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1. What type of detergent do you use?

(Please list the brand)

2. What kind of deodorant do you use? (Please list the brand)
3. What kind of body wash do you use? (Please list the brand)
4. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? (Please list the brand)
5. What do you prefer, relaxed clothes or work clothes?
6. What electronics do you need for your personal grooming and the brand?
7. Do you wear perfume and what kind?
8. Do you sleep with the covers on or off?
9. Do you need a hairnet when you cook?
10. Do you wear a shower cap?
11. Do you fear your hair getting wet?
12. What kind of hair care product do you use? (Please list the brand)
13. Do you wear skirts and dresses most of the time?
14. Do you wear pants most of the time?
15. What season of the year do you like best?
16. What was your favorite memory from childhood?
17. What motivates you to work harder?
18. Do you know how to ride a bike?
19. Do you like extreme sports?
20. If you had to go back to school, what major would you study?
21. What is your favorite drink?
22. What are your favorite televisions shows?
23. What are your favorite books?
24. Do you like paperback or eBooks?
25. What is your favorite animal?
26. What do people know you for?
27. If you had a brand, what would it be?

Get To Know You Survey

​ uncan: Across the Aisle Series​ (Book 2)
Inspired by ​Xyla Turner​ based off the book, D
28. If you could do anything, what would that include?
29. How do you relax after a hard day of work?
30. Do you like to fly?
31. What your favorite mode of travel?
32. Do you like kids?
33. Would you adopt?
34. Are you okay with not having children?
35. What is your favorite food?
36. What is your favorite restaurant?
37. Name the foods that you do not like?
38. List activities that you would like to do, but haven’t done yet?
39. Who is your favorite artist?
40. What person or group would you like to see in concert?
41. Do you enjoy Broadway shows?
42. What does your nightly routine include?
43. What does your morning routine include?
44. Do you have a specific toothpaste that you like?
45. Do you use an electric toothbrush or manual?
46. Are you a coffee or tea drinker?
47. What snacks do you enjoy?
48. What is your favorite dessert?
49. Do you prefer to drive or be driven?
50. Do you like urban or rural living?
51. What is your favorite movie?
52. Who is your icon?
53. Are you a dreamer or a realist?
54. Do you have sides that you sleep on a bed?
55. Do you bring your own bags to the grocery store?

Get To Know You Survey

​ uncan: Across the Aisle Series​ (Book 2)
Inspired by ​Xyla Turner​ based off the book, D
56. Do you manually wash dishes or use a dishwasher?
57. Do you use paper or plastic straws?
58. What does your ideal date look like?
59. Where do you want to retire?
60. Would you ever open your own business?
61. Do you know anyone with special needs?
62. Would you move to Rhode Island?
63. What are your views on owning versus renting?
64. Do you need glasses?
65. What are your favorite seasonings for food?
66. What is your favorite color?
67. Who is your favorite superhero/heroine?
68. What does a man have to do for you to marry them?

To learn more about Duncan’s rationale for creating a ​survey​ for a potential date, read the
Romance Book - ​Duncan: Across the Aisle Series​ (Book 2) by ​Xyla Turner​.

Get To Know You Survey

​ uncan: Across the Aisle Series​ (Book 2)
Inspired by ​Xyla Turner​ based off the book, D

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