Mirjana Radović-Marković, Borislav Đukonović - Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in The Context of The Global Work and Business Environment-Information Age Publishing (2022)

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Macroeconomics of

Western Balkans in the

Context of the Global
Work and Business
Macroeconomics of
Western Balkans in the
Context of the Global
Work and Business

Mirjana Radović-Marković
Business Academy University

Borislav Đjukanović
University of Donja Gorica


Charlotte, NC • www.infoagepub.com
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

CIP record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

ISBNs: 978-1-64802-914-1 (Paperback)

978-1-64802-915-8 (Hardcover)

978-1-64802-916-5 (ebook)

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mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written
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Printed in the United States of America


Preface....................................................................................................... ix



1. Macroeconomic Environment
Mirjana Radović-Marković...............................................................3

Economic Growth .............................................................................4

New Models of Employment.........................................................6
Gender Differences............................................................................7
Labor Productivity.............................................................................7
Public and Foreign Debt....................................................................8

2. Inclusion in Global Business Flows

Mirjana Radović-Marković.............................................................13

Comparison of the Globalization Index Between Western

Balkan Countries.................................................................... 13
The Impact of Globalization on Competitiveness........................... 15
Global Competitiveness Index.................................................... 17
The Impact of Globalization on Innovation.................................... 18
Global Innovation Index GII...................................................... 19
The Impact of GDP Per Capita on Innovation Growth.............26
The Impact of Education on Innovation.................................... 27


3. Remote Work in Western Balkans: Economic

Impact Assessment
Mirjana Radović-Marković.............................................................31

Introduction..................................................................................... 31
Freelancers Versus Self-Employed................................................... 32
Technological Infrastructure.......................................................... 33
Research Goals................................................................................ 35
Methodology.................................................................................... 36
Research Results and Discussions................................................... 37
Conclusions...................................................................................... 51



4. COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans:

Sociopsychological Impact
Borislav Đjukanović.........................................................................63

Literature Review ...........................................................................64
Comparison of Working From Home Before and After the
COVID-19 Pandemic.............................................................. 76
Psychosocial Problems Due to Working From Home...................... 78
The Negative Aspects of Working From Home Originate
From Psychological and Psychosocial Issues..........................80
The Method..................................................................................... 91
The Sample...................................................................................... 91
Key Findings....................................................................................92
Analysis of the Scale of Psychosocial Adaptation to Work
From Home for the Total Sample.......................................97
Differences in Sociodemographic Characteristics and
Factor Scores of the Respondents in Four Countries..........98
Activities From Home by Countries.............................................. 102
Psychosocial Adjustment Scale and Economic Aspects of
Working From Home......................................................... 104
The Influence of Freelancing on the Psychosocial
Adjustment to Work From Home...................................... 121
Four Sociopsychological Profiles of Psychosocial
Adjustment to Work From Home and Differences
Among Them..................................................................... 129
Contents  vii

Bosnia and Herzegovina...................................................... 129

Montenegro.......................................................................... 131
Northern Macedonia............................................................ 132
Serbia.................................................................................... 134
Differences and Similarities.......................................................... 135
Discussion and Conclusions........................................................... 138
References...................................................................................... 143

Appendix I—Questionnaire for the Economic Part: Doing

Business From Home by Countries (Montenegro, B&H,
Serbia, and North Macedonia)..................................................... 155

Appendix II—Questionnaire for the Economic Part: Employment

in the “Gig Economy” in Montenegro......................................... 161

Appendix III—Questionnaire for the Sociopsychological Part:

Working From Home by Countries (Montenegro, B&H,
Serbia, and North Macedonia)..................................................... 165

About the Authors.................................................................................. 167


New information and communication technologies have created a new

world of work in which large international institutions stimulate compe-
tition without restrictions on the global labor market through network
platforms. This offers for a “virtual migration” similar economic benefits
as classic physical migration. It is assumed that the underdeveloped regions
of Africa and especially Southeast Asia, which have already progressed very
quickly (e.g., Pakistan), will receive special benefits from these “virtual
migrations.” Namely, it is known that those who have the highest unem-
ployment rates, would get the greatest benefits.
Western Balkan countries will also need to cope with the new social and
economic conditions on the global labor market. In this way, they will not
only reduce unemployment rate, but also the gap with developed countries.
This study represents a significantly expanded continuation of the
study on work from home (Radović-Marković et al., 2021). Unlike previ-
ous research in the case of Serbia, this one cover three more countries in
the Western Balkans such as BiH, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia.
We did this with an aim to compare results based on the application of the
same research instruments at the regional level. In this way, we indirectly
wanted to examine the validity and reliability of our instruments that we
constructed by ourselves.
Considering four countries in the region, we were able to examine the
similarities and differences of work from home. Finally, unlike the previous

Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Work

and Business Environment, pp. ix–x
Copyright © 2022 by Information Age Publishing
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. ix

one, this study is based on a more extensive presentation of the results. We

expect that this book will make a significant contribution to the issue and
serve in further research.

July 30, 2021

Mirjana Radović-Marković
Borislav Đjukanović


Radović-Marković, M., Đukanović, B., Marković, D., & Dragojević, A. (2021).

Entrepreneurship and work in the gig economy: The case of the Western Balkans.

Mirjana Radović-Marković

Strengthening the role of governance, education and social inclusion is

of great importance to improving countries’ capacity for innovation, a
stable financial environment, the successful implementation of broadly set
reforms and the establishment of a macroeconomic environment that sup-
ports private sector activities.
The macroeconomic environment in the Western Balkans countries is
based on the progress of the market economy and the development of the
private sector. However, in this region, the reform momentum has slowed
in many countries, which has been reflected in the fact that many of these
economies have failed to meet the condition of transition to competitive
In order to more objectively assess the progress of these countries and
their inclusion in global business flows, we will analyze some of the basic
indicators of development.

Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Work

and Business Environment, pp. 3–11
Copyright © 2022 by Information Age Publishing
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 3


World Bank data predict gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the
Western Balkans countries of 3.8% by 2022. Analyzed by countries of the
region, the lowest GDP growth rate is projected for Northern Macedonia
at 3.1%, and the highest for Serbia at 4% (Figure 1.1).
In Montenegro as a Mediterranean country, tourism has a great influ-
ence on GDP growth, that is, its share in GDP is almost 25% (Monstat,
2019), which speaks of its importance for the entire Montenegrin economy.
According to The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness 2019, Mon-
tenegro ranked 67th in 2019, while in 2017 it was ranked 72nd (World
Economic Forum [WEF], 2019).
Guidelines for the development of Montenegrin tourism are defined in
the document Montenegro Tourism Development Strategy to 2020 (2008),
which was adopted for the period from 2008 to 2020. The defined strate-
gic goals include the application of the principles and goals of sustainable
development in order for Montenegro to expand and improve its position
as a global top tourist destination. This should consequently result in the
creation of new jobs for the citizens of Montenegro.
A slight increase in GDP is expected for Montenegro, that is, from 3% in
2019 to 3.2% in 2022. However, such a positive prognosis is subject to the
influence of numerous risks, that is, it will depend on geopolitical and trade
disputes to stagnation in the pace of structural reforms (World Bank, 2019).
These predictions were made before a new recession caused by the coro-
navirus could be foreseen. Therefore, economic growth rates will have to
be adjusted. Some reports made after the crisis in mid-March 2020 expect
a serious European recession of –4% in 2020, with a significant decline in
production and employment (Pavlova, 2020).


In the countries of the European Union, a crawling growth of the employ-

ment rate was recorded in the observed period 2013–2019 (Figure 1.2),
while all the countries of the Western Balkans recorded a higher growth
than the EU countries with the highest employment (Figure 1.2).
Rates among the countries of the Western Balkans are in Albania and
Serbia, while the most unfavorable situation is in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Namely, in the observed period, Serbia recorded the highest growth of the
employment rate, that is, from 40.6 in 2013 to 49.7 in 2019 or an increase
of 9.1 percentage points (World Bank, 2019a).
Observed employment trends for the last two years (2018–2020), it can
be stated that employment growth continued in all countries of the region.
Macroeconomic Environment   5

Figure 1.1

GDP Growth for tThe Countries of the Western Balkans With Projections Until 2022

Source: Author.

Figure 1.2

Growth Rate Trend of Employment Rate in the Countries of the Western Balkans in
Relation to the EU, 2013–2019

Source: Author.

This is confirmed by data that show that employment in June 2019 in the
Western Balkans was higher by 2.4% compared to the same period last year.
This created 149.430 new jobs in the labor market compared to the same
period in 2018 (World Bank, 2019d).
The unemployment rate in Serbia dropped to 9.7% at the end of 2019
from 12.9% in the corresponding period of the previous year. The number
of unemployed decreased by 24.6% and the number of employed increased
by 4.3%. Meanwhile, the employment rate rose 2.3% from a year earlier
(Trading Economics, 2020).
The WEF analysis (2019a) shows that the unemployment rate in Mon-
tenegro was 15.5% during 2019. According to Monstat (2019) data, out
of the total number of active population or 289.5 thousand, 85.7% were
employed and 14.3% unemployed.
The latest data from the Employment Agency of Montenegro (2020)
show that 35.429 unemployed persons (20.516 women) were registered,
which shows a slight increase of 111 persons or 0.31%. This was expected,
given that the coronary virus pandemic had started in Montenegro and
some employers had immediately started laying off workers.
The registered unemployment rate for December 2019 was 32.6% in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, making this country the leader in the region Bos-
nia and Herzegovina Agency of Statistics (2019). Based on the data of the
Agency of Statistics, the unemployment rate in Bosnia and Herzegovina in
2019 was 15.7% and was lower than in 2018 by 2.7 percentage points. On
the other hand, the employment rate in 2019, amounted to 35.5% and is
higher than the previous year by 1.2%.

New Models of Employment

In recent years, there has been an increase in new forms of employment.

These include part-time, temporary, informal, and unpaid family work,
especially among young women. Namely, thanks to the use of platforms
in business and the emergence of the “gig economy,” there are gradual
changes in this domain. The selection of workers is not based on the
employment of people who have certain knowledge, qualifications, and
so forth, but a contract is concluded with the workers on the provision of
a specific service (Radović-Marković & Tomaš 2019). In other words, over
time, there is a gradual transition from stable or permanent employment to
a “moonlighting” or “gig economy,” which is characterized by temporary or
contracted employment. This type of employment can be defined as “any
job, but only of short or uncertain duration.” In this way, an organization
can fill in the gaps in skills and knowledge for certain jobs by temporarily
hiring workers who possess those skills and knowledge.
Macroeconomic Environment   7

According to statistical data, it can be stated that the share of the labor
force in the EU-28, performing occasional jobs or working part-time, is
constantly increasing, that is, from 14.9% in 2002 to 18.5% in 2018 (Euro-
stat, 2019). In addition, according to Eurostat (2019), 30.8% of employed
women aged 20 to 64 worked part-time in EU countries compared to men,
which was about 8.0% in 2018.
The World Bank report states that informal employment, one of the
main challenges in the Western Balkans labor market, is still growing in
Albania and Northern Macedonia, but is declining in Montenegro and
Serbia. It is estimated that mostly young people, older women and less
educated workers performed informal jobs in 2018 (World Bank, 2019a).


In the female part of the population of the Western Balkans, there are
reduced activity rates, lower incomes, high total unemployment, but also
higher employment in less profitable sectors, with less representation com-
pared to men in management positions, as well as among entrepreneurs
(European Movement of Montenegro, 2013). Thus, in 2018, women’s
unemployment in the Western Balkans was 57% of the total number of
unemployed (Global Markets, 2019). According to Global Markets (2019):

Women are still struggling to achieve economic security. It is true that,

compared to men, more women graduate from college, but only two out
of five women in the Western Balkans have or are looking for work. It is
estimated that every year the countries of the Western Balkans lose on aver-
age up to 18% of their GDP due to gender differences in the labor market.
(Global Markets, 2019)

In Montenegro, there is insufficient protection of women in the labor

market, especially those working in the informal economy (strongly
expressed in tourism and hospitality), which results in increasing existential
insecurity. The National Development Strategy of Montenegro 2008–2030
(2007) states that women in Montenegro can realize their potential and
contribute to the overall sustainable development of society if they achieve
equality as social actors. One of the key tasks of Montenegrin society is
the economic and political empowerment of women and the adoption of
gender-sensitive regulations and policies.


The combination of GDP and employment data makes it possible to esti-

mate labor productivity. According to the latest World Bank (2020) report,

labor productivity has fallen in the Western Balkans by 5.4 percentage

points. Since 2013 labor productivity growth in this region is almost zero.
Consequently, the countries of the Western Balkans are less competitive on
the international market compared to the EU countries, which have many
times higher labor productivity.
According to the data of the World Bank (2019), in northern Macedonia,
in the first half of 2019, real net wages increased by 2%, and in Serbia by
7.2% compared to the same period last year. Real wage growth was not in
line with labor productivity.
The highest growth rates of minimum wages had Albania (18%),
Montenegro (15%) and Serbia (11 %) (World Bank, 2019d).


The public debt in Montenegro has increased significantly in the last 10

years or more. Namely, compared to 2008, when it amounted to only 29%
of GDP, it doubled in the next five years, that is, according to the indica-
tors of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, it reached 1.707 million
euros, or 51.3% of GDP in October 2012 (Radović-Marković et al., 2013).
However, at the end of 2012, the state debt of Montenegro decreased to
47.9% of GDP. According to the data of the Ministry of Finance, the public
debt of Montenegro at the end of 2019 amounted to around 3.833 billion
euros, which is 79.8% of the GDP. In addition to Montenegro’s high public
debt in 2019, it was 66.5% in Albania, while it was 52.4% in Serbia at the
end of November (European Commission, 2020).
In response to the effects of the crisis, international financial institutions
have recommended policies of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms
in the Western Balkans. This has influenced the implementation of auster-
ity measures in recent years in these countries to overcome the external and
public debt, which have not been generally accepted among the inhabitants
of these countries but have yielded results.
The greater capacity of EU countries to service their gross foreign debt
creates a qualitative difference between their debt and the debt of the
Western Balkan countries (Bartlett & Prica, 2017).


The Western Balkans is struggling to attract foreign direct investment

(FDI) and has therefore been working on reforms in recent years, with
the ultimate goal of improving the business climate and fostering further
integration in the regional and global markets (Jirasavetakul & Rahman,
Macroeconomic Environment   9

2018; World Bank, 2019). Using its favorable geographical position, skilled
workforce and lower wage costs than in Central Europe, the region had a
large inflow of FDI in 2019.
According to the “World Investment Report 2019” of the UN Confer-
ence on Trade and Development (UNCTAD, 2019), Serbia had the largest
inflow of foreign direct investment in the region with a growth of 44% ($4.1
billion), while Bosnia and Herzegovina had a growth of 4% ($ 468 million)
and Albania of 13% ($1.3 billion). Northern Macedonia has tripled direct
investment in the last two years, that is, from $205 million in 2017 to $737
million in 2019 (UNCTAD, 2019).
Montenegro is the only one in the region to record a 12% drop in direct
investment. Namely, although Montenegro records the inflow of foreign
investments, which in 2019 amounted to 712.8 million euros, at the same
time 398 million euros flowed out of the country, which is 3.9% more than
in the same period in 2018 (Central Bank of Montenegro, 2020). Further,
in Montenegro, the structure of foreign investments has been changing
in recent years, so that more has been invested in tourism, the banking
sector and energy, while real estate investments are decreasing. The Euro-
pean Investment Bank (EIB) in the Western Balkans invests its funds in all
countries in the region. Thus, it has provided EUR 40 million for Monte-
negro for the reconstruction of five main roads and thus improve the road
network, which will contribute to tourism, trade, and regional integration.
Tunnels and several bridges will be reconstructed, for which 1.5 million
EUR of nonrefundable technical assistance has been allocated for Monte-
negro within the Economic Research Institute (ERI) program (EIB, 2019).
It is also the first project in the Western Balkans to be supported by ERI
by awarding grants.
Hungary’s recently established “Western Balkans Green Centre” plans
to make about 1.2 million euros available to launch green investments in
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Mace-
donia, and Serbia (Reporting Democracy, 2020). In this way, the “Green
Centre” wants to help the region on the path to sustainable development,
and at the same time to increase the international competitiveness of Hun-
garian companies that intend to invest in the green economy. In addition,
they expect to be able to support the region’s green transition and create
new jobs.
In addition to these investments, the influence of China, Russia, and
Turkey, which also want to continue investing in the Balkan region, has
strengthened in recent years.
China has been strengthening its influence in this region since 2015,
given that geographically, the Western Balkans is the final part of new
China’s silk sea route. In a short time, China has become the leading

investor in some countries of the Western Balkans and is ranked as the

number one foreign investor in Serbia (Krastev, 2018).
Chinese investors invest mainly in infrastructure, such as (Tomchev,
2017, p. 2):

• reconstruction of the Belgrade-Budapest railway;

• construction of the Bar-Boljare highway (which connects
Montenegro and Serbia);
• construction of a highway between Albania and Montenegro;
• construction of highways in Albania, Bosnia and Northern

The Chinese need a presence in the Balkans in order to get closer to

other European markets. In this regard, China is not facing resistance from
small countries in the Balkans, given their investment needs and intention
to reduce the gap for highly developed EU countries as soon as possible
(the Western Balkans account for around 1% of EU GDP and are one of
the most underdeveloped regions of Europe).
Turkey is also interested in investing in the Balkan region due to the
need to connect economically and politically with countries with which it
has cultural, religious, and other similarities. Thus, Turkish direct invest-
ments in Serbia, between 2015 and 2018, amounted to 133.7 million euros.
Turkish companies took over 17 new projects in Serbia after 2018 with a
value of 395.7 million dollars (New Economy, 2020). The projects refer,
first of all, to the construction of the highway Belgrade—Sarajevo and
Pojate—Preljina, where the Turkish company Enka will participate in a
consortium with the American Bechtel.
By the end of June 2019, 2.162 companies were operating in Monte-
negro, formed by investors from Turkey (Bankar.me, 2019). Most of them
are engaged in construction, consulting services, wholesale and retail
trade, tourism and catering. Of the larger Turkish investments, those in
the Nikšić Ironworks (Toščelik) and in the Port of Bar (Global ports) stand
out. Turkey’s Zirat Bank has opened a representative office in Montene-
gro, where it provides better banking services to Montenegrin and Turkish
citizens living and working in Montenegro. In addition, LC Waikiki brand
stores have been opened throughout the region.
Russia is also closely connected with the countries of the Western
Balkans due to its historical and cultural relations. Especially in the energy
sector, Russia has a significant influence, especially in Serbia, Bosnia, and
Herzegovina and the North Macedonia, where crude oil and natural gas
account for between 75 and 95% of imports from Russia (BOFIT, 2019
[No reference] ). Therefore, the countries of the Western Balkans (except
Macroeconomic Environment   11

Montenegro, which does not consume much gas) continue to support

Russian infrastructure projects (e.g., Gazprom, South Stream, and TESLA)
(Vladimirov et al., 2018).

Mirjana Radović-Marković



The Globalization Index (KOF) covers the economic, social, and political
dimensions of globalization. The economic globalization that interests us
here means the flow of money, capital, and transactions.
Among the countries of the Western Balkans, Montenegro had a glo-
balization index of 72.05 in 2019, according to which it ranked 55th out of
203 ranked countries. Serbia was the best ranked country (36th place), and
the worst positioned was Northern Macedonia (58th place). (Table 2.1).
Comparing the data for the last two years, it can be noticed that in all
countries in the region there was an increase in the KOF index and that
they improved their ranking except for Bosnia and Herzegovina, which
recorded a decline (–7).
Montenegro advanced from 63rd place in 2017 to 55th place in 2019
(+8). Serbia also made progress in the period 2017–2019, that is (+10),
Northern Macedonia advanced the most (+36), and Albania the least (+1).

Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Work

and Business Environment, pp. 13–30
Copyright © 2022 by Information Age Publishing
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 13

Table 2.1

KOF Globalization Index of the countries of the Western Balkans,

Globalization Globalization
Country Index 2017 Rank Index 2019 Rank
Serbia 69 46 78.98 36
N. Macedonia 55 94 70.79 58
Montenegro 65 63 72.05 55
Bosnia and Herzegovina 66.56 57 69.19 64
Albania 60 76 67.30 75
Source: KOF Index of Globalization, 2017 and 2019.

Among the countries in the region, Montenegro had the highest GDP
per capita and Albania the lowest.
The analysis of the impact of the globalization index on GDP growth per
capita showed dependence, that is, R2 = 0, 2082 (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1

Impact of Globalization (Measured by the Globalization Index) on GDP Per Capita for
the Countries of the Western Balkans

Source: Author.
Inclusion in Global Business Flows   15

Figure 2.1 shows that the effects of globalization on the economic growth
of the countries of the Western Balkans depend on how much these econo-
mies are already integrated into the global economy. The less countries are
involved in the global economy, the greater the positive impact of global-
ization and vice versa.
Namely, while the correlation between KOF and GDP for the countries
of the Western Balkans is R2 = 0.2082, this correlation is significantly lower
for small countries that have a GDP per capita higher than U.S.$25,000,
that is, R2 = 0.0428 (Radović-Marković & Tomaš, 2019).


Globalization is influencing organizations around the world to be constantly

on the lookout for achieving sustainable competitiveness. Measuring the
competitiveness of national economies is of particular importance, as it
contributes to business improvement and overall economic growth.
There are numerous interdependencies between globalization and com-
petitiveness that the literature talks about. One approach focuses on the
fact that in the last few decades, globalization has influenced the increas-
ing integration of national and regional economies and the dominance of
the world economy thanks to the expansion of multinational economies
(Radović-Marković, 2011; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development [OECD], 2018).
Bang and Markeset (2011) emphasize that the main drivers of com-
petitiveness growth under the influence of globalization are the following

1. lower trade barriers.

2. lower transportation costs.
3. lower communication costs.
4. ICT development; and
5. dissemination of information technologies.

In line with global developments, digital transformation is particularly

expected to play a vital role in fostering future sustainable growth in the
Western Balkans region and contributing to regional cooperation.
Further, a number of scientists point out that the strategic choice of the
company depends on enhancing the competitive advantages of the com-
pany in a global context. First of all, this primarily refers to the positioning
of the company in the global market (Hitt & He, 2008).
Measuring the competitiveness of national economies is of particular
importance, as it contributes to business improvement and overall eco-

nomic growth. If the competitiveness on the global market is weak, then

the national economy also suffers, which leads to protectionism, nontrans-
parent state subsidies and barriers to market entry (Radović-Marković et
al., 2013).
In terms of approaching the measurement of competitiveness at the
organizational level, scientists emphasize that the resources of the firm
have an impact on the behavior of the firm and its competitive advan-
tages (Barney, 2007; Mahoney & Pandian, 1992). Although, according
to them, all internal resources (physical, financial, human, and organiza-
tional resources) are of great importance for raising the competitiveness of
the company, some of the scientists single out human and organizational
resources as the most important in this regard (Zupan, 1996).
In the academic literature, a number of authors dealing with the com-
petitiveness of organizations advocate for the growth of competitiveness
through business processes. Consequently, firms must, through teamwork,
increase their competence over time and thus contribute to their organiza-
tion to increase competitiveness (King et al., 2001).
Scientists who put knowledge in the foreground believe that a firm can
win a “competitive battle” only if it possesses more relevant knowledge than
its competition (Inkpen, 1998; Zack, 1999). The allocation of intellectual
capital as a key factor in the competitiveness of companies requires appro-
priate management. Accordingly, knowledge management is an activity
that requires special competencies of strategic management of the com-
pany (Pucko, 1998). Companies operating in the global market base their
competitive advantages on this theoretical approach (Radović-Marković et
al., 2013).
Analysis of the survival of firms in the global market has shown that
those who adopt innovations survive more often. In addition, the number
of patents has been shown to be a reliable indicator of the existence of inno-
vation. From this point of view, it was concluded that patents are closely
related to a firm’s productivity and its market value (Klette & Kortum,
2004). According to this conclusion, it can be expected that firms that use
multiple patents will be more innovative and thus have an advantage over
the competition (Helmers & Rogers, 2008).
Experiences of highly developed countries show that clusters are an
effective instrument for strengthening the competitiveness of industrial
enterprises, while clustering encourages the competitiveness of industry in
the global market in three important ways—productivity growth, innova-
tion, and the establishment of new enterprises (Mićić, 2010). In addition, it
is interesting to note that many countries have increased their competitive-
ness thanks to a more efficient institutional environment, as confirmed by
some research (Hitt & He, 2008).
Inclusion in Global Business Flows   17

Due to the changes brought about by globalization, the European Union

has defined priority goals and instruments to ensure competitiveness, such
as (Guide to the Europe 2020 Strategy, 2011):

1. strong support for knowledge development and innovation;

2. creating better conditions for investment;
3. stronger social cohesion.

The countries of the Western Balkans, which are in the phase of joining
the European Union, have shown weaknesses in the field of administra-
tive and innovation infrastructure, which brings them to the very back
of Europe. These claims are argued by the competitiveness index of the
countries in the region, which slows them down in terms of improving their
market position. Therefore, it is necessary for them to go through different
phases of legal, institutional, and real changes in the economic structure,
the system of relations between economic entities, as well as in the behav-
ioral manner (Radović-Marković et al., 2013).
In order for a country to enjoy sustainable economic growth and remain
competitive internationally, the key lies in the government’s investment
in research and development and the launch of technological innova-
tion. Namely, raising the competitiveness of the Western Balkan countries
implies significant improvement of general competitiveness factors (mac-
roeconomic stability and economic growth, involvement in global and
integration processes, development of economic infrastructure, quality of
science and technological development, quality of education and human
potential, quality of management, etc.) (Radović-Marković et al., 2013).

Global Competitiveness Index

According to the latest methodology for determining the global com-

petitiveness index, which was introduced in 2018, a detailed overview of
factors and characteristics that stimulate productivity, economic growth
and human development is provided.
The analysis of the global competitiveness index for 2019 shows that
Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina are worse
ranked compared to the previous year, that is (–2), (–7), (–5) and (–1),
respectively. Unlike the mentioned countries, only Northern Macedonia
has improved its rank (+2).
According to the WEF report (2019), based on the global competitive-
ness index, Montenegro ranks 73rd out of 141 economies, while Serbia
ranked 76th according to the same report.

Putting in the ratio of GDP and the Global Competitiveness Index, a

moderate dependence on R2 = 0.6028 is observed (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2

Impact of GDP per capita on the Global Competitiveness Index

Source: World Economic Forum data (WEF, 2019).


Schumpeter basically defined innovation as “a combination of devel-

opmental changes.” Accordingly, taking into account the definitions of
innovation in the literature, we can conclude that the general character-
istics of innovation are the application of new ideas, the improvement of
existing ones and inventions (Tekin & Tekdogan, 2015). They contribute
and accelerate the development of new technology innovation processes
(Kasper & Clohesi, 2008). In addition, fundamental changes are taking
place globally as a result of the convergence of the innovation process and
modern institutional changes. Namely, innovation becomes key to creating
countries’ strategic strengths (Held & McGrew, 2007, pp. 51–58).
The analysis of the connection between innovation and globalization
in the conditions of modern trends in the economic development of Mon-
tenegro and other countries of the Western Balkans is at the centre of this
Inclusion in Global Business Flows   19

part of the study. Accordingly, we will focus on the correlation between the
KOF Globalization Index and the Global Innovation Index.

Global Innovation Index GII

The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2019 ranks innovation performance

in 129 countries and economies around the world. The GII was jointly
developed by Cornell University, the business school Insead based in Paris
and VIPO. This global index includes more than 80 indicators that explore
a wide range of innovations, including the political environment, educa-
tion, infrastructure, and business sophistication (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Ranking of Western Balkan Countries According to GII, 2018–2019

2018 2019
Albania 83 30.3 83 30.3
Montenegro 52 36.5 45 37.7
Serbia 55 35.5 57 35.7
N. Maced. 84 29.9 59 35.3
BiH 77 31.1 76 31.4

Northern Macedonia made the most progress in ranking in 2019

compared to 2018, as its ranking increased by 25 positions, followed by
Montenegro (+7) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (+1).
Albania remained in the same place in 2019 as in the previous year,
while Serbia was the only country in the region to fall behind (–2).
The Innovation Capacity Index (ICI) serves to examine a wide range of
policies and institutions that foster an innovation-friendly environment.
This index is very complex and takes into account the following compo-
nents: education, institutional environment, ICT application, scientific
infrastructure and legal framework (Figure 2.3).
The innovation ecosystem consists of “innovation capacity” and “busi-
ness dynamism.”
According to the WEF report (2019), Montenegro was ranked 69th out
of 141 economies in terms of “ innovation capacity.” In relation to Monte-
negro, Bosnia and Herzegovina was ranked worse according to the same
report in terms of “ innovation capacity,” that is, it is at the bottom of this
list with 117 place and is also the worst positioned of all five analyzed coun-

Figure 2.3

Innovation Capacity Index (ICI)

Source: Author.

tries in the region. Slightly better positioned than Bosnia and Herzegovina
were Northern Macedonia with 97th place and Albania with 110th place.
According to the same report, Serbia was the best ranked country in the
Western Balkans with 59th position on the basis of “innovation capacity.”
Various changes in the business environment have greatly affected the
“business dynamism,” that is, on the establishment and closure of compa-
nies, their productivity and competitiveness. Business dynamics statistics
show that Montenegro was in 50th place according to WEF (2019) indica-
tors, while Serbia was 54th immediately following Montenegro. According
to the same report, Albania was ranked 63rd, followed by Northern Mace-
donia 65th and Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked 117th out of 141 countries.
It is necessary to emphasize the importance of a proper understanding
of the importance of scientific infrastructure in the field of research on the
growth of “innovation capacity,” so that national policies in this area can
be formed.
Innovation capacity in the Global Competitiveness Index is estimated on
the basis of the following elements (Report of the National Science Council
of the Republic of Serbia, 2018):
Inclusion in Global Business Flows   21

• Capabilities of existing economic entities to develop new designs

or new top value-added products in order to be able to maintain
• Sufficient investment in research and development, especially by
the private sector;
• Presence of high-quality scientific research institutions that can
generate the basic knowledge needed to build new technologies;
• Extensive cooperation in research and technological develop-
ment between universities and industry.

Figure 2.4

Quality of Scientific and Research Institutions in the Region

Source: Report of the National Council for Science of the Republic of Serbia

The data show that Montenegro is positioned high in terms of the qual-
ity of scientific and research institutions (65th place) and that it is the
only one in 2017 in the region that has made progress compared to other
countries in the region (Figure 2.4).
Comparing Montenegro with Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, and Bulgaria
as members of the European Union from the environment, only the better
position of Croatia (66th place) for 2017 can be noticed.
Infrastructure is among the first conditions for enriching knowledge
and development of all sciences. By analyzing the scientific infrastructure

in Serbia, it was determined that Serbian science is good because there are
as many as 70 scientific institutes, but few of them are part of universities.
Further, it is especially important to emphasize the high positioning of
Serbian science among 148 countries in the world (see Table 2.3).

Table 2.3

Share of Western Balkan Countries in science in the Region of

Eastern Europe and Number of Published Papers in the SCOPUS
Database Cited, 1996–2018
Cited Number of by
Country Rank Documents documents citations document H-index1
Serbia 10 91,280 86,176 78,1607 8.56 220
Montenegro 23 3,920 21,019 21,019 5 51
BiH 19 12,226 11,504 70,210 5.74 91
N. Maced 20 11,949 11,312 21,019 9.18 108
Albania 22 4,727 4,445 30,255 6.4 62
Source: The author according to SJR data.

According to the SCOPUS,1 database, the countries of the Western Bal-

kans have increased the number of papers published in this reference
database in the last two decades (Table 2.3). The comparison was made
with the countries of Eastern Europe, consisting of 24 countries headed by
the Russian Federation.
Despite the gradual growth of the number of papers and their cita-
tions, the countries of the Western Balkans are ranked the worst, except
for Serbia, which in the analyzed period was above the middle of the list
of countries (Position 10).
Data for Montenegro (23rd place), as well as Albania (22nd place),
Northern Macedonia (20th place) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (19th
place), support the claims that scientists from the mentioned countries
were not interested enough in publishing in journals on SCOPUS.
The reasons can be numerous, that is, from insufficient familiarity with
journals from this database to insufficient evaluation of these journals by
national ministries of science. It is necessary to emphasize that Serbia is
continuously increasing its share in the region of Eastern Europe, as well
as the number of published papers cited in SCOPUS. This was especially
contributed by the adoption of the Rulebook on the procedure, evaluation,
and quantitative presentation of scientific research results of researchers,
Inclusion in Global Business Flows   23

where scientific papers published in journals indexed in SCOPUS are

valued (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, 2016).
Observed in the last few years (Figure 2.5), scientists from Bosnia and
Herzegovina have mostly increased the number of published papers in
journals included in the SCOPUS database, that is, by 412 papers. On the
other hand, Northern Macedonia was the only one in the region to have
a decrease in the number of published papers in 2018 compared to 2015
(SJR, 2019).

Figure 2.5

Number of Papers Published in the Countries of the Western Balkans in 2015 and 2018

Source: The author according to SJR data (2015 and 2018).

Given the fact that the SCOPUS index database includes 60% more
journals than the WoS database, it is natural to expect that the number of
papers by researchers will be higher in the SCOPUS database (National
Council for Scientific and Technological Development of the Republic of
Serbia, 2018).
According to the available data in the last three years, researchers at
DHN from Serbia have published only 43 prominent monographs of inter-
national importance (M11) out of a total of 6.200 published books.
In addition, in February 2018, out of 125 registered innovative orga-
nizations, only two worked in the field of social innovation, but none was
accredited to conduct research.

Obviously, there is a huge potential for improvement in this domain,

because technological innovations always require social innovations. Unfor-
tunately, this potential was not used at all by researchers at DHN.
The mobility of researchers is limited, while the presence of foreign
scientists in DHN research and higher education institutions is almost
In Montenegro, like Serbia, the Ministry of Science is a great advocate
of opening national science to EU countries and other countries. Thus, in
the middle of 2019, a document was adopted that refers to the issues of
open access to the research infrastructure. In this way, interdisciplinarity,
international and intersectoral mobility are encouraged and numerous
opportunities for cooperation are created. Namely, open access avoids
duplication of equipment and saves funds for other investments in science.
The results published by the Ministry of Science of Montenegro (2019)
showed the good condition of existing equipment, whose total value is
estimated at 28 million euros, of which 67% has been invested in the last six
years. These data testify to a significant increase in investment in scientific
Further, in 2019, the Ministry of Science of Montenegro initiated the
procedure of registration in the Register of Innovative Organizations in
accordance with the Law on Innovative Activity (Official Gazette of Monte-
negro, 2018). According to the available data in Montenegro, 33 innovative
organizations are registered in the Register, as follows: 13 scientific research
institutions, 18 business entities, 1 innovation and entrepreneurship center
and 1 center of excellence (Ministry of Science of Montenegro, 2019).
In addition to Montenegro and Serbia, other countries in the region
have made significant efforts in recent years to develop the scientific
structure and encourage innovation. They have adopted various strate-
gies, laws, and programs to improve the performance of the sector at the
national level and have improved regional R&D cooperation, for example
by committing to the “Regional Strategy for Innovation and Innovation
Development of the Western Balkans” (SEE, 2020) (see Figure 2.6).
Figure 2.7 shows that the calculated correlation coefficient R2 is
0.4048 and this value indicates a moderately high degree of positive
linear correlation between the KOF Globalization Index and the Global
Innovation Index for the countries of the Western Balkans. Research on
the relationship between innovation and the globalization index also
shows that countries that are highly involved in the globalization process
have a higher rank in terms of innovation. In other words, the more
globally integrated countries are, the more favorable conditions are for
the development of an innovative economy. Accordingly, many countries
are making great efforts to increase the innovation of their economies and
thus ensure greater competitiveness in the global market. Namely, the
Inclusion in Global Business Flows   25

Figure 2.6

Global Innovation Index 2018–2019

Source: The authors according to http://statisticstimes.com/ranking/global-


Figure 2.7

Correlation Between KOF Index and GII

Source: Author.

state can play a major role in innovation, as well as in the development

of an environment that supports research and development. Through its
measures, it can encourage the mobility of researchers through facilitating
international cooperation, as well as through financial support for research.
In Serbia, Montenegro and other Western Balkan countries, the structure of
international scientific cooperation is mainly dominated by projects, which
are being done with some European countries. Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina and Northern Macedonia have joined the Horizon 2020
platform, the largest program for research and innovation of the European
Union, which envisages the arrival of key scientific discoveries, inventions
and innovations, and their market application.
To the extent that start-ups play a role in innovation and job creation,
the region should be concerned. Therefore, many countries in the region
have started taking measures to encourage start-ups. For example, the
Ministry of Science of Montenegro has launched a program to encourage
innovative start-ups (2019–2021). This program should contribute to the
creation of attractive conditions for the Montenegrin innovative ecosystem,
with a focus on innovative start-ups (ZUNS, 2019).

The Impact of GDP Per Capita on Innovation Growth

In the analysis, we also compared the level of GDP per capita with the
current values in the Western Balkan countries from 2019 with their levels
of innovation (Figure 2.8).
It is not surprising that it can be seen from the graph that the innovation
capacity and GDP per capita are in a moderate correlation R2 = 0.6212.
Despite the fact that there is a high correlation between GDP and inno-
vation levels, the low level of allocations for science and technological
development in the region (0.3–0.4% of GDP), which is significantly lower
than the European average and 2% of GDP, does not provide an oppor-
tunity for further significant development of science in perspective. For
these reasons, there is an increasing insistence that the lack of funding
for research be compensated through international cooperation, where
research costs are passed on to project partner countries.
Given that the development of science in each country relies on the
efforts of its own nation, it is at the same time influenced by international
scientific cooperation. “With this in mind, it can be concluded that inter-
national scientific cooperation is an important component of a society’s
orientation towards the development of scientific achievements” (Radović-
Marković, 2019a). It is important for such projects that they provide
equipment, exchange of knowledge and experience and scholarships for
the most talented young researchers.
Inclusion in Global Business Flows   27

Figure 2.8

The Impact of GDP Per Capita on GII

Source: Author.

Regional governments will face a huge range of challenges over the next
five years, from addressing bilateral issues, unemployment, and public
debt, to aligning demands with Union policies and resolving the current
brain drain crisis by strengthening international scientific and economic
cooperation with EU and U.S. member states where most diasporas from
the region live. Strengthening economic and scientific ties with the diaspora
would reduce the brain drain from the region (Radović-Marković, 2019a).
With the support of the World Bank, innovation funds have been cre-
ated in Northern Macedonia and Serbia, and one will soon be created in
Montenegro as well. They have funded successful programs, but they are
still “too fragmented to attract additional investment, especially outside
the region” (WEF, 2020).

The Impact of Education on Innovation

Education is one of the most important factors for forecasting the future
economic and development results of a country. It is a prerequisite for eco-
nomic competitiveness and one of the necessary attributes of a functioning

The countries of the Western Balkans in this domain constantly have a

worse result than the EU members, which leads to the conclusion that the
quality of education systems in the region is low (EBRD, 2016). Further,
the connection between the economy and educational institutions is insuf-
ficient. In addition, functional illiteracy remains a problem in almost all
Western Balkan countries, with Albania of a functional illiteracy rate of 60%.
The relative importance of technology and innovation adoption to
improve productivity has increased in recent years, as progress in expand-
ing the relationship of knowledge and the increasing use of information
and communication technologies (ICT) (López-Claros & Mata, 2009).
The European Union has encouraged its strategic intentions to build
an information society under strategies related to: the EU digital agenda,
innovative Europe, new skills and jobs, putting young people at the fore-
front of development by 2025, as well as the development of ICT in new
industrial policy. Investments in ICT contribute to the general improve-
ment of the functioning of enterprises (OECD, 2010) through the process
of internal and external cooperation on innovations, which are slower than
the technological advances themselves.
New forms of work, new technologies and new demands placed on
employees, have gradually led to a redefinition of education and to direct-
ing individuals and educational institutions in that direction. Training
of human resources for certain jobs is performed primarily in terms of
increasing the knowledge and competencies of employees, with the inten-
tion to better respond to work tasks (Radović-Marković, 2011a, p. 39).
In recent years, general competencies have been specifically considered
in education research (Barth et al., 2007; Canto-Sperber, Dupuy, 2001;
Holmes & Hooper, 2000).
Researchers Allen and Van der Velden (2005) developed a methodology
according to which highly educated personnel are expected to develop at
least five areas of general competence:

1. Professional expertise: highly educated people are expected to

become experts in their professional field;
2. Functional flexibility: implies that highly educated personnel
must be able to respond to new challenges and quickly acquire
new knowledge;
3. Innovation and knowledge management: highly educated peo-
ple are expected to, in addition to successfully performing work
tasks, create an environment in which to manage knowledge-
based innovation;
4. Mobilization of human resources: highly educated personnel are
expected to be able to mobilize all available human resources
and direct them in the desired direction;
Inclusion in Global Business Flows   29

5. International orientation: given the processes of globalization,

highly educated people are expected to be strongly internation-
ally oriented.

Some authors necessarily include experience in the integral part of

competencies in addition to education (Bassellier et al., 2003; Rockart et
al., 1996). Experience in the application of information technology refers
to the activities undertaken in the company in the field of information
technology projects and experience in managing these projects.
According to some research, the competencies of managers will influ-
ence the development of the organization and the training of employees
(Tippins & Sohi, 2003).
Product and process innovation is often determined by the market in
which the firm operates but is closely linked to the role of managers and
their impact on the company’s innovative strategy.
Managerial IT competencies must include the following areas of IT
competencies: technology, engineering and management, intellectuality,
and learning (Figure 2.9).
Managers, creative leaders, can use a wide range of new, technologically
supported options in formulating their strategies. They are increasingly
using it in business to meet changes, not just react to them. Therefore, it is
necessary to permanently increase the skills of managers and the environ-
ment for continuous improvement through learning, in order to use IT
tools to expand innovative skills in business (Barrios et al., 2003; Bessant
et al., 2001).
Modern research also shows that workforce agility can be achieved
through “cross-training of workers,” since cross-trained workers are much
more flexible than other workers (Foss & Knudsen, 2000). Accordingly,
universities will need to expand and revise their curricula if they are to
educate students for a digital future that is inclusive, sustainable, and col-
laborative. Namely, greater progress is needed in the preparation of the
countries of the Western Balkans for the fourth industrial revolution, that
is innovation power in business; this would reduce the gap with Western
Europe. The special need to strengthen technical and vocational education
should be emphasized in order to facilitate the interaction between edu-
cational institutions and the business community and to enable graduates
with specialized skills to more easily adapt to the needs of the economy.
So, in addition to preparing us for work, education should also encourage
creativity and innovative skills, where the deep influences of philosophy,
ethics, organizational behavior, politics, and art intertwine in addition to
computer knowledge.

Figure 2.9

Model of Managerial IT Competencies

Source: Bassellier et al. (2003).


Western Balkan countries should without any doubt continue in the per-
spective of internal reforms. In addition, having in mind that they are
all small countries, the only way for it to achieve economic growth and
become economically more relevant in the global framework is for them to
in greater extent than before internationalize their business activities. That
implies that they should become a more serious “global player.” However,
the manner in which the positioning of small and medium enterprises will
be done in the global market will depend on their potentials and limita-
tions-resources available, as well as their ability to react to variable change
on the market.


1. The SCOPUS index database (published by Elsevier) currently includes

22.794 scientific journals from the natural, technical, medical, and social
sciences, of which 3.643 are fully open access.


Mirjana Radović-Marković


Work from home, teleworking, remote office—it has several names, but no
matter what you call it, it means working in an environment that is not the
company’s office. The work is mostly done, but not necessarily in the house
of the worker. However, workers may choose another place to conduct busi-
ness activities, such as a warehouse, workshop, or other space, provided
that it is not the employer’s space.
Due to COVID-19, work from home has actualized, which otherwise
has a very long tradition. Not all organizations and their employees had
equal conditions to work in this way due to their occupation, home condi-
tions or other factors. What applies to individuals also applies to regions
and nations: Thus, some countries have shown greater flexibility and the
power to adapt than other. The research team from MIT recently created
an index that analyzes the economic impact of remote work in 30 countries
(Bana et al., 2020). The results of these studies have shown that developed
economies are likely to fare better—especially those countries with greater
diversification of industries and occupations that are more conducive to

Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Work

and Business Environment, pp. 31–59
Copyright © 2022 by Information Age Publishing
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 31

working from home, along with support conditions such as internet access.
Regions where it is harder to work from home may be more vulnerable to
layoffs and reduced economic activities.
Whether working from home is the product of one’s own choice or is the
result of a pandemic or other environmental shock, the change in the way
work is done is real and governments must understand the implications
and take steps to position their economies accordingly.
Grant et al. (2019) among the many factors that are important for
remote work, highlight the trust of colleagues and managers. On the other
hand, Baruch (2000) believes that self-discipline, the ability to work inde-
pendently, self-organization, self-confidence, time management skills and
computer literacy are of particular importance for remote work.


In the past, individuals believed in the importance of maintaining a long

career as an employee of a company and therefore never applied for free-
lance jobs. Freelance work, which was well paid, was also not available to
professionals who wanted to leave the corporate world. However, times are
changing, which has been reflected in a large increase in the number of
freelancers in the world.
In previous research, the entrepreneurial role of freelancers has been
neglected, given that mostly the research conducted on freelancers was
motivated by other areas of the labor market, and not by the essential
interest in these self-employed workers. In the entrepreneurial litera-
ture, freelancers are often categorized as a version of an entrepreneur or
manager (Burke, 2011).
Very often one can come across an opinion that puts a sign of equality
between the self-employed and freelancers. However, there are significant
differences between the two terms. First of all, self-employment has a much
broader meaning than being a freelancer. In a sense, the essential meaning
of self-employment is not “traditional employment.”
A self-employed person can do business with other employees or use
freelancers (Radović-Marković & Tomaš, 2019). Thus, while freelancers
are self-employed, a self-employed person may not be a freelancer (Pascoe,
2019). This is where the confusion arises. To solve it, it is enough to say that
a freelancer is just a type of self-employed worker.
Unlike people who are self-employed and often run their own business
and can employ other people, a freelancer is a self-employed person who
has no employees. In other words, a freelancer means one person who
works independently and does different projects for different companies.
He mainly works on a number of short-term contracts.
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   33

Freelancing has enjoyed impressive growth in recent years in all consid-

ered countries.
There are several reasons for freelancer expansion (Radović-Marković
et al., 2021):

• It is a way to generate additional income for debt repayment or

• It is easy to start if the individual already has the necessary skills
and equipment to do the job.
• It enables greater independence in relation to permanent
employment in a company.
• It is often flexible and allows you to work part-time or outside
the working hours.

The freelancer can choose the clients he will work for. But once he
does, he loses control of the project he will work on and has no impact on
the deadline for completion of the work. In contrast to freelancers, the
self-employed enjoy a high level of control, because no one puts pressure
on them. They can plan the deadlines for the completion of the work
In many countries, freelancers may choose to pay or not pay taxes.
Their sole responsibility is to comply with the country’s tax rules. No one
will follow them specifically because of taxes, because they would mostly
work from home. It is therefore up to the freelancer to check with the tax
regulator for any of the different types of taxes he must meet. On the other
hand, people who call themselves self-employed must pay local and state
taxes provided by law. The self-employed will even have to spend part of
the income on the payment of employees’ salaries in case they have them.


The internet infrastructure gives a significant advantage to many countries

having decided to work from home. The results of research by experts from
MIT show that no country in the world is fully ready for all its inhabitants
to work from home (Bana et al., 2020). Consequently, regions that special-
ize in industries dealing with occupations that require immediate physical
proximity are more vulnerable than other regions with more balanced
According to the data of Global 2020 (Figure 3.1), Northern Macedonia
is the best ranked country among those analyzed, that is, it has the highest
internet penetration rate compared to Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia

and Herzegovina. Although Bosnia and Herzegovina are ranked the

worst among these countries, the number of internet users in Bosnia and
Herzegovina recorded the highest growth between 2019 and 2020 (+10%).

Figure 3.1

Internet Penetration in %

Source: Author preparing according to Digital 2020.

Despite the fact that Northern Macedonia has as much as 81% internet
penetration, it has only 13% of the employed population working from
home according to the 2020 Skills Toward Employability and Productiv-
ity Survey (Ross, 2020). On the other hand, about 15% of the employed
population worked from home in Serbia during 2020 despite having 75%
internet penetration in the country (BIZLife, 2020). The reason for this
is that Northern Macedonia did not make sufficient use of digitalization
opportunities, as well as the lack of digital skills of workers. Education,
digital skills, and gender are very closely linked. Therefore, it is necessary
for digitalization policy to address all these aspects simultaneously.
In order for the countries of the Western Balkans to maximize the
impact of the internet and new technologies, significant investments in
infrastructure are needed. The significance of digitalization has been
recognized in the Republic of Serbia, resulting in reforms, economic
growth, education, and digitalization being among the main priorities
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   35

of the Government. So, Serbia has improved its score in 4G investment

over the last year (Digital Serbia, 2020). It is expected that investments
will be made in 5G infrastructure by 2025. The combination of the 5G
network, the use of IoT data and artificial intelligence will transform the
labor market.
The Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans (European Commission,
2018) aims to support the region’s transition to a digital economy. One of
the most tangible results of digital integration for the citizens of the West-
ern Balkans is the zero roaming fee agreement that began several years ago
and will be completed till July 2021.
At the company level, there is also great heterogeneity in how much
organizations support employees in working from home. As the pandemic
continues, so is the growing focus on the use of digital technologies. Thanks
to the Internet and modern technologies, some organizations have built an
excellent foundation for working from home, while others have not. Some
have software that helps employees organize tasks more easily and quickly,
and plan their responsibilities and working hours. This contributes to sim-
ple and efficient remote operation. In addition, the pandemic has fuelled
innovation in digital tools and platforms and increased the digitalization
of business processes. However, in order for digital tools and software to
meet their purpose, training in the use of technologies is necessary. As a
result of this development, the need for a digitally competent workforce
has increased.
Digital skills are becoming an important prerequisite for employ-
ment worldwide. Those with the lowest levels of digital skills would be
most affected, as well as those who are least willing to upgrade their skills
(Vučeković et al., 2020). Competencies can be gained through education,
and training. Given the importance of digital skills, the European Com-
mission has set targets in the European Skills Agenda and the Digital
Education Action Plan to ensure that 70% of adults have basic digital skills
by 2025 (European Commission, 2021). The Digital Education Action Plan
(2021–2027) sets out the European Commission’s vision for high-quality,
inclusive digital education in Europe (European Commission, 2021a). The
experiences gained by the countries of the European Union, as well as the
countries of the Western Balkans from the COVID-19 crisis, during which
they used new technologies in education, should in the future make educa-
tion systems even more adapted to the digital age.


In order to assess the potential gain for the economies of the selected
countries of the Western Balkans by adopting a more flexible work culture,

the current attitudes of the population of Serbia, Montenegro, Northern

Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were examined. This research
aimed to create a picture of the extent to which this way of working has
been adopted in the mentioned countries, the work motives of those
entrepreneurs who run their business from home, potential obstacles, and
limitations of employees in this way.
In addition, the aim of our research is to examine how the pandemic has
affected the operations of organizations in Serbia and the scope of their
operations, as well as how it has affected employees who work from home
and remotely. Moreover, we explore both subjective and objective dimen-
sions of job quality, such as job satisfaction, motivation, along with issues
related work-life balance.
The study also identifies the extent to which the ability to work remotely
could enable workers to use their working time more efficiently and encour-
age nonemployed people to reenter the labor market.
Understanding how the combination of occupations, technological infra-
structure and demographic characteristics in the region has affected the
ability of people to work from home can help policy makers and organiza-
tion owners, as well as future entrepreneurs, prepare for this mode of work.


The study was conducted in four countries. Further, the research is based
on a review of the existing literature and our previous research. Of the
qualitative methods, a web survey1 was used, which contains a structured
questionnaire of 22 questions. Before sending the survey, the respondents
were explained the importance of the research and its context. In addition,
a comparative method was used, which served to compare the results of the
research obtained in this way and put them in relation to the collected data
for four countries—Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and
Northern Macedonia. Another method of analysis and synthesis has found
its application in this study. Of the quantitative methods, the Chi-Square
test and the Mann-Whitney test were used.
At the end of June 2020, the research began. Data were collected by
October of the same year on a total sample of 1.031 respondents. The size
of the sample by countries taken into consideration was 408 respondents
for Serbia, 201 respondents for Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina
and 221 respondents for Northern Macedonia.
Upon completion of the survey, the collected data were coded, tabu-
lated, and analyzed in accordance with the conceptual framework and
objectives of the study. Descriptive techniques were used to analyze the col-
lected data using appropriate software, such as SPSS and Microsoft Excel.
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   37

Descriptive analyses, such as range, number, percentage, mean, stan-

dard deviation, and ranking order, were used whenever possible.
Three broad groups are targeted: currently individuals who work from
home as freelancers, entrepreneurs who are self-employed, as well as those
individuals who work remotely for the needs of the companies where they
are employed. The methodology contains method design for data collec-
tion and data analysis.


When asked what should be followed when working from home, we received
very different answers for the analyzed countries (Figure 3.2).
First of all, the respondents from Montenegro were mostly guided by
cost savings around renting office space when choosing to run a home-
based business (32.8%), while this factor was the least important for the
respondents from Serbia (22.1%).
For the respondents from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the most important
thing to decide to do business from home is the opportunity to balance
professional with private and family obligations (39.3%), and then for
the respondents from Serbia (29.4%). This factor was of approximate
importance for the other two analyzed countries, Montenegro and Bosnia
and Herzegovina, that is, about 21%.
A good business idea was almost equally important for the respondents
from Bosnia and Herzegovina (25.4%) and Northern Macedonia (24.4%),
while it was the least important for the respondents from Montenegro
It is interesting that for all countries, earning additional income was
of the least importance, among other determining factors, to work from
home. Thus, only 7.5% of respondents from Montenegro thought that this
factor was important for them.
Significant differences can also be confirmed by applying Chi-Square
Tests (Table 3.1).
Eight cells (28.6%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum
expected count is 39.
In contrast to motivational factors where greater differences were
observed among the analyzed countries, slightly smaller differences were
observed when it comes to the basic rules for successful business from home
(Figure 3.3).
For the respondents from Serbia and Northern Macedonia, good
technical and technological equipment (24.4%) is of equal importance
for successful business from home. Communication skills are also equally
important in these two countries (23.6%). For the respondents from

Figure 3.2

Entrepreneur’s Motives for Working From Home

Source: The Author.

Table 3.1

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 65.689a 18 .000

Likelihood Ratio 68.141 18 .000

Linear-by-Linear Association 1.461 1 .227

N of Valid Cases 1,031

Source: Author.
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   39

Figure 3.3

Basic Rules for Successful Doing Business From Home

Source: Author.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, work experience was the least important (8.7%),
while for Northern Macedonia it was of the greatest importance (20.9%)
compared to respondents from other analyzed countries, who stated the
importance of experience for doing business from home. Small differences
have emerged between countries in terms of the importance of workspaces.
For the purposes of this research, one of the questions we asked the
respondents referred to the fact how much family members participate in
doing business from home (Table 3.2).
Comparing the obtained results, significant differences were noticed,
which were confirmed by Chi-Square Tests (Table 3.3).
Thus, in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, only 10% and 11% respec-
tively, family members work and participate in the business. The reason for
this is the fact, that they did not show interest in getting involved. For the
other two countries analyzed this percentage is twice as high (Table 3.2).
One of the questions addressed to the respondents from the analyzed
four countries, referred to degree of engagement in jobs from home. For
our study, it is of special importance whether it is about permanent or
additional work (Table 3.4).

Table 3.2
Have You Included Other Members of Your Family in Your Regular Business
Activities at Home?
Monte- Northern
and Her- Serbia Total
negro Macedonia
Have you They only Count 60 58 45 93 256
included have an % within
other advisory role What
members and support country do 29.9% 28.9% 20.4% 22.8% 24.8%
of your me you live
family in in?
your regular
I have Count 20 43 46 45 154
because % within
activities at
they also What
home? In
participate in country do 10.0% 21.4% 20.8% 11.0% 14.9%
case none of
my business you live
the offered
from home in?
corresponds, I haven’t, Count 36 44 48 76 204
enter the since they % within
answer in don’t have a What
the section contract with country do 17.9% 21.9% 21.7% 18.6% 19.8%
“Other” the employer you live
I have not Count 1 0 0 0 1
considering % within
that they do What
not have the country do
.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% .1%
qualifications you live
to perform in?
those jobs.
I have not, Count 11 4 4 30 49
other reasons % within
country do 5.5% 2.0% 1.8% 7.4% 4.8%
you live
No, since Count 73 52 78 164 367
they are not % within
interested What
in getting country do 36.3% 25.9% 35.3% 40.2% 35.6%
involved you live
Total Count 201 201 221 408 1,031
% within What country do
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
you live in?
Source: Author.
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   41

Table 3.3

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 50.758a 15 .000
Likelihood Ratio 51.262 15 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 7.925 1 .005
N of Valid Cases 1,031
a. 4 cells (16.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .19.
Source: Author.

Table 3.4

Is the Engagement Needed for Full-Time or Part-Time Work?

What country do you live in?
Montene- ern
and Her- Serbia Total
gro Macedo-
Is the I do not Count
1 5 4 5 15
engagement know
needed for
% within
full-time or
country .5% 2.5% 1.8% 1.2% 1.5%
do you
live in?
This is a Count 45 59 74 152 330
job with-
% within
out work-
ing hours
country 22.4% 29.4% 33.5% 37.3% 32.0%
do you
live in?
The ad- Count
12 19 42 26 99

(Table continued on next page)


Table 3.4 (Continued)

Is the Engagement Needed for Full-Time or Part-Time Work?

What country do you live in?
Montene- ern
and Her- Serbia Total
gro Macedo-
% within
country 6.0% 9.5% 19.0% 6.4% 9.6%
do you
live in?
Full time Count 43 57 65 126 291
% within
country 21.4% 28.4% 29.4% 30.9% 28.2%
do you
live in?
It de- Count 100 61 36 99 296
pends on
% within
we have
country 49.8% 30.3% 16.3% 24.3% 28.7%
do you
live in?
Total Count 201 201 221 408 1,031
% within What country
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
do you live in?
Source: Author.

The comparative analysis of the results for the selected countries showed
significant differences confirmed by Chi-Square Tests (Table 3.5).
Based on the obtained data, it can be concluded that mostly the respon-
dents in the North Macedonia opted for part-time work from home (19%),
while the percentage in other countries ranges between 6 and 9.5%. Mostly
employed full-time are in Serbia (30.9%), and the least in Bosnia and Her-
zegovina (21.4%). It should be especially emphasized that in all countries,
an average of 32% of respondents share the same opinion that working
from home is without working hours, that is, that they are constantly
devoted to it.
The answers to the question “What strategies do you use to increase
earnings?”, also showed significant differences among respondents’
opinions in all four countries (Table 3.6).
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   43

Table 3.5

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 90.860a 12 .000
Likelihood Ratio 85.054 12 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 27.194 1 .000
N of Valid Cases 1,031
a. 3 cells (15,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.92.
Source: Author.

The analysis showed that the majority of respondents do not have a

specific strategy in Montenegro (35.8%), while in other countries the per-
centage ranged between 24 and 28.7%. The highest percentage of those
who rely on the advice of other experts was in Northern Macedonia (29.4%),
while the percentage was lowest in Bosnia and Herzegovina (5.5%).
According to Table 3.6. it can be seen that the respondents from Bosnia
and Herzegovina.

Table 3.6

What Strategies Do You Use to Increase Earnings?

What country do you live in?
Bosnia Northern
and Her- Macedo- Serbia Total
zegovina nia
What Other Count 5 0 0 6 11
I go to % within
do you use
professional What
to increase
seminars country do 2.5% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 1.1%
earnings? In
and get you live
case none of
professional in?
the offered
answers Count 13 16 19 38 86

(Table continued on next page)


Table 3.6 (Continued)

What Strategies Do You Use to Increase Earnings?

What country do you live in?
Bosnia Northern
and Her- Macedo- Serbia Total
zegovina nia
I go to Count 13 16 19 38 86
% within
and get
country do 6.5% 8.0% 8.6% 9.3% 8.3%
you live
I have no Count 53 72 53 117 295
% within
country do 26.4% 35.8% 24.0% 28.7% 28.6%
you live
I rely on Count 11 19 65 48 143
% within
country do 5.5% 9.5% 29.4% 11.8% 13.9%
you live
I exchange Count 67 56 44 137 304
% within
with other
country do 33.3% 27.9% 19.9% 33.6% 29.5%
from the
you live
I constantly Count 52 38 40 62 192
follow the
% within
country do 25.9% 18.9% 18.1% 15.2% 18.6%
and get
you live
Total Count 201 201 221 408 1,031
% within What country do
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
you live in?
Source: Author.
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   45

The big difference between countries in terms of strategies you use to

increase earnings was confirmed by Chi-Square Tests (Table 3.7).

Table 3.7

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 87.451a 15 .000
Likelihood Ratio 85.085 15 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 3.921 1 .048
N of Valid Cases 1,031
a. 4 cells (16.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.14.

Further, the analysis showed that most employees worked from home for
a long time between 0 and 5 years. This number is particularly pronounced
in Bosnia and Herzegovina (89.6%) and Montenegro (76.6%) (Table 3.8).

Table 3.8

How Long Have You Been Working From Home?

Bosnia North-
amd Monte- ern
Serbia Total
Herze- negro Mace-
govina donia
How long 0 to 5
Count 180 154 140 284 758
have you years
try do
live in?

(Table continued on next page)


Table 3.8 (Continued)

How Long Have You Been Working From Home?

Bosnia North-
amd Monte- ern
Serbia Total
Herze- negro Mace-
govina donia

89.6% 76.6% 63.3% 69.6% 73.5%

6 to 10 17 30 56 79 182

How 8.5% 14.9% 25.3% 19.4% 17.7%

have you
been 11 to 1 5 22 24 52
working 15
from years
home .5% 2.5% 10.0% 5.9% 5.0%

over 15 3 12 3 21 39

1.5% 6.0% 1.4% 5.1% 3.8%

Total 201 201 221 408 1,031

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Author.

Considering the length of work from home when gender aspects are
taken into account for all observed countries together, is shown in Table 3.9.
Table 3.10 confirms that the gender differences in the whole sample are
not significant for all countries. Statistical testing was performed via the
Mann-Whitney test or Mann—Whitney—Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
The age structure of freelancers shows differences for the analyzed
countries (Figure 3.4).
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   47

Table 3.9

Length of Work From Home by Gender

Gender N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks
How long have you Male 547 528.87 289,291.50

Been working from home Female 484 501.46 242,704.50

Total 1,031
Source: Author.

Table 3.10

Mann-Whitney Test
How long have you been working from
Mann-Whitney U 125,334.500
Wilcoxon W 242,704.500
Z –1.910
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .056
a. Grouping Variable: PolNumeric1.

Figure 3.4.

Age Structure of Freelancers in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and

Northern Macedonia

Source: Author.

According to the obtained results, Bosnia and Herzegovina has the most
freelancers in the age group from 18–25 (66.7%), while in other countries it
is three times lower. This can be explained by the high unemployment rate
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the leader in the region.2 Therefore,
most young people as soon as they finish high school (68.8%) in Bosnia
and Herzegovina start working in this way.
In Serbia, Montenegro, and Northern Macedonia, in contrast to Bosnia
and Herzegovina, the highest percentage of the total number of employees
is in the age group of 26–34. Montenegro leads with 50.1%, while in Serbia
and Northern Macedonia the percentage is 38 and 40.5%, respectively.
The number of freelancers decreases with the older groups, to be the
lowest in the analyzed oldest age group between 55 and 64. Their par-
ticipation ranges from 0.6 to 3.1%. in Serbia and Northern Macedonia,
The analysis conducted by the level of education shows that in Serbia,
46.6% of respondents have a high school that operates at distance (whether
they are business owners or work from home for employers), while 31.4%
are represented with a university degree (Figure 3.5).
Further, in Serbia, almost 90% of respondents who do business from
home do so in the field of economics, finance, marketing, and other
research, while freelancers 86.2% work in the field of IT and program-
ming. In Northern Macedonia, 81.8% of freelancers also work mostly in
the field of IT and programming, while all others who work from home
mostly work in the field of industry, 95.7%, followed by transport, 58.3%. In
Montenegro, 50% of freelancers work in the IT sector, which is significantly
less compared to Serbia and Northern Macedonia. In addition, in Monte-
negro, 87.5% are mostly those who work from home in the field of services.
The educational structure of freelancers in Serbia is similar to all others
who work in some of the ways from home, that is, 50% have completed high
school, and 29.5% graduated at faculty (Figure 3.6).
If we compare the educational structure of freelancers in Serbia with
other considered countries, the biggest differences are noticed in compari-
son with Montenegro. Namely, while in Serbia, high school students work
mostly as freelancers (50%), in Montenegro, the largest percentage have a
university degree (68.9%).
To our question, whether working across platforms and in the “gig econ-
omy” can reduce the brain drain abroad, 32.5% of respondents in Bosnia
and Herzegovina answered positively, followed by 31.1% of respondents in
Serbia and 29.8% in Northern Macedonia. This opinion was least shared
by respondents from Montenegro with only 6.6% (Table 3.11).
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   49

Figure 3.5

Educational Structure of Self-Employed From Home

Source: Author.

Figure 3.6

Educational Structure of Freelancers

Source: Author.

Table 3.11

Can Working Across Platforms and in the “Gig Economy” Reduce

the Brain Drain Abroad?
Bosnia North-
amd Monte- ern
Serbia Total
Herze- negro Mace-
govina donia
Can working Yes Count 94 19 86 90 289
% within
and in 32.5% 6.6% 29.8% 31.1% 100.0%
the “gig
you live in?
reduce the % within
brain drain What
72.9% 42.2% 65.6% 54.2% 61.4%
abroad? countrydo
you live in?
No Count 15 17 5 16 53
% within
28.3% 32.1% 9.4% 30.2% 100.0%
you live in?
% within
11.6% 37.8% 3.8% 9.6% 11.3%
you live in?
I do Count 20 9 40 60 129
% within?
What country
15.5% 7.0% 31.0% 46.5% 100.0%
do you live
% within?
What country
15.5% 20.0% 30.5% 36.1% 27.4%
do you live
Source: Author.

The significance of these differences was also confirmed by Chi Square

Tests (Table 3.12).
To the question, “What are the indicators for determining the success
of work from home?”, respondents from Serbia and Northern Macedonia
(33.3%) answered the same that it was an increase in labor productivity.
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   51

Table 3.12

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 86.885 a 18 .000
Likelihood Ratio 87.413 18 .000
43.243 1 .000
N of Valid Cases 471
a. 9 cells (32.1%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .10.

For the respondents from Serbia, the most important indicator of business
success from home is higher earnings (48.8%), while for respondents from
Bosnia and Herzegovina it was a reduction in business stress (40.5%).


Many CEOs and senior managers have changed their minds about remote
working equally in a short time. They soon realized that their teams were
just as productive from home as they were in the office outside, and some
even more productive. As more and more companies adopt remote working
policies, working hours are generally adjusted to the employee’s schedule
and aligned with the employer’s requirements. This means, at first glance,
greater flexibility and freedom of employees and employers and less stress
on both sides (Radović Marković et al., 2021). Namely, there is an opinion
that employers should nurture a “flexible organizational culture.” In order
to build a dynamic team culture at a distance, it is necessary to work on
motivating employees to adapt to the common vision and goals of the
organization. This in turn encourages collaboration between teams that
inspire new ideas and innovations.
The companies that were most willing to accept this modality of work,
created a good starting point for the transition to remote working. First of
all, they procured software and platforms that were supposed to speed up
the digitization of the work process and make it more efficient. To make
the most of new software and platforms, employees need to possess the
appropriate digital skills. Namely, digital skills are becoming an impor-
tant prerequisite for employment worldwide, but a significant portion of
the population still lacks the skills needed to function in a digital business
environment. However, most of them do not actually have enough of these
competencies relevant to starting their own entrepreneurial businesses or

filling jobs where there is a need for advanced digital skills. Those with the
lowest levels of digital skills would be most affected, as well as those who are
least willing to upgrade their skills. Accordingly, it is necessary to promote
digital entrepreneurial skills and introduce them into education programs
through different forms and levels of education.
Our research, which is a pioneering character in this domain when it
comes to the countries of the Western Balkans, showed certain specifics
of these countries, but also their similarities and differences in terms of
remote work. A brief recapitulation of the results showed the following:

• First of all, the respondents from Montenegro were mostly

guided by cost savings around renting business premises when
choosing to run a home-based business (32.8%), while this factor
was the least important for the respondents from Serbia (22.1%).
• For the respondents from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the most im-
portant thing to decide to do business from home is the oppor-
tunity to balance professional with private and family obligations
(39.3%), followed by the respondents from Serbia (29.4%). This
factor was of approximate importance for the other two analyzed
countries, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is,
about 21%.
• A good business idea was almost equally important for the
respondents of Bosnia and Herzegovina (25.4%) and Northern
Macedonia (24.4%), while it was the least important for the re-
spondents of Montenegro (18.9%).
• It is interesting that for all countries it was of the least impor-
tance to earn extra income among other determining factors to
work from home. Thus, only 7.5% of respondents from Monte-
negro thought that this factor was important for them.
• Serbia has almost 90% of respondents who do business from
home in the field of economics, finance, marketing, and other
research, while 86.2% of freelancers work in the field of IT and
• What all countries have in common is that employees from home
had the highest percentage of experience of 0–5 years.
• The length of work from home by gender did not show signifi-
cant differences for all observed countries.
• In all countries, an average of 32% of respondents believe that
working from home is without working hours, that is, that they
work excessively. According to them, this is also one of the great
weaknesses of this way of working.
Remote Work in the Western Balkans Countries   53

• Bosnia and Herzegovina have the most freelancers in the age

group of 18–25 (66.7%), while in other countries the number is
three times lower in this group of the working population. In
other countries, most freelancers are in the group between the
ages of 25–34.
• The number of freelancers decreases with the older groups of the
working population, to be the lowest in the analyzed oldest age
group between 55 and 64 for all countries.
• In Serbia, high school students work mostly as freelancers (50%),
in Montenegro they have the highest percentage of university
degrees (68.9%).
• n Serbia, the largest number of respondents believe that a trade
union should be established to protect the rights of freelancers
(40.9%), while respondents give the least importance to trade
unions in this regard (9.7%).
• The respondents in Serbia believe that the adoption of the law
on the work of freelancers should provide them with the greatest
protection (34.3%), while such an opinion is shared the least by
Montenegrins (12%).
• 32.5% of respondents from Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed
by 31.1% of respondents from Serbia and 29.8% from Northern
Macedonia, thought that working through platforms and in the
“gig economy” could reduce the brain drain abroad. The opin-
ion was least shared by the respondents from Montenegro, that
is, only 6.6%.
• According to respondents from Serbia and Northern Macedonia,
the success of work from home is equally measured by the growth
of labor productivity (33.3%). However, for the respondents from
Serbia, the most important indicator of business success from
home is higher earnings (48.8%), while for the respondents from
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a reduction in business stress (40.5%).
• The largest number of respondents do not have a specific busi-
ness strategy in Montenegro (35.8%), while in other countries
this percentage ranged between 24 and 28.7%. Among those
who rely on the advice of other experts, it is manifested in
Northern Macedonia (29.4%), while this percentage was the low-
est in Bosnia and Herzegovina (5.5%).

It can be concluded that our qualitative research results show that a

large part of employees in all considered countries accepted remote work-
ing relatively well. Also, our research showed that most organizations did
not have specific strategies dedicated to remote working. Accordingly, the

employees had to adapt to the new situation without any special guide-
lines. Despite this, a large number of respondents had a positive attitude
towards working from home, considering that remote working gave them
the opportunity to better align their responsibilities and be more flexible
in time management.


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1. Appendix contains the questionnaires used for the research.

2. See Chapter 1.


Sociopsychological Impact

Borislav Đjukanović


Remote work includes many manifestations having one common feature

of the employee performing it outside the employer’s workplace with the
application of modern information and communication technologies. In
everything else, there are numerous differences and specifics, both in terms
of time and place of work, legal regulations, employment status, the ability
to work as a freelancer for one or more employers at the same time. In
particular, the relationships of the self-employed who work remotely are
complex. These are all reasons to find a common denominator for all
these different manifestations in the development of our research design
as much as possible, which was very difficult, if not impossible. Neverthe-
less, we have adapted the content of our research instruments to this basic

Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Work

and Business Environment, pp. 63–154
Copyright © 2022 by Information Age Publishing
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 63

The first assumption that we would succeed in this regard is the reduc-
tion of all relevant research indicators to certain more general categories,
which inevitably leads to certain simplifications.
These simplifications are reinforced by a very wide coverage of differ-
ent psychosocial, economic aspects and freelancers. The generalization of
the researched phenomena into basic forms also occurred due to the need
for a very rational and economical conduct of electronic surveying, which
for each of the three types of questionnaires were reduced to 15 questions.
Namely, with great difficulty, we managed to collect data for three ques-
tionnaires for each of the 1,031 respondents. Our personal very modest
financial resources were also a limiting factor.
Since this is exploratory research, we have set research goals more as
analytical guidelines than they arise from a stronger theoretical—hypo-
thetical basis. We did not find similar research in either domestic or foreign
Given the broadly set research design, our intention is primarily to point
out the basic tendencies.
Conditionally, our first goal is to describe the psychosocial problems
raised by respondents in four countries.
The second goal is to determine the similarities and differences in the
manifestation of psychosocial problems among respondents from four
The third goal is to describe the economic advantages and disadvantages
presented by respondents from four countries and to identify similarities
and differences in this regard among them.
The fourth goal is freelancing in four countries—pointing out the simi-
larities and differences among freelancers in those countries. Based on the
obtained results, we will describe the social profiles of respondents who
work from home in each country, and then point out the differences and
similarities. Finally, we will try to “reconstruct” a general common profile.


Research on remote work is polarized in two basic directions. The focus

of the first direction’s interests is on the various psychosocial problems
that people who work at home have, while the second is predominantly
oriented towards the benefits that individuals and work organizations have
from remote work, especially in terms of productivity and savings. We will
deal with both.
Positive and negative factors of working from home are:

The positive

• Flexibility of work
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    65

• Increased autonomy and self-confidence

• Better planning of work and private commitments
• Reduced stress due to better concentration and fewer job-related
• Increased motivation
• Increased productivity
• Reduction of utility and lease costs
• Reduction of transportation costs
• Improving the health status
• Increased job satisfaction
• Higher earnings
• Reduced absences and sick leave
• Greater time savings
• Greater employment opportunities for the disabled and handi-
• Savings on business lunches and dressing-up

The negative

• Loss of boundaries between work and family

• Poor communication due to poor feedback
• Loss of face-to-face contact with colleagues
• Lack of connection with management
• Staying at work much longer than working hours
• Constant tension due to work overload
• Lack of technical support from management
• Lack of social support from work colleagues
• Lack of social support from family members, friends, and neigh-
• Feelings of marginalization from employers
• The feeling that superiors do not know and do not follow our
real contributions
• The belief that we are forgotten when it comes to professional
advancement, earnings, etc.
• Poor professional identification with the company

From the introductory remarks, it could be concluded that remote work

has a number of positive effects, which is why it is constantly increasing in
most countries, although this speed depends on a number of technological,

economic, sociopolitical, and cultural characteristics of a particular country.

Remote work has allowed much greater flexibility, which is associated with
increased company productivity, reduced travel costs and time, reduced
absenteeism and increased traffic, improved employee health and job
satisfaction (Allen, 2001; Baltes et al., 1999; Gajendran & Harisson, 2007;
Greenhaus & Powell, 2006; Kurland & Bailey, 1999; Thomas & Ganster,
In countries where quarantine is applied due to the COVID-19 pan-
demic, the only option is to work from home. However, when there was
no pandemic, some companies preferred working from home for several

• Reduced costs of companies are mentioned first, such as rent-

ing office space, maintenance, computers, telephones, utilities,
equipment, and so forth (Lupu, 2017). Some offices avoid leas-
ing for additional offices through remote management pro-
grams, and also because of employee parking costs (Beňo, 2018).

Due to increased motivation, worker productivity has also increased

(Lupu, 2017). Why has productivity increased? At home, workers have
long periods of uninterrupted time on the same tasks, without intrusions
and interruptions, resulting in increased motivation, increased satisfaction,
and better employee commitment to work at home. Working energy is
increased and hindering factors are reduced to a minimum.
Regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home was the
best, if not the only, option for certain categories. This primarily refers
to the disabled, mothers with children, people who live very far from the
office and do not want to move (Ford & Butts, 1991).
Certain categories of employees for a number of reasons are faced with
numerous absences (due to chronic diseases, sick children, sick elderly rela-
tives, infectious diseases, etc.).
Reducing the spread of infectious diseases among employees is also one
of the important benefits of working from home.
Finally, working from home has been shown to reduce occupational
stress, decreased concentration, and work-related errors.
New modalities of work contain two important determinants: they are
supported by new information and communication technologies and have
clearly defined goals (Nijp et al., 2016). The advantages of digitalization
are that the work can be done in different spatial and temporal frameworks
and replace face-to-face relationships. Digitization significantly reduces
costs, leads to time savings, and improves the quality of the environment
(Demerouti et al., 2014).
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    67

There are a number of benefits for employers who introduce remote

work: increased satisfaction and productivity, reduced geographical
constraints, greater choice of skilled labor, and increased trust among
employer and employees (Baruch, 2000; Morgan, 2004). When it comes to
the employee, then the prerequisites for efficient work are self-motivation,
integrity, self-confidence, and good communication skills (Baruch, 2000;
Morgan, 2004).
Adequate supervision and support of employees, adequate managerial
training with the application of good formal and informal communication
skills are important for efficient and successful remote work (Kowalski &
Swanson, 2005). Employees need to have clear expectations about remote
work, and therefore training is needed when it comes to the boundaries
between work and private life (Kowalski & Swanson, 2005). All of this needs
to be precisely and clearly defined in the psychological contract (Morgan,
2004). However, there are not many remote work training programs (Clear
& Dickson, 2005).
What benefits are most often highlighted in remote work: better
work-life balance, increased flexibility, reduction of commuting, reduced
overhead costs for the employer, better basis for developing skills for the
employer, increased productivity and so forth (Jensen, 1994; Mann et al.,
2000; Montreuil & Lippel, 2003)

• Flexible working hours

Probably the most important motive for working at home is flexible

working hours (Lupu, 2017). Thanks to that, the employee gains a cer-
tain autonomy because he can distribute business and private obligations
according to his own needs and daily planning. Employees can change
their work schedule on a daily basis or even make hourly changes (Ford &
Butts, 1991). Advantages of flexible working hours: if it suits them, they can
finish work late, sleeping in the morning until they want, without feeling
greater external pressures of working for 10 hours during the week (Wien-
claw, 2019). Appointments for the performance of various private duties
can be made during working hours, without taking days off, which was not
the case when working in the office. The advantage is the great saving of
time and nerves when leaving and arriving from work during the biggest
traffic jams, which are quite stressful. In that way, stress is avoided and with
all that, you get a lot of free time that you can spend with your family.
The flexibility provided by working from home is needed by people for
a number of reasons. The authors highlight the key benefits of working
from home such as easier doing the chores (Wheatley, 2017) especially in
families with children (Vilhelmson & Thulin, 2016). Over time, autonomy
also strengthens. All of these processes result in increased motivation and

job satisfaction, conditioned by better job control and working time flex-
ibility (Binder & Coad, 2016; Felstead & Henseke, 2017; Hill et al., 2003;
Wheatley, 2017). In the following study, the authors first point out the
advantages of remote work: better work-life balance, increased flexibility,
reduced commuting, reduced overhead costs for the employer, better basis
for developing skills for the employer, increased productivity, and more
(Jensen, 1994; Mann et al., 2000; Montreuil & Lippel, 2003). The main
challenge for working from home is the opportunity to find a better bal-
ance between business and private life. Financial savings are also significant
because they do not travel to work, including gasoline, vehicle deprecia-
tion, and parking costs (Wienclaw, 2019). It also saves on lunches at work,
special clothing, and so forth. We have already mentioned that financial
savings and stress reduction are greatest for the disabled, the handicapped,
those who live very far away and do not have the funds to rent an apartment
near the office. In addition, home workers can provide help to sick children
or the elderly with a flexible schedule of business and other obligations, if
they need help (Beňo, 2018).
In a sample of 30,000 households in the United Kingdom, it was found
that the growth of satisfaction due to work at home is conditioned by the
increase in free time (Reuschke, 2019).
Working from home is favored; 85% of job seekers would be more likely
to stay with the employer who would occasionally provide them with a flex-
ible job (Twentyman, 2010). Others report a high level of job satisfaction
associated with flexible working hours that allows for good planning to
gain plenty of free time for other activities (Madsen, 2011; Wheatley, 2012).
Valuing good and bad jobs from home primarily comes down to the issue
of a good balance between business and private life, for which it is espe-
cially important to have flexible working hours. Meeting these challenges
is achieved through nonstandard working time arrangements, in which
employees work outside working hours during the working week (Krahn,
1995; Li et al., 2014; Stone, 2012). Imbalance of work and family life affects
the health of other family members (Li et al., 2014). The phenomenon
of burnout at work due to overwork (Cassells et al., 2011; Williams et al.,
2008) especially highlights the importance of distinguishing between good
and bad work at home. In relation to the numerous work engagements in
time and space that enables flexible working hours, working longer than
full-time work in long periods of time is certainly the most unfavorable
effect on family and private life.
It should be noted that probably many, who decided to work from home,
already showed tendencies for autonomy in work and preferred a free
schedule of work activities during the day).
They find it easier to establish boundaries between work and private
life (Kreiner et al., 2009) owing to increased self-discipline, self-motivation
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    69

and efficient scheduling and completion of business tasks (Richardson &

McKenna, 2014). It would be very interesting in one longitudinal study
to examine how much the mentioned positive personality traits dictate
later commitment to work from home and how much on the basis of such
personality traits these tendencies towards greater self-discipline, self-moti-
vation and efficient planning and execution of daily tasks develop. We are
aware that such research is very difficult to report due to large method-
ological and other requirements and limitations, but it would be useful to
realize it at least in segments.
Of the negative aspects, social isolation stands out (Fonner & Roloff;
2012; Pinsonneault & Boisvert, 2001) as well as the problem of exclusion
from work (Felstead & Henseke, 2017). Young children create special dif-
ficulties for working at home (Pinsonneault & Boisvert, 2001) and constant
interruptions during work by family members, friends, and neighbors
(Gurstein, 1996).
Working from home is invisible to employers, which affects the occur-
rence of discomfort and fear among employees that they will lack the
expected praise, salary increases, and promotions (Cooper & Kurland,


Of all the aspects of remote work, the greatest attention is paid to pro-
ductivity. It is viewed in the context of very different positive and negative
factors. In this study, the authors deal with work processes from home that
lead to increased work effort and productivity. Their basic conclusion is
that working from home leads to an increase in work effort and employee
productivity (Rupietta & Beckmann, 2016). In 2012, more than 20% of
German companies allow employees to work from home for a few days a
month (Flüter-Hoffmann, 2012). It has been noticed that employees who
work from home increase their autonomy in scheduling and organizing
their work. Employees with greater autonomy are much more motivated
to put in the extra effort. This also explains increased productivity (Baily
& Kurland, 2002; Bailyn, 1988; DuBrin, 1991; Hackman & Oldman, 1976;
Olson, 1989,). Recent research has shown that there is no simple linear
relationship between work from home, motivation, and productivity; pro-
ductivity increases if tasks at work are creative and decreases if they are not
creative (Bloom et al., 2015; Dutcher, 2012).
Unlike all these studies, even those based on laboratory or field experi-
ments, the conclusions of this study (Rupietta & Beckman, 2016) are based
on representative data (socioeconomic panel) and the conclusions of the
study are highly representative.

Twenty-two thousand individuals in 12,000 households were included.

The main result is that employees who often work from home show more
work effort than those who rarely work from home or work constantly in
the office. Increased work effort strengthens motivation and productivity,
and by increasing motivation and productivity, work effort also strength-
ens. A kind of closed circle is created. This leads to a paradoxical twist
that employers misinterpret: employees who show increased work effort
during unpaid overtime and have a more positive attitude towards work
and greater motivation than those who are paid overtime. The conclusion
is clear; working from home strengthens autonomy, motivation and work
effort despite the fact that many overtime unpaid hours remain invisible to
employers. Previously, employers believed that working outside the work
organization provided an opportunity to relax, slack off, or engage in
private jobs. This and other previously mentioned studies show just the
opposite; working from home is a very good way to boost intrinsic moti-
vation, work effort and, consequently, productivity. That is why German
companies are increasingly turning to work from home, while respecting
all the specifics shown by the results of this and other mentioned studies.
In one very important study, the authors performed a comparative anal-
ysis of five representative studies of the same groups of factors that had a
positive or negative effect on productivity in 2000 and five representative
studies between 2019 and 2020 (Thorstensson, 2020). The result of the
comparative analysis is that some factors act positively, some negatively,
while the influence of some depends on the attitudes of employees and a
combination of other circumstances.
One of the key factors is the organization’s policy towards those who
work from home. Productivity increases if employees feel that their com-
pany trusts and cares for them, providing them with adequate training, if
they organize their work well and adequately allocate resources to get the
job done on time. Adequate workspace is also important, which allows them
to be fully focused on work without disturbing others. Lack of face-to-face
communication often has a negative effect on productivity. It is important
that there is no delay in information when it comes to teamwork, and it is
especially important that there is no high level of data interdependence,
which causes delays and waiting in some links of the chain. Working from
home for a long time causes a feeling of social and professional isolation
and disconnection, which affects the decline in productivity. It is interesting
to note that video calls increase productivity more than email and messag-
ing because video calls simulate face-to-face contact.
Working from home largely depends on technical support. If employees
have good access to certain technologies, equipment and tools, good
technical and logistical support, productivity increases, and if the internet
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    71

is weak or interrupted, if the power grid is weak, there are difficulties in

sending data among employees and productivity falls.
Certainly, productivity depends on the personal characteristics of
employees at home, but also on the specific circumstances. We have already
emphasized the importance of flexible working hours. Whether it will
increase or decrease productivity depends on the person. If employees at
home do not have working time restrictions and can freely determine the
place and time of work, it is important that they have self-discipline and
self-efficiency, time management skills, ability, will and inner motivation to
work remotely. Such a constellation of positive factors will certainly increase
productivity. If the employee does not have the necessary discipline and
motivation, but only reacts to external pressures, his productivity will dras-
tically decrease. If employees perceive the home as a comfortable place to
relax and rest and if they are tempted to play video games, access social net-
works, watch movies, and so forth, their productivity will inevitably be low.
The productivity of those who work from home is affected by techni-
cal problems that cannot be solved remotely, the inequality of salaries of
those who work remotely and those who work from the office, the lack of
employer insight into increased work effort and significantly longer aver-
age working hours of remote workers. Further, the isolation of employees
at home and the lack of confirmation from colleagues about efficiency and
success in work, the lack of direct interactions with colleagues during and
after work reduces productivity. Remote employees feel forgotten especially
when it comes to job advancement because in a way their work becomes
less visible to everyone simply because great physical distance creates bar-
riers to the work environment. The values and goals of the company to the
remote worker also become unclear and distant (Ford & Butts, 1991). Such
a status also affects their future employment, as new employers doubt the
recommendations of the current ones because their perception is often
unclear. The current employer simply knows little about the social and
other skills of those who work remotely. Individually or cumulatively, such
a climate does not contribute to productivity growth.
Consequently, organizations fear that employees from home may lose
control and connection to the organization. They fear that remote workers
may give preference to personal jobs or work for others, which can reduce
not only productivity but also the quality of work, regardless of all estab-
lished control mechanisms using new technical devices (Peeters et al., 2005).
Moving away from superiors and office colleagues can eventually lead to
a loss of identity with the company and a loss of team spirit in the work.
In the further analysis of this exceptional work (Thorstensson, 2020),
the author dealt with the determination of similarities and differences
in positive and negative factors in 2000 and 2019–2020. Basically, she
pointed out more similarities than differences. While in 2000, access to

certain equipment, technology and appropriate tools was important to

increase productivity in 2020, it is no longer because that approach is sim-
ply implied for everyone who works from home. We mentioned that there
is one factor that increases productivity, and that is video calls instead of
e-mails. It should be borne in mind that video calls in 2000 did not exist.
The smartphones and social networks we mentioned in a negative context
to increase productivity in 2000 were not common, so this comparison is
also not relevant.
Nevertheless, psychological factors are key to the decline in productivity.
The first is the great fear of infection. The second is the feeling of social
disconnection and isolation from the work environment with at the same
time increased tensions and conflicts within the family due to forced isola-
tion for a long time. At the same time, due to isolation, earlier assistance
to the family for the care of children and the elderly is lacking (Baines
& Gelder, 2003; Sullivan, 2012; Weinert et al., 2015). All these objective
circumstances make it very difficult to establish clear boundaries between
business and private life and affect the reduction of productivity.
An Indonesian study (Susilo et al., 2020) points out that a pleasant work
environment is key to successful telecommuting and increased productivity.
If it is known that Indonesia has 136 million total employees (Susilo et
al, 2020), this knowledge will undoubtedly be useful. However, in this study,
as in most other, no control variables were introduced that could signifi-
cantly affect the results, such as: gender, age, education, cultural patterns,
adopted technologies, types of industry, stratum affiliation, income level,
and so forth.
Issues of productivity at work from home are relativized not only because
of the controlling variables but also by the very value determinations of
good and bad work from home. Individuals who work from home are
often unable to limit working hours for a variety of reasons—fears that the
employer will not like them enough and therefore will not keep the job
in the long run, that they may earn more by working overtime and thus
achieve their excessive ambitions and expectations or that they see over-
time as the only way to meet different external pressures and expectations.
Unable to establish self-discipline and respond assertively to all external
and internal pressures, many are obsessively attached to work, dependent
on work, which leads to burnout and numerous disturbances in family life.
As a confirmation of this compulsive attitude towards work, the satisfac-
tion they achieve between the time spent at work and the desired time is
more important for most than the number of hours worked (Wooden et
al., 2009). Poor productivity is just one and not the most devastating con-
sequence. That is why the most important decision for all those who work
remotely is to find a good balance between private life and professional
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    73

obligations, which is certainly the biggest and most difficult enigma that
many who work from home fail to solve.
One should not lose sight of many employees working remotely being
imperceptibly drawn into relationships that are more promising than ful-
filling. A good example of this is internet gigs (Graham et al., 2017). In
the global virtual labor market, Internet gigs for middle- and lower-income
workers are becoming the main source of monthly funding and increasing
workers’ autonomy, which is why this market is growing rapidly. However,
it is often associated with a series of traps into which participants are drawn
beyond their will and expectations. The loss of the boundaries between
work and private life is an epiphenomenon of a series of negative phe-
nomena of those who participate in internet gigs. In one large survey, 55%
of respondents worked at high speed compared to only 13% who did not,
and only 15% of respondents did not have too short deadlines to complete
work, while 22% experienced pain due to such short deadlines. This inten-
sity of work was accompanied by low wages, job insecurity. The main way
to increase wages was by increasing the number of working hours. Some
said they would work 70–80 hours a week for a salary of $ 3.5 an hour, and
sometimes all night if deadlines were tight (Graham et al., 2017). As many
as 70% stated that they know very little about their clients, and that they do
not have a clear or acceptable tax policy. In addition, most point out that
they are exposed to extreme predation and exploitation of intermediaries.
In practice, they cannot easily exercise their rights, and are often discrimi-
nated against in a subtle and sometimes open way (Graham et al., 2017).
Lithuania’s experience in various aspects of remote working is valuable
because it took place in almost experimental conditions; four years ago,
in terms of the number of those working remotely, it was on the Euro-
pean backlog, so that during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many as 40% of
employees worked remotely.
Remote work has made it possible to adapt to market changes and cri-
ses, such as COVID-19 (Bhat et al., 2017; Großer & Baumöl, 2017). The
consulting companies pay special attention to maintaining and increasing
productivity (Bouziri et al., 2020; Raghuram et al. 2019) as well as estab-
lishing a balance between work from home and private life (Čulo, 2016;
Verburg et al., 2013). On this occasion, we should mention the instructive
and precise definition of a virtual organization given by the authors: “A
virtual organization is a collection of geographically distributed, function-
ally or culturally diverse entities that are connected by electronic forms of
communication and use electronic media to communicate, coordinate and
fulfil the defined goal or task” (Stachova et al., 2018)

• Leadership in remote working


In the introductory part of this study, the authors pay special atten-
tion to leadership in virtual teams, related to communication and trust
issues (Baert et al., 2020; Brynjolfsson, 2020; Cogliser, 2012; Daim et al.,
2012; Ospina, 2017; Taylor, 2018). In order to form communication rules,
motivate employees for calm, continuous communication based on the
feelings, attitudes and behaviors of employees, to achieve fast and efficient
exchange of information in virtual teams it is necessary to have a strong
leader (Kuscu & Hasan, 2014; Snellman, 2014). There is a general belief
that it is much easier to be a leader in traditional than digital teams because
in working on platforms, individuals are leaders themselves. Working on
the platforms establishes cooperation and trust that abolish the privileges
and powers of leaders, stimulating employees to take the lead on their
own, which leads to a large number of remote workers participating in the
leadership. Such shared leadership encourages motivation, coordination,
and efficiency (Arnfalk, 2016). Some authors equate leadership in digital
organizations with collective leadership that cooperates effectively and
makes good decisions (Baert et al., 2020; Brynjolfsson, 2020).
Comparison of work from home and office
In the following study, researchers address the advantages and disadvan-
tages of working from home and from the office of teaching and research
staff in Hungary (Aczel et al., 2021). The mentioned research of advantages
and disadvantages of work from the house of scientists is quite rare and in
some aspects unexpected, and on this occasion we will present the basic
results (Aczel et al., 2021)
Comparing the results of work from home and in the office during the
pandemic, they said that they exchange information with colleagues more
successfully in the office and prepare data collection tasks more efficiently,
and prepare manuscripts, follow literature, and analyze data more success-
fully at home.
It was a particularly interesting question about how much time they
spent in the past and how much they would need in the future to achieve
optimal results with which they would be satisfied.
To achieve the required efficiency, as many as 66% said they should work
more from home than they did before the pandemic, 16% want less, and
18% the same time as before the pandemic. Finally, 86% of all scientists,
who said that they would work more from home in the future, believe that
working from home would be an ideal and possible solution.
Contrary to previous beliefs that working from home has particularly
affected the academic community and has significantly reduced the
quality and productivity of their work, this research has shown that the
academic community fits very well into the processes associated with new
forms of work and the information and communication technologies that
support them, so that working from home is supported by the majority
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    75

as an ideal solution in the future. Truth be told, some forms of work are
realized more effectively by members of the academic community in direct
communication with colleagues, primarily related to the exchange of ideas
in planning and implementation of scientific projects, but two thirds would
like to work from home than before the pandemic.
However, in order to realize the preferences of academic staff for
increased work from home in the future, the authors of this paper justifi-
ably suggest that they need social help and support in those aspects that
hinder or limit their work from home now, and certainly in the future.
The biggest problem is caring for children, regardless of the fact that
working from home enables them to take care of children more. However,
caring for children is for them the main reason for overload and the main
source of conflict between work and family (Adkins & Premeaux, 2012;
Premeaux et al., 2007), which is why employers need help in this area when
it comes to children, and other categories that require special care, such as
the elderly and the disabled (Eikhof et al., 2007). Remediation should also
include addressing a range of adverse family circumstances, including the
challenges of single life.

• Balance and boundaries between work and private life

Given that scientists in the future prefer to work from home, the authors
rightly conclude that between work and private life they will have more
and more problems to connect work and private life in this context (Aczel
et al., 2021).
The reasons for the conflict are the demands of certain roles that try to
provide someone’s mental and physical capacities in order to be realized,
so that the borders easily weaken and the private enters the business field
and vice versa. The consequences are weaker concentration at work and
exhaustion (Golden, 2012; Kim & Holenbe, 2017) and reduced job satisfac-
tion (Carlson et al., 2010).
Traditional boundaries between work and private life have broken down,
and new ones, which would be appropriate for new information and com-
munication technologies, have not been built. Scientists adapt to them in
accordance with external constraints, internal needs and requirements, so
that they more or less successfully use different ways and means to establish
and maintain borders.
Many of the relevant factors that may influence the maintenance or per-
meability of borders in one direction or another have not been sufficiently
examined and clarified. In any case, there are a number of challenges for
future researchers to come to more reliable conclusions.
At least in the ideal projection, the solution lies in the acceptance of
boundary theory. According to this theory, people use different tactics to

maintain an ideal level of segmentation of work from home (Ashforth et

al., 2000; Clark, 2000). Those who have built-in preferences and tactics
for managing borders manage borders more strictly and develop strong
segmentation between work and family (Nippert-Eng, 1996).
A study by Grant et al. (2013) considers three aspects of working from
home: efficiency, well-being, and the distinction between work and pri-
vate life. In addition to numerous savings, working from home provides
opportunities for the individual to best balance the relationship between
business and private life (Lewis & Cooper, 2005). When the boundaries
between work and private life weaken or collapse, there are numerous
negative consequences. Then the positive effects such as reducing stress
and increasing satisfaction disappear, and most of the protective elements
weaken and disappear when working from home (Hartig et al., 2007). The
collapse of borders can lead to completely opposite effects: increased stress,
family conflicts and lack of free time. Despite the fact that working from
home can increase satisfaction and productivity while reducing absentee-
ism, conflicts in the family due to the intertwining of business and private
life can remain and form the other side of the coin (Allvin et al., 2011;
Noonan & Glass, 2012).
The blurring of the boundaries between work and family generates
many other problems, which 60% of workers in one study cite as the domi-
nant problem (Ellison, 1999).
Working from home generates a number of problems when there is no
balance between work and private life because the boundaries are blurred,
confusing (Demerouti et al., 2014). Conflict between work and family is
considered to be the most important for the occurrence of burnout (Dyrbye
et al., 2011; Lingard & Francis, 2006).
A study of 1,500 respondents found that gender aspects and the pres-
ence of a dependent did not have a particular impact on work efficiency,
but the ability to manage working hours was the most important determi-
nant of maintaining work-life balance (Maruyama et al., 2009).



From the following study (Graham et al., 2017), we would also like to single
out the findings related to the comparison of the perception of working of
those who first started working remotely and those who have experience of
remote work before the COVID-19. Those who started during the pandemic
emphasize the shortcomings less, but also emphasize the positive aspects
of remote work. Those who worked before the pandemic highlighted the
negative aspects of this work, such as lack of face-to-face communication
with managers, difficulties in accessing job-related information, lack of
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    77

feedback, overtime due to managerial pressures, inability to adequately

assess workload, belief that the supervisor inadequately evaluates their
work, and so forth. They pointed out mostly the negative aspects of remote
work, with their work motivation being quite low.
Respondents who have longer experience with remote work have
described both the pros and cons of this chapter in much more detail. The
positive aspects were mainly related to the flexibility of work organization,
choice of place and time of work, savings, and so forth. The negative ones
were related to limitations and career insecurity, long-lasting and compli-
cated communication processes. Finally, those who worked only two days a
week remotely had more positive attitudes about this work than those who
worked full time; those who worked only two days emphasized the benefits
more, and those who worked three days or full time emphasized the disad-
vantages more. It should be mentioned that the elderly are generally more
critical of remote work.
In a recent longitudinal study in the United Kingdom, which offers a
number of interesting results on this topic, workers assessed their effects
of work through selected indicators before and during the COVID-19
pandemic (Etheridge et al., 2020). Changes in productivity before the
pandemic period and in May–June 2020 were examined. Workers said
they were on average as successful as before the pandemic. However, work
performance has been shown to vary significantly across socioeconomic
groups, industries, and occupations. Workers in occupations that are less
suitable for work from home have lower productivity than before the pan-
demic. Further, women had lower productivity, as well as workers with
lower incomes. In contrast, workers who have attractive occupations and
high incomes show greater success. For women, work is also influenced by
the family environment. At the time of locking due to isolation and exces-
sive reference to each other, the demands of children from their mothers
are especially emphasized, which reduces the available working hours and
working capacities of mothers. In addition, women are more likely to work
in occupations that are not suitable for working from home.
There are especially big differences between those who worked from
home before the pandemic and those who started working from home
during the pandemic due to the force of circumstances. While the former
often increased productivity in the latter it dropped significantly. However,
it should be noted that productivity during a pandemic also depended on a
number of factors not most often included in the analysis, such as the type
of economic activity in which they operate (tourism is known to be most
affected) is the very nature of the activity, which is less compatible with work
from home, and numerous specific limitations in each industry.
At the end of this review, it is worth mentioning a study that, among
other things, compares the advantages and disadvantages of working from

home of scientific and academic staff before and during the COVID-19
pandemic (Aczel et al., 2017). Of the 704 professors and researchers who
completed the questionnaire (75% were from the social sciences). Unlike
most other professions, as many as 94% of scientists said they worked more
during the pandemic than before. However, of this percentage, as many
as 47% said that working from home made their work less efficient, 23%
felt that they achieved greater efficiency during the lockdown, while 30%
did not notice differences compared to the period before the pandemic.
The picture is more unfavorable if efficiency is observed in families with
children; as many as 58% of scientists from families with children showed
less efficiency in working from home during a pandemic, 20% thought they
were more efficient, and 20% found no difference.



As we said earlier, research on work from home can be thematically divided

into two basic units: those that deal with mostly positive aspects of work
from home and those that deal with negative aspects.
The first group was mostly discussed in the first section of this introduc-
tory part. Psychosocial issues can also be divided into positive and negative.
The positive:

• Freedom and autonomy

• Motivation
• Self-discipline
• Job satisfaction
• Good sleep
• Enjoying work
• Social support for family, relatives, and friends
• Good social connection with colleagues
• Good mental health
• Good physical health

The negative:

• Social isolation
• Anxiety
• Concerns
• Irritability
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    79

• Resentment
• Feelings of guilt
• Frustration
• Stress
• Burnout
• Depression
• Suicidal thoughts
• Obsessive preoccupation with work
• Presentism
• Feeling of social disconnection with colleagues and management,
loss of self-confidence and identity
• Loss of boundaries between work and private life
• Psychosomatic disorders
• Disorders of the musculoskeletal system
• Poor social communication with colleagues and employers
• Alienation from family, relatives, and friends
• Alienation from coworkers
• Mental disorders

First about some positive psychosocial aspects. In the previously men-

tioned study by an Indonesian author (Susilo et al., 2020), working from
home significantly contributed to increasing job satisfaction. That is why
the author points out that working from home is the best choice to increase
job satisfaction. Further, a strong positive association with motivation was
found; those who work from home significantly increase their motivation
to work. The effect at work, however, is not in a direct positive relationship
with working from home, but in an indirect one; only with the growth of
satisfaction and motivation can a better performance be expected in those
who work from home. A direct positive link has been found between work
environment and job satisfaction, which is why the authors recommend to
policy makers that if they want to increase job satisfaction, they improve
the work environment of employees at home. Contrary to expectations,
motivation is not significantly related to job satisfaction. Therefore, they
conclude that the usual efforts of companies to increase motivation to
work do not contribute to increasing job satisfaction of those who work at
home. The author provides an original explanation for this unexpected
result; under psychological pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic home
employees “forgot” about motivation, and at the same time are satisfied
that they work from home, especially since others do not work from home
or have lost their jobs (Susilo et al., 2020).

A good working environment significantly increases work performance,

which is in line with previous findings.
It is our assumption that the family environment plays such a role in
Indonesian society because of some traditionally religious and collectivist
patterns that are especially manifested in the lives of Indonesian families.
Therefore, companies in Indonesia are recommended that improving the
various parameters of the work environment is a sure way to increase work
performance. On the other hand, job satisfaction significantly increases
work performance. Motivation at work also increases performance, as a
result of which the author of this chapter recommends the management
of Indonesian companies that if they want to increase work performance,
a good way is to increase motivation. The most important implication of
the study is that companies that want to achieve their organizational goals
must achieve that employee are satisfied with their work and that they are
The negative aspects of working from home have their origin in a wide
range of psychological and psychosocial problems. It is very important to
note that the line between positive and negative aspects is sometimes very
The second study, which represents a meta-analysis of 308 studies, dif-
ferent psychological outcomes of remote work are analyzed (Lewis et al.,
2020). New modalities of work contain two important determinants: they
are supported by new information and communication technologies and
have clearly defined goals (Nijp et al., 2016).
The most significant advantage of new forms of work is that they increase
worker autonomy (Steenbergen et al., 2018) and strengthen motivation
(Pritchard & Payne, 2003). A sense of control over the schedule of work
activities and the impact on establishing a balance between work and pri-
vate life creates a sense of satisfaction (Beckers et al., 2012) which all results
in good mental health (Kotera, Green, & Shefield, 2019).



It is very important to note that the line is sometimes very thin.

Remote employees often lose the support of colleagues (Halford,
2005). The autonomy of remote workers can be significantly reduced due
to unrealistic expectations of the help that others can provide in achiev-
ing their goals (Mazmanian et al., 2013). Poor mental health of people
working remotely is a major problem for most countries (Kestrel, 2019).
In Great Britain, 16 million working days were lost in 2016 due to poor
mental health, which cost Britain 65 billion pounds or 3% of gross national
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    81

income. Dutch workers have the most mental health problems in Organiza-
tion for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries and
cost the Netherlands 3% of national income annually (OECD, 2014). In the
European Union, due to depression, the total costs of losses due to falling
productivity, treatment costs and disability benefits amount to 620 billion
euros (Matrix Insight Economic, 2013).
The situation in Japan is much worse; 66% of Japanese workers stated
that their mental health was impaired, and their claims for damages due to
these problems have increased nine times in the last two decades (Ministry
of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan, 2019).
After this rather gloomy epidemiological picture in Europe, the authors
point out that the support and understanding of the work organization and
family are the most important for successful remote working and main-
taining mental health (De Bloom et al., 2017). They suggest a number of
measures to prevent mental problems, including simple ones such as chat
breaks, short morning walks and the like. However, they also point to some
strategic moves modelled on Japan such as the four-day work week that led
to a 40% increase in productivity in Japan (Jackman, 2020).
Social isolation: Among the negative phenomena, social isolation occu-
pies a significant place. As far back as 1983, in the United Kingdom, as
many as 60% of remote workers identified isolation as the biggest prob-
lem (Huvs, 1984). Remote workers come to this knowledge by comparing
themselves with others; others become a barometer for ourselves (Mann &
Holdsworth, 2000; Mann et al., 2000).
According to another researcher, social isolation and loneliness are key
to the occurrence of other negative emotional states such as anxiety, ner-
vousness, irritability, anxiety, and the like (Rook, 1984).
Presentism: An issue that managers often unjustifiably value is pre-
sentism. Presentism does not only mean extended working hours but also
work in a sick state. Presentism is indicated by the appearance of reduced
absenteeism and pain. Instead of not doing his job that day due to health
problems, he only asks for a free morning, and often the sick person works
all day. He should return to work when he is completely recovered, and not
take a free morning. At the core of presentism is the fear of a bad impres-
sion that work interruptions can leave on employers and the expectation
that employers will especially appreciate his motivation to work even when
he is ill. This seems to be a problem for all workers, not just those who
work remotely. The need for such “proof ” is conditioned by the effort to
prevent all possible unpleasant events related to the crisis, which is first
repercussed by dismissals or shortened work engagements, salary reduc-
tions, and so forth.

During the 1990s and the beginning of this century, the lack of technical
support was also key to the success of remote working. However, with the
development of new technologies, this is a largely overcome problem today.
Slow career advancement: Remote workers complain of slow career
advancement because their work is insufficiently visible to employers, while
all jobs and social promotions of office workers are valorised when employ-
ers make promotion decisions (Haddon & Levis, 1994) They can get the
impression that they are bypassed in all important actions and processes
of the company (Turner, 1998).
Working from home and gender: Women who work from home are at
a disadvantage not only because they have two working hours, but also
because performing family roles is not considered work for them. Work
is considered to be going to the office (Mann et al., 2000). While working
from home is recognized for men, it is not for women, so both of their work
from home remains marginalized (Hall, 1972). In contrast, men derive
their identity from their professional role and a combination of different
forms of work increases their reputation in the social environment. Even
if they work from home, women are expected to do family chores because
the family is their “natural” environment.
Due to all of the above, women who work from home experience more
stress than men who work from home and their physical and mental health
is more at risk (Ellison, 1999; Hall, 1972).
The responses of women who work remotely about stressful events are
significantly more related to real stresses than those of men who work
remotely. If this relevant finding is taken into account, then women who
work remotely are more exposed to stressful events and have somewhat
poorer mental and physical health (Mann & Holdsworth, 2000). When it
comes to reporting subjective pain, no significant differences were found
between men and women who work from home (Song & Gao, 2019).
Seven studies examined the impact of gender on the mental health
of home workers (Eddleston & Mulki, 2017; Hornung & Glasser, 2009;
Kazekami, 2020; Song & Gao, 2019). When it comes to reporting subjective
pain, no significant differences were found between men and women who
work from home (Song & Gaoo, 2019).
Research before the pandemic showed higher levels of stress in women
(Bolger et al., 1989; Duxbury et al., 2018; Fan et al., 2019; Karkoulian et
al., 2016; Peeters et al., 2005). Based on the results of a survey conducted
in early April 2020, women showed significantly higher levels of stress
than men at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic (Flesia et al., 2020). The
reasons are related to the lack of partner support (Peeters et al., 2005). At
the same time, in addition to full-time work, women work an average of 20
more hours per week than men in housework, childcare and care (LeanIn.
org. and Survey Monkey, 2020).
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    83

Work from home and office work of men: Men who work remotely reported
lower stress levels than office workers. In this study, the authors analyze the
effect of remote work on the expression of emotions, stress, and the health
status of remote workers and office workers (Mann & Holdsworth, 2000).
Both groups do the same types of jobs. The research consists of two
studies: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis singled out seven
emotions: stress, loneliness, enjoyment, irritability, anxiety, resentment,
guilt, and frustration.
Stress: Stress is an almost chronic phenomenon and most often occurs
due to the fear that the deadlines for the completion of work will not be
met. Office workers have similar reasons for stress, and in addition, office
workers are exposed to constant stressful situations due to travel, due to
feelings of hostility and anger due to traffic jams, fear of being late for work
and the like (Montreuil & Lippel, 2003).
Loneliness: Loneliness is one of the most intense feelings of people who
work remotely. It occurs as a consequence of the lack of social support, as a
result of which insecurity and lack of confidence in one’s abilities develop.
As a result, remote workers feel lonely and abandoned by others. It is inter-
esting to mention that office workers do not have such feelings at all.
Enjoyment: Enjoyment occurs as a result of heightened self-confidence
and pride in completed work or work in progress (Pekrun & Frese, 1992).
No significant differences were found between the remote workers and the
office workers in terms of expressing this emotion.
Irritability: Irritability occurs due to lack of interruption, loss of con-
trol over the situation that arises due to obstruction of others (Pekrun &
Frese, 1992). In remote workers, irritability increases because people who
obstruct are at a great physical distance. This creates even greater frustra-
tion because due to the physical distance, remote workers cannot expect the
help of colleagues in resolving a conflict situation. Irritation and frustration
turn into anger, which leads to stressful situations. There is another situa-
tion that irritates remote workers. It is an intrusion of family members into
the workspace because it seems to them to be part of a single-family space,
which irritates remote workers and brings them into states of frustration,
anger and stress.
Concerns: Concerns arise in remote workers due to a lack of support,
especially when it comes to difficult tasks or tasks with a short deadline.
Being concerns can turn into panic. Office workers have the same problem
when finishing work on time.
Resentment: Resentment most often occurs in remote workers as a result
of the inability to be excluded from work and the lack of recognition of any
kind due to excessive work, but also due to the feeling of frustration in the
realization of favorite family activities.

Guilt: Guilt arises from the inability to strike a balance between business
and family responsibilities, leading to internal conflicts of remote workers.
Guilt is most often felt for not fulfilling promises and obligations towards
children. Feelings of guilt are heightened by the fact that children never
forget promises and constantly remind parents of their fulfilment.
Frustration: Frustration occurs in both remote and office workers pri-
marily due to a lack of support, with remote workers more often pointing
out a lack of technical support and a lack of support from office colleagues
and management.
The results of the qualitative analysis showed that remote workers expe-
rienced more negative emotions, especially when it comes to loneliness,
irritability, worry, and guilt. Office workers estimated that they were only
more exposed to stress than remote workers due to the organization of
office services and, in particular, due to transport problems. Because the
qualitative analysis is based on the attitudes of the respondents, it is not
possible to assess what for example is the connection between the subjective
experience of stress and real stressful situations, nor whether there is an
objective assessment of the severity of certain negative emotions between
remote workers and office workers.
In another study, a good operationalization of basic research concepts
was performed in order to avoid a certain arbitrariness resulting from
qualitative analysis (Mann & Holdsworth, 2000). The results showed that
remote workers show significantly more negative emotions and have poorer
mental and physical health than office workers. However, the assumption
that women who work remotely have poorer mental and physical health
than men has not been confirmed.
Interestingly, although office workers in Study 1 (qualitative analysis)
reported experiencing higher levels of stress than remote workers, another
study found that remote workers had more symptoms of stress than office
workers. It is obvious that it is much more important to consider whether
there are objectively symptoms of stress than the subjective experience that
we are under stress, which was not taken into account enough.
In the final part of the study, the authors recommend a whole repertoire
of measures to repair negative emotions and improve physical and mental
functioning, which focus on various support measures to be implemented
by company managers, various support measures expected from close asso-
ciates to a range of entertainment and recreational activities that remote
workers need to undertake (Mann & Holdsworth, 2000).
Between the declarative acceptance by employers that synchronized
measures are necessary to protect endangered mental health and the real
situation, we get the impression that there is a rather deep gap. Companies
point out that remote work has many benefits for employees that have been
talked about a lot before. However, the truth seems to be more on the other
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    85

side according to which remote working results in higher productivity. The

collision between a somewhat idealized image that companies try to place
and the real situation can be seen in the extent to which they are commit-
ted to the practical implementation of measures to protect the mental and
physical health of remote workers; at the end of the last century, of all com-
panies in the U.K. that introduced remote work, less than half had taken
any steps to protect the mental and physical health of remote workers.
Depression: Despite all the positive aspects that have been discussed,
working from home can cause a number of psychological problems, the
most important of which are social isolation, stress, pressure (Holmes et al.,
2020) and depression. The author presents an exhaustive symptomatology
of depression, which often occurs as a result of a series of psychological
symptoms, and we will list it in its entirety. Anxiety, stress and loneliness
lead to depression which manifests itself:

• “angry outbursts, irritability and frustration (even because of

small things);
• loss of interest and satisfaction in activities such as sex and hob-
• sleep disorders, including insomnia and too much sleep;
• fatigue and lack of energy; even small tasks require extra effort;
• increased desire for food;
• anxiety, agitation and restlessness;
• problems with thinking, concentrating, making decisions and
remembering things;
• unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches.”
(Holmes et al., 2020)

The author recommends the following set of behavioral measures to

reduce mental and physical symptoms: create a routine, upgrade the apart-
ment, go out in the garden, establish virtual contacts with others, start
saying “no” (Holmes et al., 2020).
Burnout: The most common and severe consequence of conflict and
imbalance between family and work is burnout (Langballe et al., 2011;
Lingard & Francis, 2006; Proost et al., 2004). At the same time, it leaves
negative consequences on our psychosocial status (Fiksenbaumet al., 2010;
Maslach et al., 2001; Salanova & Lorens, 2008). It previously appeared in
the narrow circle of professions (Dyrbye et al., 2011; Keeton et al., 2007)
and today it often occurs between different and distant professions (Peeters
et al., 2003). Burnout can be defined as “a symptom of personal exhaustion,
depersonalization, and reduced personal success” (Maslach, 1982).

In all theories, insufficient resources or excessive work demands are

underlined in the occurrence of negative work-house interactions and
burnout (Bakker & Demerouti, 1982; Hobfol, 2001; Johnson & Hall, 1988).
Most research starts from the assumption that conflict between work and
home is key to the onset of burnout (Lingard & Francis, 2006; Dyrbye et al.,
2011; Peeters et al., 2005). Some researchers, on the other hand, believe
that burnout is mediated between stress and conflicts between work and
life. However, the conflict of multiple roles stimulates remote employees
to develop new values and skills and apply them in another domain. Thus,
they can also play a positive role and at least somewhat prevent combus-
tion. Different combinations of interactions are possible that are associated
with better mental and physical health (Grzywacz, 2000; Grzywacz & Bass,
It is usually assumed that the interactions are work-family with a nega-
tive sign. A significant innovation in this study is that the authors also take
into account positive interactions (Merecz & Andysz, 2014) which, except
in a very small number of studies (Peeters et al., 2005), were overlooked. In
addition, the authors took into account both combinations of interactions
(work-house and house-work) in a positive and negative direction.
The main finding is that the clusters were dominated by mostly positive
Only 16% experienced negative interactions, while 29% had no
The results of this study call into question the theory of segmentation
and the necessity of establishing firm boundaries between work and home.
Instead of establishing firm boundaries, it is preferable to talk about the
continuum of integration—segmentation (Hall & Richter, 1988; Rothbard
et al., 2005) and the necessity of overflow when there is a danger of conflict
between work and family (Cho et al., 2013).
When it comes to gender relations, no significant differences were found.
However, negative interactions were more common in people who worked
longer than 10 hours a day. The length of the work is obviously related to
burnout (Barnettet al., 1999; Keene & Quadagno, 2004).
The results of the study convincingly showed that segmentation is not a
good strategy for overcoming conflicts between work and family in remote

• Psychological and psychosocial problems of special categories of


Rotational remote workers have particularly pronounced psychological

and psychosocial problems. They mostly work in maritime, mining (oil and
gas), construction and energy. In this study, the authors included fourteen
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    87

countries (from European, to African, Asian, American, and Australian).

The interviews were preceded by a meta-analysis of a large number of
studies on the negative and positive psychological and psychosocial aspects
of the work of rotating remote workers (Lewis et al., 2020.). Given the
nature of the work, the sample was predominantly male (81% men and
16% women).
Most workers expressed satisfaction with the conditions provided by the
companies they work for: 95% said that for their companies their health
came first, 79% said their company was committed to embracing diversity
and inclusion, and 78% said they were open to members of all cultures.
Workforces are also positively rated in high percentages: 87% are satisfied
with work, 88% with accommodation, 78% are satisfied with internet con-
nections, and 69% with leisure content. Most felt they had psychological
support. However, 23% thought it was missing. The issue of flexibility was
rated the worst because 40% felt that they did not have adequate flexibility
in their roles.
In general, rotating workers from Asia, the Middle East, and North
Africa were significantly more satisfied with the conditions and organiza-
tion than those from America and Pacific Asia. Those with longer tenure
and leadership positions were also generally more satisfied. Despite all the
above positive assessments, 52% of workers pointed out that they become
moody and have mental problems while on rotation. Negative and positive
consequences of rotational work were classified by researchers into four
groups: emotional outcomes, family, social and work outcomes, psycho-
social and psychosomatic outcomes, and work-related and organizational
When it comes to negative emotional consequences, burnout, loneliness,
depression, and suicidal thoughts stand out. By the way, suicidal thoughts
are most pronounced in rotary workers at a distance because they are often
months thousands of kilometers away from the nearest and in very depress-
ing working conditions, for example, work on offshore oil platforms. The
positives include job satisfaction, opportunities for fun and experiences of
various excitements.
The negative family factors include concern for the emotional and simi-
lar needs of children, problems of adjustment to special conditions and
problems of behavior in such conditions, conflicts between business and
family obligations, financial pressures to be the sole breadwinner of the
family, bad relationships.
The positive family and social factors relate to social ties and the good
functioning of the family.
The negative psychosocial and psychosomatic factors most often refer
to fatigue and insomnia, stomach problems, and positive—satisfactory
length of sleep.

The negative outcomes associated with the company are the intention
to give up further work, the feeling of lack of competence and motivation,
while the positive are the enjoyment of work and the feeling of belonging
and togetherness, as well as good friendships.
In the final part of the study, the authors present a number of recommen-
dations, among which are particularly important those related to raising
the safety culture of companies to a higher level, especially strategies to
preserve the mental health of rotating workers and increase flexibility.

• Effects of work from home on physical health

Searching the database of 1,557 papers, published from 2007 to 2020,

on the health effects of working from home on mental and physical health
of employees, the authors in the next study with strict methodological
criteria singled out 21 studies for further analysis (Oakman et al., 2020)
The effects of working from home on physical health: Researchers in other
studies have reported physical health problems on the basis of subjective
assessments (pain, problems in the musculoskeletal system, etc.) (Fílardí et
al., 2020; Gimenez-Nadal et al., 2020). Civil servants working from home
generally pointed out that they had no physical health problems (Fílardí
et al., 2020). Another group from a financial company working from home
reported a decline in physical fitness, which did not have negative conse-
quences on their employment status (Nijp et al., 2016).
The effects of working from home on mental health: There are significantly
more studies in which researchers have addressed mental health. These
include the following outcomes: well-being, stress, depression, fatigue,
quality of life, stress, and happiness. Researchers in nine studies address
the environmental, physical, and psychosocial impacts on the mental
health of those who work from home (Anderson et al., 2015; Bentley et al.,
2016; Eddleston & Mulki, 2017, Golden, 2012, Grant et al., 2013; Major,
et al., 2008; Sardeshmukh et al., 2012; Suh & Lee, 2017; Vander et al.,
2017). The authors point out that working from home can have positive
or negative effects on mental health depending on the behavior of family
members, organizational factors in the company, social ties, especially out-
side working hours, and so forth (Bentley et al., 2016; Grant et al., 2013;
Sardeshmukh et al., 2012; Suh & Lee, 2017; Vander et al., 2017).
Positive or negative effects are not unambiguous; they are the result of
complex constellations of factors. Less time pressures to get work done at
home, giving more autonomy to employees working from home, and a better
work-life balance without conflict will certainly result in less exhaustion,
less stress, and better mental health. We have repeatedly pointed out that
working overtime affects the occurrence of mental disorders. However,
if it is not a question of work exaggerations for a longer period of time,
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    89

extended time will not lead to mental health disorders if the worker has
the support of colleagues and superiors. Another study, however, showed
that the length of work from home affects the occurrence of depressive
symptoms. Workers from home have been shown to have fewer depressive
symptoms than office workers if they have not worked for more than eight
hours (Henke et al., 2016).
Men who worked full time from home exhibited higher levels of stress
than office workers (Kazekami, 2020).
When it comes to reporting subjective pain, no significant differences
were found between men and women who work from home (Song & Gao,
Shortened working hours for employees working from home have led
to an increase in autonomy and quality of life. However, this relationship
was significant only for men, but not for women (Eddelston & Mulkey,
2017). Men who work from home show an increased level of stress, but also
happiness, while women have not shown that. No significant differences
in mental health were found between women working from home and in
the office.
In the discussion, the authors propose measures to improve the mental
and physical health of people working from home that can be summarized
in five groups: organizational measures, support of associates, technical
support, support for border management, addressing gender inequalities.
Due to significantly different working conditions caused by the pan-
demic in the domain of organizational measures, the authors advocate
regular communication in which work tasks, roles and mutual expecta-
tions are precisely and clearly defined. Human resource support is needed
(Hayman, 2010; Kaduk et al., 2019) and financial assistance for special
expenses due to work from home (Major et al., 2008).
Collaboration of coworkers involves supporting all forms of formal
and informal communication via the internet and social contacts that can
replace office day (Bentley et al., 2016, Golden, 2012, Song & Gao, 2019).
Technical support requires the application of the latest technologies in
work from home and appropriate training (Bosua et al., 2013; Fílardí et
al., 2020).
It is necessary to establish boundaries between work, family and recre-
ational activities. The most efficient way is to educate both employees from
home and managers (Eddelson & Mulki, 2017).
Instead of a narrowed vision of the need to reduce gender inequali-
ties, the authors offer a broader and more acceptable strategy that would
include the development of preventive measures to preserve mental health
that would be adapted to members of both gender and all ages (Daverth et
al., 2016; Kossek & Lautsch, 2018).

Stress and burnout is a consequence of working from home during the

COVID-19 pandemic. The latest research, which we will present in this
literature review, is about the connection between the occurrence of stress
and burnout at work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A few papers have
been written on this topic on large samples (Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2020; Petterson et al,, 2020). At the same time, thinking
about when the economy will restart due to the pandemic, it was considered
that working from home would be a permanent option (Lavelle, 2020). As
early as April 2020, 3.9 billion people were locked up, and in the U.S. 90%
(Secon & Woodward, 2020) and more than 50% of the world’s population
(Sandford, 2020). With the extension of the lock, there was more and more
talk about worrying phenomena with mental health: increasing stress, with
increased anxiety and depression (Center for National Health Statistics,
2020) and with increasing self-harm and suicide based on comparisons
with previous major job losses (Petterson et al,, 2020). Not enough atten-
tion is paid to the mental health of those who have never worked remotely
due to a pandemic, nor to those who have had little experience with that
type of work.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a large increase in work from home,
which has led to stress for many who started working from home for the
first time (Rigotti et al., 2020). Chronic stress, which inevitably leads to
burnout, occurs in a number of occupations, especially helping ones (Gray
& Muramatsy, 2011; Maslah & Leiter, 2016; Shirom et al., 2016; Wood et
al., 2020). In other studies, the source of stress is seen due to role overload
due to balancing work and family roles (Bolger et al., 1989; Duxbury et
al., 2018), lack of experience of organizational support (Stamper & Johlke,
2003) and adverse impact of physical environment on work ability (Vischer,
2007). Each of these studies and all together support the theory that stress
is a consequence of roles overload (Duxbury et al., 2018) resulting in a
“spillover” of roles from family to work and from work to family (Bolger
et al., 1989). “The spillover” generates or deepens conflicts in the family
(Fan et al., 2019; Lim & Kim, 2014;).
Psychological burnout syndrome occurs as a result of long-term spe-
cial mental and physical exhaustion caused by stressful social situations.
Symptomatology is characterized by a feeling of isolation, abandonment,
cynicism, reduced efficiency. Burnout can significantly reduce productivity
and job satisfaction (Kristensen et al., 2016; Maslach & Leiter, 2005).
More important results of the study are that men who worked full time
during the pandemic and those who worked before the lockout had higher
perceived levels of stress and burnout at work than before the pandemic.
Although stress levels increased on average for all participants, they
increased significantly more for workers who did not have flexible working
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    91

hours before the pandemic and for women. However, no differences were
found between full-time and part-time workers.
The results support the theoretical understanding that stress is a con-
sequence of “spillover” and “burdening with roles” that take place in the
same environment (Bolger et al., 1989; Duxbury, Stevenson, and Higgins,
2018) especially for women (Fan, Lam, and Moen, 2019; Flesia et al., 2020;
LeanIn.org. and Survey Monkey, 2020).


For the empirical analysis of the set goals, we constructed three question-
naires (appendices at the end of the chapter)
The first refers to the psychosocial adjustment to new forms of work.
The second examines the influence of economic factors on new forms of
work. The third treats the advantages and disadvantages of freelancing.
Each of the questionnaires (appendices at the end of the chapter) cov-
ers all important aspects related to the basic content of the questionnaire.
The questionnaire construction procedure was relatively complex and
lengthy. We first produced a large number of statements for each type
of questionnaire (approximately the initial versions were five times more
extensive than the final version). Professor Mirjana Radović-Marković
certainly has the greatest credit for the second and third questionnaire,
who knows the research problem best and who therefore performed triage
of questions relatively easily in order to achieve satisfactory validity and
reliability. Her initial assessment proved to be largely accurate. We supple-
mented the validation of the finally accepted claims in each questionnaire
with assessments by three independent experts for each area. In the final
version, only the statements that all three independent experts assessed as
satisfactory remained.


The sample consists of 1,031 respondents from four countries of the

Western Balkans: 201 from BiH, 201 from Montenegro, 221 from North-
ern Macedonia, and 408 from Serbia. The sample has a suitable character
because the “sample” includes everyone who works from home and who
has agreed to fill in the questionnaire in electronic form. Due to the lack of
representativeness, all generalizations of results to the general population
of those who work from home are unreliable and may serve more as some
major landmarks in future research.

With very scarce personal financial resources, it was not possible to

achieve a more acceptable representativeness (see Table 4.1).

Table 4.1

How They Work Primarily From Home

How do you pri- Bosnia
marily work from and Herze- Montene- Northern
home? govina gro Macedonia Serbia Total
Any other form of 72 152 90 204 518
work from home
35.8% 77.2% 40.7% 55.1% 52.4%
I work as a “free- 129 45 131 166 471
lancer” (in the
“Gig” Economy,
without a contract
with the employer, 64.2% 22.8% 59.3% 44.9% 47.6%
continuously or on
projects using on-
line platforms
Total 201 197 221 370 989
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Table 4.2 shows that almost half are freelancers (47.6%). That percentage
is almost three times higher in BiH than in Montenegro, while Northern
Macedonia is significantly approaching it. It is important to emphasize that
this is a consequence of the appropriate coverage of the electronic survey
and is by no means representative.


We presented the distribution of items from the Scale of Psychosocial

Adjustment by reducing the 5-point scale to a three-point scale in order to
more clearly notice the significant numerical differences between the four
countries (see Table 4.2).
It is important to recall that the negative claims on this scale recoded.
From Table 4.1 it can be seen that for the first claim “Since I started my
own business, I have a lot less time for myself and my hobbies” there are
significant differences among the states. We applied ANOVA (F = 9,881;
p = 0.000). The respondents from Montenegro actually have much less
time for their hobbies and activities than respondents from Bosnia and
Table 4.2

Distribution of items From the Psychosocial Adjustment Scale in the Four Countries of the Western Balkans
Bosnia and Herze-
govina Montenegro Northern Macedonia Serbia Total:
Statements** No Indecis. Yes No Indecis. Yes No Indecis. Yes No Indecisive Yes No Indecis. Yes
1. 19.4 37.8 42.8 64.3 27.4 28.4 37.1 9.5 53.4 34.3 17.2 48.6
2. 15.5 20.4 64.2 17.9 27.9 54.3 19.0 11.8 69.3 23.3 13.5 63.2
3 15.0 18.9 65.1 25.3 22.4 52.3 14.9 15.4 69.7 16.2 11.8 72.1 17.5 16.0 66.6
4. 9.5 15.9 74.7 24.9 23.4 51.6 20.4 11.8 67.9 16.9 17.2 65.4 17.8 17.0 65.3
5. 15.5 31.8 52.8 17.4 30.3 52.3 22.6 24.0 53.4 26.0 24.5 49.5 21.5 27.0 51.5
6. 7.5 17.9 74.6 3.5 29.4 67.2 20.8 13.1 66.1 9.0 18.4 72.5 10.2 19.3 70.5

7. 14.9 25.4 59.7 11.0 30.3 58.7 17.2 17.1 65.6 16.7 22.3 60.1 15.3 23.4 61.2
8. 10.0 28.4 61.7 9.5 24.9 65.7 22.2 19.0 58.9 16.4 26.5 57.2 15.0 24.9 60.1
9. 20.9 25.4 53.7 33.8 28.9 37.3 23.1 19.9 57.1 16.4 20.8 62.7 22.1 23.1 54.8
10. 38.3 27.4 34.3 54.7 18.4 26.8 40.8 27.1 32.2 33.8 28.4 37.8 40.2 26.0 33.8
11. 10.0 20.9 69.2 21.9 28.4 49.8 17.2 17.6 65.2 12.3 14.5 73.3 14.7 19.1 66.1
12. 3.5 14.4 82.1 4.0 21.9 74.1 17.6 13.6 68.8 5.9 11.8 82.4 7.15 14.6 77.8
13. 9.5 20.4 70.2 14.5 18.4 67.2 21.2 15.8 62.9 9.6 13.5 77.0 13.0 16.3 70.7
* The numbers are given in percentages
** 1. Since I started my own business, I have a lot less time for myself and my hobbies
2. Working from home does not prevent me from devoting enough time and motivation to engage in physical activities (exercise/sports)
3. Working from home has negatively affected the amount and quality of sleep.
(Table contained on next page)
4. Since I work from home, I pay less attention to my family or partner.
5. Since I work from home, I have more time to hang out with friends.
6. The job I am currently running fulfils me.
7. The current income I earn is enough to cover all my basic needs
8. I am confident in the future success of the business I am currently running
9. I have trouble separating my job from my private life
10. I would like to have more contact with other people during my work
11. Since I work from home, I feel more tense and upset
12. My family and close friends mostly support me in my current job.
13. During work from home, others (family, friends, neighbors) do not disturb me and I can fully dedicate myself to work.

COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    95

Herzegovina (I–J = – 0.62189; p = 0.000), the respondents from Northern

Macedonia (I–J = –0.61165; p = 0.000) and the respondents from Serbia
(I–J = –0.58224; p = 0.000).
To the second statement “Working from home does not prevent me
from devoting enough time and motivation to engage in physical activities
(exercise/sports)” the respondents from Montenegro gave negative answers
significantly more often than the respondents from Northern Macedonia
(I–J = –0.3224; p = 0.012) and from Serbia less than from Northern Mace-
donia (I–J = –0.2159; p = 0.049) although this difference is almost on the
verge of significance). According to this claim, no statistically significant
differences were found between Serbia and Montenegro. It can be con-
cluded that respondents from Montenegro have had more problems and
less motivation to engage in physical activities than those from Northern
Macedonia since working from home, while in this respect they do not dif-
fer significantly from those from Serbia and BiH.
Table 4.1 shows that the respondents from Montenegro were relatively
more faced with reduced and poor-quality sleep due to work from home;
almost a quarter (22.4%) said they had trouble sleeping. This was con-
firmed by the findings of ANOVA (F = 10.038; p = 0.000). The respondents
from Montenegro had significantly more sleep problems due to work from
home than those in BiH (I–J = –0.35821; p = 0.004) than those from
Northern Macedonia (I–J = -0.52509; p = 0.000) and those from Serbia
(I–J = –0.56940; p = 0.000, Table 4.1).
When asked: “Since I work from home, I pay less attention to my family
or partner,” the respondents from Montenegro again pointed out in a
quarter of cases that they pay less attention to family or partner because of
working from home (Table 4.1). These differences were confirmed using
ANOVA (F = 8.243; p = 0.000). The respondents from Montenegro have
been paying less attention to family and partners since working from home
than the respondents from Bosnia and Herzegovina (I–J = –0.60697;
p = 0.000) of Northern Macedonia (I–J = –0.35814) and Serbia (I–J =
According to the fifth statement “Since I work from home, I have more
time to hang out with friends,” no statistically significant differences were
found between countries (F = 1.182; p = 0.316). Table 4.1 shows that the
lack of time to hang out with friends due to work from home is pronounced
in even more than half of the cases, and more than a quarter cannot esti-
mate that accurately. However, it is noticed that the percentage of those
who do not think that they have less time for friends because of work from
home is higher in Northern Macedonia, and especially in Serbia, while that
percentage is the lowest in BiH, followed by Montenegro. However, these
differences do not reach the degree of statistical significance and should
be viewed as mild tendencies.

The sixth statement “The job I am currently running fulfils me” shows
that respondents are generally satisfied with the work they do from home.
The percentage of dissatisfied people ranges from 3.5% (Montenegro)
to 9% (Serbia, see Table 4.1). The only exceptions are respondents from
Northern Macedonia, where the percentage of dissatisfied with work from
home reaches as much as 20.8% (Table 4.1). The ANOVA also showed that
the respondents from Northern Macedonia were significantly less satis-
fied with their current work from home than all the other (F = 4.542;
p = 0.004). They are less satisfied than the respondents from BiH (I–J =
–0.2982; p = 0.005), Montenegro (I–J = –0.2683; p = 0.012) and Serbia
(I–J = –0.3220; p = 0.000).
Three-fifths of the respondents from all four countries are very satis-
fied or satisfied with current income, while the percentage of those who
are dissatisfied is only about one-sixth (Table 4.1). Similar to the work
that the respondents do from home that they are most satisfied with, the
respondents are also satisfied with their current income, although to a
lesser extent (see Table 4.1). However, differences between countries in
terms of current income do not reach the level of statistical significance
(F = 0.122; p = 0.947).
The respondents in all four countries are in about three-fifths of cases
confident in the future success of the work they are currently doing (Table
4.1). No statistically significant differences were found between the coun-
tries using ANOVA (F = 2.463; p = 0.061). However, it should be noted that
the respondents from Northern Macedonia are relatively most sceptical
about the future success of the work they are currently doing, which may
explain that the value of the F test in this case approaches the significance
limit of 0.05.
The respondents from Montenegro have more problems than the others
to separate their work from home from private life; one-third said they
had problems, and much less in other states (see Table 4.1). These relative
differences are the largest when it comes to Serbia, where twice as few
respondents had these problems (Table 4.1). The differences are statisti-
cally significant (F = 14.023; p = 0.000. In relation to BiH, they amount
to (I–J = –0.48259; p =0 .000) Northern Macedonia (I–J = –0.46386; p =
0.000) and Serbia (I–J = –0.73101; p = 0.000).
The respondents from Montenegro, less than from the other three coun-
tries, want to have contacts with other people while working from home; it
should be noted that more than half did not express this wish (Table 4.1).
The differences are statistically significant compared to the other three
countries; in relation to BiH (I–J = –0.35821; p = 0.000) Northern Mace-
donia (I–J = – 0.32516; p = 0.015) and Serbia (I–J = –0.50578; p = 0.000).
Due to working from home, the respondents from Montenegro are the
most tense and upset (Table 4.1). It is interesting to note that the major-
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    97

ity of respondents from BiH said that they do not feel tense and anxious
during work from home (about 70%) and similarly those from Northern
Macedonia, while the respondents from Serbia in almost three quarters
of cases expressed confusion and ambivalence feelings about working at
home. The differences are statistically significant when it comes to Monte-
negro and others, as well as between Serbia and Macedonia (F = 12.672;
p = 0.000). Respondents from Montenegro are significantly more tense and
anxious during work from home than those from BiH (I–J = –0.50746; p =
0.000) of Northern Macedonia (I–J = 0.36402; p = 0.000) and Serbia (I–J =
–0.62533; p = 0.000). Respondents from Serbia were less tense and anxious
than respondents from Northern Macedonia (I–J = 0.26131; p = 0.009).
Relatives and friends of the respondents supported them in their work
from home in very similar percentages, while they were relatively least
supported by relatives and friends in Northern Macedonia, followed by
Montenegro (see Table 4.1). The respondents from BiH were significantly
more supportive of working from home than the respondents in Northern
Macedonia and Montenegro, as well as the respondents from Serbia com-
pared to Macedonia and Montenegro (F = 10.718; p = 0.000). Relatives
and friends are significantly more supportive in BiH than in Northern
Macedonia (I–J = 0.4053; p = 0.000) and Montenegro (I–J = 0.2189; p =
0.033). In Serbia, they also support more than in Northern Macedonia (I–J
= 0.4495; p = 0.000) and Montenegro (I–J = 0.2631; p = 0.003).
BiH and Serbia do not differ significantly from each other.
Finally, family and friends do not interfere with work from home of
our respondents and allow them to devote themselves to work in large
percentages ranging from just over two-fifths (Northern Macedonia) to
over three-quarters (Serbia, see Table 4.1). In that respect, Serbia and BiH
are the most similar. However, the differences are still statistically significant
(F = 7,138; p = 0,000). Family, friends, and neighbors are less likely to
hinder respondents from Serbia to fully dedicate themselves to work from
home than the respondents from Northern Macedonia (I–J = 0.4342; p =
0.000) and from Montenegro (I–J = 0.3029; p = 0.003). The respondents
from BiH are also less disturbed than those from Macedonia (I–J = 0.025,
p = 0.025). No statistically significant differences were found between
Serbia and BiH.

Analysis of the Scale of Psychosocial Adaptation to

Work From Home for the Total Sample

We were particularly interested in whether the 13 items on the scale are

structured in such a way as to represent special dimensions of the psycho-
social consequences of respondents who work from home. To that end, we
subjected 13 items to factorization. We applied exploratory factor analysis

with varimax rotation. We did not include one item from the scale in the
analysis because the answers to it were given in binary form. The scale was
recoded from the original form so that all items were unambiguously “in
one direction.” In this case, the questions that show the negative aspects of
working from home are recoded so that their minimum number is 1 and
their maximum is 5.
Crombach’s Alpha is at a good level when the scale is processed in this
way and amounts to 0.849 (Table 4.3).

Table 4.3

KMO I Bartlett’s Test Adequacy 0.884

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.884

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 3,286.374

df 78
Sig. 0.000

All communalities are generally high. Only the answers to the question
about engaging in sports and physical activities have the lowest saturations.
This is probably due to the simple fact that a solid percentage of people
are not physically active at all. That is why they cannot answer anything
too meaningful.
The indicators performed so far point to a unique conclusion that the
scale has good metric properties.
Two factors have been singled out that together explain 44.508 of the
variances. The Scree Plot (Figure 4.1) indicates one dominant factor. By
interpreting the distribution of items in the two-factor model, a generally
meaningful structure was obtained.

Differences In Sociodemographic Characteristics and

Factor Scores of the Respondents in Four Countries

Let us recall the important remarks from the beginning of this chapter
that our sample is apposite and therefore it is difficult to claim represen-
tativeness of research results. As we mentioned, this was conditioned by
limited research opportunities at the time of COVID-19, and in part by
very limited financial resources.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    99

Figure 4.1

The Scree Plot Scales of Psychosocial Adjustment

Table 4.4

Matrix of Rotated Components

1 2
Since I work from home, I feel more tense and upset .728 .276
I have trouble separating my job from my private life .726 .113
Working from home has negatively affected the amount and quality of
.723 ,222
Since I work from home, I pay less attention to my family or partner. .708 .265
Since I started my own business, I have a lot less time for myself and
.616 .157
my hobbies
I would like to have more contact with other people during my work ,483 –.008
I am confident in the stability and future success of the work I am cur-
.011 .764
rently doing
The current income I earn is enough to cover all my basic needs. –.042 .750
The job I am currently doing fulfils me. .206 .656
My family and close friends mostly support me in my current job. .290 .586
(Table continued on next page)

Table 4.4 (Continued)

Matrix of Rotated Components

1 2
During work from home, others (family, friends, neighbors) do not
.256 .498
disturb me and I can fully dedicate myself to work.
Since I work from home, I have more time to hang out with friends. .274 .452
Working from home does not prevent me from devoting enough time
.120 .418
and motivation to engage in physical activities (exercise/sports).
Conventionally, we singled out those above 0.400 as significant saturations.
A clean, easily interpretable structure was obtained.
The first, strongest factor explains 32.220 of the variance.
The following items stood out on it:
• Since I work from home, I feel more tense and upset. 0.728
• I have problems separating my work from private life. 0.726
• Working from home has negatively affected the amount and quality
of sleep.
• Since I work from home I pay less attention to family or ground
• I have a lot less time since I started my own business for myself and
for my hobbies.
• I would like to have more contact during the work with other
Recall that negative statements are recoded
We called this first factor the factor of protective effects of work from home on physical
and mental health.
The second factor explains 12.288 of the variance. In it with saturations above 0.400 the
following items singled out:
• I am confident in the stability and future success of the job I am
currently doing.
• The current income I earn is enough to cover all my basic needs. 0.750
• The job I am currently doing fulfils me. 0.656
• My family and close friends mostly support me in my current job. 0.586
• During work from home, others (family, friends, neighbors) do not
disturb me and I can fully dedicate myself to work.
• Since I work from home, I have more time to socialize with my
• Working from home does not prevent me from devoting enough
time and motivation to engage in physical activity (exercise/sports).
(Table continued on next page)
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    101

Table 4.4 (Continued)

Matrix of Rotated Components

We called the second factor the factor of satisfying professional aspirations and satisfying
We were particularly interested in whether there were statistically significant differences
in the factors between countries. To that end, we did ANOVA by factor scores. Signifi-
cance of differences in both factors was determined; according to the first factor, it is
more significant (F = 22.924; p = 0.000). According to the second factor F = 2.905;
p = 0.034.
According to the first factor, the respondents from Montenegro due to working from
home are significantly less exposed stress effects on mental and physical health than
the respondents from BiH (I–J = –0.55725326; p = 0.000) Northern Macedonia (I–J =
–0.52736686; p = 0.000) and Serbia (I–J = –0.68283202);
According to the second factor, the respondents from Northern Macedonia are sig-
nificantly less satisfied with work from home and the realization of needs arising from
such work than the respondents from Montenegro (I–J = –0.25974146; p = 0.008) and
Bosnia and Herzegovina (I–J = –0.23027956; p = 0.018) while it does not differ signifi-
cantly from Serbia

Gender: There were 547 male and 484 female respondents in the sample.
There were no statistically significant differences by gender by country,
nor by factor scores.
Age: Using ANOVA, statistically significant differences were found by
age (F = 56.938; p = 0.000). The respondents in Serbia are older than
everyone else; from BiH (I–J = 11.24693; p = 0.000), Montenegro (I–J =
4 .85389; p = 0.000) and Northern Macedonia (I–J = 1.94155; p = 0.004).
The respondents of Northern Macedonia are older than those from BiH
(I–J = 9.30537; p = 0.000) and Montenegro (I–J = 2.91234; p = 0.004).
The respondents from Montenegro are older than respondents from BiH
(I–J =6.39303; p = 0.000).
We can conclude that in our apposite sample, the oldest respondents
are from Serbia, followed by Northern Macedonia and Montenegro, and
the youngest from BiH.
We examined the correlation between age and factor scores using the
Pearson correlation coefficient. A slight negative correlation was found
between age and factor score on the second factor (r = –0.66; p = 0.033).
So, the elderly are less satisfied with the job, salary, and support provided
by family, relatives, friends, and neighbors.
Using the X2 test, statistically significant differences were found among
those working from home in four states. In BiH, there are significantly more
of those with secondary education, and in Montenegro with higher and
tertiary education (X2 = 77.820; df = 9; p = 0,000). It should not be lost
sight of that this result may have been influenced by appropriate, selective
sample selection.


Table 4.5

Activities From Home by Country

and Her- Montene- Northern
zegovina gro Macedonia Serbia Total

Activities N % N % N % N % N %
Administration 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.2
Other 30 14.9 13 6.5 8 3.6 16 3.9 67 6.5
Economics, law, 8 4.0 5 2.5 3 1.4 21 5.1 37 3.6
finance, research
Construction 5 2.5 13 6.5 12 5.4 23 5.6 53 5.1
Industry 17 8.5 15 7.5 23 10.4 39 9.6 94 9.1
IT and program- 52 25.9 4 2.0 22 10.0 30 7.4 108 10.5
Cosmetic and hair- 6 3.0 8 4.0 3 1.4 16 3.9 33 3.2
dressing services
Marketing 9 4.5 2 1.0 5 2.3 14 3.4 30 2.9
Education 22 10.9 39 19.4 51 23.1 65 15.9 177 17.2
Traffic 1 0.5 18 9.0 12 5.4 8 2.0 39 3.8
Trade 35 17.4 58 28.9 53 24.0 124 30.4 270 26.2
Tourism 11 5.5 23 11.4 23 0.4 39 9.6 96 9.3
Art (web design 4 2.0 2 1.0 6 2.7 13 3.2 25 2.4
Total 201 100.0 201 100.0 221 100.0 408 100.0 1031 100.0

Using Spearman’s correlation coefficient, a negative correlation was

found between the first factor and the level of education (R = –0.138; p =
0.000). The more educated are less exposed to mental and health problems
due to work from home.
Length of working from home: According to the length of working from
home, the respondents from BiH work the shortest on average, and from
Montenegro the longest from home, followed by Serbia from Serbia (X2 =
39.400; df = 3; p = 0.000).
A negative correlation was found between the length of working from
home with the first factor (Ro = –0.121; p = 0.002) but also with the second
factor (Ro = 0.097; p = 0.002). Those who work longer from home feel less
mental and physical tension) than those who work shorter, but also have
less satisfaction of professional and other needs.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    103

The subsequent analysis of freelancing will show that our conclusion

about the good psychosocial adaptability of respondents who work from
home is not excessive. Despite the fact that freelancers are an elite part of
the population working from home and at a distance and the coryphaeus of
the digital age, the mentioned four countries of the Western Balkans have
made their work significantly more difficult due to lack of legal regulations
or restrictive measures in the field of health and pension insurance. In that
respect, the worst situation is in Serbia. Despite that, freelancing in Serbia
is very developed; according to the number of freelancers in relation to
the number of inhabitants, Serbia is on the tenth place in the world. This
leads to the unequivocal conclusion that freelancers in Serbia (and for the
most part in the Western Balkans) are a very resilient work category. Simi-
lar conclusions could be applied to some Southeast Asian countries, such
as to Pakistan where new forms of teleworking are extremely developed.
However, unlike Serbia, freelancers in Pakistan enjoy various types of state
aid and support.
Taking into account the way of working from home in four countries,
it turned out that freelancers are significantly less represented in Monte-
negro, and significantly more represented in BiH (X2 = 83.746; df = 3;
p = 0.000). This result should, however, be taken with caution, taking into
account the method of sampling (Table 4.6).
Using the X2 test, statistically significant differences were found (X2
= 83.746; df = 3; p = 0.000). There are significantly fewer freelancers in

Table 4.6

Ways of Working From Home in BiH. Montenegro. Northern

Macedonia. and Serbia
Way of working Northern
from home BiH Montenegro Macedonia Serbia Total

“Freelancer” (in 129 64.2 45 22.8 131 59.3 166 44.9 471 47.6
the “Gig Econ-
omy” without
a contract with
the employer,
continuously or
by projects using

Any other way 72 35.8 152 77.2 90 40.7 204 55.1 518 52.4
of working from

Total 201 100.0 197 100.0 221 100.0 370 100.0 989 100.0

Montenegro, and significantly more in BiH. It is important to note that

these differences do not have to be a reflection of the actual situation, but of
the previously mentioned method of sample selection. However, according
to unofficial information, freelancing is the least developed in Montenegro,
so these differences do not have to be accidental.

Psychosocial Adjustment Scale and Economic Aspects

of Working From Home

In this part, we will analyze the impact of psychosocial adjustment on the

economic aspects of working from home, that is, which economic aspects
of working from home the respondents are best and to which the worst
adjusted in psychosocial terms. Before that, we will examine whether there
are statistically significant differences in certain economic aspects of work-
ing from home between countries.
The first question is “Would you recommend this way of working to oth-
ers as the best choice for employment?” A relatively high percentage of the
respondents (between 40% and 50%) had no dilemma and answered in the
affirmative. However, about 30% hesitated and said “maybe,” and about a
sixth said they would do so if it was the only choice offered. The percentage
of those who said “no” was very small and ranged between 2.5% and 5.9%.
Differences between countries are not statistically significant. Obviously,
there is a division in which the first group is predominant, which has no
doubt that it is the best form of employment and those who are ambivalent
to varying degrees, but it should be noted that the percentage of those who
are firmly for the negative option is more than 10 times for working from
home as the best form of employment.
There are significant differences in the two factors. We applied ANOVA.
On the first factor “Yes” is significantly more than “Maybe” (I–J =
0.18932568; p = 0.009) more than “No” (I–J = 0.90865571; p = 0.000)
“No” is significantly less than all: as we have seen less than “Yes,” less
than “Maybe” (I–J = –0.71933003; p = 0.000) and “I do not know, when
it is the only choice” (I–J = –0.74495546; p = 0.000).
On the second factor, “Yes” is significantly higher than all the others;
significantly more than “Maybe” (I–J = 0.41272606; p = 0.000) more than
“No” (I–J = 1.15334442; p = 0.000) and higher than “I don’t know, when
it’s the only choice” (I–J = 0.64334929; p = 0.000).
The respondents on the first factor, who cope well with psychosocial
stresses (it should be constantly borne in mind that variables with nega-
tive signs are recoded—note B. Đ.) represent a predominantly affirmative
attitude towards employment from home, although, as expected, it is more
positive in the second factor because it includes variables that describe
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    105

personal and professional fulfilment of work from home and satisfaction

of a number of psychosocial needs.
The respondents in all four countries see the benefits of working from
home, as mentioned by other authors (Allen, 2001; Baltes et al., 1999;
Bloom et al., 2015; Gajenndran & Harisson, 2007; Greenhaus & Powell,
2006; Kurland & Baley, 1999; Thomas & Ganster, 1995) and only a very
small number see no advantage. The main advantages are financial,
because about a quarter believe that it is additional income that is realized
through this work, and another fifth think that it is a permanent income.
Immediately afterwards, on average, close to a third point out a longer
stay together with their family, and close to a fifth believe that working
from home establishes control over their own lives. The most significant
difference is that the provision of permanent income is significantly more
pronounced in Northern Macedonia than in BiH (X2 = 60.394; p = 0.000).
This result supports our earlier assumption that poor financial situation
and unemployment are probably the main factors that those who do work
from home are considered to be somewhat privileged and who therefore
“overlook” some unfavorable aspects of this work, noted in other countries,
or even see it through the pink glasses.
Statistically significant differences were found on both factors. In the
first: significantly lower values are those who answered “Nothing” than
those for whom working from home “Provides additional income” (I–J =
–0.02206212; p = 0.041); “Nothing” significantly less than those who said,
“More stays with family” (I–J = –1.23760161; p= 0.013).
Finally, in the first factor, those who said, “additional income is pro-
vided” have significantly lower values than those who said “permanent
income is provided” (I–J = 0.18660764; p = 0.047). Further, those who said
“additional income is provided” have significantly lower values than those
who said that they stay with their family longer (I–J = –0.20379749; p =
0.013). The importance of a pleasant family environment is emphasized in
the previously mentioned Indonesian study (Susilo, 2020).
In the other factor, those who said “nothing” have significantly less
value than everyone else; significantly less than those who said, “additional
income is provided (I–J = –1,00711783; p = 0.043); significantly less than
those who said, “permanent income is provided” (I–J = –1.03478527,
p = 0.039) and significantly less “of all the above” (I–J = –1.98599372; p =
0.009). Those who said “nothing” have significantly less value than those
who said “establishing control over their own lives” (I–J = –1.37547620;
p = 0.000); significantly less than those who said that they “spend more
time with their family” (I–J = –1.21091532; p = 0.015) and significantly
less than those who pointed out flexible working hours as the biggest
advantage of working from home (I–J = –1.40828646; p = 0.012).

Those who said that working from home provided them with additional
income had significantly less value than those who said that working from
home gave them control over their own lives (I–J = –0.36835836; p =
0.000) and significantly less than those who they said that since working
from home they spend more time with family (I–J = –0.20379749; p =
0.013). In addition to spending more time with family (Susilo et al., 2020),
they emphasized the importance of achieving control over time and their
own lives (Maruyama et al., 2009).
Finally, those who said that working from home provided them with a
steady income had significantly less value than those who felt that working
from home gave them control over their own lives (I–J = –0.34069093;
p = 0.000).
What can we conclude; the results from both factors first show that
the respondents perceive through the benefits that working from home
brings them, establish a kind of hierarchy among them in terms of impor-
tance that depends on the meaning that each factor has for them. What
both factors have in common is a sharp polarization to those very few to
whom work from home has brought nothing and everything else, and then
polarizations to economic and other benefits. For those who managed to
compensate for stressful psychosocial events on the first factor, probably
thanks to the fact that work from home brought them greater financial
security, they clearly showed that on this first factor as well, where the
motives of greater financial achievement are more important than on the
second factor.
Since the second factor highlighted respondents for whom working from
home enabled not only full professional affirmation but also the satisfac-
tion of a number of other needs, in their hierarchy of achievements more
complex sociological and anthropological motives such as spending more
time with family and, especially, better control over life, and then a more
flexible distribution of time.
To the question “What should one be guided when starting a home-
based business” on average close to a quarter of the respondents answered
with a good business idea, and on average in similar percentages and reduc-
ing business costs due to renting office space, transportation costs, and so
forth, the need to balance business and private life expectancy in BiH was
on average in 39.3% of cases, in Montenegro and Northern Macedonia
close to 22% and in Serbia close to 30%. In similar smaller percentages, the
respondents were guided by higher earnings and employment of household
members. Statistically significant differences were found among countries
(X2 = 65,689; p = 0.000); in Montenegro, the most significant are different
types of savings, and in BiH, balancing between business and private life.
The rather uneven motive speaks of serious external obstacles to starting
a home-based business, where a good business idea does not dominate.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    107

Both factors are significant; the first (F = 2.797; p = 0.011) and the
second (F = 4.113; p = 0.000).
In the first factor, “a good business idea” has higher values than “no
investment in business premises, transportation, etc.” (I–J = 0.20496183;
p = 0.022) “desire to involve household members in the business” (I–J =
0.45190286; p = 0.000).
Desire to involve household members in the business is significantly
less than “no investment in business premises, transportation, etc.” (I–J =
–0.24694103; p = 0.041) “balancing between business and private obliga-
tions” (I-J = – .37665177; p = 0.002) “higher income” (I–J = –0.30808456;
p = 0.020).
In the second factor, a “good business idea” has significantly higher
values than all answers, except for the answer “All of the above”; from
the “Other” (I–J = 0.66876856; p = 0.47). “There are no investments in
business premises, transportation, etc.” (I–J = 0.18686847; p =0.037).
“The need for balancing between business and private obligations” (I–J
= 0.17662898; p = 0.041) than “Higher earnings” (I–J = 0.26958762;
p = 0.010) “Desire to involve household members in the work” (I–J =
0.54776508; p = 0.000).
Finally, the desire to involve household members in the business has
less value than all, except for the “Other” answer; less than “Good business
idea” (I–J = – 0.54776508; p = 0.000) than “No investment in lease of busi-
ness premises, transportation, etc.” (I–J = –0.36089661; p = 0.003) than
“the need for balancing between business and private obligations” (I–J =
–0.37113609; p = 0.000) and from “Higher earnings ” (I–J = –0.27817746;
p = 0.035).
In the first factor, the respondents tend to balance more; although a
good business idea is important, it is not as dominant as in the second
factor, but it is “No investment ...” and “Balancing between private and
business obligations,” and so forth. In psychosocial stresses, with which
the respondents successfully cope with the first factor, it should be taken
into account that when deciding to start working from home, these respon-
dents were faced with several challenges, which could certainly affect their
greater caution what to give advantage to in the beginning and the effort to
initially “go” on two or three tracks at the same time. Those who stood out
on the second factor are more accomplished in the profession since they
do work from home, which they are more willing to attribute to a “good
business idea” due to raising self-esteem.
Only a tenth of the respondents in BiH and Serbia included other fam-
ily members in their regular business activities, and in Montenegro and
Northern Macedonia almost 22%. It is interesting to note that on average
even more than a third of the family members of the respondents do not
show any interest in getting involved, while slightly more than a fifth are

satisfied with the advisory role. Finally, a little less than a fifth cannot do
that because they do not have a contract with the employer. There are sig-
nificant differences between the countries; the respondents from Northern
Macedonia stated significantly less often that family members were “not
interested for other reasons,” and also from Montenegro significantly less
stated that they were not interested, while family members from Serbia
were significantly less interested in working at home (X2 = 50.758; df =
15; p = 0.000).
These differences may be due to less current jobs and lower payments
in Montenegro and Northern Macedonia than in BiH, where the share of
the IT sector and better paid jobs is relatively the highest, and the situation
is similar in Serbia. Another reason is the weaker initial infrastructure for
working from home and therefore the limited employment opportunities
for more family members.
No statistically significant differences were found between countries by
The following modalities stood out about the basic rules for successful
business from home: training, workspace, previous experience, communi-
cation skills, and technical equipment.
When it comes to professional development, the differences between
countries are highly significant; in BiH, professional training is favored
by 55.2% of the respondents, and in Northern Macedonia by 25.8 (X2 =
42.095; df = 3; p = 0.000). This difference is not surprising because the
structure by activity is the most favorable in BiH. Given the relatively large
number of those working in the IT sector in BiH, continuous training is
an imperative.
No statistically significant differences were found between countries by
Workspace is important for over half of the respondents from Serbia and
Macedonia for successful doing business from home, and for only a third of
the respondents from BiH and Montenegro. The difference is statistically
significant (X2 = 23,671; df = 3; p = 0,000). These differences are largely
due to the type of activity; the respondents from BiH work on computers,
and from Montenegro above average on education through platforms,
which does not require a large working space, while the nature of activities
from home in Serbia and Northern Macedonia is more polyvalent.
It is interesting to note that those who emphasize the importance of
workspace have significantly higher scores on the first factor (t = –3.512;
p = 0.000). It is possible that the respondents who compensated for unfa-
vorable psychosocial factors were more frustrated by various external
factors, including the narrowness of the workspace. Due to this unpleasant
initial experience, they are more inclined to value the workspace more
than others.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    109

Previous experience as important for starting a home-based business was

pointed out by over half of the respondents from Northern Macedonia and
over two fifths from Serbia. In contrast, 19.9% of the respondents from BiH
and 26.4% from Montenegro cited previous experience as significant. The
difference is statistically highly significant (X2 = 60.386; df = 3; p = 0.000).
The respondents from BiH work relatively briefly from home and find it
more difficult to assess the importance of experience, and Montenegrins
are probably less likely to attach more importance to experience given a
range of routine work activities from home that do not require too much
experience to gain.
Those who think that experience is important have higher scores on the
second factor (t = –3,201; They are advocates of a good business idea as
the key to doing business successfully from home, and for a good business
idea experience is undoubtedly very important.
The respondents from Montenegro in almost three-fifths of cases believe
that communication skills are not important for successful business and
in two-fifths that they are important. We have a completely opposite rela-
tionship in the other three countries. The difference is statistically highly
significant (X2 = 21,373; df = 3; p = 0,000).
The possible explanation is conditioned by cultural reasons; in Mon-
tenegro, informal family, friends, and similar relationships are probably
more important for the success of a home-based business than good com-
munication skills.
The respondents who agree that communication skills are significant
have higher scores on the first factor (t = –3,623; p = 0,000). It is possible
that the respondents who successfully compensated for various psychoso-
cial stressful situations achieved this by developing communication skills.
Kowalski and Swanson (2005) believe that training in communication skills
is very important for successful remote.
When it comes to technical equipment as a precondition for a successful
home-based business, again three-fifths of the respondents from Monte-
negro believe that it is not an important factor in running a successful
home-based business, while two-fifths believe that it is. As in the previous
case, the situation in the other three countries is completely reversed. The
differences were statistically significant (X2 = 28.704; df = 3; p = 0.000).
In this case, it is probably a matter of the classic rationalization “Techni-
cal equipment that I do not have or do not have quality equipment is not
important enough then.” These rationalizations are more prone to peoples
who simply use the projective mechanism of negation on frustration in
order to preserve the idealized image of themselves (see Table 4.7).

Table 4.7

The indicators of Successful Work From Home

The indicators Bosnia and- Montene- Northern
of successfulness Herzegovina gro Macedonia Serbia Total
of working from
home N % N % N % N % N %
Better balance of 89 44.3 57 28.4 34 15.4 100 24.5 280 27.2
free and working
Other 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.2
Longer stay with 14 7.0 28 13.9 32 14.5 44 10.8 118 11.4
Business stress is 47 23.4 44 21.9 27 12.7 65 15.9 183 17.7
All of the above 0 0.0 1 0.5 0 0.0 1 0.2 2 0.2
Higher earnings 28 13.9 34 16.9 77 34.8 143 35.0 282 27.4
Higher labor pro- 22 10.9 36 17.9 51 23.1 55 13.5 164 15.9
Total 201 100.0 201 100.0 221 100.0 408 100.0 1,031 100.0

Table 4.7. shows that for the respondents from all countries, a better
balance of free and working time is the most important indicator of work
success from home, as other authors point out (Jensen, 1994; Levis &
Cooper, 2005; Mann et al., 2000). The exception is Northern Macedonia.
Then comes higher earnings. However, when it comes to higher earnings,
it is noticed that it is twice as important to the respondents from Serbia and
Macedonia than to respondents from Montenegro, and when it comes to
the respondents from BiH, two and a half times (Table 4.7). On the other
hand, the reduction of business stress is a more important indicator of the
success of work from home in BiH and Montenegro than in Serbia, and
especially in Northern Macedonia. The importance of stress reduction is
also pointed out by other authors (Montreuil & Lippel, 2003).
The difference can also be seen when it comes to the most frequent cat-
egory—“better balance of free and working time,” at least when it comes to
BiH. All three differences reflect a kind of cultural models rather than stem
from the built strategy in the organization of work from home. Namely,
in Montenegro, and especially in BiH, the cultural-value elements of the
Eastern cultural circle are more present than in Serbia and Macedonia,
where success and efficiency are more measured by money, which is more
reminiscent of the Protestant spirit. All four countries contain elements
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    111

of both cultural circles, and this distinction should be understood very

Differences between countries are statistically highly significant (X2 =
102.623; df = 18; p = 0.000). In BiH, significantly more as an indicator
of success, they value a better balance of free and working time, better
earnings significantly more in Serbia than in BiH, and significantly higher
productivity in Northern Macedonia.
Significant differences were found on the first factor. Higher productiv-
ity is a significantly lower indicator of business success from home than a
better balance of free and working time (I–J = 0.36045091; p = 0.000)
length of stay with family (I–J = –0.44378679; p = 0.000) reduction of
business stress (I–J = –0.21219184; p = 0.047) higher earnings (I–J =
–0.37543586; p = 0.000) and it does not differ only from the category
“other” and “everything else.”
Finally, the category “reduced stress” on this factor is significantly less
than the “length of stay with the family” (I–J = –0.23159496; p = 0.048),
although the significance of the differences is almost on the border.
These findings are quite indicative because they implicitly indicate that
overcoming stressful situations due to work from home is in various ways
related to collectivist social patterns, which appear at least as precipitants,
if not the causal factors of these stressful situations.
Contrary to some Western authors, who prefer productivity as a common
denominator of successful remote work (Bailey & Kurland, 2002; Hackman
& Oldman, 1976; Olson, 1989), remote workers in the Western Balkans
predominantly prefer the importance of family support and advice from
friends in reducing stress at work.
The question “How and under what conditions should an office be
formed from home” is dominated by answers that indicate that this ques-
tion is of secondary importance for the respondents; only on average more
than 5% said that the office should be equipped as in any other company,
and only 12.5% of the respondents from Northern Macedonia expressed
such an attitude. In addition, on average, only 8.3% of the respondents
point out ergonomic rules as important. On average, a little more than a
fifth of the respondents think that whoever wants to work does not need a
special space. However, more than a third (36.9%) believe that it is enough
to provide space so that others do not disturb them, and only a quarter
believe that space should be set aside within the house and an office should
be created. The differences were statistically significant (X2 = 48.649;
df = 15; p = 0.000).
The respondents from Northern Macedonia significantly more than
others support the idea of arranging an office based on those outside the

home, and the respondents from Montenegro significantly less than others
support the idea that those who are motivated to work do not need special
Significant differences exist on the first factor (F = 13.844; p = 0.000).
The office should be equipped in the same way as in any other com-
pany, they corresponded significantly less to the category “other” I–J =
–1.31040130; p = 0.000) or “whoever wants to work does not need special
conditions (I–J = –0.78028052; p = 0.000) or “should provide a quiet space
without the possibility of disturbance from the side (I–J = –0.63292319;
p = 0.000) or “should single out a separate space within the house and
make offices” (I-J= –0.50443734; p = 0.000). It does not differ significantly
only in the ergonomic rules. Ergonomic rules as important for the forma-
tion of the office also stood out significantly less than the category “other”
(I–J = –1.30789391; p = 0.000) less than “the one who wants to work
does not need special conditions” (I–J = –0.77777313; p = 0.000) than
the forming of a quiet space without the possibility of disturbance (I–J =
–0.63041580; p = 0.000) and then the formation of a separate space within
the house (I–J = –0.50192995; p = 0.000).
We can observe that the respondents are ambivalent on this factor.
Although they declare the necessity of a particularly quiet and secluded
space within the house, they consider it secondary in relation to motiva-
tion and commitment to work from home. Many do not even respect the
necessity of respecting basic ergonomic rules. In our opinion, there are at
least two reasons for this; burdened with the fulfilment of more important
and urgent preconditions for good work than the office and ergonomic
rules, the formation of the office comes in the third or fourth plan for
implementation. The second is that many do not have the objective space
and financial conditions to form a special office within the house, so they
do not even think about it, but are satisfied with a secluded and peaceful
corner if it is still possible to find it.
If we cannot agree that forming an office and respecting ergonomic
rules is completely secondary to successful work from home, despite the
existence of objective limitations, one can quite accept the explanation
that self-motivation and self-confidence are key to starting and staying at
remote work (Baruch, 2000; Morgan, 2004; Sullivan & Lewis, 2001).
When asked “How should you look and be dressed to do business from
home?” most respondents considered this to be a peripheral and, ulti-
mately, unimportant question. The answer “No need to dress up, which is
the advantage of this job” was answered by an average of a quarter of the
respondents, while on average more than two fifths (44.2%) said that it is
not important how we look, but how well we work. Less than a fifth pointed
out that the wardrobe should be adjusted to the type of work, and only an
average of 6.1% said that they should look the same as going to the office.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    113

There are significant differences between countries (F = 8.493; p = 0.000).

In BiH, they say significantly more that “it doesn’t matter what I look like,
but how I work” and significantly more opt for the option that the wardrobe
should not be adjusted to the type of work, while the respondents from
Northern Macedonia point out that they should.
These results indicate that the mental image of the respondents in all
countries is under a strong cultural stereotype that “a suit does not make a
man.” This stereotype has a strong cultural foundation in collectivist cul-
tural patterns that a person receives confirmation and acceptance from the
collectivity if he behaves in accordance with collective values and norms.
Highlighting a person by appearance and dress is not acceptable. All this
is contrary to the Western individualistic value concept, which includes
numerous individual characteristics of those who enter the mental image
of a successful entrepreneur who works from home. The first form of con-
firmation of this mental image is behavioral-appearance and dress.
The respondents gave ambivalent answers to the question “Should I be
engaged in full-time or part-time work,” which a third (32%) expressed
by claiming that working from home is a job without working hours. That
is why a quarter (28.2%) think that it is better to accept full-time work,
and on average only 9.6% part-time. Ambivalence is also reflected in the
answers of 28.7% of the respondents whether there is an alternative job
on offer instead of work from home in additional or permanent time. The
differences between countries are significant; the respondents from BiH
point out significantly less that it is a job without working hours, and the
respondents from Northern Macedonia and Serbia significantly more (X2
= 90.860; df = 12; p = 0.000). Further, the respondents from Northern
Macedonia are significantly more willing to engage in additional working
hours. Finally, the respondents from BiH pointed out significantly more
that their decision on whether to engage in full-time or part-time work
also depends on whether they have an alternative job on offer, while the
respondents from Northern Macedonia were significantly less willing to
accept the same option.
The differences are significant on both factors; on the first F = 5.449;
p = 0.000, and on the second F = 6.063; p = 0.000.
“This is a job without working hours” is significantly more communi-
cated than engaging in part-time work (I–J = 0.45263635; p = 0.000)
full-time (I–J = 0.18319345; p = 0.022) than whether we have some other
job (I–J = 0.26827904; p = 0.001).
Those who chose the “I would work full time” option would opt signifi-
cantly more for that option than for the “I would work part time” option
(I–J = 0.26944290; p = 0.020).
On the second factor, those who said, “I don’t know” significantly less
opted for the option “work without working hours” I–J = –0.82275562;

p = 0.002) in additional working hours (I–J = –0.58076528; p = 0.035) full

time (I–J = –0.95711181; p = 000) and for the option “depends if there is
another job” (I–J = 0.71578861; p = 0.006).
The respondents who opted for the “I would work full time” option on
the second factor would opt significantly more for that option than those
who said “I don’t know” (I–J = 0.95711181; p = 0.000) who would work in
additional working hours (I–J = 0.37634653; p = 0.000) and from those
who said “It depends if there is another job” (I–J = 0.24132320; p = 0.003).
Finally, the respondents who chose the “The job without working hours”
option chose this option significantly more than the “I don’t know” option
(I–J = 0.82275562; p = 0.002) or the “I would work overtime” option (I–J
= 0.24199034; p = 0.033).
The choice of the option “This is a job without working hours,” which
appeared as the most common choice in a third of cases, significantly rela-
tivizes all other options and affects increased ambivalence, which is seen
by the fact that it is better to work full time than part time. The degree of
ambivalence can also be seen in the respondents’ choices on the second
factor where the “I don’t know” option is dominant. Finally, ambivalence
is reflected in the fact that on average more than a quarter answered, “It
depends if there is another job.”
Expressed ambivalence is conditioned by at least two mutually opposing
factors; psychophysical burdens due to a job for which neither the time nor
the result is known in advance, and the fear of losing such a job if one does
not agree to such conditions.
In this case, there is a discrepancy between our employees from home
and the experiences of Western countries, where employees prefer addi-
tional work that allows them flexible working hours. This is understandable
if it is known that new modalities of remote work have a longer tradition in
Western countries and are better organized and institutionalized, especially
when it comes to legal aspects.
The respondents use different strategies to increase earnings, but to a
very different extent. The type and scope of the measures they use seem
to be conditioned by the time available (when they usually do not have
enough) and also limited financial resources, and not infrequently by real
needs. They often do not use more complex strategies due to limited time
and financial resources, and often out of the belief that simpler and more
accessible strategies are sufficient for them to do their job successfully.
Certainly, the complexity and scope of strategies are significantly influenced
by the type of activity, which will already be shown in the following percentage
structures. As expected, exchanging experiences with other colleagues from
the same industry is the most accessible, simplest and at the same time
cheapest strategy. It is practiced by an average of 29.5% of the respondents.
The second most represented is the monitoring of professional literature,
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    115

on average 18.6%. The respondents from BiH deviate significantly from

this average, and in 25.9% of cases they constantly follow the professional
literature. If it is known that in this sample there is an above-average number
of those who work in the IT sector and programmers, it is certainly that
following the professional and scientific literature is the fastest and cheapest
way to get new information to improve your work from home. With the
respondents from Serbia, they are the most numerous among those who
improve their work from home by exchanging experiences with colleagues
from the same industry. Unlike others, they can only be referred to them.
Expert advice is used by an average of 13.9% of the respondents, except
for the respondents from Northern Macedonia who deviate more than
twice from that average—29.4%. Significantly greater focus on experts in
Northern Macedonia is due to the relatively higher representation of some
activities, especially in industry and education, which to a greater extent
include expert advice in order to improve work from home.
Going to professional seminars in order to obtain professional certifi-
cates occupy a peripheral place with only 8.3%. This seems to be due to
the considerable routine nature of work done from home and insufficient
involvement in global processes, as a result of which the acquisition of these
professional certificates is for most more a matter of personal prestige than
a necessary condition for improving business from home.
On average, more than a quarter (28.6%) do not have a special strategy
for improving earnings, which, in our opinion, is due to the aforemen-
tioned reasons—the unfavorable structure of activities performed from
home, their routine and insufficient involvement in modern global social,
economic and technological processes.
The differences between the countries are highly statistically significant,
the possible causes of which we have tried to point out somewhat earlier.
The respondents from Northern Macedonia rely significantly more than
others on expert advice, and significantly less on exchanging experiences
with long-term colleagues from the same industry, while the respondents
from BiH rely mostly on professional literature in order to improve their
work from home and earnings.
There are significant differences in both factors. On the first F = 5.449;
p = 0.000 and on the other F = 6.063; p = 0.000.
On the first factor for “I rely on the advice of experts” they opt signifi-
cantly more than for ‘I’ go to professional seminars and get professional
certificates” (I–J = 0.42417547; p = 0.002) “I do not have a special strat-
egy (I–J = 0.53999077; p = 0.000) “I exchange experiences with other
colleagues from the same industry” (I–J = 0.31310974; p = 0.002) “I con-
stantly follow the professional literature and receive additional education”
(I–J = 0.48032980; p = 0.000).

The respondents on this factor who said they did not have a specific
strategy relied significantly less on expert advice (I–J = –0.5399977;
p =0.000) significantly less exchanged experiences with colleagues from
the same industry (I–J =– 0.22688103; p = 0.005).
On the other factor, those who do not have a specific strategy signifi-
cantly less rely on expert advice (I–J = –0.38636549; p =0.000) significantly
less exchange experiences with colleagues from the same industry (I–J =
–0.28991582; p = 0.000) and significantly they follow the professional lit-
erature less and are additionally educated (I–J = – 0.22559428; p = 0.014).
The respondents on the first factor seem to have somewhat less self-con-
fidence to increase earnings from home and therefore seek more support
from professional authorities. Further, their strategies are less clearly pro-
filed and consistent because, as opposed to those who seek expert advice,
there are others who have the opposite strategy.
The finding on the second factor is completely unexpected, because it is
on it that we should expect developed and designed strategies for increas-
ing the earnings of businesses from home. The only possible explanation
is that they have achieved privileged positions in the business on various
legal and semilegal grounds, of which there can be many, and then their
strategies are almost irrelevant.

Table 4.8

The Most Common Problems in Running a Home-Based Business

The most com- Bosnia
mon problems and Herze- Northern
in running a govina Montenegro Macedonia Serbia Total:
business N % N % N % N % N %
Other 2 1.0 1 0.5 0 0.0 5 1.2 8 0.8
Monotony in 17 8.5 24 11.9 20 9.0 47 11.5 108 10.5
doing work that
leads to depres-
Lack of social 34 16.9 41 20.4 58 26.2 67 16.4 200 19.4
No special 53 26.4 52 25.9 89 40.3 181 44.4 375 36.4
It is over- 42 20.9 38 18.9 28 12.7 64 15.7 172 16.7
worked. i.e.
until the job is
(Table continued on next page)
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    117

Table 4.8 (Continued)

The Most Common Problems in Running a Home-Based Business

The most com- Bosnia
mon problems and Herze- Northern
in running a govina Montenegro Macedonia Serbia Total
business N % N % N % N % N %
It is difficult 53 26.4 45 22.4 26 11.8 44 10.8 168 16.3
to separate
business from
private obliga-
Total 201 100.0 201 100.0 221 100.0 408 100.0 1,031 100.0

Table 4.8 shows that the respondents state various problems in run-
ning a home-based business. However, the problems that dominate foreign
research, such as monotony, do not come to the fore in our respondents.
The lack of social communication is relatively most pronounced (especially
in Northern Macedonia), and the excessive workload and the inability
to separate business from private obligations occur in almost identical
percentages. Our sample is separated from others by an above-average
percentage of those who said that they have no special problems due to
working from home. The inability to be excluded from work due to over-
load is also significant in foreign research (Felstead & Henseke, 2017).
However, the most frequently mentioned and most serious problem is
the separation of business and family obligations and finding a balance
between them (Lewis & Cooper, 2005; Kreiner et al., 2009). In one large
survey, 60% of employees report that breaking boundaries is the most
difficult problem at home (Ellison, 1999). Conflicts, which due to the col-
lapse of the boundaries between work and family, lead to the most difficult
consequences such as burnout (Allvin et al., 2011; Lingard & Francis, 2006;
Noonan & Glas, 2012).
Countries differ significantly by type of problem due to work at home
(X2 = 65.398; df = 15; p = 0.000). The respondents from Northern Mace-
donia are significantly more likely to feel the lack of social communication
due to work at home, while the respondents from BiH and Montenegro
are less likely to have special problems, and the respondents from Serbia
are significantly more aware of this problem. Finally, the respondents from
BiH say more than others that it is difficult for them to separate business
from private obligations.
There are significant differences in both factors; on the first F = 50.775;
p = 0.000 and on the second F = 8.443; p = 0.000.

On the first factor, the respondents who answered “other” experience

significantly less monotony at work (I–J = 1,11338250; p = 0.001) sig-
nificantly less feel a lack of social communication (I–J = 0.86962958;
p = 0.007) overwork significantly less (I–J = 1.17466787; p = 0.000) have
significantly fewer problems separating business from private obligations
(I–J = 1.22195281; p = 0.000).
Those who suffered from monotony while working from home responded
significantly less with “other” (I–J = –1,11338250; p = 0.001) and they
significantly less socially communicated while working from home (I–J =
–0.24375292; p = 0.023) and significantly less pointed out that they had
no special problems (I–J = –0.91573860; p = 0.000).
The respondents who pointed out the lack of social communication
while working from home said significantly more that they had no special
problems (I–J = 0.67198568; p = 0.000) and significantly more that it
was difficult for them to separate business from private obligations (I–J =
0.35232323; p = 0.000). Those who did not have special problems pointed
out significantly more overwork (I–J = 0.97702397; p = 0.000) and pointed
out significantly more that it is difficult to separate business from private
obligations (I–J =1.02430891; p = 0.000).
On the second factor, the respondents who pointed out monotony
while working from home experienced significantly less lack of social
communication (I–J = –0.30916621; p = 0.008). At the same time, they
significantly less often pointed out that they have no special problems (I–J
= –0.64282764; p = 0.000) and significantly less opted for the option
“overtime work” (I–J = –0.38979212; p = 0.001) and for the option “dif-
ficult is to separate business from private obligations. “
Finally, the respondents who said “No special problems” significantly
more than others opted for the “other” option (I–J = 0.69493864; p =
0.048) emphasized monotony at home (I–J = 0.64282764; p = 0.000) lack
of social communication (I–J = 0.33366143; p = 0.000) and overtime work
(I–J = 0.25303552; p = 0.005).
The results on both factors are quite contradictory. Only at first
glance this contradiction should be attributed to the insincerity of the
respondents. They become “understandable” and “logical” if placed in
a broader social context of high unemployment and therefore chronic
frustration in meeting often basic biological, and especially more complex
social and cultural needs. Only in this context do the paradoxical
conclusions that there are no special problems become understandable,
and then a number of different problems stand out. However, the fact
that they are employed (even temporarily) makes the respondents feel
privileged, especially if they earn above-average salaries as freelancers.
The very fact that their psychophysical efforts to earn those salaries
on average far exceed those salaries, especially if they are compared
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    119

to similar jobs in Western countries, is not particularly important to

them because they cannot influence its change. For these reasons, our
respondents minimize problems and the entire mise-en-scène of work from
home tends to paint pinker than it actually is.
Although based on these results it is difficult to assess which of the prob-
lems are the most difficult to solve for the respondents, it seems that these
are still difficulties in separating business and private obligations. The
question is, Why? As we have seen on the basis of the results of foreign
research, they subsume through other problems, and represent their kind
of common denominator, which for example, includes lack of time for
recreational activities and hobbies, reduced social communication, difficul-
ties in organizing and fulfilling planned professional and other activities,
more stereotypes and routines in their execution than we would like, loss of
self-confidence, feelings of isolation and abandonment, depersonalization
and, finally, burnout.
In the use of strategies for overcoming problems, there is a lack of
adequate strategies and attempts to compensate for this with emotional
relaxation in the circle of family and friends. In fact, only two strategies
allow for direct problem-facing and problem-solving, while others are
either inadequate or can only indirectly contribute to problem-facing and
problem-solving. Those two strategies are: going to meetings and semi-
nars and meeting with associates once a week. On average it is a quarter
of them—25.3%.
In an average of 17.1% of cases, the respondents point out that they
simply do not know what they could do because the alienation of those
who work from home is great, which is why they are ready to seek the help
of a psychologist.
All the other seek support and help from family members and
friends—56.1%. This support and assistance is the most sought in Serbia
(64.7%) and BiH (61.2%) and least in Montenegro (41.8%).
The differences are statistically highly significant (X2 = 79.711; df = 18,
p = 0.000). The respondents ask for significantly less support and help for
their problems at work from home in Montenegro, and significantly more
in Serbia and BiH. At the same time, the respondents from Montenegro
are looking for a significantly better solution to problems at work at home
by going to professional meetings and seminars. In this case, similar cul-
tural patterns operate in different ways due to specific ethnopsychological
reasons in Montenegro in relation to Serbia and BiH. In Montenegro,
patriarchal family patterns are more controlling and punishing, which is
why even in performing daily routines, an individual engages with less
self-confidence and fearfully seeks help from the collective out of fear and
anxiety that the collectivity can be marginalized as more or less unworthy
of ethical and value collectivist patterns. In Serbia and BiH, such restrictive

patterns are significantly less prevalent, which is why people in trouble are
more likely to seek support and help from primary groups, without much
fear and anxiety that they will be marginalized or rejected. However, this
example also points us to the positive side of the coin—consciously, and
more often unconsciously fleeing from an anachronistic cultural pattern,
the respondents from Montenegro turn to mature social solutions above
average; 20.4% of the respondents participate in professional meetings
and seminars, 8% in BiH and 7.1% in Serbia. However, this increased per-
centage of participants from Montenegro can be partly attributed to the
above-average representation of educational profiles of those who work
from home in Montenegro, which include permanent education through
professional gatherings and seminars.
Finally, what practical advice would home business owners give to future
entrepreneurs when they had the chance. Our respondents largely agree on
the content of practical advice, and even their order. As expected, a good
business plan is in the first place—33.7%. However, it should be noted that
the percentage is highest in BiH (38.3%) followed by Serbia (37%) while it
is the lowest in Montenegro (27.4%) and Northern Macedonia (29%). Simi-
lar percentage structures exist in the other two strategies, which assume
that we treat work at home as responsibly as we do work outside home, as
well as the imperative of continuous professional development (see Table
4.8). The need to constantly consult with experts for every aspect of the job
whenever necessary is still significantly less represented in percentage—on
average only 9.8%.
The differences between countries are statistically significant (X2 =
41.120; df = 12, p = 0.000). Proponents of a good business plan are sig-
nificantly more represented in BiH than in Montenegro, and the need
to consult with experts whenever we have a problem is significantly more
present in Northern Macedonia than in BiH.
Significant differences were found only in the first factor (F = 4.674;
p = 0.001). Those who point out a good business plan are significantly
more represented than those who recommend continuous professional
development (I–J = 0.29235409; p = 0.000) and those who recommend
future entrepreneurs to consult for every aspect of the job, whenever
necessary (I–J = 0.31894538; p = 0.005).
The proponents of the strategy of not distinguishing between work at
home and away from home are significantly more represented than those
who insist on continuous professional development (I–J = 0.24003574;
p = 0.004) or on constant consultations with professionals for every aspect
of their work, whenever necessary (I–J = 0.26662703; p = 0 .019).
The prevailing strategies are a good business plan and commitment to
that plan, which are obviously both the most important and probably the
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    121

best strategies that home business owners can recommend to future entre-
preneurs (see Table 4.9).

Table 4.9

Practical Advice From Home Business Owners to Future

Practical advice
from business own-
ers from home to
future entrepre- Montene- Northern
neurs BiH gro Macedonia Serbia Total
Other 4 2.0 1 0.5 0 0.0 4 1.0 9 0.9
Make a good busi- 77 38.3 55 27.4 64 29.0 151 37.0 347 33.7
ness plan and learn
to manage your
Do not make a dis- 65 32.3 69 34.3 54 24.4 118 28.9 306 29.7
tinction between the
work you do from
home and those
Constantly improve 50 24.9 58 28.9 66 29.9 94 23.0 268 26.0
yourself profession-
Always consult with 5 2.5 18 9.0 37 16.7 41 10.0 101 9.8
experts for every
aspect of your job
whenever necessary.
Total 201 100.0 201 100.0 221 100.0 408 100.0 1031 100.0

The Influence of Freelancing on the Psychosocial

Adjustment to Work From Home

Freelancers are the most numerous and significant group of those who
work from home. As we have seen, changes in the way of working, which
due to the work across the platforms presuppose constant adaptation to
new technological innovations, are neither the most important nor the
most numerous preconditions for the successful freelancing. The psycho-
logical adjustment to freelancing is more challenging and more numerous
in changing. That is why in this chapter we tried to examine how our
respondents in the mentioned four countries of the Western Balkans adapt
psychosocially to different aspects of freelance. Before that, we will show
the representation of freelancing in those four countries.

By testing factor scores with the t-test, we found that there are statis-
tically significant differences in the first factor (t = –3.726; p = 0.000).
Namely, nonfreelancers have a significantly lower score on the first factor.
If we recall that the responses were recoded then we come to the conclu-
sion that nonfreelancers are exposed to greater psychosocial stresses than
When asked “What is most important to you when choosing a job,” no
statistically significant differences were found between countries. However,
it should be mentioned that the most important thing for the respondents
from BiH is flexible working hours (40.3%). That is because flexible working
hours are a prerequisite and a common denominator for achieving a number
of positive benefits of working from home (autonomy and freedom, moti-
vation, good planning of daily activities, establishing boundaries between
work and private life, etc.) and it is emphasized by almost all authors (Ford
& Butts, 1991; Wienclav, 2019). Good earnings are important to all the
other countries (Montenegro—44.4%, Northern Macedonia—42%, and
Serbia—44%). Job training comes at the end and is mentioned by a quarter
of the respondents, relatively the most in Serbia and BiH.
No statistically significant differences were found by factor scores.
If working in the “Gig Economy” was the only job, 76.5% of the respon-
dents from Serbia answered that they would accept such a job, and 49.6%
of the respondents from BiH. The difference is statistically significant; the
respondents from BiH would significantly less often accept freelance as the
only source of income, and significantly less often than others if it were the
only option (X2 = 30.192; df = 6; p = 0.000).
Statistically significant differences were found in the second factor
(F = 10.301; p = 0.000). In other words, those who meet their professional
aspirations, financial and other social needs through freelancing are much
more willing to work in the “Gig Economy” as the only source of income.
There are significant differences on the second factor; the respondents
who met their professional, financial, and social needs were significantly
less likely to work in the “Gig Economy” as a hobby or as a volunteer (F =
3.777; p = 0.024).
When asked “Would they change their full-time employment for a flex-
ible contract job,” 51.2% of the respondents from BiH said “yes” and only
34% from Serbia, while as many as 65.6% of the respondents from Serbia
said either “No” or that they just wanted a secure job. However, no statisti-
cally significant differences were found between countries in this regard.
Differences exist on the first factor; the respondents who are not exposed
to psychosocial stresses due to working from home significantly more often
prefer only a secure job (F = 7.198; p = 0.001). Obviously, the possible
temptations associated with precarious employment status are the main
reason for choosing only a secure and permanent job.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    123

The respondents from BiH in the last two years have worked significantly
more for two to five employers, and from Serbia over 5 (X2 = 19.519;
df = 9; p = 0.021). In addition, there are statistically significant differences
in both factors; in the first (F = 11.607; p = 0.000) and in the second (F
= 3.208; p = 0.019). In the first factor, those who worked for two to five
employers have a lower score than the other two options. Those who had
fewer psychosocial problems due to working at home were less willing to
change employers, and those who were more satisfied with their jobs and the
fulfilment of their other life needs were more willing to change employers
or were left with only one. If they stayed at one, they were obviously satisfied
with it, and if they changed more than five, they had higher expectations
from employers. In any case, they were more willing to change than the
respondents without psychosocial problems due to working from home.
The next question refers to the type of jobs that the respondents did
in the “Gig Economy” in the last two years. These were: programming,
translation, teaching, research.
In BiH, 38% are engaged in programming, and in Montenegro 15.6%.
The difference is statistically significant (X2 = 10.971; df = 3; p = 0.012).
No statistically significant differences were found by factors.
No significant differences were found between countries in terms of
translation representation. However, it was observed that those who did not
work on translation had a higher score on the second factor (t = 2.336; p =
0.02). This result might suggest the assumption that translation is a more
stressful activity than some others, but it can be more reliably concluded
based on other research.
Seventy-eight percent of the respondents practice lectures at home in
BiH, 30.5% in Macedonia and 28.9% in Serbia. The difference is statisti-
cally highly significant (X2 = 25.430; df = 3; p = 0.000). Lectures from
home are practiced significantly more in Macedonia and Serbia, and sig-
nificantly less in BiH. No significant differences were found in both factors.
Twenty-six percent of respondents in BiH and 43.5% in Northern Mace-
donia participate in the research. The difference is statistically significant
(X2 = 9.403; df = 3; p = 0.024).
In the first factor, those who participate in research have a higher score
(t = –1.993; p = 0.047). This finding is on the verge of statistical signifi-
cance. In the second factor, those who do not participate have a higher
score (t = –2.331, p = 0.020). For those who do not have psychosocial
problems due to work from home, research provides additional motiva-
tion for professional affirmation, and especially for those who have already
achieved professional affirmation and satisfaction of a number of other life
needs thanks to work from home.
No statistically significant differences were found among freelancers
who performed “other tasks” from home. However, it should be mentioned

that about one sixth of the respondents from BiH practice other jobs, and
about a quarter from three other countries. The reason is certainly in the
fact that the respondents from BiH work significantly more often in pro-
gramming and in the IT sector. Given a number of advantages, they have
less needs and motivation to look for other and additional jobs.
On both factors, those who do not do other jobs have higher scores; on
the first (t = 4.404; p = 0.000) and on the second (t = 2.092; p = 0.038).
This finding is in itself expected since constant surfing on platforms and
looking for new jobs is a determinant of freelance. The second reason
should be sought in the fact that freelancers do not have pronounced psy-
chosocial problems due to work from home and in “other jobs” they find
additional motivation to satisfy various professional aspirations. Those who
have satisfied their professional aspirations, material, and social needs with
existing work from home by taking on “other jobs” are trying to expand
and strengthen these professional benefits.
The next question is about the benefits of working from home via plat-
forms. These include life, health, pension insurance and none of that.
When it comes to life insurance, it is noticed that this insurance has a
very small percentage of the respondents in all countries; 7.8% in BiH,
11.1% in Montenegro, 9.2% in Northern Macedonia and 6.6% in Serbia.
The differences between countries are not statistically significant.
As expected, those who do not have health insurance have a higher score
in the first factor. The lack of that insurance intensifies the anxiety from the
possible occurrence of psychosocial problems after a long period of work.
It is worrying that in all four countries, on average, only a quarter (24.8%)
have health insurance; in BiH, 21.7% of freelancers have health insur-
ance, in Montenegro 35.6%, in Northern Macedonia 36.6% and in Serbia
only 15.1%. Montenegro and Northern Macedonia have significantly more
health insured persons among freelancers, and Serbia significantly less
(X2 = 21.722; p = 0.000).
A higher score was recorded for both factors; in the first (t = 3.825; p =
0.000) and in the second (t = 2.832; p = 0.005). We could repeat the earlier
explanation; for those who are under increased mental and health tensions
(the first factor), the lack of health insurance creates additional tension and
tension, and those who are professionally, financially and socially satisfied
with working from home feel the need to achieve even greater financial
benefits to create additional funding for self-financing of own treatment,
if necessary.
The data when it comes to pension insurance are also very worrying; in
BiH, pension insurance was provided by only 7.8% of the respondents, in
Montenegro by 31.1%, in Northern Macedonia by 29% and in Serbia by
16.3%. In Montenegro and Northern Macedonia, they exercised signifi-
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    125

cantly more of the right to pension insurance, and less in BiH, and even in
Serbia (X2 = 24.324; df = 3; p = 0.000).
Those who do not have pension insurance have a higher score on both
factors; in the first (t = 3,337; p = 0.001) and on the second (t = 2.692;
p = 0.007). The possible explanation is the same as in the case of health
Finally, it is very surprising that significant percentages of freelancers
in all four countries did not receive any type of insurance, although the
differences between countries are still significant. Thus, 71.3% of freelancers
in BiH did not have any insurance, 44.4% in Montenegro 59, 5% in
Northern Macedonia and even 78.9% in Serbia. There are significantly
fewer freelancers in Montenegro who did not obtain any insurance than in
Serbia (X2 = 25.584; df = 3; p = 0.000).
The next question is: “What aspects of life has your participation in the
Gig Economy’ negatively affected?” Four modalities stood out: profession-
ally, privately, it did not have a negative impact, it affected financially. The
vast majority of freelancers said there were no negative consequences for
their professional engagements—more than 95% in all four states. It is
expected that then the differences cannot be statistically significant. Sat-
isfaction with freelancers is also expressed by freelancers in other studies
(Burke, 2015).
Significant differences were found only in the first factor; freelancers
who did not have negative consequences had higher scores in the first fac-
tor (F = 3.356; p = 0.001). The conclusion is common sense; if they did
not have professional problems due to work from home there was no basis
for stressful situations either.
On average, four-fifths of freelancers pointed out that participation in
the “Gig Economy” had no negative consequences in their private lives,
with the exception of Serbia, where that percentage is around three quar-
ters. No statistically significant differences were found between countries.
The freelancers who do not have private problems have higher scores
in both factors.
About three quarters of freelancers pointed out that working in the
“Gig Economy” did not have negative consequences in their lives (68.9 in
Montenegro and 69.3 in Serbia). The differences between countries are
not statistically significant. This job satisfaction in the “Gig Economy” is
also reported by other researchers (Baruch, 2000; Morgan, 2004). Higher
scores occurred in both factors; t = .519 (p = 0.000 in the first and t =
5.047; p = 0.000 in the second. As expected, the respondents who do not
have psychosocial problems and are satisfied with work, financially and
socially have significantly fewer problems due to working from home.
In a very high percentage, which ranged between 95% and 100%, the
freelancers in all four countries pointed out that they did not have financial

problems due to their work in the “Gig Economy.” No statistically sig-

nificant differences were found using the X2 test. Freelancers who did not
have financial problems had higher scores in the second factor (t = 3.066;
p = 0.006). This is quite expected because satisfaction with the financial
situation is part of another factor’s composite. Although in other research,
the freelancers pointed out their satisfaction with freelance, they still more
often pointed out the problems they encountered while dealing with free-
lance (Burke, 2015). We have already said that employees from home and
freelancers are prone to paint the shortcomings of remote work in pink.
The answers to the following two questions show that freelancers are
more critical.
In the next question, the freelancers were asked about the positive
impacts of their work in the “Gig Economy” in the same areas. In assess-
ing the positive contribution in the profession, however, the freelancers
were significantly more moderate than they reported on the negative pro-
fessional impact. Fifty-one percent of the freelancers in BiH, 43.5% in
Macedonia, 57.8% in Serbia and only 28.9% in Montenegro see positive
contributions to work in the “Gig Economy.” The differences were statisti-
cally significant (X2 = 14.443; df = 3; p = 0.002). The freelancers see the
least positive contributions in Montenegro, and the most in Serbia.
The freelancers have significantly higher scores in the second factor (t =
4.556; p = 0.000). It is quite expected and logical for freelancers to assess
the positive professional contributions of working in the “Gig Economy” if
it has enabled them to achieve important professional goals and the real-
ization of a number of important social needs.
Let us recall that about four-fifths of the freelancers pointed out that
their engagement in the “Gig Economy” did not have negative conse-
quences for their private lives. However, in similar percentages (with the
exception of Montenegro) they stated that there were no positive ones;
thus, 73.6% of the freelancers in BiH said that they did not have a positive
impact on their private life, 86.3% in Macedonia, 74.7% in Serbia, and the
most positive were the freelancers in Montenegro—57.8%. In Montenegro
significantly more and in Northern Macedonia significantly less (X2 =
16.302; p = 0.001).
The freelancers who have positive changes in their private lives due to
working in the “Gig Economy” have higher scores in the second factor. The
explanation is similar to the previous case.
In BiH, there were only 0.8% of the freelancers who said that their work
in the “Gig Economy” did not have a positive impact, and in Montenegro
11.1%, the differences are statistically significant; significantly more of
them assessed the work in the “Gig Economy” in a negative context than
in BiH (X2 = 10.737; df = 3; p = 0.013).
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    127

The freelancers who believe that working in the “Gig Economy” had a
positive effect on them have a higher score in the first factor (t = 2.280;
p = 0.026). It is logical to assume that freelancers who evaluated their work
in the “Gig Economy” more positively had less psychosocial stress because
of that than the freelancers who had negative experiences in that regard.
As in the previous case, the freelancers generally pointed out more often
that working in the “Gig Economy” did not have negative financial conse-
quences than they pointed out positive financial gains, although it should
be noted that these financial benefits still stood out in high percentages.
Thus, these positive benefits were emphasized by 76% in BiH, 80.9% in
Northern Macedonia, 86.7% in Serbia, and only 46.7% in Montenegro.
The freelancers from Montenegro assessed the financial contributions of
work in the “Gig Economy” significantly more negatively, and significantly
more positively from Serbia (X2 = 34.463; p = 0.000). It seems that the
financial benefits were the most important, which is why the freelancers
generally evaluated their engagement in freelance very positively.
The freelancers had higher scores in both factors, saying that working in
the “Gig Economy” had a positive effect on their finances; in the first factor
t = –2,770; p = 0.006 and in the second t = –2.748; p = 0.013. Certainly,
financial benefits are important factors in easier coping with stressful situ-
ations in any job, even working in the “Gig Economy,” which can explain
this first result, while the positive financial effects are part of the composite
of the second factor.
Asked whether working in the “Gig Economy” could significantly reduce
unemployment in more than two-thirds of cases, they said yes; and only
about 6% had negative attitudes about reducing unemployment while the
rest were undecided (in about a quarter of cases). However, the freelancers
from Montenegro have more negative attitudes than everyone else; as
many as 26.7% believe that working in the “Gig Economy” cannot reduce
unemployment, and 24.4% said they did not know. The freelancers from
Montenegro said “no” significantly more often than everyone else (X2
= 23.772; df = 6; p = 0.001). Significantly higher scores were found in
both factors. In the first, “no” is less than “yes” and “I don’t know” (I–J
= –0.38245704; p = 0.019). Further, in the first “no” is less than “I don’t
know” (I–J = –0.41821543; p = 0.019). In the second, “yes” is more than
“no” (I–J = 0.47955380; p = 0.004) and “yes” more than “I don’t know”
(I–J = 0.37055410; p = 0.000). The freelancers who had less psychosocial
stress were more inclined to look more optimistically at the possibility
of reducing unemployment by introducing the “Gig Economy,” and the
freelancers who achieved a number of professional aspirations, material
and social needs are even more optimistic in this regard.
When asked “Does working in the” Gig Economy” contributes to the
quality of life?” only about 5% of the freelancers said that working in the

“Gig Economy” did not contribute to the quality of life. The freelancers
from Montenegro in 13.3% of cases gave a negative assessment that work-
ing in the “Gig Economy” can improve the quality of life. In addition, in
more than a quarter of cases, the freelancers from Montenegro were indeci-
sive, and in the other three countries about a fifth. However, the differences
between Montenegro and the other three countries do not reach the level
of statistical significance.
Significantly higher scores were found in both factors. The first has “yes”
significantly more than “no” (I–J = 0.67932381; p = 0.001) and “yes” more
than “I don’t know” (I–J = 0.28681511; p = 0.009). The second has “yes”
more than “no” (I–J = 2052653; p = 0.000) and “yes” more than “I don’t
know” (I–J = 0.49274567; p = 0.000). Based on positive experiences with
working from home, freelancers are ready to extend the improvement of
the quality of life to other areas of life in the first factor (and especially in
the second).
There were no statistically significant differences in the attitudes of the
freelancers in the four countries on improving the position of workers in the
“Gig Economy.” Nevertheless, it should be noted that the freelancers from
Montenegro more often emphasized the strengthening of legal legislation
(57.8%) and the freelancers from BiH more often insist on strengthening
the trust of employers towards freelancers, in order to more easily extend
the employment contract (40.3%).
There are no significant differences by factors (see Table 4.10).

Table 4.10

Can Working Across Pplatforms and in the “Gig Economy” Reduce

Brain Drain Abroad?
and Herze- Montene- Northern
govina gro Macedonia Serbia Total
N % N % N % N % N %
Can working 94 72.9 19 42.2 86 65.6 90 54.2 289 61.4
across platforms
and in the “Gig
Economy” re-
duce the brain
drain abroad?
No 15 11.6 17 37.8 5 3.8 16 9.6 53 11.3
I do not know 20 15.5 9 20.0 40 30.5 60 36.1 129 27.4
Total 129 100.0 45 100.0 131 100.0 166 100.0 471 100.0
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    129

The differences among the freelancers in the four states are statisti-
cally highly significant (X2 = 54.887; df = 6; p = 0.000). The freelancers
from BiH say significantly more “yes” and the freelancers from Northern
Macedonia significantly less “no,” from Serbia significantly more “I don’t
know,” from Montenegro significantly more “no.” Basically, the freelancers
from BiH and Northern Macedonia have two thirds (Northern Macedonia)
and over 70% (BiH) of positive beliefs that working through platforms in
the “Gig Economy” will reduce the brain drain abroad, the freelancers
from Serbia are significantly more likely than others indecisive, and from
Montenegro significantly more often do not believe in reducing brain drain
(Table 4.10).
The dominant optimistic picture can also be seen in the factor scores,
which are significant in both factors. Namely, those who said “No” (I–J = –
0.39169951; p= 0.006) and “I don’t know” than “Yes” (I–J = 0.49974058;
p = 0.001) have significantly lower scores in the first factor. In the sec-
ond factor, they said “Yes” significantly more often than “No” (I– J =
0.55806601; p = 0.000) and “I don’t know” (I–J = –0.57015098; p =
0.000). We can conclude that in both factors, the freelancers actually had
a primarily optimistic picture, more pronounced in the other factor. This
is to be expected, since the freelancers who stood out in the second factor
have stronger experiences of professional fulfilment and success, associated
with working in the “Gig Economy.”

Four Sociopsychological Profiles of Psychosocial

Adjustment to Work From Home and Differences
Among Them

Based on quantitative indicators, we will describe the most important

qualitative features of psychosocial adjustment in the four countries and
point out possible differences.
Then, based on quantitative indicators, we will perform a qualitative
analysis of similarities and differences in terms of adjustment to the eco-
nomic aspects of working from home in four countries.
Finally, based on quantitative indicators, we will point out the qualita-
tive differences and similarities of freelance in the four countries of the
Western Balkans.
All of these analyses will be integrated within a separate home-working
profile for each of the four Western Balkan countries.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

As in other countries, the respondents from Bosnia and Herzegovina

who work from home do not differ significantly, while they are the young-

est population by age. They have significantly lower education than all the
others, especially than the respondents from Serbia and Montenegro. By
type of activity, they work significantly more than all others in the IT sector
as developers.
According to a number of characteristics, the respondents from BiH
are relatively well adapted to work from home; they leave enough time for
their free activities and hobbies, although sometimes they lack time for
physical activities. They have no problems with the quantity and quality
of sleep. Because of working from home, they do not neglect their family,
partners, but to a certain extent they neglect their friends. The work they
do from home fulfils them. They are satisfied with their income and believe
in the future of the work they do. They maintain good contacts with other
people while working from home and successfully separate their work from
home from private life. They do not feel tense and upset while working
from home, and they are supported and helped in their work from home
by relatives and friends.
When it comes to economic aspects, it is more important for the respon-
dents from BiH who work from home to gain control over their own lives,
as well as to spend more time with family members.
For working at home, they believe that the most important thing is a
good business idea and the need for a good balance between business and
private life. Adequate office space is considered important for successful
business from home. Certainly, the most important thing for them is a
good balance between business and private life, and earnings come into the
background. Adequate dressing for work at home is considered unimport-
ant. They usually turn to friends and family for problems at work, although
they do not have major problems at working at home. They believe that
a good business plan is the most important thing for the success of future
entrepreneurs. Finally, working from home would be recommended as the
best option for future entrepreneurs.
When it comes to the freelancers, flexible working hours are the most
important thing for the freelancers from BiH, and good earnings for every-
one else. Significantly less often than others, they accept freelance as the
only source of income. Significantly more often than other freelancers from
BiH, they would change their full-time employment for a flexible contract
job. Of all the others, developers are significantly more common. They
have rarely exercised their right to pension insurance. A huge percentage
point out that participation in the “Gig Economy” did not negatively affect
their lives. They see the improvement of the position of workers in the
“Gig Economy” through the strengthening of trust between workers and
employers. The freelancers in BiH believe that the “Gig Economy” can
reduce the brain drain abroad.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    131


As in other countries, gender differences have not been determined, and

the respondents from Montenegro are on average relatively younger, right
after BiH. Unlike in BiH, they are significantly more likely to have high and
higher education because it is close to half with a university degree. The
type of activity in work from home is mostly trade and education (almost
half of the total number). They work from home relatively long.
In many ways, the respondents from Montenegro who work from home
are specific. Since they work from home, they have much less time for their
activities and hobbies, including engaging in sports and recreational activi-
ties, have a shorter and lower quality sleep and pay less attention to family
and partner than everyone else, and have slightly less time for friends.
However, they are more satisfied with the job than the respondents from
Northern Macedonia. They do not differ from others in terms of income
satisfaction and assessment of the future success of the work they do. Of all
the others, they have a bigger problem to separate their work from home
from private life, but they also want social contacts with others less than
everyone else while working from home. Because of working from home,
they are more tense and upset than everyone else, and relatives and friends
are less supportive and helpful with work from home than for most of the
respondents from other countries.
The respondents from Montenegro face more problems at work than
everyone else, which is why they show inconsistencies in psychosocial
behavior, and even confusion. Possible factors may include the nervous-
ness and inconsistency of economic activities, the relatively low level of
consumerism, especially at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost a
third are engaged in online trade. In addition to the very unfavorable eco-
nomic situation, we should not lose sight of the turbulent political context,
which has further complicated the otherwise confusing social situation.
Although working from home is one of the best choice strategies in such
social constellations, the big question is to install the necessary technologi-
cal infrastructure in a short time, regardless of the fact that the personnel
base was probably satisfactory.
Probably the most significant factor of dissatisfaction is the discrepancy
between higher education and disincentive jobs, primarily related to online
trade, and partly to routine forms of educational content.
When it comes to economic aspects, working from home would be rec-
ommended as the best option for employment, although somewhat less
than others. When deciding to start a home-based business, they are mostly
guided by various savings. Unlike Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina,
those who work from home in Montenegro try to include their family mem-
bers to a greater extent. Arranging a working space in the house is not of

much importance to them. They emphasize the importance of communica-

tion skills and previous experience for good business from home. Unlike
home workers in other countries, technical equipment is not particularly
important for the success of home work. Further, office space is less expen-
sive than others. More than others, they emphasize the importance of
motivation for work. They point out that they usually have no special prob-
lems while working from home. If they have fewer problems than others,
they seek the help of family members and friends, and they get more by
going to professional gatherings and seminars.
When they work as freelancers, the most important thing when choos-
ing a job is their earnings. More than others, they exercised the right to
pension insurance, and fewer than others are among those who did not
exercise the right to any insurance. Working in the “Gig Economy” did not
have a negative impact, neither professionally, nor privately, nor finan-
cially. At the same time, the freelancers in Montenegro, less than anyone
else, assessed the positive contributions of working in the “Gig Economy”
in these areas. They also assessed the contribution of the “Gig Economy” to
reducing unemployment and improving the quality of life more negatively
than others. They see the improvement of the position of workers in the
“Gig Economy” through the improvement of legal regulations. Finally, the
freelancers in Montenegro believe that the “Gig Economy” cannot reduce
the brain drain abroad.

Northern Macedonia

In addition to the fact that there are no significant differences according

to gender, the respondents from Northern Macedonia come immediately
after Serbia in terms of average age. According to the level of education,
they are second, right after Montenegro with almost a third of those who
have a university degree. Like the respondents in Montenegro, they work
in a similar percentage in trade and education. According to the length of
work from home, they are second, right after Montenegro.
Despite these similarities in the social profile, more differences than
similarities with Montenegro were found in psychosocial adjustment. The
similarity with the respondents from Montenegro is that due to working
from home, they do not have the desired time for sports and recreational
activities. It should be especially pointed out that the respondents from
Northern Macedonia were the most dissatisfied with the work they cur-
rently do from home, although in that respect the differences between
the countries do not reach the degree of statistical significance. Probably
as a consequence of dissatisfaction with the current job, they are the most
skeptical about the perspective of the job they are currently working on in
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    133

the future. They are significantly less tense and upset about the work they
do from home than the respondents from Montenegro. However, after
Montenegro, they are still the most tense and upset, and those differences
with Serbia reach the level of statistical significance.
The respondents from Northern Macedonia, as well as from Monte-
negro, are less supported by family, relatives and friends and are more
bothered by doing work from home than in Serbia and BiH. It is known
that the more educated have a slightly more negative perception of work
than home than the less educated. It is difficult to say whether the more
educated in Montenegro and Northern Macedonia are more inclined to
perceive relatives and friends more negatively in accordance with that, or
whether relatives and friends really help them less and bother them more
in their work from home.
Respondents from Northern Macedonia differ significantly from those
from Montenegro while working from home in that they:

• have more time for various activities and hobbies;

• have somewhat more time to engage in sports—recreational
• have longer and better quality sleep;
• while working from home, they pay more attention to family and
• more successfully separate business from private life;
• they socialize more while doing work from home with other
• they are less tense and anxious while doing work from home.

In all of the above, the respondents from Montenegro differ from those
from BiH and Serbia.
As we have seen, the respondents from Northern Macedonia are similar
to the respondents from Montenegro in some sociodemographic charac-
teristics, and especially in the length of work from home, and partly in the
type of activity.
In relation to all the others, they are the most specific in terms of
expressed dissatisfaction with the work they currently do from home
and pessimistic attitude regarding the maintenance of that work in the
future. The main factor in this dissatisfaction seems to be the mismatch
between high professional qualifications and low professional demands of
home-based jobs, dominated by trade, which is probably not supported
and helped enough by relatives and friends because they believe they are
capable of greater professional achievements. In that, they are similar to the
respondents from Montenegro. Unlike Montenegro, in northern Macedonia

there are more protective collectivist patterns than in Montenegro, which is

a deeply divided society in various directions. It seems that even from these
protective factors, Northern Macedonia is closer to the other two countries
than to Montenegro, while Serbia and BiH are more similar to each other
than they are similar to Northern Macedonia.
Home-based employees in Northern Macedonia would recommend
working from home as the best choice for most. More than BiH and Serbia,
they are interested in involving family members in work from home. Like
the employees at home in Montenegro, the equipment of the business
space in the house for successful work is not important to them. Earnings
are the most important indicator of successful work from home, followed
by productivity. Adequate appearance in the office is more important to
them than others. They point out that working from home is work without
working hours, which is why they prefer additional work at home. They
find it difficult to lack social communication while working at home. To
ensure success in their work, they mostly recommend consultations with
experts to future entrepreneurs.
For the freelancers in Northern Macedonia, earnings are the most
important thing when choosing a job. They spend significantly more time
lecturing from home, except in Serbia, and mostly in research work. They
exercised their right to pension insurance significantly more than others.
They estimate that working in the “Gig Economy” did not negatively affect
their lives in any way.


The respondents from Serbia are, on average, the oldest. In terms of

educational structure, they are very similar to those from Macedonia, and
in terms of higher education to BiH and Northern Macedonia. They have
significantly fewer highly educated people who work from home than Mon-
tenegro, and more than BiH. They are similar to Montenegro in the length
of work from home.
In all previously stated aspects, Serbia is consistently different from
Montenegro, and in all others, it is similar to Northern Macedonia, with
the fact that they are significantly more satisfied with the work they cur-
rently do from home and are more optimistic about the future of that job
and have more help and support from friends. Overall, the respondents
from Serbia provide the most optimistic picture of working from home and
appear to be best psychosocially adapted to that work.
Like everyone else, they think that working from home is the best
option for employment. They consider arranging business space impor-
tant for successful work at home. They believe that previous experience is
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    135

important for successfully running a home-based business. Earnings are

also considered the most important indicator of successful work at home.
According to constant work from home they are ambivalent because it is
work without working hours. Although they do not have special problems
at working at home, when they appear, they solve them with the help of
friends and family.
For the freelancers in Serbia, earnings are the most important thing
when choosing a job. Significantly less often than other freelancers from
Serbia, they would change their full-time job for a flexible contract job.
Significantly fewer freelancers from Serbia have health and pension insur-
ance. More than the other, they were not entitled to any insurance. Like
everyone else, they are of the opinion that working in the “Gig Economy”
did not negatively affect their lives in any way.


The most significant and numerous differences are between those who work
from home in Montenegro and others, especially those in Serbia and BiH.
They are the least optimistic about work at home and the “Gig Economy”;
they have more psychosocial problems than everyone else, they do not have
enough free time for recreational activities, and they also complain about
excessive work and the impossibility of separating business from private
life. In addition to all that, they are worse than everyone else connected to
the primary groups while working from home. Despite this, they believe
that informal contacts can contribute the most to a successful home-based
business. Moreover, they neglect the importance of better technological
equipment for successful work from home. Not only do they evaluate
the possibilities of work from home and freelancing worse, but they are
often inconsistent and even contradictory. For example, for the successful
running of a home-based business, they emphasize the importance of social
ties, and try to distance themselves as much as possible from the primary
groups and rely primarily on professional development. They emphasize
the importance of motivation for a successful home-based business and
emphasize a kind of demotivation due to burnout at work and the like. They
try to distance themselves from the primary groups during their work, and
at the same time they are frustrated by it. Due to all this, the respondents
from Montenegro face more problems at work than everyone else, which is
why they show inconsistencies in psychosocial behavior, and even confusion.
Possible factors may include the nervousness and inconsistency of economic
activities, the relatively low level of consumerism, especially at the time of
the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost a third are engaged in online trade. In
addition to the very unfavorable economic situation, we should not lose

sight of the turbulent political context, which has further complicated the
otherwise confusing social situation. Although working from home is one of
the best choice strategies in such social constellations, the big question is to
install the necessary technological infrastructure in a short time, regardless
of the fact that the staffing base was probably satisfactory. Probably the
most significant factor of dissatisfaction is the discrepancy between higher
education and disincentive jobs, primarily related to online trade, and
partly to routine forms of educational content.
According to some psychosocial patterns of behavior, the respondents
from Northern Macedonia are most similar to them. In terms of the level of
education and the type of activity, they are most similar to the respondents
from Montenegro. They are also similar in terms of dissatisfaction with the
current work from home, especially due to demotivation and routine work
given their higher education. Due to the current dissatisfaction, they are
not optimistic about working from home or the “Gig Economy.” Although
they have significantly fewer psychosocial problems due to working from
home, they are still more similar in this respect to the respondents from
Montenegro than to those from BiH and Serbia. All these aspects of simi-
larities with Montenegro at the same time significantly differentiate them
from BiH and Montenegro.
BiH and Serbia are generally the most different from Montenegro and
Macedonia. In many respects, they are the opposite of the respondents
from Montenegro. Unlike the respondents from Montenegro, they are the
youngest, with the lowest education and mostly employed in the IT sector.
They have no psychosocial problems; they balance well between business
and private life, and they have the support of family and friends at work.
They are satisfied with their work and income and maintain good social
communication while working from home. They are optimistic about the
perspective of their work. They jealously try to preserve all this social and
cultural capital, and that is why the most important thing for the success
of their work is to preserve the borders between business and private life,
for which they need flexible working hours. While for everyone the most
important indicator of successful work from home is earnings, it is a good
business idea for them, since they are already well positioned financially.
They manage to achieve a very harmonious relationship between psycho-
social, economic, and cultural patterns while working from home or as
freelancers, while among the respondents in Montenegro there are dis-
agreements, contradictions, and even conflicts between these areas.
It is obvious that the respondents from BiH are well adapted to working
from home. In our opinion, several factors are important for this adjust-
ment. First, it is about the young population that is highly motivated for
work because they are involved in professional life relatively early. Secondly,
they are above-average motivated because they are over-proportionally
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    137

represented in the IT sector. The very fact that their education is below
average does not diminish, but probably goes in favor of above-average
motivation for the IT sector and programming, because they obviously
acquired knowledge and skills in those areas outside the usual institutional
framework. In this regard, this population is particularly interesting for
monitoring possible directions of development of work from home, partly
outside the usual institutional framework, given the strong scepticism that
the promotion and development of freelance is possible mainly or only in
institutional educational frameworks.
Although the respondents from Serbia have some formal similarities
with those from Montenegro (in terms of length of service) and North-
ern Macedonia (in terms of education), they differ significantly from the
respondents from Montenegro in a number of other characteristics, which
are more similar to the respondents from BiH. They do not have pro-
nounced psychosocial problems. They are satisfied with their work from
home and are optimistic about the future of their work. Like the respon-
dents from BiH, they nurture good social ties for the primary groups and
the closer social environment, to which they eventually turn for help due
to business problems, which they generally do not have.
Like the others, working from home is considered the best option for
employment, and for the success of the business from home, they rely
mostly on previous experience. Of the respondents from BiH, they are
mostly separated by the belief that earnings are the best indicator of the
success of a home-based business. In everything else they are quite similar.
When it comes to similarities, then it is certainly most important that
everyone considers working from home the best choice if it is offered to
them, and especially when it comes to employment. Truth be told, there
is one fence in all; since everyone thinks that working from home has no
limits, most would prefer to opt for flexible working hours under contract.
Flexible working hours allow everyone greater autonomy in planning and
achieving tasks and business goals and open space for personal initiative,
freedom, and creativity, which are probably the main reasons why for most
working from home there is no alternative. Another common denominator
is good earnings. Unfortunately, all of them have in common that workers
from home, and especially freelancers, are stepchildren of their countries,
because most of them have neither health, nor pension, nor any other
insurance. In that respect, the situation with the freelancers in Montenegro
is somewhat better, and certainly the worst in Serbia. The most important
common denominator is the undivided optimism of almost everyone
who works from home, despite numerous difficulties and frustrations
in achieving the success of that business, which are more objective than
subjective in nature when it comes to the countries of the Western Balkans.
Among the objective ones in the first place are limited economic and

technological resources for individual entrepreneurial activities (lack or

expensive funds to start a business from home, large tax levies and fees,
monopolies that restrict and block free market competition, illegal trade
channels, corruption, etc.). In such a very unfavorable economic, social, and
political environment in the countries of the Western Balkans, working from
home, and especially freelancing, remain the only oases of entrepreneurial
freedoms and personal autonomy that are not directly affected by these
external restrictions. It is a great paradox that this entrepreneurial elite of
mostly young people, in which freelancers are at the top or near the top,
is positioned by the countries of the Western Balkans on the margins of
socioeconomic life.


In the available literature, we did not find research with a similar research
design, neither in terms of the number of countries covered, nor in terms
of thematic diversity, so a direct comparison of our main research results is
almost impossible. It is possible to compare some more specific phenom-
ena of working from home, which we will do as data from other research
becomes available.
By its nature, our research is holistic, which, given the great variety of
topics and samples (four countries), has remained at a phenomenological
level—describing the impact of economic factors and freelance on various
psychosocial aspects of work from home and examining certain functional
relationships and differences between these factors.
Due to the lack of empirical base, our research was necessarily explor-
atory and went broader, while most of the research presented in the
literature review covered significantly narrower segments in which expla-
nations of these more specific connections were sought. This is expected
given that the experience with different modalities of remote working in
developed countries dates back to the 70s of the 20th century. As we have
seen from this review, in addition to a large empirical base for remote work
research, there is a thorough record on this topic of official statistics in the
United Kingdom (OECD, 2014; Germany (Rupietta & Beckman, 2016)
Europe, the Netherlands, Matrich, Insight Economic, 2013) United States
(Center for Mental Health Statistics, 2020; Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2020) Japan (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan,
2019) and a number of other countries.
The comparability of the research results, which we stated in the litera-
ture review, is difficult at least for several methodological reasons.
The first is the size and representativeness of the samples. The studies
that have been done on large samples and that are representative at the
national level are rare.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    139

The second is very different methodological approaches. As we have

seen, some are based on meta-analysis, others on qualitative data and in-
depth interviews, the third on data collected by electronic surveys, and the
fourth on data analysis of official health statistics and labor statistics.
The most significant methodological problem, however, is the cognitive
scope of these studies. Although in the literature review we have listed a
number of brilliant studies that push the boundaries of our knowledge
about different aspects of working from home (Burke, 2015; Dockery &
Bawa, 2014; Etheridge et al., 2020; Grant et al., 2013; Hay et al., 2020;
Mann & Holsworth, 2000; Merecz & Andysz, 2014; Oakman et al., 2020;
Rupietta & Beckman, 2016; Song & Gao, 2018; Susilo et al., 2020; Thor-
stensson, 2020) it is noted that the generalizations of conclusions are limited
by the fact that the analysis of results does not include important control
variables that can at least relativize the obtained results and conclusions
based on them, starting from basic social-demographic variables to more
complex social and psychological constructs. This is most often the reason
why we get different, even contradictory, findings on the same or similar
research problems. Let us just remind ourselves how different the results
on job satisfaction, autonomy and productivity are, if, for example, they did
not take into account the flexibility of work or the balance between profes-
sional and family life, the boundaries between the two and the modalities
of their establishment. Things get even more complicated if we do not take
gender and age as control variables.
Despite all these limitations, there is a high degree of agreement about
certain results that are relevant to our research and that can at least indi-
rectly confirm or call into question our results. However, it should be said
that due to all the previously mentioned methodological and other limi-
tations, there are minor or major disagreements about the results on the
same or similar topics.
Researchers are almost unanimous about the positive effects of remote
working, and significantly less about the negative ones. There is an undi-
vided belief that new information and communication technologies have
enabled new forms of remote work, which have contributed to work flex-
ibility and higher productivity, increased autonomy, and freedom and
creativity of employees, job satisfaction, significant savings (no lease of
office space, reduced utilities and reduced transport costs) greater job sat-
isfaction, reduced sick leave, better communication, job organization and
overall business optimization (Allen, 2001; Baltes et al., 1999; Bloom et al.,
2015; Galinsky et al., 2008; Gajenndran & Harisson, 2007; Greenhaus &
Powell, 2006; Kurland & Baley, 1999; Thomas & Ganster, 1995).
The degree of agreement is influenced by all the previously mentioned
methodological limitations and a series of the other for which we would
need a lot of time and space to analyze them individually. Certainly, they

should result from the interpretation of the results, and that interpreta-
tion is primarily under the theoretical inflow from which the researchers
start. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that the appropriate
ideological matrix influenced the undivided agreement on new modalities
of remote work, almost canonized by globalist and neoliberal protagonists.
That is why these positive contributions should not be questioned.
The negative aspects of working from home are presented with more
nuance and often in a continuum. It is conditioned by all the aforemen-
tioned methodological limitations, and sometimes by conscious or less
conscious efforts to mitigate the negative consequences. The main catalysts
for the negative consequences seem to be two closely related phenomena:
working from home for much longer than usual and establishing a balance
between work and family. As a rule, much longer work primarily makes it
difficult and impossible to establish boundaries between work and family,
but this balancing is also influenced by other factors.
As we have said, the balance between work and private life, which
primarily refers to the balance between work and family, appears as the
relatively most significant difficulty of home employees in our research,
while abroad it gets a central place in different contexts (Kreiner et al.,
2009; Lewis & Cooper, 2005; Li et al., 2014; Stone, 2012). Recall that in
one study, 60% of home employees cited breaking the boundaries between
work and private life as a major problem (Ellison, 1999). Therefore, in a
number of studies, special attention has been paid to ways of establishing
and maintaining boundaries (Ashforth et al., 2000; Clark, 2000; Grant et
al., 2013; Nippert-Eng, 1996). Conflicts due to the collapse of borders are
the causes or precipitators of a number of symptoms of impaired mental
health: stress (Allvin et al., 2011; Demerouti et al., 2014; Dyrbye et al.,
2011; Noonnan & Glass, 2012) depression (Holmes et al., 2020) loss of job
satisfaction (Hartig et al., 2007) and burnout (Lingard & Francis, 2006).
In one large research of a sample of 1,500 respondents, it was found that
the ability to manage working hours was the most important determinant
to maintain a work-life balance (Maruyama et al., 2009). It is pointed out
that motivation, self-motivation, and self-discipline are key to successful
and productive work from home and to achieving the ability to maintain
work-life balance (Baruch, 2000; Lupu, 2017; Morgan, 2004; Sullivan &
Lewis, 2001). However, this ability to plan jobs and control the execution
of plans is difficult to achieve because often the external pressures to work
much longer in order to complete tasks are objectively stronger or the
employees subjectively perceive them as stronger. According to boundary
theory, people use different ways to achieve an optimal level of separation
of work from private life (Ashforth et al., 2000; Clark, 2000). Those who
have a built-in strategy for border management manage borders more
strictly and develop strong segmentation between work and family (Kossek
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    141

et al., 1999; Nippert-Eng, 1996). Given the previously stated complexity

and interdependence of factors that not only help maintain segmentation
but also its destruction, we are closer to the idea that greater flexibility of
borders is necessary, which means that we view “overflow” as a kind of safety
valve when there is a danger of cracking and collapsing borders. Simply
maintaining the limits for a longer time only or primarily by voluntary
efforts seems risky to us. In the long run, the engagement of volitional
capacities becomes counterproductive because the will, which is the basis
of harmonious psychological functioning, is a weak mental function.
In the example of the countries of the Western Balkans, this key problem
is less present, although it exists. Paradoxically, some patriarchal-collectiv-
ist patterns had a positive impact on the marginalization of the problem
(somewhat with the exception of Montenegro). We have seen that friends
and relatives do not intrude the workspace during the time of those who
work from home. In addition, they provide strong emotional and moral
support to employees in almost all crisis situations. We said earlier that
in Montenegro, these postcollectivist patterns are manifested in a hyper-
trophied form and affect the collapse of borders. In accordance with the
strong collectively narcissistic patterns that permeate the primary groups,
including the Montenegrin family, every failure of an individual endangers
this idealized family image and results in the denial of family assistance
and even rejection. For all these reasons, the sociopsychological profile of
home employees contains significantly more negative factors than in the
other three countries of the Western Balkans. These examples confirm that
similar sociopsychological and cultural patterns can produce significantly
different consequences and vice versa.
Despite the fact that respondents from the four Western Balkan coun-
tries in a large percentage preferred working from home as the best model
of work and recommending it to others, the reverse of this optimistic
option exists, which is contained in the relatively often emphasized view
that working from home is work without the beginning and the end. This is
also a constant that we find in another research (Felstead & Henseke, 2017).
In both our and foreign research, remote workers see the best solution in
flexible working hours (Ford & Butts, 1991; Wienclaw, 2019). If they man-
age to develop self-motivation, self-discipline, self-confidence and build
appropriate tactics for good planning of daily activities (Baruch, 2000;
Morgan, 2004; Richardson & McKenna, 2014; Sullivan & Levis, 2001),
working from home becomes a pleasure and raises productivity (Baruch,
2000; Morgan, 2001). If this is not achieved and the employees do not see
a way to be excluded from work (Dyrbye et al., 2014; Felstead & Henseke,
2017), almost on the principle of domino effect, numerous disorders and
burnout occur (Lingard & Francis, 2006;). As a result of all these problems,

there is a poor mental health (Kestrel, 2019; Ministry of Health and Wel-
fare, Japan, 2019; OECD, 2010
In order for remote work to be successful, the necessity of supervision
and support of employees is emphasized, training of managers with ade-
quate application of verbal and nonverbal communication with employees
(Kowalski & Swanson, 2005). Unfortunately, such trainings are rare or
nonexistent (Clear & Dickson, 2005).
In our research, the consequences of the impossibility of being excluded
from remote work are relatively milder and are related to the reduction of
direct social contacts, and to a lesser extent to monotony, social isolation
and sometimes poor sleep. Significantly more pronounced social isolation
has been reported in foreign research (Fonner & Roloff, 2012; Pinsonneault
& Boisvert, 2001).
The employees in all four countries of the Western Balkans are well psy-
chosocially adapted to the different economic demands of working from
home, and even better to accepting the “Gig Economy,” which is gener-
ally shown by the results of the entire research, analysed in detail earlier.
They have a certain ambivalence with remote workers in other countries
when it comes to the working status. Although they generally prefer full-
time employment, they do not emphasize additional work with flexible
working hours. They advocate for flexible working hours for the same
reasons as the vast majority of the employees in other countries. However,
this discrepancy is predominantly conditioned by very unfavorable factors
that are much less pronounced in the Western countries. Although there
are some minor differences between the countries of the Western Balkans,
all of them have poorly or very poorly regulated their labor rights—the
right to health, pension, disability, social insurance. The vast majority do
not have any insurance, and the situation is relatively the worst in Serbia.
Such a stepmotherly relationship becomes completely incomprehensible
if we keep in mind that this is a young, educated population that is mostly
employed in the field of information and communication technologies,
for the improvement of which all these countries are declaratively commit-
ted. Contrary to their wishes and beliefs, remote employees opt for a less
risky option. Despite the completely unacceptable measures of the state
administration that stifles freelance, Serbia is among the 10 countries in
terms of the development of freelance, which speaks of the huge resilience
of freelancers in Serbia. Certain ambivalence shown by the employees
from home in the four Western Balkan countries is primarily due to the
lack of realization of basic labor and social rights when it comes to eco-
nomic aspects and freelance; while some economic aspects, such as office
equipment and clothing, deviate from common standards in other Western
countries, conditioned by economic problems, but also by anachronistic
patriarchal value patterns.
COVID-19 and Remote Work in Western Balkans    143

Finally, this exploratory research, which covers a wide range of topics

and issues, showed that the countries of the Western Balkans are a kind
of natural laboratory for examining numerous aspects of work from home
that do not sufficiently include psychosocial and especially sociocultural
factors. A number of differences between our results and the results of
foreign researchers can be primarily attributed to psychosocial and socio-
cultural factors, which in foreign research are either not included or are
covered to a lesser extent. As in most similar exploratory research of the
holistic type, our research opened more questions than it provided reliable
Such research has one important cognitive function—it expands the epis-
temological aspects in which directions new research should be designed.


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Questionnaire for the Economic Part: Doing Business

From Home by Countries (Montenegro, B&H, Serbia,
and North Macedonia)

• Gender:
a. Male
b. Female

• Age:
a. 18–25
b. 26–34
c. 35–44
d. 45–54
e. 55–64
• Country: ________________________________
• Education:
a. Primary school
b. Secondary school
c. High school (vocational)
c. University
• How long have you been working from home?
a. 1 to 5 years

Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Work

and Business Environment, pp. 155–159
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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 155

b. 6 to 10 years
c. 11 to 15 years
d. More than 15 years
• In what activity do you work from home?
a. Industry
b. Trade
c. Tourism
d. Construction
e. Transportation
f. Education
g. Other

1. Would you recommend this way of working to others as the best

choice for employment?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. In case it is the only choice for employment

2. I do not know the benefits of doing business from home

a. Spending more time with family
b. The risk of starting a business is reduced
c. The business is gradually developing with the support of
the family
d. Additional income is provided for family
e. Full control over one’s life is established
f. Other:

3. What should guide you when starting a home-based business?

a. A good business idea
b. The need to balance business and private obligations
c. The desire to involve family members in the business and
share business tasks
d. By reducing the costs of starting a business (there is no
investment in the lease of premises, transportation costs to
work and the like).
e. Higher earnings
f. Other:

4. Have you included other members of your family in your regular

business activities at home?
a. Yes
b. No
Appendix I   157

c. No, since they are not interested in getting involved in my

d. They do not have the competencies for the business I am
e.They only have an advisory role and support me
f. Other:

5. What are the basic rules for running a successful home-based busi-
ness? (circle the three most important)
a. Required previous experience and professional competen-
cies for the business to be established and developed
b. Good marketing
c. Initial capital
d. Good technical and technological equipment
e. Workspace
f. Other:

6. How do you determine if your home-based business is on the right

track to success?
a.) Higher income from expenditures
b. regularly paid bills
c. Tax liabilities to the state are paid regularly
d. External associates are paid regularly
e. Constant investment in business expansion
f. Other:

7. How and under what conditions should an office be formed at

a. It is necessary to separate a special area within the home
and make it the office
b. The office should be equipped in the same way as in any
other company
c. Ergonomic rules should be observed when purchasing a
desk and other office equipment
d. A peaceful area should be provided without the possibility
of disturbance from the side
e. Whoever wants to work does not need special conditions
f) Other:

8. How should you look and be dressed do business at home?

a. The wardrobe should be adapted to the type of work
b. One should look the same as when going to the office out-
side the house

c. There is no need to get specially dressed up for doing busi-

ness from home, which is a great advantage of this way of
e. It is not very important how we look, but how well we work
and complete our obligations
e. I do not know
f. Other:

9. Should I be engaged full-time or part-time?

a. Full-time
b. Supplementary working time
c. It depends on whether we already have another job
d. This is a job without working hours
e. I do not know

10. Are you one of those owners who believe that their business will
increase from year to year and consequently their earnings?
a. Yes
b. No
c. The corona crisis has changed my expectations and reduced
my optimism
e. My business is currently in crisis and I cannot give long-
term forecasts
e. I do not know
f. Other:

11. What strategies do you use to increase earnings?

a. I have no specific strategy
b. I engage valuable associates who know the job well
c. I rely on expert advice
d. I constantly follow the professional literature and get ad-
ditional education
e. I exchange experiences with other colleagues from the
same branch
f. Other:

12. The most common problems in running a home-based business?

a. It is difficult to separate business from private obligations
b. Excessive work, i.e., until the job is done
c. Lack of social communication
d. Monotony in doing work, which leads to depression
e. No special problems
f. Other:
Appendix I   159

13. What strategies do you use to overcome them?

a. I don’t know what could be done, but the alienation is great
b. I set aside one day a week to meet with the external associ-
c. I go to meetings and seminars occasionally
d. I celebrate every success of the company with associates and
e. I occasionally consult and seek the advice of a psychologist
f. Other:

14. What are your practical tips as a home business owner to future
a. Constantly advertise and make your business recognizable
b. Constantly improve your skills
c. Try to look representative, which should represent you and
your business in public
d. Make a good business plan and learn to manage your time
e. Always consult with professionals for every aspect of your
business, thus reducing business risk
f. Other:

Questionnaire for the Economic Part: Employment in

the “Gig Economy” in Montenegro

Note: The questions relate to the work of freelancers who work across
platforms, connecting them with employers and other workers from
around the world. The time and place of work are not important, jobs
are project-oriented and carried out under the contract.

Personal data of respondents:

• Gender
a. Male
b. Female
• Age
a. Less than 24
b. 25–34
c. 35–44
d. 45–54
e. Above 55
• Level of Education
a. Secondary school
b. Higher education

Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Work

and Business Environment, pp. 161–164
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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 161

c. Master
d. Doctorate


1. Information technologies in the future will enable new employ-

ment models
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know

2. Have you heard about the “Gig Economy” and work across plat-
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, I have, but I’m not familiar

3. What is important to you when choosing a job?

a. Flexible working hours
b. Opportunity to earn well
c. Opportunity to acquire new knowledge and advance in the

4. Would you work in the “Gig Economy” as the only source of

a. Yes
b. No
c. Only if I can’t find another job

5. If you already work in the “Gig Economy,” is that your only job
and source of income?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do it out of a hobby and as a volunteer

6. Would you change your full-time employment for a flexible con-

tract job?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I just want a secure job

7. In the last two years, how many employers have you worked for?
a. One
Appendix II   163

b. Between 2 and 5
c. More than 5
d. I do not know

8. In the last two years, which of the following types of jobs have
you done in “Gig Economy?” Select all that applies to you.
a. Programming
b. Teaching
c. Translation
d. Research
e. Other

9. Do you have access to any of the following benefits offered to you

by the job across the platform? Select all that pertains to your job.
a. health insurance
b. life insurance
c. pension insurance
d. None of the above

10. How has your participation in the Gig Economy negatively af-
fected your life?
a. Privately
b. Professionally
c. Financially
d. Other

11. 1How has your participation in the Gig Economy positively af-
fected your life?
a. Privately
b. Professionally
c. Financially
d. Other

12. Can working in the “Gig Economy” significantly reduce unem-

a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know

13. Can working in the “Gig Economy” contribute to the quality of

life of people?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know

14. How to improve the position of workers working in the “Gig

a. Through the adoption of laws regulating working in this
b. Through gaining the trust of freelancers with the employer,
which will affect the extension of the employment contract
c. Through the establishment of a trade union that will fight
for the protection of the rights of freelancers

15. Can working across platforms and in the “Gig Economy” reduce
the brain drain abroad?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know

Questionnaire for the Sociopsychological Part: Working

From Home by Countries (Montenegro, B&H, Serbia,
and North Macedonia)

The next segment consists of 14 statements. For each of them, indicate

how much you agree that it applies to you personally. The degrees of agree-
ment are expressed as follows:

I totally disagree …….1

I somewhat disagree…... 2
Neither agree nor disagree …… 3
I somewhat agree…………. 4
I totally agree ……………… 5

You need to answer only one of the statements with YES or NO to

whether it applies to you.

1. Since I started my own business, I have a lot less time for myself
and my hobbies.
2. Working from home does not prevent me from devoting enough
time and motivation to engage in physical activities (exercise/

Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Work

and Business Environment, pp. 165–166
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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 165

3. Working from home has negatively affected the amount and

quality of sleep.
4. Since I work from home, I pay less attention to my family or
5. Since I work from home, I have more time to hang out with
6. The job I am currently running fulfills me.
7. The current income I earn is enough to cover all my basic needs.
8. I am confident in the future success of the business I am cur-
rently running.
9. I have trouble separating my job from my private life
10. Is your work space separate from the space where you spend
your free time or sleep (separate room, or bedroom, living room,
etc.). Yes/No.
11. I would like to have more contact with other people during my
12. Since I work from home, I feel more tense and upset.
13. My family and close friends mostly support me in my current
14. During work from home, others (family, friends, neighbors) do
not disturb me, and I can fully dedicate myself to work.

Mirjana Radović-Marković gained complete expert

education from the Faculty of Economics, Belgrade
University. She was elected to the position of full
professor in a number of universities world-wide.
Also, she is a principal research fellow in Serbia and
Russia.By invitation, she has given a number of
lectures abroad. She had presentation during the
meeting of OECD experts in Istanbul (Turkey)
(March, 2010), and gave a lecture at Said Business School (June, 2010),
Oxford University, U.K., Franklin College, Lugano, Switzerland (2011),
University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria (2012–present), VUZF
University, Sofia, Bulgaria (2014), South Ural State University (2017–
present) and UDG, Podgorica, Montenegro (2019–present). She has
written 30 books and more than 250 peer journal articles. For her contri-
bution to the science, she is elected fellow (full fellowship) of the European
Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, Austria, 2014; Elected academi-
cian (full fellowship) of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sofia,
Bulgaria, 2013; Elected fellow (full fellowship) of the Academia Europea,
London, United Kingdom, 2012; Elected fellow (full fellowship) of the
World Academy of Art and Science, United States, 2011; Elected academi-
cian (full fellowship) of the Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and
Sciences–EMAAS, Athens, Greece, 2011; Elected fellow of the Royal
Society of the Arts in the U.K. (the RSA), London, United Kingdom, 2010
and others.


Borislav Đjukanović In 1965 he enrolled in faculty

of philosophy (sociology department) and attained
degree in sociology in 1967). He is a professor at
UDG, Podgorica, Montenegro. Prof. Đjukanović is a
member of board for Social Sciences in Academy of
Sciences and Arts of Montenegro. Since 2019. He is
an academic of Euro Mediterranean Academy of
Arts and Sciences–EMAAS, Athens, Greece.

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