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**Title: An Overview of Bangladeshi Law**

Ladies and gentlemen, today we will delve into the legal landscape of the People's Republic
of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a South Asian country with a rich history and a unique legal
system that reflects its cultural, historical, and political evolution. In this lecture, we will
provide an overview of the legal system in Bangladesh, its sources of law, key legal
institutions, and some notable legal issues.

**I. Legal System:**

Bangladesh follows a mixed legal system, which means it draws from both common law and
civil law traditions. The legal system of Bangladesh has evolved over time, influenced by its
colonial past and its experiences as an independent nation.

**II. Sources of Law:**

1. **Constitution:** The Constitution of Bangladesh, adopted in 1972, is the supreme law of
the land. It outlines the structure of the government, fundamental rights, and the principles of

2. **Legislation:** Laws in Bangladesh are primarily enacted by the Jatiya Sangsad (the
National Parliament). The Parliament passes various laws, including criminal, civil,
commercial, and administrative laws.

3. **Case Law:** Judicial decisions play a vital role in shaping the legal landscape. The
judgments of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, particularly the Appellate Division, are
considered binding precedents.

**III. Key Legal Institutions:**

1. **The Judiciary:** Bangladesh has a hierarchical judiciary with the Supreme Court at the
top, consisting of the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. Below them are district
and lower courts. The judiciary plays a pivotal role in interpreting and upholding the law.

2. **The Executive:** The executive branch, headed by the President and Prime Minister, is
responsible for implementing and enforcing laws. The bureaucracy plays a significant role in
day-to-day governance.

3. **The Legislature:** The Jatiya Sangsad, or National Parliament, is responsible for

passing laws and regulations. It is a unicameral legislature consisting of 300 members.

**IV. Notable Legal Issues:**

1. **Human Rights:** Bangladesh has made significant progress in recognizing and
protecting human rights. However, issues such as freedom of expression, minority rights,
and labor rights still require attention.

2. **Land Disputes:** Land is a critical issue in Bangladesh, and land disputes are common.
The government has implemented various reforms to address these challenges.
3. **Criminal Justice System:** The criminal justice system in Bangladesh faces challenges
related to overcrowded prisons, delays in trials, and issues of corruption and accountability.

4. **Environmental Law:** Bangladesh faces environmental challenges such as river

pollution, deforestation, and climate change. The government has been working on
strengthening environmental regulations.

In conclusion, the legal system of Bangladesh is a dynamic and evolving framework that
reflects the nation's history and aspirations. It blends elements of common law and civil law
traditions and is enshrined in a progressive constitution. While progress has been made in
various legal domains, challenges remain in ensuring access to justice, protecting human
rights, and addressing land and environmental issues. Understanding the Bangladeshi legal
system is crucial for those interested in the nation's legal and political landscape. Thank you
for your attention.

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