stand in
his holy place? 

Psalms 24:3
He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up
his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 

Psalms 24:4
He shall receive the blessing from YAHUAH, and righteousness
from the Elohim of his salvation. 

Psalms 24:5
To have full confidence in YAHUAH in every circumstance and situation,
our hands must righteously agree with our heart.
Have you ever seen how a young toddlers act when they do something that
they know they should not have done? All the parents have to do is look in
their direction and their head drops and their confidence leaves. In their
hearts, they truly love their daddy and mommy and their daddy and
mommy truly love them.

Yet in that moment of doing wrong, they have no confidence that their
parents will swoop them up and cuddle with them. So, even young
children demonstrate this heart, hand, confidence connection.
Transgression of their parents’ instruction created a barrier to resting in

Is this not what happened to Peter. After his third denial, the Messiah
merely looked at Peter without saying a word (Luke 22:61-62). Peter loved
the Messiah in his heart, no doubt, but his confidence as even being one of
His disciples was shattered because of his actions. The Messiah never
stopped loving Peter, but Peter could not rest in knowing his love for him
because of his breech.

Even animals in their behavior confirm this observation. Those who have
dogs for pets have no doubt seen how it tucks its tail and hangs its head
when it knows that it did something wrong that the owner disapproves of.
It has no confidence in that moment that the owner would want to pet it
much less play fetch with it.

For Asa to make such a ginormous misstep in 2 Chronicles 16 shows that

for some reason, he had no confidence that YAH would hear Him as He
did before and would deliver Judah as He had done previously.

If this was in fact the case, then why or what was the cause of his feeling
this way? I propose that Asa had slipped into sin and even iniquity
somewhere and somehow.

Practicing sin and iniquity will do this to us every time. I am not speaking
of occasionally missing the mark here and there. All of us are guilty of this
and there is forgiveness through YAHUSHA. I am writing here of the
ongoing, deliberate practice of sin. All sin erodes our confidence that YAH
hears and answers our prayers, but ongoing sin does more to sever our
bond of trust and confidence in our Elohim.
The need for YAH to intervene on behalf of His covenant-keeping people
is always present, but is ramping up in these last of the last days. It is
imperative that we have complete and total trust and confidence that it is
YAH’s good pleasure to deliver His people. Therefore, we must not ever
get caught up in living in ongoing sin. Rather, we must insist upon our
hands (actions) doing what is righteous in agreement with our heart for our

2 Chronicles 16:7-8 Hanani rebukes Asa for relying on the world (the

king of Syria in this case) instead of YAHUAH Elohim. He reminded Asa
of what YAH did to the Ethiopians and the Lubins.
2 Chronicles 16:9 YAH absolutely wants to show Himself strong on
behalf of those walking uprightly before Him. “… whose heart is perfect
toward him…” As written above, our heart and hands must be in
agreement for us to have complete trust in YAH who will show Himself
strong on our behalf.
2 Chronicles 16:10 Confirmation that Asa’s hands were participating in
imperfect acts. He so easily laid hands on the seer to put him in prison and
laid hands on the people to oppress them. This is completely the character
of the adversary who cares nothing for mankind. What else were Asa’s
hands doing prior to his making a league with the king of Syria?
2 Chronicles 16:14 Did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob do burnings for the
dead? I wonder if the modern-day candlelight vigils have any connection
to this practice in 2 Chronicles 16:14.
2 Chronicles 17 Observations
2 Chronicles 17:3-6 The connection between having the presence of
YAHUAH and mankind’s walking uprightly before Him in righteousness
here on earth is repeatedly shown throughout Scripture. Why do we think
that YAH changed His Way after YAHUSHA came the first time?
When He returns, will he return for lawless, idolatrous people? No. He is
coming back for those who are upright in heart and who put not forth their
hands to do iniquity and who do the righteous works of people who are

Same as our righteous father, Abraham, did. Same as our Messiah

YAHUSHA did. Righteousness is one of the key themes in these times. Of
course repentance is another.
ALEPH. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law

Psalms 119:1
Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and
that seek him with the whole heart. 

Psalms 119:2
They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways. 

Psalms 119:3
2 Chronicles 17:5 What’s in thy hand Jehoshaphat? The kingdom of
Judah is in my hands. What will thy hand do in the kingdom of Judah,
2 Chronicles 17:4 My hands will seek the Elohim of my righteous fathers.
My hands will walk in the commandments of the Elohim of my righteous
fathers. My hands will not walk after the idolatrous, iniquitous doings of
2 Chronicles 17:5 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his
righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33
2 Chronicles 17:6 Upright in heart. Works (I mean Evidence): He took
away the high places and groves out of Judah. This is the one thing that his
father, Asa, neglected to do (2 Chron. 15:17).
This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm
constantly, that they which have believed in Elohim might be
careful to maintain good works. These things are good and
profitable unto men.

Titus 3:8
2 Chronicles 17:7 Nice… He understood the foundational principle of
first knowing what YAH’s Word says.
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove,
rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

2 Timothy 4:2
2 Chronicles 17:8 He sent Levites—Some of the Levites were singers
under David and Solomon. I wonder if they were singing Levites sent to
teach the people to sing to and praise YAH?
2 Chronicles 17:7-9 This was no fake revival under Jehoshaphat. The
Word, Law of YAHUAH, was front and center in this revival—not
Kundalini manifestations of shucking, bucking, clucking; not jerking,
jiving, slipping and sliding. No, this was a genuine great awakening to
Truth in Judah.
Again, what was the precipitating element? The people were taught the
Word! Do you think… Is it possible… that if the pure unadulterated Word
of YAH is taught today (which teaches to put away lawlessness) that we
too can have a mass great awakening today?

Yes, there is an awakening happening now, but I get the sense that it is a
weak awakening, especially in comparison to what happened in 2
Chronicles 17.

In my opinion, everyone who can, should loudly promote personal Bible

reading and as often as they can. It is the entrance of YAH’s Word that
brings light.

The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto

the simple. 

Psalms 119:130
The light of YAH has many benefits. Among them is that His light
shows us where sin lurks within us. A major reason that we are seeing a
weak awakening with many divisions (a House (of Israel) divided cannot
stand) is because many just do not see their sin. They do not know that
they do not know what sin is. I feel that Abba is prompting me to share
just one example of this:
It’s just plain wrong in His eyes to pay money to watch people
break His commandments on a big screen or any screen whether
currency is involved or not.

Many who love YAH just do not think about this because they just do not
know that they do not know that this is sin, even though those are actors
on the screen.
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them
that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

Psalms 101:3
I thought nothing of doing this myself, until Yah illuminated His Word in
my heart in this area.

I only share this as someone who has in no way have “arrived.” This is just
one example of how powerful YAH’s word is to transform us. But if a
person, does not know what the Word says, then the Word does not have
an opportunity to work.

Judah did not know that they did not know. When Jehoshaphat sent the
teachers throughout Judah, the light of YAH’s Law shown on Judah’s
mark-missings (sins). They were no doubt made aware of the need to
repent. Jehoshaphat wisely sent priests to them how.
2 Chronicles 17:10-13 Result of true revival, a strong awakening.

2 Chronicles 18 Observations
2 Chronicles 18:1 Ginormous mistake by Jehoshaphat.
2 Chronicles 18:2 Bribes? Maybe? Covenant making? Maybe?
Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous
slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked. 

Exodus 23:7
And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and
perverteth the words of the righteous. 

Exodus 23:8
2 Chronicles 18:2 “persuaded him” Ahab was crafty to get Jehoshaphat to
go with him. What deception did he use to get such a righteous king to
agree to say yes to an obvious no, no.
2 Chronicles 18:6 Although deceived, Jehoshaphat still had discernment.
2 Chronicles 18:7 Still deceived by Ahab’s craft—still going along.
2 Chronicles 18:7 True leaders are not afraid to hear out those who have
opposing views and voices. They understand that having only “yes” people
around them does not serve them well.
2 Chronicles 18:9 This sounds like circus acts to me. Have we not
witnessed this today? I have seen similar activity when I was in church.
An invited prophetliar would go up and down the church isles giving out
profitsy after profitsy, while all the people stood at the pews gazing upon
the show.
2 Chronicles 18:17 Ahab did not believe the prophet. So he did not
prosper when he went to battle anyway (2 Chron. 20:20).
2 Chronicles 18:21 “I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all
his prophets.” Paraphrase. “I will go out and be a profitlying spirit in the
mouth of all his profits.”
2 Chronicles 18:19 And Jehoshaphat still went with Ahab after all that
just happened. I can think of two possible explanations: 1) Jehoshaphat
bound himself to Ahab through a covenant he made with him.
A Psalm of David. YAHUAH, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?
who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and
worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. He that
backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor
taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. In whose eyes a vile
person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear
YAHUAH. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth
not. He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward
against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be
Psalms 15:1-5 emphasis added
Or 2) High level sorcery was being used against him and his mind to cause
him to sink into deep, deep cognitive dissonance. Afterall, Ahab did have
a high-level witch wife (Jezebel).
2 Chronicles 18:20 Jehoshaphat seemed to be reasonably intelligent. How
in the world did he agree to do this unless something nefarious was indeed
working against him.
2 Chronicles 18:21 YAH does deliver us even in our own ignorantly
created mess.
2 Chronicles 18:31-32 If Jehoshaphat had died in battle, I wonder if Ahab
and Jezebel would have tried to invade and take over Judah.
2 Chronicles 18:34 Abba is an Elohim of detail. Baal (sun-god worship)
was Ahab and Jezebel’s religion. How befitting that the sun’s presence in
the sky was decreasing as one of Baal’s priests died.
2 Chronicles 18:34 This verse clearly defines what evening is biblically.
For those who observe an evening-to-evening Sabbath, that does not mean
night to night (dark to dark; layil to layil). I encourage you to look more
into this.
I invite you to comment below with additional observations.

Also, please, please comment below if you see ANYTHING that is
contrary to Scripture that I have presented in these Scripture Observations.
I want Truth and when I see that I have made a mistake, I want to correct
that. No chips on my shoulders here.

I also ask one thing, though. Please, please present your thoughts in the
context of two or three Scripture references, not just one (see
Deuteronomy 17:6; Matthew 18:16; 2 Corinthians 13:1). One verse
(especially one verse out of context) will not be received as evidence. I am
just not one to interpret Scripture or accept other’s interpretation of
Scripture apart from the written Word of YAH found in the whole counsel
of His written Word.

I try my best to limit the use of the precursor words of “I think” or “I

believe” without Scripture to back up my “I thinks” and “I believes.” Not
only on this site, but be on the lookout anywhere else for excessive “I
think” and “I believe” statements presented as Truth, with no Scriptural
evidence to back up the statements.

The written Word of YAHUAH is the standard, the vanguard against

deception which as you know is quite rampant these days.

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